##Setup Guid
step 1. Plugin your MIDI device.
step 2. Start 'MIDI-Keyboard.exe'.
step 3. Press '2' in order to enter 'setup'.
step 4. Select your MIDI device.
step 5. Press MIDI key followed by keyboard key you want to assign.
step 6. Press 'esc' to save and continue.
step 7. Press '4' in order to enter 'run'.
##Fast Setup Guid
step 1. Plugin your MIDI device.
step 2. Start 'MIDI-Keyboard.exe'.
step 3. Press '1' in order to enter 'fast setup'.
step 4. Select your MIDI device.
step 5. Select key mode '0'.
step 6. Press all MIDI inputs you want to register.
step 7. Press any key to save and continue.
step 8. Press '4' in order to enter 'run'.