Releases: microsoft/nodejstools
Node.js Tools 1.2 Alpha
We are pleased to announce the release of Node.js Tools 1.2 Alpha for Visual Studio.
1. Download Visual Studio "15" Preview
2. Download Node.js Tools 1.2 Alpha
Looking for Visual Studio 2015 support?
- Node.js Tools 1.2 Alpha for Visual Studio 2015 (requires Update 2 or higher)
Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) is a free, open-source plug-in that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It supports a broad range of features including editing, IntelliSense, cross platform and remote debugging, edit and continue, npm integration, profiling, TypeScript, and an integrated REPL window. NTVS also includes a set of project templates that make it easy to quickly create and deploy websites to Microsoft Azure Websites or Cloud Services.
NTVS 1.2 Alpha is available for:
- Visual Studio "15" Preview
- Visual Studio Community 2015 (requires Update 2 or later)
- Visual Studio 2015 Express for Web (requires Update 2 or later)
- Visual Studio 2015 Professional or above (requires Update 2 or later)
Note that NTVS is not available for Visual Studio Express for Windows (or Windows Desktop)
Changes since 1.1
ES6 IntelliSense Preview (new analysis engine)
As many of you may already know, we've in the midst of rehauling our JavaScript IntelliSense experience. In NTVS 1.1, we gave you a sneak peek of what's to come, and you gave us a ton of awesome feedback that we've taken to heart.
HIghlights include:
- A more consistent IntelliSense experience for fullstack development
- first-class support for the most popular npm packages
- JsDoc comment support
- improved JSX support (requires Visual Studio "15" Preview)
To learn more about this experience, please visit the ES6 Preview documentation
Project-less debugging of Node.js code via “Open Folder” (requires Visual Studio "15" Preview)
In Visual Studio "15" Preview, we're making it easier to edit and debug from any folder on your machine using "File > Open Folder".
Then you can simply launch debugging for any javascript file in the folder without the need to set up a dedicated Visual Studio project configuration.
More reliable editing and debugging
We expect the 1.2 Alpha release to provide both a much better user experience and improved stability. In particular, it brings increased reliability when debugging asynchronous and source-mapped code, as well as significantly increased stability and performance all around.
(Preliminary) Node.js v6.x support
A stable Node.js v6.x isn't even out yet, but many of our users love to use the latest and greatest, and we've already tested and added preliminary support for it, so please let us know if you run into any issues!
Known Issues
- #125 Attach debugger to Azure deployment via Server Explorer fails. You can attach manually as outlined on the Advanced Debugging page.
- #434 Profiling does not resolve function names if using 64-bit Node. Install and profile 32-bit Node to work around this issue.
- ReSharper is known to cause code-completion, memory, and performance issues when enabled alongside NTVS. We recommend disabling at least ReSharper's JavaScript functionality if you are having problems.
- NTVS does not fully support build and test features of Visual Studio Team Services, but we are working to improve the experience. If you are having trouble, please file an issue so we can get to the bottom of it.
- We are constantly working to improve our code-completion and formatting to support the wide variety of modules and code styles. Please file an issue if you are running into unexpected behavior.
For a full list of issues, head on over to our issue tracker
Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who took their time to report issues, send feedback for this release. We very much appreciate your help!
Help make NTVS Better
NTVS is an open source project and we’re always willing to take high quality contributions. If you’d like to contribute, please check out our issue tracker for outstanding bugs and features which can be implemented. You can also help make NTVS better by reporting issues or helping out your fellow users on GitHub.
Miscellaneous thoughts on the release? Give us a shout-out on twitter!
Node.js Tools 1.1.1
1. Download Visual Studio Community 2015
2. Download Node.js Tools 1.1.1
Looking for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 support?
This is a minor update that contains fixes for several issues identified in the 1.1 release. Specifically:
- #430 Add from existing code should ignore any filepaths that include node_modules and bower_components folders by default
- #604 Runtime syntax error kills Visual Studio
- #690 Fix async debugger issues
- #684 Inserting a newline in a JS file that has an ill-defined for loop throws an NRE
- #664 Experiencing Intermittent IDE Crashes with NodeJS Tools 1.1
- #766 NullReferenceException during Analysis
The links in the 1.1 release below have been updated to point to the new installers. Please see the 1.1 release for more info.
[v1.1.x] 3-22-2016 Dev Build
See source code history for information about recent fixes.
This release has been signed and virus scanned, but has not been extensively tested and is not recommended for production environments.
Please report any bugs that you find in this build, and include the filename of the installer you used in your report.
You can also build NTVS from the latest sources.
3-1-2016 Dev Build
See source code history for information about recent fixes.
This release has been signed and virus scanned, but has not been extensively tested and is not recommended for production environments.
Please report any bugs that you find in this build, and include the filename of the installer you used in your report.
You can also build NTVS from the latest sources.
NTVS 1.1
We are pleased to announce the release of Node.js Tools 1.1 for Visual Studio.
Please check out our NTVS 1.1 release blog post to learn more about the highlights of this release!
1. Download Visual Studio Community 2015
2. Download Node.js Tools 1.1
Looking for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 support?
Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) is a free, open-source plug-in that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It supports a broad range of features including editing, IntelliSense, cross platform and remote debugging, edit and continue, npm integration, profiling, TypeScript, and an integrated REPL window. NTVS also includes a set of project templates that make it easy to quickly create and deploy websites to Microsoft Azure Websites or Cloud Services.
NTVS 1.1 is available for:
- Visual Studio Community 2015
- Visual Studio Community 2013
- Visual Studio 2015 Express for Web
- Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web (requires Update 2 or later)
- Visual Studio 2015 Professional or above
- Visual Studio 2013 Professional or above (requires Update 2 or later)
- Visual Studio 2012 Professional or above (requires Update 4)
Note that NTVS is not available for Visual Studio Express for Windows (or Windows Desktop)
Changes since 1.1 RC3
This is a minor update that contains fixes for several issues identified in the RC3 release.
Highlights include:
- Stability improvements
- IntelliSense experience improvements
- #566 No IntelliSense after npm install with a new project
We expect the 1.1 release to provide both a much better user experience and improved stability. We would like to thank all of the people who took their time to report issues, send feedback for this release. We very much appreciate your help!
Known Issues
- #125 Attach debugger to Azure deployment via Server Explorer fails. You can attach manually as outlined on the Advanced Debugging page.
- #434 Profiling does not resolve function names if using 64-bit Node. Install and profile 32-bit Node to work around this issue.
- ReSharper is known to cause code-completion, memory, and performance issues when enabled alongside NTVS. We recommend disabling at least ReSharper's JavaScript functionality if you are having problems.
- NTVS does not fully support build and test features of Visual Studio Online, but we are working to improve the experience. If you are having trouble, please file an issue so we can get to the bottom of it.
- We are constantly working to improve our code-completion and formatting to support the wide variety of modules and code styles. Please file an issue if you are running into unexpected behavior.
For a full list of issues, head on over to our issue tracker
Help make NTVS Better
NTVS is an open source project and we’re always willing to take high quality contributions. If you’d like to contribute, please check out our issue tracker for outstanding bugs and features which can be implemented. You can also help make NTVS better by reporting issues or helping out your fellow users on GitHub.
Miscellaneous thoughts on the release? Give us a shout-out on twitter!
11-14-2015 Dev Build
See source code history for information about recent fixes.
This release has been signed and virus scanned, but has not been extensively tested and is not recommended for production environments.
Please report any bugs that you find in this build, and include the filename of the installer you used in your report.
You can also build NTVS from the latest sources.
NTVS 1.1 RC3
We are pleased to announce the release of Node.js Tools 1.1 RC3 for Visual Studio.
1. Download Visual Studio Community 2015
2. Download Node.js Tools 1.1 RC3
Looking for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013 support?
Node.js Tools for Visual Studio (NTVS) is a free, open-source plug-in that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It supports a broad range of features including editing, IntelliSense, cross platform and remote debugging, edit and continue, npm integration, profiling, TypeScript, and an integrated REPL window. NTVS also includes a set of project templates that make it easy to quickly create and deploy websites to Microsoft Azure Websites or Cloud Services.
NTVS 1.1 RC3 is available for:
- Visual Studio Community 2015
- Visual Studio Community 2013
- Visual Studio 2015 Express for Web
- Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web (requires Update 2 or later)
- Visual Studio 2015 Professional or above
- Visual Studio 2013 Professional or above (requires Update 2 or later)
- Visual Studio 2012 Professional or above (requires Update 4)
Note that NTVS is not available for Visual Studio Express for Windows (or Windows Desktop)
Changes since 1.1 RC2.1
This is a minor update that contains fixes for several issues identified in the RC2.1 release. In this release, we've fixed issues from all across the product.
Highlights include:
- More consistent debug-attach and remote debugging [#362, #246, #548, #423]
- Significant performance and stability improvements [#521, #427, #369, #392, #508, #70]
- IntelliSense experience improvements
- More reliable npm integration [#493, #511, #521]
- Fix function source code view during profiling [#299]
- Support for VS2015 Update 1 [#530]
Numerous bug fixes
All across the product numerous issues have been fixed. We expect the RC3 release to provide both a much better user experience and improved stability. We would like to thank all of the people who took their time to report issues, send feedback for this release. We very much appreciate your help!
Known Issues
Planned for NTVS 1.1 RTW
- #566 IntelliSense sometimes yields incomplete completion sets with new projects. The workaround is to install a new package.
- #552 Gruntfile.js failed to load: System.NotImplementedException at ..DependentFileNode.GetEditLabel()
- #361 VS2015 sometimes crashes when updating npm packages [external, to be fixed in VS2015 Update 1 RTW]
- #125 Attach debugger to Azure deployment via Server Explorer fails. You can attach manually as outlined on the Advanced Debugging page.
- #418 The TypeScript template does not contain the definitions for the Mocha test framework. Download and reference the typings manually as described in the issue to avoid type errors in Mocha tests.
- #434 Profiling does not resolve function names if using 64-bit Node. Install and profile 32-bit Node to work around this issue.
- ReSharper is known to cause code-completion, memory, and performance issues when enabled alongside NTVS. We recommend disabling at least ReSharper's JavaScript functionality if you are having problems.
- NTVS does not fully support build and test features of Visual Studio Online, but we are working to improve the experience. If you are having trouble, please file an issue so we can get to the bottom of it.
- We are constantly working to improve our code-completion and formatting to support the wide variety of modules and code styles. Please file an issue if you are running into unexpected behavior.
For a full list of issues, head on over to our issue tracker
Help make NTVS Better
NTVS is an open source project and we’re always willing to take high quality contributions. If you’d like to contribute, please check out our issue tracker for outstanding bugs and features which can be implemented. You can also help make NTVS better by reporting issues or helping out your fellow users on GitHub.
Miscellaneous thoughts on the release? Give us a shout-out on twitter!
10-22-2015 Dev Build
See source code history for information about recent fixes.
This release has been signed and virus scanned, but has not been extensively tested and is not recommended for production environments.
Please report any bugs that you find in this build, and include the filename of the installer you used in your report.
You can also build NTVS from the latest sources.
10-20-2015 Dev Build
See source code history for information about recent fixes.
This release has been signed and virus scanned, but has not been extensively tested and is not recommended for production environments.
Please report any bugs that you find in this build, and include the filename of the installer you used in your report.
You can also build NTVS from the latest sources.
10-14-2015 Dev Build
See source code history for information about recent fixes.
This release is based on 9ef6b82. It has been signed and virus scanned, but has not been extensively tested and is not recommended for production environments.
Please report any bugs that you find in this build, and include the filename of the installer you used in your report.
You can also build NTVS from the latest sources.