This is the development codes of Microdynamics website by using mkdocs.
This develop environment now:
System: Window 8 enterprise
python: 3.6.4(Lastest version)
pip: 9.0.1(install integration with python)
You need to install the python first, you can go to the python offical website to download the lastest version installer depending on your system.
When installing the python, you have better to check the list Add Python 3.x.x to PATH and select installing the python package machine pip meanwhile.
In china, you might not be able to use the pip normally, you can go to your user content(for example "C:/Users/xx/"), mkdir a folder name pip, and cd into pip folder to create a flie named pip.ini and add
index-url =
in it.
Then, use pip install mkdocs and "pip install mkdocs-material" to install dependence package.
Last, you can clone this package and cd in this repo and enter mkdocs serve to start a local serive. you can visit the demo in