diff --git a/passphraseme/wordlists/gameofthrones-2018.txt b/passphraseme/wordlists/gameofthrones-2018.txt index 4538480..4120e13 100644 --- a/passphraseme/wordlists/gameofthrones-2018.txt +++ b/passphraseme/wordlists/gameofthrones-2018.txt @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ abandon -abandoning -abilities +abelar abject aboard about @@ -8,374 +7,379 @@ above absence absent abusing +accented accept -accepted -accepts accident -accidentally -accompanied -accompany -accomplishment -accomplishments -according -accords -accosting +accord account -accumulating -accurately -accusations -acknowledge -acknowledges -acquiesce -acquiesces +acorn acquire -acrobatic across act -acting -action -activities -acts -actually adamant -adding +adarys +add +addam +addison address -addresses -addressing -adds +addy adjust -admiration admiring -admission admit -admits -admittance -admonishes adopts advance -advances -advancing -advantage advice -advised -adviser -advises -advisors advocate aegon +aegor +aelinor +aemma aemon +aemond +aenys +aerion +aeron aerys +aethan affair -affairs -affirmative affirms afford after -aftermath -afterwards again against age agenda -aggressive -aggressively -agitated +aggar +aggo ago agony agree -agreeing -agreements +agrivane +ahai ahead aid aims air +aladale +alan +alannys +alaric +alayaya alayne +albar +albett albino ale +alekyne +alequo +alerie alerting +alester +alfyn +alia +alicent alight -alighted aligned alike +alison all +alla +allaquo +allar +allard alleged -allegedly -allegiance -allegiances -alliance -alliances -allies alliser -allowed -allowing -allows -ally +allow +allyria +allyrion alone along -alongside aloud already also -ambitions +alvyn +alyce +alyn +alys +alysane +alysanne +alyssa +alyx +amabel +amarei +amberly +ambrode +ambrose ambush +amerei amidst among amory amused -ancestral +an +anchor +ancients and +andar +anders +andrew +andrey +andrik +andros +androw anew anger -angered -angrily angry anguish +anguy animal -announce -announces -annoyance -annoyed -annoys -anointed +annals +annara +annoy answer -answered -answering -anticipated +ant +antario +antaryon +antlers +anvil any +anya anymore anyone anything apart -apologetically -apologize -apologizes +ape apology -apoplectic apparent appeals appear -appeared -appears -appetites +appleton applies -appointed -appreciates -apprehended -apprehensive -approaches -approaching -appropriate approve -approximately arable +arakh +arch archery -archmaester +ardrian +are area arena areo +argilac +argrave argue -arguing -argument -armed -armies +arianne +arlan +arm +armen +armond armor -arms -army +arneld +arnell +arnolf +aron arose around -arouse arrange -arranged -arrangement -arranging +arrax +arrec arrest arrive -arrived -arrives -arriving arrogant +arron arrow -arrowhead +arryk arryn +arson art arthur +artos +artys +arwood +arwyn arya +arys +as +asabhad +asha +ashara +ashemark ashes +ashford aside ask -asked -asking -asks asleep -assailants -assassination -assassins +assadora assault -assaulted -assembled -assertion asserts asshai assist -assistance -associate -associated -association assumes assure -assuredly -assures astapor -astonished -astonishment -atrocities -attached +at +atranta attack -attacked -attacking -attacks attempt -attempted -attempting -attempts attend -attendance -attention -attentions -attitude -attracted -attracting -audience +attract +aubrey aunt -authenticity +aurane +aurochs avoid -avoiding await awake -awakens awarded aware away -awestruck -awoken axe -axes -babies +axell +ayrmidon +azor +azzak baby back -background -backs -backstory -backtrack bad -badly +badger +bael +baela +baelish +baelon baelor bag -bags -baking +bak +bakkalon +balaq +bald balerion balks -ballista +ball +ballabar +balman balon band +banefort bank bannen banner -bannermen -banners banquet -baratheon -barbarian -barbarians +bar +barb +barba +barbara +barbrey +bard bare -barely +barge barking -barring -barristan +barra +barre +barrel +barrow +barsena +barth base basic -bastards +basilisk +bass +bastard bath -bathing battle +battles bay +bayard +be beach -bearing -bears -beautiful +bean +bear +bearded beauty +beaver became -becomes -becoming -bed +becca +beck +become bedlam -beds +bedwyck +bee been -beetles +beesbury +beetle before beg begin -beginning -begins -begs behalf -behavior behead -beheaded -beheading behind being -belatedly -believable +belandra +belaquo +beldecar +belgrave +belicho believe -believes -believing -belittles +belis +bella +bellena bellies bells +belmore belong -belonging -belongs beloved below +belwas +ben bend beneath +benedar +benedict +benfred +benfrey benjen +bennard +bennet +bennis +bentley +beqqo berate -beseechingly +beren +berena +beric +bernarr +beron +bertram beside besiege -besieged +bess +bessa best +bestiary +beth +bethany betray -betrayal -betrayed -betraying -betrothal -betrothed better +bettley between -bewildered -bewilderment beyond +bhakaz +bharbo bide bids big bigger +bill bind bird -birds birth bit bitch -bitching -bits bitten bitter black -blackfish -blackwater +blackbar blade +blane blankly blasts blatant @@ -384,38 +388,43 @@ bleeding blessing blew blind -blindly -blithely blizzard block -blocks -blood-stained -bloody +blood +bloodfly +blount blow blue +bluejay bluff blunt -bluntly blurts +boar boarding boat -bodies -bodily +bodger +bodkin body -bodyguard +boggs +boil +bolling bolt bolton -boltons -bolts bonds bones -books -bored +bonifer +book +boot +bor +borcas +boremund born -borrowing +boros +borrell +borroq botches both -bother +botley bound bounty bow @@ -423,3578 +432,3569 @@ bowen bowl box boy -boy-king -boys braavos bracken -bragging +bradamar +bran brandon +branston brave -bravely -bravery brawl +brax brazier +brea bread break -breakfast -breaking breast breath -breathes -breeder -breeds +breed +brella +brenett +briar bribing bride bridge brief -briefly brienne -bringing -brings +bring +broad +brogg broke -broken +bronn +bronze brood +broom brothel brother -brotherhood -brothers brought +brown +brune +brusco brushes brutal +bryan +bryce +bryen brynden +buckwell +buford +bug build -built -bullseye -bumps +bulwer +bump burial buried burn -burned -burning -burns -burnt -business +burton +bushy butcher -butchered -butchering +buu buy -bypassing +by +byam +byan +byrch +byren +byrnie +byron +bywater +cadwyl +cadwyn +cafferen cage cailin -calculating +caleotte call -called -calling -calls calmly +calon +caltrop +camarron came -campaign +camel can cancel -candidate candied candles -cannibalistic +canker +cannibal cannot canteen +cap capable cape capital captain captive -captives -captivity capture -captured -captures +caraxes +carcosa care -cared -cares -caring +carellen +cargyll carnage +carolei +caron +carrion +carrot carry -carrying carved -cases +cas +cassana cassel +cassella +casso cast -castamere casterly castle -castle-seat -castrated -castration -casts +castos casually -catacombs -catapulting +caswell catches -catching catelyn -cat-o-nine-tails +cats +cattle caught cause -caused -causes -causing -cauterizes caution -cautions -cautiously +cavalry +cave +cayn cease -celebration -celebratory +cedra +cedric +cedrik cell -centuries -ceremony +cellador +celtigar +centaur +century +cerenna +cerrick cersei -certainly +cerwyn +cetheres chagrin chains -challenges chamber -chambers -champion change -changed -changes -changing -chanting chaos +char charge -charged -charges -charging -charitable charity -charred -chased -chases -chasing -chastises +charlton +chas chat -chats +chataya +chayle cheek -cheered -cheerfully -cheers +cheer +chella +chelsted chest -chides -chiding +chestnut +chett +cheyk +chicken +chide +chiggen child -children +chimera +chiswyck choice choke -choking -chooses chop chose -chuckles +cider circle -circles -circular -circulating -circumstances citadel cite -cities -citing city clad claim -claims -clam-seller +clam clans clapped -clarifies +clarent +clarke claw -clawing +clayton clean clear -cleared cleftjaw clegane +clement +cleon +cleos +clergy +cletus clever +cley +cleyton +clifford cliffs +clifton climb -climbing -climbs clings cloak -cloaks closely closing -clothes -clothing +cloth club clues clumsy +clydas coast -coded +cockle +cockshaw +cod coerce +cohollo coin cold -coldly -cold-weather -collapse -collapses -collected -colliding +coldmoat +cole +colemon +colen +colin +collio +colmar color coma -combatants -combination +combat combined -comes +come comfort -coming -commanded -commander -commanding -commemorate -commemorating -commence -commences -commends -commenting -comments +command +comment commit -committed common -commoners -communicated -companions company -comparison compile complain -complains -complete -completely -complimenting -composure comrade -concedes concept concern -concerns -condition -conditions -condolences -conducting +condon confess -confession -confidence -confident -confides -confined confirm -confirming -confirms -confiscates confront -confronted -confused -confusion -conqueror -conscious -consciously -consciousness -conscripted -consenting -consents +conklyn +conn +conquest +consent consider -considerable -considered -considering -considers -consisting -consists -consolation -conspicuous -conspire -constant -constantly -consternation -consummate -consummated +consist contact -container -containing -contains -contemplates -contemplating +contain contempt content -contents -continue -continued -continues -continuing -contract -contracted contrary control -controlled -controlling -convalesces convenes -conveniently -conversation convince -convinced -convinces -convincing -convincingly +conwy cook cool -cools copy +coratt corbray +corliss +corlys corpse -corpses -corrected -correcting -correctly -correspondence +correct +correy +cortnay +cosgrove +cossomo cost +costayne +cotter cough could council -counseling -counsels -counters +counsel +count country -countryside couple course court -courtyards cousins -covering +cover cow coward -cowering -cowers +cox +crab +crabb +crag +craghas +cragorn +crane crashes crassly craster +craven crawls +crawn crazed -created -creating +creat creature -creatures -cries +cregan +cressen +cricket crime -crimes -criminals -crippled -criticism -criticize -criticizes +criston +crone cross -crossbow -cross-country -crossing -crossroads crow crowd -crowded -crowds crown -crownlands -crows -crucified crudely +crunch +crushed cry -crying crypts +cudgel +cuger +cuirass cunning -cupbearer +cupps cure curious -curiously current -currently curse -cursing -curtailed +curved custom -customary cut +cutjack +cuy +cynthea +cyrenna +cyvasse daario -daenery +dacey +dacks +daegon +daella +daemon +daena +daenerys +daeron +daeryssa +dafyn dagger -daggers dagmer +dagon +dagos +dake dalba +dale +dalla +dalt +damion +damon +dan +dance +dancy +danelle danger -dangers -dany +danny +danos +danwell +dar +dareon dark -darker -darkness +darkdell +darklyn +darla +darlessa +darry dart -daughter -daughter-fucking -daughters +daryn +daven +davos dawn +daxos daybreak dayne days dead deal -dealing -deals dealt +deana death debate decanter -decapitating deceased deceit decide -decided -decides -decision -decisions -decisive -decisively deck -decks -declared +declar declares -declaring declines decree -decrees +deddings deduces -deeply +deem +deep +deepdown +deepwood +deer +deeth defeat -defeated defend -defended -defenders -defends defense -defensive -defiance +defiant defied -definite deflect -deformities -degenerate degree -delicately +deities +del +delena delight -delighted -delivered -delivering +deliver +della +delonne +delp demand -demanding -demands demon -demonstrating demure -denied -denies -denounces +den +denestan +denie +dennet +dennis +denyo denys +denyse depart -departs -departure depends deploy -depression -depthless deranged -describe -described -describing -description -desecrated -deserter -deserters -deserting +dermot deserve -deserved -deserves -designating desire -desires -desperately -desperation +desmond despite -despondent -despondently -destination destroy -destroyed -detachment -determine -determined -devastating -developing +devan devolves devoted -diamonds +devyn +deziel +dhazzar +dick dickon did die -died -dies -difference -differences -different dignity +dilly dim -diminishing +dimittis dine +dinklage direct -directed -direction -directions -directly direwolf -disagrees -disappeared -disappointed -disappointment +dirk disarms disaster -disbelief -discomfort -discontent discover -discovered -discovering -discovers -discovery discuss -discusses -discussing -disemboweled disguise -disheveled +disk dismay -dismembered dismiss -dismisses -dismissive -dismissively -dismounting -dispatches -disperses display -displays -displeased -disposed -disregards -dissatisfaction -dissatisfied dissuade distance -distaste -distasteful -distract -distracted -distracts -distresses -distrusts -disturbed -disturbs +disturb dithers diverse divert divide divine +do +dobber document dodges -does dogs -doing -dondarrion +doh +dolf +dolphin +domeric +donal done +donel +donella +donkey donned donnel +donnis +donnor dons -don�t +dontos +donyse door -doors doran +dorcas +dorea +doreah +dormouse +dormund dorne dornish -dothrak +dorren +dosh +doss +dothare dothraki double -double-blow -double-cross doubt -doubts +dove down downfall -downstream dozen -dozens dracarys drag -dragged -dragging dragon -dragonglass -dragons -dragonstone -drags +drahar drains +draqaz draw -drawn -draws +dray dread -dreadfort dream -dreamed -dream-memory -dreams +drennan dress -dresses -driftwood drily -drinking -drinks +drink driven drogo +drogon drop droplets -drops drove -drowning +drowned +drumm drunk -drunken -drunkenly dryly +dryn +duck +dudley duel dull -dullest -dumbfounded +dun +dunaver +duncan dung +dunsen +dunstan +duram duress during -duties +durran +dusk +dustin dutiful duty +duur dwarf -dwarfs -dwindled -dwindles -dying +dwindle +dyah +dykk dynasty +dyre +dywen each eager eagle -earlier -early +ear +earliest +earth ease -easily east -eastwatch easy -eating -eats +eat +ebben +ebonhead ebrose -eccentricities +ecuyers edd +eddara eddard +edderion eddison +eden +edge +edgerran +edmund edmure -effective -effectively -effectiveness +edmyn +edric +edrick +edwyd +edwyle +edwyn +eel effects effort -effortlessly +egen +eggon eggs +egon either -elaborate +elaena elated +elbert elder -elderly -eldest -eliminated -eliminating +eldiss +eldon +eldred +eleanor +elephant +eleyna +elia +elinor +elk ellaria +ellery +ellyn +elmar +elron else -elsewhere -emasculation +elwood +elyana +elyas +elyn +elyria +elys +elza embark -embarrassed +emberlei embrace -embraced -embroiders emerge +emeros +emilia +emma +emmett +emmon +emmond emotion -emotional -emphasizes -emphatically -empties +emphyria +empress empty -encounter -encountered -encounters -encouraged +emrick end -endanger -ending -endlessly -endured -enduring -enemies +endehar +endrew +endur enemy engage -engaged -engages -engaging -engulfing -enjoyed -enjoying -enjoyment -enjoys +enger +engines +enjoy enough -enraged -enrages -enraging -enslaved +enrage ensure enter -entered -entering -enters entire -entirely +eon equal era +eraz +erena +erenford +erik +eroeh +erreck +erreg +erren +errok +errol +erryk erupts -escaped -escapes -escaping +escape escort -escorts -especially +esgred essos estate -estranged +estren +etched +ethan eulogy eunuch euron +eustace evades even -evenly event -events -eventually ever -ever-increasing -every -everyone -everything -everywhere evidence evil exactly -examining example except -exchange excited -excludes -excrement -excursion excuses execute -executed -executing -execution -executions -exhaustion -exiled -exiles +exile existed expect -expected -expedition -expeditionary -experience -experiences -experiencing -experimentation -experiments explain -explained -explaining -explains -explanation -explanations -explodes exposing -expressed -expresses -expression extend -extended extra -extremely eye -eyes eyrie -fabricates -faces -facilitate +eyron +eysen +ezzara +ezzelyno +face +faceless +factly failed -failings -failure fair +fairley faith fake +falchion +falcon +falena +falia fall -falling -falls -families -familiy +falyse family famished fancied fangs far -farewell +farlen farm -farmer -farmstead +farman +faros +farrier +farrow +farwynd fashion fastest fatal fate father -father-figure -fathers -favorably -favorite favors +fawnton fealty -fearing -fearless -fears +fear feast +fed fee -feed feeding feel -feeling -feelings -feels feet feigning feint +felidae fell fellow +felwood +fence +fern +ferrego +ferret ferry fervor -festivities fetch -feverish few fiance fidgets fierce -fiercely fiery fifty fight -fighter -fights figure fill -filled filthy final -finally find -finding -finds fine -fingernails +finger finish fire -firewood +firewyrm firmly first -firstborn +fish fist fit -fits -fitted fix flag flail -flames -flaming -flashback -flatly -flatter +flam +flame +flat +flatback flayed fled -flee -fleeing -flees fleet -flies -flinching +flement flings +flint flirt -flirts floor +florent +flowers fly -flying +fogo fold folk +follard follow -followed -followers -following -follows fond fondles food fool -foolhardy foot +foote for -foraging forbids force -forced -forces -forcing ford -fording -forefront foreign -foreseeing -forest -forested +forel forever forgave forge -forged -forgive -forgiveness fork +forley forlorn form -formally -formation -formed -former -forming -fornication +fornio +fort fortress fortune -forty forward -fostered +fossoway fought found four -fragments +fowler +fox +fralegg +franklyn frantic -frantically free -freed freefall +freehold freeing -freely -frees +frenken +frenya frets frey -freys friend -friendly -frighten +frog from front -frost-covered -frostfangs -frosty +frost frozen +frynne fuck -�fuck -fulfil fulfill -fulfilling full -fully funding funeral -furiously further -furthermore fury future +gage gains +galare +galazza +galbart +galladon +gallard gallery +galt +galtry +galyeon gamble game -games -gang-rape +gang garb -gardens +garden gared -garrison +gareth +gargalen +garigus +garin +gariss +garizon +garlan +garrett +garron +garse +garth +gascoyne gasps gate -gates -gathered -gathering -gathers +gather +gaunt gave +gavin +gawen gawking gazes +gelmarr +gendel gender gendry general -generally -generously -gentlemen -genuinely +genna +gerald +gerardys +gergen +gerion gerold +gerren +gerrick +gerris get -getting +gevin +ghael +ghaston +ghezn +ghis ghiscari ghost -ghosts giant -giantsbane gift -gifted -gifts +gilbert +gillam gilly +gilwood +gimpknee +giraffe girl -girls give -given -gives -giving glad +gladden +glade glance glass gleeful -gleefully +glen +glendon glimpse -glimpses gloat -gloating -glover -glovers +gloom +glory +glov glowing +go goads +goady +goat god -gods +goddess +godric +godry +godswife godswood -goes -going +godwyn +goghor gold golden gone good +goodwin +goose gore +gorget +gorghan +gormon +gormond +gorne +gorold +goshawk gossip got +gowen +gower grabs +graces +grafton +gran +grance grand -granddaughter -granddaughters -grandfather -grandmother -grandson +grass grateful +grave +grazdan +grazhar great greatjon -greatly -greatsword -greensight +greave +green greet -greeted -greets gregor +grell grenn +gretchel grew grey +greydon +greyiron greyjoy -greyjoys -greyscale +greyskin grief +griffin +grigg +grim +grimston grin +grisel +grisella +groleo groom ground group -groups grow -growing +growler grown -grows -gruesome +grubbs grumbles -guarding -guards +grunt +guard +gueren guest -guests guilt -guilty +gulian +gull +gulltown +guncer +gunthor +gurn +guthor +guyard +guyne guzzles +gwayne +gwin +gwynesse +gylbert +gyldayn +gyleno +gyles +gyloro +gynir +gysella +ha hack -hacks -had +haegon +haggo +haggon +haigh hail hair +hake +hal +halberd +halder +haldon half -half-brother -half-delirious halfhand -half-sisters +halfhelm +hali hall -halls -hamstring +hallis +hallyne +halmon +halys +hamish +hammer hand -handed -handmaids -handrail -hands -hanged -hanging -hangs +hang happen -happened -happening -happily happy harass +harbert harbor +harclay hard -hardened hardhome -hardly +hardyng +hareth +harghaz +harlan +harlaw +harle +harlen +harlon harlot harm +harma +harmen +harmond +harmund +harmune +harodon +harper harpy -harrenhal -has -hastily +harra +harrag +harren +harridan +harrion +harrold +harroway +harry +harsley +harts +harvest +harwin +harwood +harwyn +harys +hasty hatch -hated -hates +hate +hauberk haunted having +hawick +hawk +hayford +hayhead +hazrak +hazzea +hbo head -heading -headlong -headquarters -heads +heade healthy hear -heard -hearing -hears heart -heartbroken hearth -heavily heavy +heddle +hedge +hedgehog height -heights heir +helaena held +helicent +hellgate +hellholt +helliweg hells -helm-less +helly +helm +helman +helmet help -helping -helpless -helplessly -helps +helya +hendry +henk +henly her +herbert here hero -heroes -hers +heron herself +hesh hesitate -hid +heward +hewett +hi +hibald hidden hide hideout -hideouts -hides -hiding high -higher -higher-quality -highgarden -highlight -highly -high-ranking hill +hilmar hilt him himself -hired -hiring +hir his hiss -histories history hit -hits hizdahr +hoare +hoat +hobb +hod hodor +hogg +hoke hold -holding -holds +holdfast +holger hollard hollers hollow +holly +holt +holy +holyhall home -homosexuality honor -honorable hood -hooded +hop hope -hopeless -hopes -hoping +horas horde -hordes horn -horrible -horrifically -horrified +hornvale +horpe horrify -horrifying horror horse -horseback -horses -horse-wight -hospitality +horton +hosman hostage +hosteen hoster hot +hotah +hother +hotho +hound hours house -household -houses hovers how +howd however +howland +hrakkar +hubard huddle hugging +hugh +hugo +hugor +hullen human -humanoid -humiliate -humiliating +humble +humfrey humor hundred -hundreds hunt -hunting hurl hurry hurt +husband hut -hypothermia +hyle +ibben +ibbenese ice +icefish icy idea -idealistically -identified -identifying -ignored -ignores -illegitimacy -illegitimate -ill-fated +iggo +ignore +igon +iii +ill +illifer illness -illusions illyrio -imitating -immediate +ilyn +images immense imp impaling -impatient -impatiently -impending -implication implies -implores -implying -important imposed -impossible imposter impress -impressed -impressing -imprisoned -impromptu -improved -improvement -impulsiveness -inappropriate -incapacitated +imry +in incest -incident -incompetence -indebted indeed -indeterminate -indicates -indicating -indifferent -individuals indulge -indulges -inevitable infamous infant -infatuation -infected -infection -infiltrate +infantry inflict -inflicted -influence -informants -information -informed -informs -infuriated -inhabitants -initially +inform injure -injuries -injuring inn innocent -inquires inside insist -insistence -insisting -insists -instability instead instill -instructing -instructions -instructs +instruct insult -insulted intact -integrity -intelligent intend -intending -intends intent -intention -intents -intercept -interest -interesting -interests -interjects -internal -interpretation -interrogate -interrogates -interrupted -intervene -intimate -intimidated into -intrigued -introducing intruder invade -invaded -invaders -invasion -investigate -investigates -investigation -investigations -investment -invincible -invitation -involves -inwardly iron ironborn +ironfoot ironmen -irrelevant +ironoaks +ironrath irri -irritation island -islands isle issue +istarion items +ithoke its itself +ivy jabs +jacelyn +jack +jackal +jade +jaehaera +jafer +jaggot +jaime +jalabhar +jammos +janei +janna janos jaqen -jealousy +jared +jaremy +jarl +jarmen +jason +jasper +jast +jate +javelin +jayde +jayne +jeffory +jenny jeor -jewels +jeren +jewel +jeyne +jez +jhaqo +jhezane +jhiqui +jhogo +jinqi +joanna +jocelyn +jodge joffrey +johanna join -joined -joining jojen -jokes -joking +joke +jommo +jommy jon +jonelle +jonnel +jonos +jonothor jorah +joramun +jordayne +jorelle +jorgen +jorquen jory +joseran +joseth +josmyn +joss +josua +joth +jothos +journals +journeys +joy joyeuse joyful -jubilantly judge jumps +jurne just justice +justin +jyana +jyanna +jyck +jynessa +jyzene +kaeth +kandaq +karhold +karl +karlon karsi karstark -keeping -kenning +karyl +kayce +kedge +kedry +keep +kegs +kella +kemmett +kenn +kennos kept +kestrel +ketter +kettle kevan keys +kezmya khalasar khaleen +khorane +khrazz +khukuri kick -kiled kill -killing -kills +kin kind king -king-beyond-the-wall kingdom -kingdoms -kings -kingsguard -kingslayer +kirby +kirth kissing +kite knee kneels knew knife knight -knighthood -knights -knocked -knocking -knocks -knowing -known -knows +knock +know +kojja +kosrak +koss kovarro kraken -krakens kraznys +krazz +kromm +kurleket +kurz +kyle +kyleg +kym +kyra lack -lacks laden -ladies lady +laena +laenor laid +lair lake +lamb +lambert laments +lamprey +lance +lancel land -landed -landing -lands -language -languages -lannister -lannisters +lann +lanna +lanster +lantern larder +larence large -largely +lark +larra +larraq +larys lashes -lasting +last late -later -latest latter -laughing -laughs -laughter +laugh lavish law -laws lay -laying +layna lazy -leaders -leading -leads +lead league +leana leaping learn -learned -learning -learns leash least leather leave -leaves -leaving led +leech +leek +lefford left legal -legitimization +legends legs +lem +lemur +lena lend -lending +leng +lenn +lennocks +lenwood +lenyl +leo +leobald +leona +leonella +leonette +leopard +leslyn +less lessons +lester let lethal -lets letter -letting level -leveled levies -liberate -liberation +lew +lewis +lewyn +lewys +leygood +leyla +leyton +lharys +lhazosh +lho +lia +liane library +liddle lie -lied liege -lies -lieutenants life -lifeless lifelong lifts light -lights like -likely limited limps line -lines +lineages lingers link -lions +lion lip liquor list -listening -literacy -literally litter little -littlefinger live -lively -living +lizard loboda +lobster locke -locked +locust lodged log lollys +lomas +lommy +lomys lone long +longaxe +longbow longclaw -longingly -long-lost -long-term -long-winded +longtown +lonmouth look -looking -looks +lophand +loptail +loraq +loras +lorcas lorch lord -lords lordship +lore +loren +lorent +loreza +lorimer +lormelle +lornel +lorren losing losses +lost lot lothar +lotho +lothor +lothston +lotus loud -loudly love -loved -love-making -lover -loves low -lower -lowly loyal loyalty +lucamore +lucan +lucas +luceon +lucias +lucifer +lucimore +lucion luck +luco +lucos +luke lull +lum lunges +luthor +luton +luwin lyanna -lying +lyber +lydden +lyessa +lyle +lyman +lymond +lyn +lync +lynderly +lynesse +lyonel +lyra +lysa +lysono +lythene +maar mace mad +maddy +made maege +maegelle +maegor +maekar +maelor +maelys +maerie maester -maesters +mag +maggy magic -magical -magically magister +mago +magpie +mahr maid +maiden mail main -maintains +maisie major make -makes -making +malcolm male -mallister -malnourished +mallador +malleon +mallery +malliard +mallor +malwyn +mammoth man -manacled manage -managed -manages mance +manderly mandon -maneuvers +manfred +manfrey +manfryd manifest -manipulate -manipulating -manipulative -manpower mansion -many +mantarys +manwoody map +mar +marbrand march -marched -marches -marching mare +marei margaery +marghaz +margot +maric +maris +marissa +mariya +mark market +marlon +maron +marq marriage -marriage-alliance -marriage-alliances marry +marsella +marsh martell +martlet +martyn +marwyn +marya +masha mask -massacre -massacred +maslyn masses +massey massive -massively master -master-at-arms -masters +mastiff +matarys match -matches -maternal -matter -matter-of-factly -matters -mattress -mauled -mauls +mathis +mathos +matrice +matt +matthar +matthos +mature +maude +maul +mawney maximum may +maynard +maz +mazdhan +meadows meal mean -meaning -meaningfully meantime -meanwhile +measure +mebble +medgar +medger +medwick meera meereen -meeting -meets -melisandre +meet +meg +megga +meha +meizo +mela +melaquin +melara +meldred +melesa +melessa +meleys +meliana +melicent +melissa +mellara +mellei +mellos +melly melt -melted -melting +melwyn +melwys member -members -memories memory -men -menagerie mental -mentioning -mentions -mercenaries +mention +meralyn +meraxes merchant mercy +meredyth merely +merianne +meribald +merlin +merling +merlon +merlyn +mern +mero +merrell +merrett +merrit +merry +mertyns +meryn message -messenger -messenger-raven met +metal +mezzara +miasmas +michael +michelle middle +midge +midnight midst might +mikken +miklaz mildly miles militant military +milk mill +mina mind minions +minisa minor -misconduct +mirri +mirror misery -misses -missing +miss mission mistake -mistress +mistwood mixing moaning moat mob -mobility mock -mock-fence -mocking -mockingly -mocks +moelle +mohor mole -m?ole -mollified +mollen +mollos +mollusc moment -moments +momoa money +monford +monkey monster -monsters +monterys months moon moore +mooton mopatis moping +moqorro +mor morale +moraq +mordane more +moredo +moreo moreover -morghulis -mormonts +morgarth +morghul +morgil +moribald +mormont +morna +morne morning moro +morosh morphs -mortally +morra +morrec +morrigen +morros +mortimer +morton +morya +moryn mossador most -mostly mother -mothers -mother-tongue motions -motivated motives +mott motte motto -mottos mount mountain -mountains -mounted -mounting -mounts mourns +mouse mouth -mouthguard move -moved -moves -moving much +mud +mudd +mudge muffle -mule -multiple -murdered -murdering -murders -muses -musicians -musing +mules +mullin +mully +munciter +munda +murch +murder +murmison +muse +mushroom +muskfish +mussel must -mutilate -mutilated -mutilating -mutineers mutiny muzzle +mya +mycah +mychel +mylenda +myles +myr +myranda myrcella -mysterious +myre +myria +myriah +myrielle +myrman +myrtle +mysaria +naerys +nage naharis nail naively naked nakloz name -named -names -naming +nameday +nan +narbert +narbo narrow -narrowly +narwhal natural nature -navigating +nayland near nearby -nearly -near-poisoning neck -necklace -neckline -ned -needed needle -needlework -needs -negligible -negotiate -negotiates -negotiations -neighboring +nefer +nella nephew -nervously +nest +nestor +nestoris +net +nettles never new newborn -newcomers -new-found -news +newkeep next niece night -nightfort -nightmare -nights -ninety +nine +nissa noble -nobler -nobles -noblewoman -nominates -nonchalantly +noho +nolla +nomads none nor -northern -northerners -northmen +norbert +norcross +norjen +normund +norne +norren +norrey +norridge +north +norvos +notch note -noted -notes nothing notice -noticed -notices -noticing -noting +noye nudity number -numbers numerous +nute +nymella +nymeria +nymos +oaf +oak +oakheart +oarsman oath -oathbreaker -oaths obara -objection +obella +oberyn obliged -oblivious observe -observes -obtained -obtains +obtain obvious -occupiers occupy +ocley +octopod +octopus odd +of +off offense -offer offered -offering -offers office -officers -officially -off-screen often +ogo ointment old -older +oldtown +olene olenna +ollidor +ollo olly +olymer olyvar omen +omer +on once +ondrew one -one-handed -one-on-one -one-sided onion -only onto open -openly -opens opines opinion -opinions -opponent -opportunity -opposed -opposes +oppose opposite -oppressed opting options -orchestrated +or +orbelo +orbert +ordello order -ordered -ordering -orders orell -organization -original -originally origins +orivel +orland +ormollen +ormond +ormund ornately +oro +orphan orson +orton +orwyle +orys +osbert +osfryd +osgrey osha +osmund +osmynd +osney +oss +ossifer +oswell +oswyn othell other -others -otherwise +otherys +otho +othor +otter +otto +ottomore +ottyn out -outbursts outcome outdo outdoor -outer -outlasted -outmatched -outnumber -outnumbered outrage -outraged -outriders +outrider outrun outside -outskirts -outstayed -outstretched over -overboard -overcome -overheard -overjoyed -overlooking -overnight -overpowers -overreacting -overrides overseen -oversees -overthrown -overwhelmed +owen owes +owl own -ownership +oxen +oyster +oznak paces pack -pageantry +padded +paege +pahl pain -pains pair palace +pale +palfrey +palla panics +panther parade -paralyzed pardon parents parley parlor +parmen +parrot part -participants -participated -particular -particularly -party pass passage -passed -passes -passing past +pate path -pathetically -paths patient -patriarchy -patriotic -patriotism +patrek +paul +paxter pay -paying payne -pays peace +peacock +peake peals -peasants +pearse +peasant pedestal peers +pelt +pemford pendant +penny +penrose pentos people per -perceive -perfectly-accented perhaps perish -permission +perra +perriane +perros person personal -personally -persuading +perwyn pet +peter petty -petulantly petyr +phantom +philip physical -physically +pia picture pie +piebald pieces -pie-master -pierces -piercing -pigeons +pierce +pig +pigeon piggy -pilfering +pike pillage pillar -pinned -pinning +pimm +pinn +piper piss pitied -placated -placates +placate place +plains plan -planned -plans plant -plants +plate play -played -playfully -playing -plays plea pleads -pleas -pleasant -pleasantries pleased pledge -pledged -pledges -plotting ploy +plumm plums plunder plunges -plunging pod podrick +poetess poetic point -pointed -pointing -points poised poison -poisoned +poleaxe policy polite -politely -political +pollitor +polliver ponders +pono +pony +poole poor port +portents +porther +portifer pose -posed -poses position possess -possesses -possessions -possibility possible -possibly pot -potential -potentially potion -potions -pounds +potter +pouch +poul +pounce +pound pour -poured power -powerless -powers pox -practical practice -practiced -practicing +praed praise pray -prayed -prayer -praying -preceding pree preens prefer -preferable -prefers -pregnancy -pregnant -preparation +prendahl prepare -prepares -preparing -presence -presented -presents +present preserve presses +prestayn +prester +preston pretend -pretended -pretending pretty prevent previous -priceless -pricklish pride priest -priestess +primates prince princess prior prison -prisoners privacy private -privately -probability -probably -problems process -proclaims prod -prodigious produce -produced -produces -profitable -progresses project promise -promised -promises -promotion prompts prone -properly -prophecy -proposal -proposed -proposes -prospect -prostitute -prostitutes +propose protect -protection protests -protracted prove -proven -proves provide -provides provoke prow prowess prying public -publicly -pulled -pulls +puckens +pudding +pull punch -punches punish -punished -punishing pup -pups purchase purpose pursue pursuit pushes put -putting puzzles pyat pycelle +pyg pyke pylos pypar pyramid pyre qaggaz +qalen +qar +qarl +qarlton +qarro qarth +qezza qhorin -qualities +qohor +qorgyle +qos +qotho +quail +quaithe quality -quarters +quaro +quaynis queen -queensgard -queensguard +quellon +quence +quent +quenten +quentin +quenton +quentyn quest -question -questioned -questions +quhuru quick -quickly +quickaxe +quickbow quietly +quill +quincy quips quite +quort qyburn +qyle +rabbit +racallio +rafe +rafford rage -rages -raid +ragnor +ragwyle raiders -raiding -raised -raises -raising -rallied -rallies -rally -rallying +rain +rainbow +rainwood +rakharo +ralf ram -ramblings +rambton ramp rampant ramsay +ramsgate +randa randyll range -ranger -rangers -ranging -raped +ranking +rape rapidly -rapidly-growing -raping rapist +rast rat rather -raven-haired -ravens +ravella +raven +rawney rayder +raymar +raymond +raymun +raymund +raynald +raynard reach -reached -reaches -reaching react -reaction read -reader -reading -reads -ready reaffirm real realize -realized -realizes -realizing -really realm -realms -reanimated reason -reasonable -reasons reassume -reassures -rebelling -rebellion -rebellious rebuff -rebuffs rebuilt -recalling -recalls -recapture +recall receive -received -receives -receiving recent -reception -reciting reclaim -reclusive -recognition -recognizing -reconquer recover -recovered -recovers recruit -recruits +recurved red -red-haired -reduced -reduces -reed -reeds +redbeard +redfort +redtusk +reduce +redwyn +redwyne reek refer -reference -referred reflects refugee refusal refuse -refused -refuses -refusing refute regains -regarding -regards +regard +regenard regent +regicide regime regret -reigns -reiterates -rejected -rejecting -rejects +reign +reject related -relations -relationship -relationships -relatively relay release -releases relief relies -relieved religion relives -reluctant -reluctantly remain -remained -remaining -remarkable remarks -remember -remembering -remembers remind -reminded -reminding +remnants remorse remove reneged +renfred renly -renounced -reopening -repeatedly -repeating +rennifer repel -replace -replacing -replies reply report -reported -reportedly -reports -representative -reputation -requests -requires -requiring rescue -rescued resist -resisted -resolute respect -respectful -respectively -respects respond -response -responsibilities -responsible rest -resting -restored -restoring -restrained -restrains -restraints +restor result resume -resumes -resurrected -resurrection retainer retake -retaliate retorts retreat -retreated -retreating -retreats -retrieves return -returned -returning -returns reunited reveal -revealed -revealing -reveals -revelation revenge revival rewards +reynard reyne +reysen +reznak +rhae rhaegal rhaegar +rhaegel +rhaego +rhaella +rhaelle +rhaena rhaenys -rhetorically +rhea +rhialta +rhogoro +rhonda +rhoyne +rhoynish +rhymer +rhysling +ricasso rich +richard rickard rickon ride -rider -riders -rides -riding right -rightful -rights -ring -rings +rigney riot rise -rises risk -risking -risky -ritualistic -rivalries +risley river -riverlands riverrun -rivers road +rob +robar robb -robbed robe robert robett robin +robyn rock -rocks rode rodrik +rodwell +roelle +roger +roggo +rogue +rohanne +roland +rolder role -rolled -rolls +rolfe +roll +rollam +rolland +rolley +rolph +romny +ronald +rondels +ronel +ronnel +ronnet roof rooftops +rook room +roone roose +roost root +roote rope +rorge +roro +roryn ros +rosamund +rosby rose roslin -roughshod +rossart +round +rounsey route row +rowan royal royce +rubies rudely -rudimentary +rudge +rufus +rugen ruin -ruined -ruler -rules -ruling +rule rum rumours run -running -runs +runcel +runciter runt +rupert +rus ruse rush +rusty +ruttiger +ryam +rycherd +ryella +ryger +ryk +rykker +rylene +ryles +ryman +rymolf +rymund +ryn +ryndoon +ryon +ryswell +saan +saath +saathos sack -sacked -sacking -sacrifice -sacrifices -sacrificing sad sadism -sadistically sadness +saera safe -safer -safety said sail -sailing -sailors +sailor sake -sally-port -salvages +sallei +sallor +sally +salmon +salt sam same samwell sand sandor sansa -sapphire -sapphires -sarcastically +santagar +sar +sara +sardine +sarella +sargon +sarra +sarya sat -satisfied +satin sausage +savages save -saved -saving savior savo saw +sawane sawdust +sawwood +sawyer say -saying -says scald +scale scalpel scans scant +scarb scarf scars -scattered scene schemes scoffs +scolera scoops scoring +scorpion scour scout -scouting -scouts -scramble scrape scream -screaming -screams +screen sea +seagard seal -seals +sealord +sean search -seas seasick +seasmoke +seastar seat -seated -seaworth +seaweed +sebaston second secret secured security sedative see -seed -seeing seem -seeming -seemingly -seems -seen -sees seething +sefton seize -seizes -seizing -selection self sell -selling -sells +selmond selmy +selwyn selyse send -sends +senelle sense sent -sentence -sentenced -sentences separate -separated sept septa septon ser +serala serious -seriously +serra +serry servant serve -served -serves service -services -serving +serwyn set -sets -setting settle -settles seven -seven-pointed -seventeen several severe -severed -severely -severing sewn sex sexual -sexually shadow -shadowy +shadrick +shady shae shaft -shaggydog +shagga +shaggy +shagwell shakes shall -shamefully shaped share -shared -sharpened -shattered -shattering -shatters +shark +sharna +sharp +shatter sheep -sheep-shifting +shella shelter -sheltered +shepherd +sherrit +shett shield -shielded +shiera +shierle shining ship -shipped -ships shireen +shirei shit shock -shocked -shocking -shockingly shoos shoot -shooting -shoots shore short -shortcomings -shortly +shortear shot should -shouting -shouts -shoveling +shout show -showed -showing shown -shows shriek -shrieking -shrieks +shrike +shrimp +shrykos shut +shyra siblings side -sides -siding siege +sigfry +sigfryd sigh sight -sights sigils sign signal -signalling -signals -signified +sigrin silence silent -silently silver similar +simon simply sin since -singing +sing single sinks sinner -sins sisters sit site -sits -sitting -situation -situations six sixth size -skeptical +skahaz +skate skids -skilled -skills +skill skin +skinner +skirts skull -skull-crushed -skulls +sky +skylark +skyreach +skyte slain slaps slash -slaughter -slaughtered -slaughtering slave -slave-master -slave-masters -slaver -slavers -slaves slays sleep -slept -slinging slip +sloey +slug slumps slums +sly slynt small -smallfolk smalljon -small-talk smashing smell -smelling smile -smiles -smirking -smiths +smiler +smith smoking smuggle -smuggled -smuggles -snakes +snail +snake snap snarls snatches sneak -sneaks -sneering -sneers +sneer sniffs snigger snout snow -snowy society +softfoot solar sold -soldiers sole -solely -solution some someday someone -something -somewhat son song -songs -sons soon -sorcerer +soren sorry sort sought sound -sounded -sounds +sour source south -southerners sow spare -spared -spares -sparing -sparring +sparr sparrow speak -speaking -speaks -spears -specifically -spectacle +spear speech speed spelling spending spent -spied -spies +sphinx +spicer +spider spike spin -spins spite spits spokes spot -spreading -spreads +spread +spurs spy -spying square +squid +squint squire -stabbed -stabbing +squirrel +stabb stabs +staedmon staff +stafford +stag +stained stake +stalker +stallion +stalwart stand -standing -stands stannis +star stare -stares +starfall stark -starks +starpike start -started -startling -starts starving -statement -states -stating +stat status +staunton stay -stayed -stays steal -stealing +steed steel -steers +steffon stem step -steps sternly +stevron still -stockpiles -stokeworth +stilwood +stiv +stoat stolen stomach stone -stoned -stones stoop stop -stopped -stopping -stops +stork storm -stormborn -stormlands -storms -stormy story -strained +stot +stout strange -stranger strangle -strangled -strangles street -streets strength stresses stretch -stretches -stricken strike -strikes -strips +strip strong -strongest -stronghold struck -struggle -struggles -struggling -stubbornly stuck study -studying -stumbling -stunned stuns stupid -stupidity stupor +stygg style styr -subjects -subsequent -subsequently succeed -succeeds -successes -successful -successfully -succession such sudden -suddenly suffer -suffered -suffering -sufficiently -suggested -suggesting -suggests +sugg suicide +suidae suit -summarily summer -summoned -summons +summon +sumner +sunfyre +sunglass +sunhouse sunset sunspear -supervision supper -supplies -supporter -supporters -supporting -supports -supposed -supremacy +support sure surprise -surprised -surprising -surrender -surrendering -surrenders -surreptitiously -surrounded -surrounding -surrounds -survival survive -survived -survives -surviving -survivors -suspects -suspended -suspenseful -suspicious -swearing -swears +swan +swann +swear sweeps -sweetly +sweet +swift swing switch -switching sword -sword-hand -swords -swordsmanship swore sworn -sycophants +swyft +sybell +sybelle +sylas +sylva +sylwa symbol +symeon +symon +symond sympathy +syrax +syrio table taboos tackles +tactics +taena +tail take -takes -taking +tal tale -tales +talea talisa talk -talking -talks tall +talla +tallad +tallhart +tanda tanner +tanselle +tansy +tanton tapping -targaryen -targaryens +tarbeck +tarber target -tarly +tarle tarlys tarth tastes taught taunts +tawney teaches -teaching team -tears -tear-streaked +tear teeth tell -tells +temmo temper temple tempting ten -tendency +tendyris tenses tensions tent -tents tenuous -ten-year -terms -terrible -terrified +term +tern +ternesio +terrance +terrax terror +terys test testes testify -testifying than thanks that the their them -themselves then thenn -thenns -then-prince +theo +theobald +theodan +theomar +theomore +theon there -thereafter -therefore these -they thick thimble thin -thing -things think -thinking -thinks -thinly third thirst this +thistle +thoren +thormor thorne thorns +thoron thoros those though -thoughtful thousand -thousands +thrall thrashes threat threaten -threatened -threatening -threatens -threats three -three-eyed -threesome threw throat -throats throes throne through throw -throwing -thrown -throws thugs thumbs thunder -thunderstorm +tickler +tide tie -ties +tiger tightly +tim time -times +timeon +timett +timon +timoth +tion +tiqui tired titan +titus +to toast +tobbot tobho today -together +todder +todric +toes +togg +toland told -tolerates +tollett +tolos +tom +tomard tomb +tommard tommen +tomtoo +tongue too took +tool +tooth top topic +tor +toraq +torbert torch -torched -tormenting +toregg tormund torn +torrek +torren +torrent +torrhen torso +tortoise torture -tortured -torturers -torturing -tossed -tossing +torwold +torwynd +toss total -touched -touches -touching +tothmure +touch tour -tournament tourney toward -towards tower -towers town townhall -towns toy -toying -toys +toyne track trade -traders -trades -traditional trail -training traitor -translator +trant trap -trapped travel -traveling -travelled -travelling -travels -treachery treated -treatment +trebor tree +tregar +tremond trial +triarch tribes tribunal -tricking trident -tried -tries trio trip -triumphantly +tristan +triston +triumphs troops trouble troupe -trousers -trudging +trout true -trueborn -truly trust -trusted -trusts truth -truthfully try -trying trystane tully -turned -turning -turns +tumco +tumitis +tun +turban +turkey +turn +turnip +turquin +turrani +turtle twenty twice twin -twins twisting two +tya +tyana +tybero +tybolt +tycho tyene +tygett +tyland +tym +tymor +type +tyraxes +tyrek tyrell -tyrells tyrion +tysane +tysha +tyta +tytos tywin +uhoris +ulf +uller +ullhor +ulmer +ulrick +ulwyck +umar umber -umbers +umfred +umma unable -unaffected unarmed unaware unborn unburnt uncanny -uncertain uncle -uncomfortable -unconcerned -unconscious -unconvinced -undaunted undead -undefended under -underestimated -understand -understandably -understanding -undeterred -undisturbed undress -undressing undying unease unella -unfavorably unfolds -unfortunately unharmed -unhesitatingly -unidentified -unimpressed +unicorn unique unite -united unknown unleash -unofficially -unpopular -unprepared -unprotected -unrepentant unsafe -unscathed -unseemly -unsullied -unsurprised until -unwilling unwinds -upcoming -up-coming +up +uplands +upon upset +urek urge -urges urinates +urras +urrathon +urreg +urrigon +urron +urswyck +urzen use -used -useful -uses usher -ushered -using usually +uthor +utt utterly utters vacant +vaellyn +vaemond vaes +vahar +vaith +val vala +valaena valar +valarr vale valley -valuable valyrian vance vapid +varamyr +vardis +vargo various -vary +varly +varner varys vassals vast -vehemently +vayon veiled -venturing -verbally +velaryon verify +vermax version very +vhagar via vial vices -viciously -victory +vickon +victaria +victor viewing +vikary village -villagers -vindication violated violence -virtually +violet +viper +visenya viserion viserys visibly vision -visions visit -visited -visiting -visits vivid -vocabulary voice -voices -volunteer -volunteers +volantis +volentin +volmark vomits +vortimer vote -votes +votyris vouches vow -vows -vulnerable -vunerable +voyages +vulture +vylarr +vyman +vypren +vyrwel +wagstaff waif wait -waited -waiting -waits wake -wakes +walda walder -walker -walkers -walking -walks -walls +waldon +walgrave +walk +wall +wallace +wallen +walrus +walton +waltyr +walys wanders want -wanted -wanting -wants war ward warden -wardens warg +warhorse warm -warmly warmth warn -warned -warning -warnings -warns +warren warrior -warrior-eunuchs -warrior-queen -warriors -wars -wary +warryn was +wasp waste -watched -watchers -watches -water +wat +watch +wate +watt waves waxes way +wayfarer waymar -ways +wayn +waynwood weak -weakly -weakness -weapons +weapon wear -wearing -wears +weasel +weather +weaver +webber wed -wedding -weddings weeks +weep +weese +weg weight +weirwood welcome welfare -well-fed +well +wenda +wendamyr +wendel +wendell +wendello went wept were -we�re -west +werlag western westeros -westerosi +wex +whale +whalen what -whatever when +whent where -whereabouts -wherever -whichever while whip -whisperers -whispering +whiskers +whisper white +whiteye +whittler +who +whores whose widely widow wield -wielding -wields wife -wights -wildling -wildlings +wight +wilbert +wildcat wildly will +willam +willamen willas -willing +willem +william +williams +willifer +willis +willit +willow +willum win wind window -windows wine -wineskin +wings winter -win-win wipe wisdom +wise wishes -wistfully +witch with -withdraw within without witness -witnesses -wives wizard +wode woke wolf -wolf-dreams wolkan -wolves -woman +wolmer women won -wondered -wondering -wonders +wonder wood -wooden -woods word -words work -worked -working +world worm -worried -worries worry -worrying -worshipers worst worth -worthwhile +woth would wound -wounds +woven +wrath wreck writing wrong wrote wry +wulfe +wull wun +wyl +wylde +wylis +wylla +wyman +wynafrei +wynafryd +wynch +wyndhall +wynton +wyrms +wythers +wyvern +xaro +xho xhoan -x-shaped +xhondo +xii +yandel +yandry yara yarwyck year -years -yelling -yells +yell +yellow yes yet +yew yezzan +ygon ygritte +yin +yna +yohn +yoren +yorkel +yorko +yormwell you young -younger -youngest +yronwood +ysilla yunkai +zabhad +zachery +zarabelo +zei +zekko +zharaq +zhoe +zia +zollo +zorse diff --git a/passphraseme/wordlists/harrypotter-2018.txt b/passphraseme/wordlists/harrypotter-2018.txt index 438dd76..eeef449 100644 --- a/passphraseme/wordlists/harrypotter-2018.txt +++ b/passphraseme/wordlists/harrypotter-2018.txt @@ -1,4000 +1,4000 @@ -abandon -abandoning +abarimon abbott -abilities +aberdeen +aberto +ability +able aboard about above -abruptly +abraham +abraxan +abroad absence absent -absent-mindedly -academic +abuse +acajor accept -accepted -accepts -accident -accidentally -accompanying -accomplice -accomplices -accomplish -according -accordingly -accusation -achievement -acknowledged -acknowledges -acquiesces -acquired +access +accio +accus +achieve +ackerley +acne +aconite +acquire across act -acted -acting -action -actions -activated -actually -additional +actual +adapt +add address -adds -admiration +adept admire -admits -admitted -admitting +admit +adopted adult -adults advance -advanced -advancing -advertise advice -advise -advised -advises +aeris +aethonan affairs affect -affected -affecting -affiliation afford aflame -african +afraid +africa after -afternoon -afterwards again against +age ageing agent -ages +ago agree -agreed -agreement -agriculture +agrippa +ague +ah ahead aid -aided -aiding -aims +aim air ajar +alan alarm +alarte alastor albania albeit albert +albino +album albus -alchemist alcohol alecto -alerting -alerts +alert +alias alibi alice alicia -alighted +align +alihotsy +alive +alizor all -allegiance alley -allies -allowed -allows +allow +almond +almost alone along +alonzo aloud +alphard already alright -alters +also +alter +altheda always -amazing -ambition +am +amaz ambush -ambushed amelia +amends +america +amidst +ammoniac amok among -amongst amos amount -amusement -amusing +amulet amycus -ancestral -anchorman +an +anapneo +ancient and +angel +angeles angelina +angells anger -angered -angering -angrily +anglia angry +angus animagi -animagus -annihilate -announced -announcement -annoying -anonymous +animal +anjelica +ankle +annoy +annual another answer -answers anthony -anti-werewolf -any -anybody +anti +antics +antimony +antioch +antonin +antonio +antwerp anymore anyone -anything +anytime +anyway apart -apologies -apologise -apologises +aperio +apollyon +apology apparate -apparates -apparating -apparation -apparent -apparition +apparel appeal appear -appearance -appeared -appears -applying -appointment -approaching +appleby +apply +aqua arabella -arachnophobic aragog -arbitrarily +arania +arbroath arch +archive archway arcturus +arduous are area argue -arguing -argument argus ariana +arjeplog arm armando +armenia armour -arms army +arnica arnold around -arousing -arranged -arrangements -arranges -arrested +arrange +arrest +arresto arrive -arrived -arrives -arriving -artefacts +arrow +art arthur article -artificial +artifact arts -ashes +ascendio +ash +ashamed +asia aside ask -asked -asking -asks asleep -assassination +asphodel assault -assembled -asserting -assigned -assignment -assigns -associating -association +assets +assign +assigner +assist assume -assumed -assumes -assures -astonished -astonishment -attached -attacked -attacking -attacks +assure +at +atlanta +atop +attack attempt -attempted -attempts -attention -attention-seeking -attitude -attract -attracting -attraction -audience +attend +augurey august +augusta +augustus aunt +aura auror -aurors +aurora author -authority +auto +autumn avada avail -available avenge -aversion -avoiding -avoids +avenue +aviemore +avifors +avis +avoid awake -awaken -awakening -awakens -awakes award -awards aware away -awoken +awful +awkward +awoke azkaban +azul +babbling +baby back -backing bacon bad -badgering -badly +badge bag +baggy bagman bagshot +bait +baked +bakery balcony -bandaged +bald +balding +ball +balm +ban +banana +banchory +bandage +bandon bane +bang +banish bank -banned -bans -barbs +banner +banshee +bar +barb +barclay bard bare -barely -barges +barebone +bargain +barge +bark +barnaby +barnsley +barnton +barny +baron barrels barrier -bars +barry barty +baruffio base -basement -basically -basics +basic +basilisk basin bat bath bathilda -bathroom -battered battle -beans +be +beach +beaded +bean +bear bearded -beards -bearer -bears -beater -beating -beautiful -beauxbatons -became -becoming -bedrooms +beast +beat +beaten +beatrix +because +become +bedroom beedle been +beetle +befell before -beforehand -befriends -befuddles -begging +began +begg begin -beginning -begins begs +begun behalf behave -behaving -beheaded behind -being +belcher +belfast belief -believe -believed -believing -belittle bell -bellatrix +bellow belong -belonging -belongs +beloved +below bench -benefits +bending +beneath bereft -besides +berlin +bernie +berry +berth +bertha +beside best +bethnal +betony betray -betrayal -betrayed -betraying -betrays better between beware -bewitched -bewitches -bewitching +bewitch beyond bezoar -biassed +biarritz +biased +bicorn bid -bids +bide big -bigger bike +bile +bilius bill -binds +billywig +bimetal +bin +bind binns -biography -birds +bird birth -birthday bit -bitten +bitter bizarre black -blackmailed -blackmailing -blackmails -blacks blaise blame -blamed -blames blank -blankets -blasted -blasts -bleeding -blinded -blinding +blanket +blast +blatta +blemish +blessed +blew +blind +blitzer block -blood-replenishing +blood +blotts +blow +blowfly blown bludger -bludgers blue boa -boarding -boards +board boat -boats bob -boils -bolster +body +bogey +bogeyman +bogeys +boggart +bognor +bogrod +bohicon +boil +boise bolt -bombarded +bomb +bombarda +bombers +bond bone -booming -boomslang +book +boom boost -boosted -booster boot +borage +border bored +borf borgin born borrow -borrowed -borrowing -borrows +boston +boswell botched both -bothering bott bottle -bottles bottom -bouncing +bought +bounce bound -boundaries -bounds +bouts bow +bowl box boy -boys +brackium +bradley +braga +bragnam +brain +branch branded +brave bravery -bravest -breadboard +brazil break -breakfast -break-in -breaking -breaks -breathe -breeds -brewing +breath +breed +brew +briar brick -bricks bridge brief -briefly bright -brilliant -bringing -brings +bring brink +bristol +britain british -broadcast -brockdale +broadway +brobeck +brockman broke -broken +bronx bronze -broomsticks -brotherly -brothers -brought +brood +brooklyn +broom brown -bruising +bruise +brulotte brushes -brutally -buddies +bryce +bubble +buchanan +buckbeak +bucking +budge +budleigh +buford bug +bugbear build -built +bulb +bulbadox bulgaria -bulgarian -bullied -bullies +bulgeye +bully bump -bumps +bunch +bundimun +bunny +burbage +burden burial -buried burke -burkes -burned +burkina +burn burning -burns -burnt burrow burst -bursting -bursts bury +bus bush -business -busy -butterbeer -buys +bushy +but +buy +buzzer +by +byes +bygones bypass -cabinets +byron +cabbage +cabin +cabinet +cachee +cadmus cadogan cafe cafru -cakes +cage +caipora +cairo +cake call -called -calls calm -calmly +calvorio came +camera camp campsite can -cancelled +canada +canal +candle cannon -cannons cannot +cantis +cap capable captain captive -captured -capturing -caractacus +capture +car +caracas +carapace card -cards +cardiff care -careers careful -cares -caretaker -caring -carriages -carried +carpe +carpet +carriers carrow carry cart +caruso +carved case +casket cast -casting castle -casts -casualties +castor +casual cat catch -catcher -catches -catching -catchpole -caterwauling -cat-loving -cattermole caught cauldron -cauldrons cause -caused -causes -causing cave +caxambu cease -ceased -ceases cedric ceiling -celebrate -celebrates -celebrating -celebration -celebrity -cemetery -centaurs +cellar +cells +centaur centre -centres -century -ceremony -certain -certainly +ceridwen +chad +chadwick +chagrin +chained chair -challenges chamber -chambers -champion -champions -championship +chance chang -change -changed -changes -changing channel chaos chapter -characters -charges +charge +charing charity charlie charm charms -chase -chaser chasers -chastened cheat -cheated -cheating check +cheek cheer +cheese +chertsey chess -chessboard chest +chestnut +chiara +chicago +chicken +chief child -childbirth -childhood -children chill +chimaera chimney china +chinese cho -chocolate choice +choir choke -chooses +chomping chores chorley chose -christmas +chris +chudley chunk -circumstances -circumstantial -circumvented +church +cistem +cited city -claims -clandestine -classes -classmate -classroom -classrooms +civil +civilise +clabbert +claim +clankers +clapham +clasp +class claw -cleaning +clean clear -cleared -clears -clearwater +clever +client +climb +clingy +clipper cloak -closest +clock +clodbury +close +closure clothes +cloud club -clubs -clues -clutched -clutching +clue +clutch +coat coaxes -codes +cobbles +cobra +coco +cocoon +code coffee +coiling coin -coincidences -coincides -coins cold -coldly +cole colin -collapse -collapsed -collect -collected -collectively colony +colophon +colour +coltrane +columbia +columbus combat come -comes -comforting -coming -commands -commentating -comments -commission -committed -committee -committing +comedy +comet +comfrey common -commotion -communicate -communicating company -compared -comparing -compartment -competition -complaining -complains +compare +compete complete -completely -completing complex -compliments -composed -compulsion conceal -concedes -conceived concept concern -concerning -concerns -conclusion -condition -conducting -conductor -confident -confined +confess confirm -confirmed -confirming -confirms -confiscated -confiscates -confrontation -confronts -confused -confusion -congratulates +confundo conjure -conjured -conjures -conjuring -connection -connections -consequently -consider -considered -considers -consisting -console -conspiracy -constant -constrictor -consumed -consuming +conjurus +conquer +consume contact -contacts -contain -contained -containing -contains -contents +content contest -continue -continuing -continuously -contraband -contradicts -controlled -convalescing -convenient -converses +control convict -convinced -convinces -convincing cook -cooks cool -co-operation +copious copy corban cords -cores +core +cork cormac corner -cornered -corporeal +cornish corpse -correct -corrects -corridor -corridors -corroborate +corrupt +cosmic cost -costing -costs +cote cottage -cottages couch -counters -counting +cough +could +council +count country -countryside -counts -county -coupled +coupe +couple courage +course court -courtroom cousin -covering +cover +covert coward -cowering -co-worker +cowbane +crab +crabbe cracks +crafted cramped -craning -crashed -crashes -crazy-looking +crash +crate +craved +crazed +crazy +cream create -created -creates -creating -creator creature -creatures -credentials -credibility creeps creevey -crescent -crestfallen -cries +crew +crewe +cribbage crimes -critical -criticised -criticises -criticising -criticism +crimp +crinus +crispin +cromer cronies -crookshanks +cronk +cross crouch crowd -crowded -cruciatus -crumbles +crowford +crown +crucio +cruel +crump +crumple +crup crush +crusoe cry -crying cryptic -crystal +cuenca +cuff +cuffley culprit -culprits +cunning cup -cupid-dwarf -cupids -curiosity +cupid +curative +curb +cure +curio curious curled curly current curse -curses -cursing curt -curtains +curtsey +curupira +cusp +custody +customs cut -daily +cuthbert +cyrille +dada +dagger +daisy +dale +dalston damage -damaged -dancing +dance danger -dangerously +daniel +dar dares dark -dark-haired -darkness +darted +dartford date -dates -dating -daughter +david +davies +dawdle dawlish -days +day dead -deadly deal -dealing dean +dearly death +deathcap deathly -debates -debating +debate debt -decades -decapitation +decade december +decent decide -decided -decides -deciding -decision -declares +decker +declare decline -declined -decoys +decoy decree -decrees -deems +dedalus +deduce +deeds +deem deep deepens -deeper -deepest -deeply -defeated -defeating -defeats +defeat defence -defenceless -defences defend -defenders -defends -defensive -deformed -delays -delighted -delirious -delivered -demanding -demands -demented +defied +defined +defodio +degree +delacour +delaunay +delay +delfina +deliver +delphi +delphini +delved +demand +demelza dementor -dementor-induced -dementors +demise +demob denial denied -denies +denmark dennis -denominated +dent +depart depend -deplores -deployable -depressed +deprimo depths -derision -descend -descended -deserted -deserved -deserves +depulso +derby +derived +dervish +des +desert desire -desperately -desperation +desk +despair +despard despite -destined destroy -destroyed -detection -detention -detentions -determine -determined -determining -developed +detail +detroit +device devil +devised +devote +dew diadem +diagon +dialect +diamond diary did +didsbury die -died -dies diet -difference -different -differently -difficulty +diffindo +dig diggle diggory -digs -dilapidated +dijon +dilemma dimly dining dinner dippet direct -directed -direction -directions -directly -director -directs +diricawl dirk -disable -disables -disagreeing -disagrees -disallowing -disapparate -disapparated -disapparates -disappearance -disappearances -disappeared -disappearing -disappears -disappointed -disarmed -disaster -disbanded -disbands -disciplinary -disclosed -disconcerted -discover -discovered -discovering -discovers -discovery -discredit +disarm discuss -discussed -discussing -discussion -disdain -disembodied -disgrace -disguise disgust -disgusting -disillusionment -disliking +dislike +dismal dismay -dismayed -dismissed -dismisses -dismounted -dispatches -displays -displeasure -disrupted -distances -distracting -distraction +dispel +display +dispose +dispute +distant disturb -disturbing -dives -divination +dittany +dive +divined +do dobby +doctor +dodge +doe dog +dogbane doge -domestic-elf +dogman +dogtown +dogweed +dolohov +dolores +domdow +dominic done +donor +doodled doom door doorbell -doors -doorstep +doorknob +doorway +dorcus doris dorm -dormitories -dormitory -dorms dosage +dote double -doubling doubt -doubted -doubts +dougal +douglas +dove down -downfall +dowse +doxy +doxycide +dozed dozens +draco dragged +dragomir dragon -dragons drags drain -drawn +drank +drastic +draught +draw +dread dream +dreary dress -drinks +drew +drink drive -driven -driver -drives -driving +droop drop -dropped drought +drove drown +drugged drunk -dubious +dry +duck dudley +dudziac due duel +duellist +dufftown +dug +dugbog +dukuwaqa dulls -dumbfounded -dumbledores -dungeons +dumped +dun +dunbar +dundee +dung +dungeon +dunno duo +duri during -durmstrang -dursleys +duro +dursley +dussal dust -duties +dustbins duty -dwarves -dying +dwarf +dwell +dye +dylan each +eager eagle ear -earlier -early +earmuffs earn -ears ease -easier -easily -easter +east easy -eaten -eater -eaters -eating -eavesdropped -eavesdrops -echoes +eat +ebbing +ebony +ebublio +ecape +echo edge +edition editor -education -effective -effects -efforts +edmunds +eduardo +edward +eel +effect +effort egg -egging -eggs ego +egypt ehru +eiffel +eight either -ejected -elder -elderly -eldest -electric +eject +elation +eld +eldritch +elegant +eleven elf -eligible -eliminating elite elixir elphias else -elsewhere -elves -embarrassing -embarrassment -embedded -emerges +elsworth +em +emanate +emendo +emerge +emma +emmeline emotion -emotional -emotions -employees -emptied +employee empty -enabled -enables -enamoured -enchanted -enchanting -enchantments -encounter -encountered -encounters -encourage -encouraging +en +enable +enacted +enchant end -endangering -ended -ending -end-of-term -enemies +endgame +endure enemy +energy +enfield engaged england english -engraved +engorgio +engulf enjoy -enjoying -enjoys -enormous +enmity enough -enraged -enrolling -ensues +enrage +ensue ensure -ensured enter -entered -entering -enters -entertaining -entirely -entitled -entrance -entrants -entrusted +entire +entrail entry -envelope envoy -epilogue +epicerie +episkey equal -equals -equipment -equipped +era erase +erecto +eric erised +erkling ernie +eroded +eros +errol +eructo +erumpent +esau escape -escaping escort -escorting -escorts -especially -essentially +essence +estate etc -eternity +eternal +ethanol +ethical +ethiopia +eulogy +euphemia +euphoria europe -evades -evaluate +evade +evanesce +evans +eve even -evening -evenings event -events -eventually -ever +everte every -everybody -everyone -everything -everywhere +evesham evict -evidence +evident evil exactly -exaggerating -examinations +exam examine example -exams -ex-auror +exceed +excel except -exception -excessive -exchange -excited -excitedly -excitement -exciting -excluding +excite excuse -excuses -executed -executioner -exhausting +exerted exist -existence exit -exits expect -expected -expecting -expects -expelled -expensive -experience +expecto +expert explain -explained -explains -explodes -explosion +explode +explore expose -exposing express -expression -extendable -extensive +expulso +extend +extent extra -extract -extracted -extracurricular -extraordinary -extremely +extremos +exumai eye -eyes -faced +eyebrow +fabian +fabled +face +fact +factory +faded fail -failed -failing -fails -failure faint -fainting -faints fair fairy faith -faithful fake -faked +falcons fall -fallen -falling -falls -falsely +falmouth +false +fambus fame -familiar family famous fan +fancy fang -farewell +far +faris +farm +farts +faso +fast fat fatal -fates +fate father fault -faux-horcrux +fauna +faux favour -favourable +fawkes +fawley fawn -feared -fearing -feathers +fay +fear +feast +feat +feather february fed feeble -feebly +feeding feel -feeling -feelings -feels feet -feigns +feign felicis +feline +felix fell +fellow felt +felton fence +fenny fenrir +fergus +ferret +ferula +fervens +fetch few +fianto fibre -fictional -fiddling +fiction fidelius field -fierce-looking +fiennes +fierce +fiery +fifteen fifth fifty figg fight -fighters -fights -figurines -figuring -filibuster -filing +figure +fiji +filch +file +filho filius fill -filled -filling +fillet film +filthy +final finally -finch-fletchley -finding +finbok +finch +find fine -fingers +finestra +finger finish -finishing +finite +finn finnigan +finsbury fire +fireball firebolt -fired firenze -fireplace -fireworks -firing +firm first -first-year -first-years -fish-like -fishy +fish fit +five fix +flagley flagon +flagrate flame flamel -flames +flanders +flap flash -flatly +flask +flat flavour flayed +fleamont fled -fleeing -flees +fleet +flesh fletcher fleur +flew +flick fliers -flies flight +flint +flipendo +flipped flitwick +float flock +floo flooded floor flops +florean +floss +flow flown fluffy +fluid fluke -flushed -flushing +flush flute flutter +fluxweed fly -flying +flyabout focus +foe fog +foil +fold follow -followed -follower -followers -following -follows -fondness food fool -foolish foot -footsteps for -forbidden -forbidding -forbids +forbid force -forced -forces ford forearm -forehead foreign -forerunners -forever +forest +forgave forget -forgetting +forgo forgot -forgotten +fork form -former +fort forth -forthcoming -forty -forty-two +fortune forward fought found -founder -founders -founding four -four-point fourth -fourth-years -framed -framing +foxglove +frail +fram +frame france -frantically +francis +frank fraud +freaazer fred free -frequent +french +fresh +fretdend +friar friday friend -friendship -frogs +fringe +frog +from +front +frost +frowning frozen fudge full -full-fledged +fumos fun funeral +fungal +fungi funny -furniture +fur +furious further -furthermore -fury +futile future +fwooper +gable +gaddley gadgets -galleons -gambling +gag +gaggles +gain +galantes +galleon +gambon game -gamekeeper games +gamp +gang +ganglion +garden +gareth +garlic +garrice garrick -gatecrashing -gathered -gathering -gathers +gas +gasp +gate +gather gaunt gave gaze +gedeon gellert +geminio +gemino general -gentleman +genesis +genie +gently genuine george +germanic +germany get -ghostly -ghosts +ghost +ghoul giant -giants gift -gigantic +gilded gilderoy gills -girlfriend -girls +gimbi +ginevra +ginger +ginny +ginzberg +girardon +girding +girl give -given -gives +glacius glad +gladrags glances +glasgow glass -gleefully +gleeful glide -glimpse +glisseo +gloat gloomy -gloves -glowing +glory +glossy +glove +glovers +glow +gnat +gnome +go goads +goal +goat goblet -goblins -godfather -goes -going -going-away +goblin +gobstone +godric +godson +goff gold golden -goldstein +golf +gomas gone gonna good -goodbye -goodbyes -good-byes +gorgon gornuk -gossiping +gorodok +goshtail +gossip got gotten -governor -governors -grabbed -grabbing -grabs -gradually -graduated -graduates -graduation +gouging +goyle +grab +grades +graduate +graham grand -grandfather granger +granian +grant +graphic +graphorn grasp grass -grateful grave -graveyard +gravy grawp -greater -greatest -great-nephew +grazed +great +greek green -greengrass greet -greeted -greeting -greets -gregorovitch gregory grew grey +greyback grief -grief-stricken +griffin grim -grimmauld -grindelwald -grindylows -gringotts +grimmson +grint griphook +griselda +gro +grodzisk +grogory +grotter ground -groundskeeper group -groups grow -growing grown -grown-up -grows -grubbly-plank +growth +grubbly grubby -grunnings -guarded +guard guardian -guarding -guards guesses guest guide -guides -guilty +guilt +gulf +gulping gun -habits -had -haircut -hairs +gunnar +gytrash +ha +habit +hadley +hag +hagrid +hahn +hair +haiti half -half-blind -half-blood -half-breed -half-breeds -half-brother -half-giant -half-hour halfway hall hallows -halls hallway halts -hammers -handed -handing -hand-knit -handled -handling -hand-me-down -handy -hanging +ham +hamish +hamlet +hampton +hand +handbook +handedly +handle +handover +hang hannah +hans happen -happened -happening -happily happy -harasses -harbouring -harbours +harbour hard -hardly +hardship harm harmful +harmonia +harold harp harry -hastiness +harsh +harvard +haste +hastily hat -hatched +hatch hate -hated -hates -hating hatred -hats -hauled -hauling -haunted +haul +havana +have +haven +hawthorn +haywood +he head -heading +headed +headgear headless -headmaster -headmasters -headquarters heads headwear -healed -heals +heal +healers health hear -heard -hearing -hears -heartened +heart heat -heated -heavier -heavily +heath +heavens heavy +hebrew hedge +hedwig +heeded +heel height +heim +heinrich +heir held +helena helga +hell help helpful -helplessly +hemel +hence +hengist +henry hepzibah -her -herbert -herbology +herb +herbaria +herd here -heritage hermione +hermit hero -heroically -hers +herself hestia -hexes +hex +hexia +hi hid -hidden -hide hideous -hides +high +hike hill -hills hilt him himself +hince +hinder hinges -hinted -hippogriff -hippogriffs +hint his -historian history +hit hoax +hobbies +hocus +hodag hog -hogsmeade +hogwarts +hokey hold -holding hole -holey -holidays hollow -homework -honeydukes +holly +holmes +holyhead +home +homenum +homo +honey honour -honoured +hoo hooch hood -hooded hook -hopeless -hopes -hoping +hookah +hop +hope hopkirk +hoppy +hora +horace horcrux -horcruxes -horizon +horklump +horn horntail -horrified -horrifying horror horse -horses -hospital -hostages +horton +horus +host +hot hotel +hothoof hour -hour-long -hours house -house-elf -house-elves -household -houses -housework +houston hover how however howler -hufflepuff -hufflepuffs +howlet +huddled hug huge hugo -hugs +hull human -humiliation +humble humour hump -hundred +humphrey +hunch hung -hungarian -hunger +hunt +hunting +hurl hurry hurt -hurting -hurts husband hushed +hussain hut hybrid +hydra ice +icicle icy idea ideal -ideals -identify -identifying +if ignore -ignores -ignoring +ignotus igor +iguana +iii +ilford +ilkley ill illness -ill-reputed image +imagine +imalone imbued +immense +imp impact -impediment -impending +imperial +imperio imperius -imperiused -impersonate -impersonating -implanted -implements -implications implied -implying -important -imposing -impossible -imposter -impostor -impressed -imprisoned -imprisoning -imprisonment -improvement -inadvertently -incantatem -incapacitated -incidents -included -includes +impose +in +incendio +inch +include indeed -indicates -inevitable -inexpensive +index +india +indoor +induce +induct +infancy infant -infatuated inferi -inferno -infiltrate -inflated -inflates -inflicting -information -informed -informing -informs -infuriates -ingenious -initially -injuries -injuring -injury -innocent +inferius +inflate +inflatus +inform +inherit +inimicum +initial +injure +ink +inn insane -inscription -insensitive +insect inside -insisted -insistence -instinctively -instruct -instruction -instructions -instructs +insight insult -intended -intense -interact -intercepted -interchange -interesting -interfere -interference -interjects -interlock -international -interrogate -interrogates -intervals -intervene -intervenes -interviews +intact +intent +inter into -intoxicated -introduce -introduction -intruders -intrusion -inventing -inventory -investigated -investigating -investigation -invitation +invade +invent invite -invited invokes -involuntarily -involvement -involving +iolanthe ire ireland +irish +irma iron -irreparably -irresponsibly -irritated +is island isle +ismelda +isobel +isodora issue +it +italy +itching item -items -its itself +ivy +j.k. jack jacket -jackets +jacob +jamaica james +jane +janek january +janus +japan japanese -jealous -jealousy -jerking -jet-black -jobs -joined -joining -joking +jar +jarvey +jaw +jawbind +jeering +jelly +jet +jiggery +jinx +jixi +job +john +johnson +join +joke jones jordan +jorkins journey +joust judge -judged -judgement -judges -jumped -jumper -jumps +juice +july +jump +june +junior +junk just justin +kalale +kama +kappa +karasjok katie kedavra -keeper -keepers -keeping +keep +keitch +kelp +kelpie +kendra +kenmare kent kept -kettleburn -keyhole -keys +kestrels +key +kicked kidnap -kidnapping kids kill -killers -killing -kills +kin kind +kindred king -kings +kingsley kirke -kissed -kissing +kiss +kit kitchen -kitchens -knees +kites +knack +knarl +kneazle +knee knew knife knight -knitted +knit +knobbly knock -knocked -knocking -knocks -knockturn knot -knowing -known -knows +know knuts +kokain +koralle +kowalski kreacher krum +kumquats labels +lacarnum +lacewing +lachaise lack +laden lady lair laison +lake +lamb +lambeth +lament lamps land -lands +lane +langlock language lap +lapifors large -largest last -lastly -last-minute -lasts late -later +latin latter laugh -laughing -laughs -laughter -launched -lavender +launch law lawn lay layers -laying lazy -leading -leads +lead +leaf +league leaky +lealholm leaps learn -learned -learning -learns least leave -leaves lee +leech +leeds +leek left +leg +legacy +legal legend -leg-locker -legs -leprechaun +lego +leldendi +lemus +lends +length +lent +lepic +less lesson -lessons -lestrange -lets +let +leta +lethe letter -letting level -levicorpus leviosa +levitate +lexicon liar -librarian +liberty library lie -lied -lies +lieved life -life-threatening lift -lightning-shaped -lights -likely +light +like +lily +lima +limax limbo -limping +limit +limp line +lineage +linfred lingers +link lion -lips +lionfish +lip +liquid list -listening -listless +listen lit little live -lived -lives -load -loads -location -locations -locked +lizard +loathed +lobalug +lobosca +locate +loch +lock locket lockhart logic +logical london lonely long -longer -longest +longhorn look -looked -looking loose -loosen +lorand lord +los lose -losing lost lot -lots loud +louse +lousy +lovage love lovegood -lovely low +lowered loyal +loyalty +luchino +lucinda +lucius luck -luckily ludo luggage +lull +lumos +luna lunatic +lung lunges +lupin lure -luring lurking -luscious -lying -macgonagall -macmillan +lyon +macaws +machine +mackled macnair +macusa +macy mad mad-eye +madam +madame +made +madison +madness +maestro mafalda -magazine +maggie +maggot +magi +magic magical -magically -magnolia +magicus +magnus +magorian +magpies maiden mail main -maintain major -majority make -making -maladies +maker +malaclaw +malawi male -malfoys +malfoy malkin man -managed -manages -managing +manage +manaus mandrake -mandrakes -mangled +manegro manner -many +manor +mantle +manual map +maple marauder marble march marcus margaret +marge marietta +marino marjorie mark -marked -marks +market +marlow +marmite marry +mars +marvolo +marwood mary -mascots +mascot mason -masons mass -massive master -matches -materials -maternal -mates +masters +matagot +match +mate +mathilda +matias matron matter mature -maxime +mauler +maw +maximum maxine may mayhem -maze-like -mcgonagall +maze +mcbloom mclaggen +mcleod +mcmuck +mctawny +me mead meal -mealtimes mean -meaningful -meanwhile -measures +meant +medal meddle +medical +meet meeting -meetings -meets -melting -members -memorial -memories +melofors +melt +member memory -men -menacing +mend mental -mentioning -mentions mentor +mercer +mercury mercy -merely +mere +merit merlin +mermaid +merman +mermish merope -merpeople +merrow +merula +mesh mess message -messages -messed met metal -metamorphmagus -methods +method +mexico mice +michael +michigan +mid middle might -miles +milano +mile milk -mimsy-porpington +mill +millburn +milly +mimsy +mina +minas mind -minds +mindedly +mindset minerva minions minister ministry -ministry-approved minor +minsk +mint minute -miraculous -miraculously +miraf mirror -miserable -misfortune -mishandles -mismatched +mirto +mishap miss -missed -misses -mission mistake -mistreatment -mixture +misuse moaning -mocking +mock model +modern +modest modify +moke +mokeskin +moldova +molliare molly +molten +moly moment -momentarily monday money -monitored +monroe monster -monstrous +montague +monter month -months +montreal +montrose mood -moody moon +mooncalf +moondew +moonseed +moose +mopsus moral -morale more +moreau +moreton morfin morning -morsmordre -mortally +morocco +morritt +morsels +mortal +mortis mosag +moscow +mosp most -mostly +moth mother -motorbikes -motorcycle +motion +motive +mould +mounds +mount mountain mouth -moved -moves -moving +move +movie +mr mrs much +mucus mudblood -mudbloods -muggle-born -muggles -mulled -multiple -mundungus +muggle +mull +mum +mummy +mumph +munch mungo +murcus murder -murdering -murders +muriel +murk +murky +murmured +murtlap +museum +music +musical must -mutters +muto +mutual +my +mykew +myra +myrrh myrtle -mysterious -mystery -mystified +nadroj nagini +nails +nairobi +naive naked name +nanchang narcissa -narrowly +nargle +narrow nasty +nation +natsumi natural nature -navigates +naught +nauseam +nazzle near nearby -nearly -nearly-headless -necessary +neat +nebulus neck -necklace +nectere +need needle -needs -negative -negotiations -neighbourhood -neighbours +neem +neep +neil +neots nephew -nervous +nerve +nesbit +ness net nettle network never -nevertheless neville new -newcomers +newborn newfound -new-found newsman -newspaper -newspapers +newt +newton +next +nice +nicholas +nick nicolas -nifflers +niece +niffler +nigel +nigellus +nigeria night -nightmares -nights nimbus nine -nineteen +nitrate +nivalis +no noble +nobody nod +nogtail +noise +non none -nonetheless -nonsense -non-stop +nonstop nor +norbert normal norris -norwegian +north +norton +norway nose +nosy +not +notable note nothing notice -noticing -notified -noting +nott november now nowhere +nox +noxious number -numbers -numerous -nurseries -nymphadora -obedient -obituaries +nundu +nuts +nutters +nux +nymph +oakshaft +obey object -oblivion -oblivious -observation +obscure +obscuro observe -observed -observes -obsessed -obsession -obstacles obtain -obviously -occasions -occupants +occamy occupy -occupying occur -occurs +oceania october -oddly -odds -off-balance +octopus +oculus +odd +odeon +odo +of +off +offal offence -offended -offender -offer offered -offering -offers office -offices -officials +official often ogden +ogre +oh +oil +okay old -older -oldest oliver -ollivander +olympe omen +on +once one -only +oni +onion onto +ooze +opal +opaleye open -openly -opens -opportunity -opposing +opera +oppos +oppugno opt +option +or +orange orb -orchestrating +orbis +orbix order -ordered -orders -organisation +organic organise -organised -original -originally -orphanage +origin +orlando +orleans +orphan +orpheum +oscausi +osterley other -otherwise +ottawa ottery -outburst -outbursts -outmatched +our +out +outcome +outrace outrage -outraged outside +oval +oven over -overachieving overall -overcomes -overhear -overheard -overhears -overpower -overtakes -overwhelmed owe -owed -owes -owls -owned -owner +owl +own oyt +pack package padded +padma +pads +page paid pain -pained -painful -pains pair +paisley +palace +palamino pale -pale-faced +pamphlet pan +panacea +panic +panju pansy paper -paralyse -paralyses -paranoia -paranoid +papyrus parent -parents -parkinson -parseltongue +paris +parisian +park +parlour part -participate -particularly -partly +partis partner +partway parvati pass passage -passages -passageway -passed -passes -password -passwords +passus past +paste pat patch -patches path patil +patonga +patrick +patrol +patronum patronus +paw pay -paying peace +peacock peak -peers +pearl +peck +pedrus +peebles +peer peeves -penalised +pegasi +pelowski penalty pence penelope -penned -penning +penn +penrose pensieve +pent people +pepper +pepperup per percival percy +pere perform -performances -performing +perhaps period +perish perkins -permanent -permanently -permission perp -persecuted -persecuting person -personal -personality -personally -persuade -pertaining +peru +peruvian +pesky pests pet -petrified -pets +petals +petrel +petty petunia +peverell +phantom +philippe phineas +phoebus phoenix +phone photo -photos -phrases -physiology +phrase pick -picking -picks -picture -pictures +pickett +pickled +picquery +piece piers -pigwidgeon -piled -pillowlike +pig +pigeons +pike +pile +pilgrim +pillage pills +pimple pince pinch +pint +pipe +pippin +piquant +piqued pitch +pitts +pity pius +pixie place -placing +plague +plain plan -planned -planning -plans +plank plant -platform +plates play -played -player -players +pleaded please +plenty +plimpy plot -plots -plotting ploy plum -plumbing -plunges +plunge +plus +poa pocket +pocus podmore +pogrebin point -pointed -pointedly -pointing -points -pointy poised poison -poisoned -poisoning -poisonous -poltergeist +pokery +poland +police +policy +polish +politics +polkiss +polypody +pomade pomfrey +pomona +pompion +pond pool poor -popping -popularity +pop +poppy +porlock +porritch +porte +portion portkey -portkeys +portland portrait -portraits -portraying +portree +portugal +portus poses -position -possess -possessed -possesses -possession -possibility -possible -possibly post -postcard -posted -postman -potential -potentially -potion-making +posters +potage +potent +potion potions potter -potters -potterwatch -pounding +pouch +pour +powder power -powers -practising praises -praising prang -pranks -precaution -precautions +prank +prayer +pre predict -predictably -predicted -prediction -prefects -preference -pregnant -prejudice -premises -presence +prefect +preform +prepare presents -preserved -pressed -presses -presumably -presumed -pretence +press pretend -pretending -pretends pretext prevent -prevented -previous +prewett +prewitt +price +prickle pride +pridgeon +primary prime prince +pringle +prints prior priori prison -prisoners -private -privately +prisoner +pritcher privet prize -probably +pro probes -problematic -proceeds -proclaiming -producing +probity +problem +process +produce product -professor -professors -profusely -programme -progresses -promised -promising -promoted +produe +progress +promise +promote +prone prongs -properly -properties -prophecy +proof +proper prophet -proposed -proposes +propose protean -protection -protective +protect +protego protest -protesting -protests proud prove -proved -proves provide -provided -provides -proving -prowling -pseudonym +ptolemy pub public -publicly publish -published +pudding puff pull -pulled -pulls pumpkin pun -punchline +punched +pungous punish -punished -punishes -punishment -purchased -purchases +pupils pure -pureblood -pure-blood -purebloods -pure-bloods -purification +purge +purity purple -purposely +purpose pursue -pursuit +pus push -pushes put +putter puzzle -puzzled -qualities -quarters +pygmy +pyramid +quality +queen +queenie quest -question -questionable -questioned -questioning -questions quibbler +quiberon quick -quickly -quietly +quiet +quietus quill +quinto quirinus -quirrel +quirrell +quit quite +quiz +quodpot quote -quoted +raashid +rabastan +rabbit race racial radio rage -raging -raids +raid +rainfret raining raise -raised -raises -raising +raked +ralph +ralston +ramora ran +rancid rang +range +rank +rano rapidly +rare +rarity rat rate rather -rats -ravenclaws +rattle +razor reach react -reaction read -reading -reads -ready real realise -realised -realising reality -really reason -reasonable -reasoning -reasons rebirth -rebounding -rebounds -rebuilding -recalled -recalls -received -receives +reborn +rebound +recall +recanto +receive recent -recently recipe -recognisable -recognise -recognises -recollects -recommences -reconciled -reconciles -reconciliation -reconnect -reconstituted -recording -recovered -recovers -recreate +record +recount +recover recruit -recruiting -recruits -redecorated -red-haired -red-handed -referring +red +redactum +redder +reduced +reducio +reducto +reductor +referee +refers reform +refuge refuse -refused -refuses -refusing refutes -regaining -regarding +regard regime reginald regret -regrets -regretted regular -regulations regulus -regurgitated reign -reignites -reinforced -reinforcement -reinstate -rejects -rejoicing +reject rejoin -relationship +relashio +related relax +relayed release -released -releases relic +relied relief -relieved relish -reluctant -reluctantly remain -remainder -remained -remaining remark -remarks rematch -remember -remembering -remembers -remembrall -reminded -reminding -remnants +remind remorse -removal remove -removed -removes -removing remus -renounces +rent repair -repaired -repeated -repelled +reparo +repel +repello replace -replaced -replaces -replies +replica reply report -reported -reporter -reporting -reports -representative -represented -representing -represents -reprimanding -reprimands -reputable -reputation +reptile request -requesting rescue -rescues -research -researched -resembling -resentment reside -residence -resident -resigning resist -resisting -resorts -resources +resolve +resort respect -respective -respond -response -responsibility -responsible rest -restarted -restorative -restored -restrains -restricted -restricted-books -restriction +restore result -resulted -resurrection -retaliation -retirement -retrieve +retrival return -returned -returning -returns reunite -reunited -reunites reveal -revealed -revealing -reveals +revelio +revels revenge +reverse revert -reverts -reviving +revised +revive revolt -revolution reward -rewards +rewrite +richard +riches +rickman rid riddle -riddle-harry -rides -ridgeback -ridicules +ride rifle +rift right -rights +rimmed +riot +ripe +ripley +ripper rise -rises risk -risking -risky rita +ritual rival +river road rob +robbie robe -robes -rocks -rocky +roberts +robins +robinson +robot +rock +rode +roger rogue +rolanda role roll -rolling -rolls romania -romantically +rome romilda ron +ronald ronan roof +rookwood room -roosters +rooster +root +ropes +rosa +rose rosmerta +ross +rot +rotten +rougarou round -rounds row +rowboat rowena -rubbishes +rowle +rowling +royston rubeus rubies ruckus rude +rudolph +rue rufus -ruined -ruining -ruins -rules -rummaging -rumours +ruggell +ruin +rule +rumihart +rumour +rumsey run runcorn rung -running -runs +rupert ruse rush -sabotage +russian +rust +ryan sack -sacked -sacks -sacrifice -sacrifices sad -sadistic -sadly +sadness safe -safety +sage said sail +saint +sal salazar +sale +salem +salon +salpeter +salt +salvage +salve +salvio same -sandwiches +san +sandbox sane +sanentur sanity -sarcastically +sank +santiago +sarcasm +sardine sat -satisfied -satisfying saturday +sauce +savannah +savatier save -saved -saves -saving -savings savoury saw say -saying -says +scabbers +scabior +scale scar -scared -scaring -scarred -scheduled +scarab +scare +scarlet +scene school -schools scold -scolding +scooter +scope score scorpius +scotland +scottish +scour +scower scream -screaming -screams -screeching -scribbled +screech +screed +screen scribe -scrimgeour -scurrying +script +scrying +scurvy +sea seal -seals +sealant seamus +sear search -searching season seat second -second-hand -seconds -secret -secret-keeper +secrecy secrets section secure security -seedlings -seeing +see seek -seeker -seeking seem -seemingly -seems seen -sees +seize select -selected -selects self -self-invented +selfless +selkie sell -selling -sells -sender -sending -sends +selma +selwyn +send +senegal senior sense -sentence -sentenced -sentences -separate -separated -september +sent +seoul +septima +septimus series serious -seriously -seriousness -serpent -serpents -servant +serum serve -served service -services session -sessions set -setting settle seven -seventeen -seventeenth seventh +sever several severe -severely severus -shacklebolt +sewers +shabby +shack shadow shake +shaken +shall +shame shape -shape-shifters shard -shards share -shared -shares -sharing sharp -shattered +shaw +she +sheared +shell +shelter +shelves +sherlock sherry -shifted +shield +shift +shikoba +shin ship -shocked -shocks +shock shoes +shook shoos -shoots +shoot shop -shops shores short -shortly -shoulder -shouting +shot +should +shout +shove +shovel show -showed -showing -shown -shows -shrieking +shrake shrill shrink -shunning +shrubs +shrunk +shunpike shush -sickly +shut +siad +siberian +sibling +sick side -side-car -sides +siege +sieve sight -sighted sign signal -signalling -signature -signs +signet +silas +silence +silencio +silly +silvanus silver -similar -similarities +simon simple -simply -simultaneously since -singles -sinister -sinking -sinks -sitting -situation -situations +singer +single +sinistra +sink +sir +siren +sirius +sister +sit +site six sixteen -sixteen-year-old sixth sixty size skeeter -skeleton -skills +skele +skender +skewed +skilful +skill +skimmers skin skips -skirmish -skrewts +skittles +skrewt skull +skullus +skurge sky +slain slams slash -slashed -slashing slated +slay +slayers +sleek sleep -sleeping -sleeps -slightly +sleeve +slept +sliced +slid +slight +slime slink -slinks -slipped -slithers +slip +slither sloper -slowly +sloth +slow +slug slughorn -slugs -slytherin +slugulus smacks small -smaller -smallest smart smash -smashed -smashes smell -smeltings smile smith +smitten smoke -smothers -smuggle -smuggling -snakes +smudged +snail +snake +snap snape +snapenox snare +snark snatch -snatches sneak -sneaking -sneaks +snidget snitch -snobbish snogging -snowy -snr +snorkack +snout +snow +snowdrop +snuck +snyde +so soapy +sobbed sober -societies +socks +soho sold +soldier +solem +soley solid solve -solved -solves some -somebody somehow someone -somewhat son song +sonorus soon +sorcerer sorcery -sorted -sorting -sorts +sorry +sort sought soul sound -sounding -sounds source sours +south +space +span spare -sparing +sparky spat +spavin speak -speaking -speaks -specialising -specialty +special species -spectacularly -speculate -speculates -speculation +spectre speech speed -speeding -spellbooks -spellotape -spells +spell spend -spending spent spew sphere -spiders +sphinx +spice +spider +spielman +spike spill +spine spinnet spirit -spirits spite spits -splinched +spleen split -spoken +spoke +sponge +spongify +sport sports spot spread -spreading +sprigs sprints +sprite sprout -sprouts spy -spying -squeezed +squad +square +squeaky squib +squid +squiggle +squill squire +stab stadium -staffing +staff stag -stag-shaped +stage +staghorn stained stair -staircase -staircases -stairs -stalemate -stamps +stall +stamford +stamp +stan stand -standard -stands +star stare -stared -stares +stark start -starting -startling -start-of-term -starts -starvation stash -statements -states -stating +state station -stationary -stationed statue +statum +status +statute staving -stayed -staying -stays +stay stead -steaks -stealing +steak +steal +stealth +steams +steel +steen +steep steers +steleus +stem step -steps +steven +stevens +stew stick -sticks still -stirs +sting +stinks +stir +stocks +stockton stole -stolen stone -stonewall +stood stool -stopped -stops +stop store storm -storming -storms +stormers story -stra -straight -strained -strangely -stranger -strangest -strangle -strangles -strategies +stoutly +strange +stray +streak +streams +streeler street -streets -strength stress -stresses +strict +strife strike -strikes -strips -stroking +strip +strode stroll strong -strongly struck -struggle -struggling stuck +student students studies -stumped -stunning -stuns +study +stuff +stumble +stun +stunt +stupefy +stupid sturgis +style subdue -subjects -submerged +subject submit -submitted -submitting -subscription -substitute -substituted subtly +subway succeed -successful -successfully +success such suck -sucked -sucks sudden -suddenly -suffering -sufficient -suffocate +suffer suggest -suggesting -suggestion -suggestions suicide -suitable -sulking +suit +sulky +sullen +sulphur +sum summer summon -summoned -summoning -summons sun sunday -superiority -supervision -supplies +sunlit +sunrays +super +superb +supple support -supporters -supporting -supposed -supposedly -supposing -supremacist +suppose sure -surprise -surprised -surprises -surprising -surprisingly -surrender +surge +surgito +surname surrey -surround -surrounding -surveillance -survive -survived -survives -surviving susan suspect -suspected -suspects -suspend -suspicion -suspicions -suspicious -suspiciously -sustained -swallowing +suzuki +swamp swarm sway -sweater +swear +sweat +swedish +sweeper sweets -swimming -switched +swell +swept +swift +swipe switches +swooping +sword sybill -syllabus +sydney symbol -sympathetic -sympathetically +symptom syphons +syria +syrup +sytner tabby -tables +table taboo -tactlessly +tabs +tackle tail take -taken -takes +takeoff tale -talented -tales +talent talk -talked -talking -talks -tallest +tall talons -tampering -tapestry -tapping +tame +tanya +tanzania +tap +tape +tar +tarapoto +target +tarot task -tasks +taste taught -taunts +taunt +tavern taxi taxing +tchamba tea +teabag teach -teacher -teachers -teaches -teaching +teacup team -teammates +teapot tears tease -teased -teases -technique -ted +tebo teddy +tedious teenage -teenagers +teens +tees teeth -telephone tell -tells temper -temperature +temporus ten -tended -tendencies -tender +tend +tengu tennis +tension tent +tenth +teresina +tergeo term -terms -terrible -terrified -terrifying terry -test -tested -testified -testing -textbook +text texture than thank -thankful -thankfully -thanks that the +theatre +their them then -thenceforth +theodore theory there -therefore +thereby these -thestrals -they +theseus +thestral thick -thicknesse -thing -things +thickey +thief +thin think -thinking -thinks third -third-floor thirst -thirteenth thirty +this thomas +thorax +thorfinn +thorn those though -thoughts -thousand +thought +thread threat -threatened -threatening -threatens -threats three -three-headed -three-quarters +threw +thrice throat +throng through -throughout throw -throwing -thrown -throws -ths +thrust +thumpin thursday +thwart +thyme +tibbles +tiberius +ticked ticket -tickets +tidings tie +tiger tighter tightly time -times +timeline tin -tips +tincture +tinworth +tip +tired title +titus +to +toad +toazer tobias +today +toe +toenail toffee -together +tofty +togo +toilet +token told +tolipan +toll tom -tombstone -tomorrow +tomb +tomes +ton +tone +tongue +tonic tonks -ton-tongue too took -toothpick +tooth top topics topmost -top-secret +toppled +topsham torch -tormented -tortured -torturing +torn +torture +torvus total -tottenham +totalum +totalus touch -touches -touching tough tour -tournament +tow toward -towards -tower +towered town -toying trace trade -traditional -tragedy -trails -trained -training -transferred -transfiguration -transfigures -transform -transformed -transforms -transition -transplant -transportation -transported -trapdoor -trapped -traps +tragic +trail +train +trait +trance +trap +trauma travel -travelling -travels -treated -treatment -treats +travers +treat tree -trees -trelawney +trevor +tria trial +tribeca trick -tricked -tricks -tricky tried -tries trigger trio trip -triple-decker -triwizard +triple +trocar troll -trophies +trolley +trollwig trophy +trotter trouble -troublesome true -truly +trumpet trunk -trunks trust -trusted -trying +truth +try +tryouts +tuba +tubeworm +tufty tune -tunnels -turned -turning -turns +tunnel +turban +turbo +turkey +turmoil +turn +turtle +tutelage +tutshill +twelfth twelve -twelve-foot +twice +twig +twigger +twin +twine +twist +twitchy two -two-way +twycross +type +ubbly +ube +uganda +ulick umbridge unable +unafraid unaware -unbeknownst -uncertainty -uncertainy -unchangeable uncle -uncomfortable -unconcerned -unconscious -unconvinced uncover -uncovered +unction +unctuous under underage -under-age -undergoes -underground -undermine -underneath -underpants -undersecretary -understands -undervaluing -undisclosed undoes -unendurable -unexpectedly -unfamiliar -unfortunately +undone +unease unhappy unharmed unicorn -uniform -unimportant +unique +unit +unkind unknown -unlikelihood -unlocking +unleash +unless +unlike +unlock unlucky -unnecessary -unnoticed -unpleasant -unpopular -unregistered -unsettled +unnamed +unruly +unseal +unseat unspoken -unsuccessfully unsure -unsurprisingly -unsuspecting +untidy until -untransformed unusual -unwanted -unwilling -unworthy -upbringings +up +upcoming update upgrade -uprising +upheld +upon +upper +upright uproar upset -upstairs +urchin urge -used -useful -useless -user -uses -usually +urine +urquart +us +use +usher +utrecht +utterly utters +vacancy +vacant vacated vacuum vague vain -valentine -valentines +valcore +valerian +valerie +valion +valley valour +valued +vampire +vampyr +van vance vane -vanished -vanishes -vanishing -vanquished +vanish +varied +variety various +varnish +vase vast vault -vaults +vauxhall +vector veela -veiled +veil +venom venture +ventus +vera verbal -veritaserum +verge vernon +verruca version versus +verto +vervain very via -vicinity -victims +vial +vicious +victim victoire -victoriously +victoria victory +vienna view -viewing +vii +viktor village vincent -vindictively -violated -violations +vinegar violent +vip +vipera +vipers vision visit -visitation -visiting -visitors +visitor +vital +vitamix +vive +vivid +vladimir +voclain voice -voices -voldemort -voldemort-controlled -volunteered -vomiting +volume vote -voted -vulnerable -waddling +vow +vratsa wage -wager -wages +wagga +wagon wait -waits +wakanda wake walden -walking -walks -walls +wales +walk +wall +wallace +wallet +walnut +wampus wand wanders -wands +wandless +wandlore want -wanted -wanting -wants war +warbeck ward -warmly +warm warmth warn -warnings -warns -wary +warners +warren +wart +wartcap was -washes -wasted -wasting +wash +wasps +wast +waste watch -watched -watching water -waves -waving +watson +watton +wave wax way -ways +we weak -weakened -weakness wealth weapon wear -wearer -wearing -wears weasley -weasleys -webbed -wedding +webb +webster week weekend -weeks -weighing +weigher +weight weird welcome -welcoming +well +welsh +wendy went were werewolf -werewolves -west +whacked what -whatever +wheel wheezes when -whenever where wherein +whether +which while -whimpering +whilst whinging -whisked +whisker white +who whoever whole whom whomping -whooping whose +why +wibbly +wide +wideye +wife +wig +wiggly +wigtown +wild +wilkie +will +william willow +win window -windows wine -wingardium winged winky -winnings -wins +winston winter -wishes -wishing +wip +wireless +wiseacre +wish +wit witch -witchcraft witches with -withholding within -without -witnessed -witnesses -witnessing +witness +wizard wizardry wizards -wizengamot -woken -wolfsbane +woefully +wohsi +woke +wold +wolf +wolpert woman -wondering +won +wonder wood -woods +woodlice wool word -words +wore work -worked -working -workload -workplace +worker world -worried -worries +worm +wormtail +wormwood +worn worry -worsen -worst +worse +wort worth would wound +wraith +wrangle wrap +wrath wreath wrecks -wrenched wrests -wrists +wrist write -writes -writing written wrong wrote +wye +wyndham +wyvern +xeno +xxi yard yaxley +yeah year +yearbook yearlong -years -yelled -yelling +yearned +yell yellow -yes +yep yet -yorkshire +yeti +yew +yolk you -you-know-what -you-know-who -younger +young your youth yule +yumbo +yusuf +yvonne zabini -zacharias +zealand +zema +zits zombie +zonko zoo +zouwu +zygmunt diff --git a/passphraseme/wordlists/startrek-2018.txt b/passphraseme/wordlists/startrek-2018.txt index 0eb7796..8d23ce3 100644 --- a/passphraseme/wordlists/startrek-2018.txt +++ b/passphraseme/wordlists/startrek-2018.txt @@ -1,4000 +1,4000 @@ abandon abdomen -abduction -aberrations -abilities -ability +abdon able abnormal aboard +abort +abraham +abronath abruptly absence -absolutely -absorbed -absorbing +absorb academy -accepted -accepts -accesses +accept +access accident -accidentally -accompanies -accompany -according +accord accosted -accumulate -accusation -achieved -achievements -achieving +aceton +achieve acid -acknowledge -acquaintances acquired across act -acting -action -actions activate -activated -activates active -activities -activity -acts actual -actually +actuator +acuity +adams +adapter +adaptive add -adding -additional -addresses -adds -adequacy +adele adequate +adhesive adjust -administered -administers admiral -admirals -admiralty -admiration -admission admits adolf -adrenaline advance -advancing -advantage -adventures adverse advice -advise -advised -advises -advising -aesthetics affair affected -affection -affirmative afford afraid aft -after -afterlife -afterward -afterwards again against age +agencies agitated ago -agonizer agony agree -agreeing +ahdar ahead +ahni aid -aide +ailis air +aircraft airiam +airman +alan +alarm +alcohol +alcove +aldean +alden +aldorian +ale alert -alerts +alex +alfarian +alfonse +alfredo +algae alice alien align +alison +alixia +alkian all -allergies +allakas +allenby allergy alley +alliance allow -allowed -allowing -allows alludes +almack almost alone along -alongside aloud alpha already also alter -alterations -altered -alternative -alternatives +alvas always +alyssa +amanda +amaro amazed -ambassador -ambassadors +amber ambushed -american +amin +amonak among amount -amounts amused -analgesic +anaanda +anabolic analysis -analyze -ancestral +anara +anaya ancient and anderson andoria -andorian -angela -angrily +andrew +android +andrzesj +angel +angie angry anicium animals -announces -announcing +ann annoy +annular anomaly another answer -answers +antaran antares +antarian +antedian antenna -anthropomorphizing -anticipated -anticipates -antimatter -anti-radiation +anti +anvil any -anyone -anything -anywhere apart -apartment -apocalyptic -apologize -apologizes +aperitif +aperture +aphasia apology -apparent -apparently appear -appearance -appeared -appearing -appears -appraised -appreciate -appreciates +apple apprises approach -approachable -approached -approaches -approaching approve -approximate -approximately april +aqua +aquan +aquino +arch archaic -archer +archanis +archive +archon +ardanan are area -areas arena +arex +argo +argon argue -argues -arguing -argument +argyle +ari arises +ark +arkinson +arlene arm -armed +armband +armored armory -arms +aron around arranged +array arrest -arrested -arrival +arriaga arrive -arrived -arrives -arriving +art article -artificially-created -arts +arton +arva +as +ascent ash +ashmore aside ask -asked -asking -asks asleep -assailant -assassination -assassins assault -assembles +assembly assents assert -assessment asset -assigned -assignment -assignments -assigns +assign assist -assistance -assistants -associated -associates -assortment -assumed -assumes -assumption -assured -assures +assume +assure +aster astern asteroid -astromycologist -astrophysics -atmosphere +astral +atkins atom atomic -atonement atop attached attack -attacked -attacker -attackers -attacking -attacks attempt -attempted -attempting -attempts attend -attending -attends -attention attitude attracts -attributes +audio augment -authorization -authorized -automatic -autopilot +augris +aurora +austin +auto autopsy -available -avalanche +avidyne +avionics avoid -avoiding -avoids -awaited -awaits -awakens +await +awaken aware away awesome -awestruck awful -awkwardly +ayala +azan +azar +azure babbling babel +baber +baby back -backhands -backs -backtrack -backwards +backpack +backup +badge baffled -balanced +bag +bailey +baird +bajoran +balance +baldwin +ball +ballard +balloon +balok +balso +balthus band +bandage +bandee +banean +bang bank +bantan bar -barbarians +barbara +barclay +barcode +bardoli barely +barge baris +barley barman +barnaby +barnes +barnhart barrage -based +barrel +barrett +barrier +barrows +bartel +bartlett +base basement -bases -basidiosac +bashir +basil +bates battle +baxter bay +baytart +be +beach +beacon +beaker beam -beamed -beams +bean bear beard -bears beaten -beating -beatles -beautiful +beaumont beauty became -becomes -becoming -bed +beck +become bedside been beep beer +beet +beetle before -begged -begging -beginning begins begs behalf behavior -being +bekk belayed belief -believable -believes -believing -belligerent +bell belong beloved +belt +bem +bendera benefits +benjamin +bennet +benz benzar berates +bergamot +berkley +berman +bernard +berry +bertram besides best +beta betazoid betrays -betrothal +betreka +better between +beverly beyond bicker bid -bids +biddle big +bilecki +bill binary -biochemistry -biological +binder +bio +biobed +biogenic biology +bionetic +bioprobe +bipolar bird birth -birthplace bit +bitters black +blackman +blackout +blade +blain blank -blankly blast -blasts +blend blew -blindsiding -blocked -blocks +blind +block +blockade blood -bloodstream -bloodworm bloom blow -blown -blueberries -blueberry +blue blurry blurts board -boarding -bodies +boat +bob +bobby body bold -bolts +bolian +boliska +bolt +boma bomb -bond -bonding +bone +bono bonus -booming -booms +booby +book +boom +booster booth -bordering -bored +border +bore +boreth +borg born -borrowed -borrows +borrow +botax both +bottle bottom bought boundary bow -boyfriends +box +boyce +boyer +boylan brace +bracelet +brad +braga bragged -brakes -brand-new +brain +brak +brakt +brandy +brannon +branson brawl -brawlers breach -breaching bread break -breaking -breaks -breakthrough breath +breen +brenner +brent brett brewing +brian +briar bribe bride bridge +bridle brief -briefed -briefing -briefly +briel brig bright -brilliant +brilgar bring -bringing -brings -broadcast +bristow broke -broken -broker +brooks +brossmer +broth +brott brought +brower +brown bruises -brushes -brushing +brunali +bruno +brush brutal -brutally bryce -bugs +bubble +bucket +buffer +bug +buggy +buick build -building -built +bularian +bullet bunrham +buoy buran burham buries +burke burn -burned burnham -burns +burrows +burst +burton +bus business -busy butcher +butter button -buttons +by bypass +byrd +byte cabaret +cabbage cabin cabinet +cabot cadet caesar -calculated -calculates -calibrating +cake +calaman +caliper call -called -caller -calling -calls +calloway calmly came +camera +camp can -canceled -cancels +canamar +canape +canar +cancel +cane +canister +cannon cannot +cannula capable capacity +capellan +capricus captain -captaincy -captains captured +car +card care -career -carefully -carelessness -cares +carender caresses -caretaker +cargo +carl +carlisle +carlson +carol +carolyn +carriage +carriker carry -carrying +carson +cart +cartaino +carver +cascade case +cash cast -catalysts -catastrophic -catatonic +catapult catch -catches +catgut caught cause -caused -causes -causing caution +caverns +cavit cease -ceasing +ceded +celes cell -cellmates +cellular +cenotaph cent -center central -centurion century ceramic -ceremonies ceremony certain +chain +chainsaw chair -challenge +chakotay chamber -champion chances +chang change -changed -changes -changing channel +chants chaos chapel -character -characteristic +chapman charge -charges +charlene +charles charm +charnock charon +chart chased -chastises +chaya check -checks +checksum +chef chekov -chemistry +chell +chemical +cheney +cherel +chess chest +chi chicken chides chief -childhood children -chimes +chiller +chime +chip choice -choices -choose -chooses chores +chorus chose -chosen -christine -christopher +chris +christy chute +cider circa circuit -circuits -circulating -circumstance -circumstances -cities citing citizens city civilian -civilization -civilizations -civilized claim -claimed -claims -clarifies +clancy +clara clark +clash class -classified classify +claudia +clavisoa +clayton clean -cleaning +cleanup clear -cleared -clearly clenched clicking climate climb -climbed -climbs +clip +clipper cloak -cloaked -cloaking clock close -closer -closes -closing clothes -clouds +cloud +clover +cluster +clutch +cobalt +cocktail code -code-named +codron coffee -coffins +coffin +coil +cola cold -coldly +cole collapse -collapses -colleague collects collide -collides -collision -colonies -colonists +collins +colonel colony colorful +colt +coltayin +column +combadge combat -combination combines come -comes comet -comfortable -coming -comings +comlink comm -commander -commanders -commanding -commands +command comment -commenting -comments -commissioned -committed +commerce +commnet common -communicate -communicating -communication -communications -communicator -communicators -companions +compact company -comparable compare -comparing -compartment -compartments -compensate -complaining -complements +compass complete -completely -completes complex -complicated -complies -complimentary -complimenting -compliments -comply -complying -component compound -comprised -compromised +compton computer concept concern -concerned -concerns conclude -concludes -conclusion -concussion condense -condition -conditions +condor conduct -conducting -conducts -conference -conferred +conduit confers -confesses -confidently confides -configuration confine -confined -confirmation confirms -confiscating conflict -confrontation -confronting -confronts -confused -confusing -confusion -congratulate -congratulates -conn +confront +confuse +conley connect -connecting -conquered +connolly +connors conquest -consciousness -conscript -consequence -consequences -conservative consider -considered -considering -considers consist +console consort -conspicuous -constellation -constitution -consulted -consults +constant +consult consumed -contacts +contact contain -container -containing -containment -contains -contemplate -contemplates -contemplatively -contemporary content -contents context continue -continues -continuing contrary -contrasted control -controlling -controls -conversation -conversational -conversely -conversing convict -conviction -convicts -convinced -convinces +convince +cook cookie coolant coolly -cooperate -co-opted -coordinates coos -co-pilot -cordrazine -cordrazine-induced +corado +corbin +core +corelki +corell coridan corner -cornered cornwell +corona +corporal corpse correct -correctly -corrects -correlating -correlation -correspondence -corridors -corrupted -corruption +cortex +cortical corvan +cosmic +cosmo cost +costa costumed cot +cotton could council counsel -counsels -counterpart -counterparts -counters +counter +country couple +courage +courier course -courses court courtesy -court-martial cousin cover -covered +coyote +crab +cracker craft +craig cranial crate -crawling -crawls +crawl crazy creak +cream create -created -creating creature -creatures -credentials credit -creditors -credits creepy -crepusculan +crepe +cretak crew crewman -crewmembers -crewmen crime -crimes -crippled -cripples +crimson +cripple +crisp critical -critically cross -crossed -crossfire +crowbar crowd crucial +crucible cruise -cruiser -crush +crusher +crutch cry -cryptobiosis +crypt crystal -c�sar cube +culat +culhane +culinary culture -cumulative cup cure -curing curious -curiously current -currently +curry custody custom cut -cuts -cutting -cybernetic +cutlass +cutler cycle +cylinder +daimon +dalby damage -damaged -damages -damaging +damp +dampener +dan +danaxian dance -dancing danger +daniel dare +daren +darien dark -darkened +darnell +darok darsek -darseks -darts +dart darvin +darvot +darwin dash data +database +datalink +dataport date daughter +dave +davi +davison dawn +dax day -days -deactivates dead deadline deal -dealer +dean +deanna dear death debate debris -deceased decency decide -decided -decides -decision decius deck -decker -decks declare -declares -declaring decline -declines -decorated -decoration decoy decrypt -decrypted +decurtis deduces deep -deeply defeat -defeating defect -defended defense defiant deflect -deflecting -deflector -deflects -degradation +dehner +deimos +deka +delaney delayed delegate -delegates -delegation -deliberately +deletion delicacy -delighted -delighting +delight +dell +delong +delovian +delta +delvan demand -demanding -demands -dematerializes -demonstrates +demeritt demotes demurs -denies +deng +dennis dense -densities deny -departed -department -departs -departure +depart +depaul depleted -deposited -depression +depth +deputy derelict -derogatory +dermal +dern +derna +desalle descend -descended -describes +desealer desert -designation desire -desired -desires desk -desperate -desperately -desperation despite -destination -destinations +dessert destroy -destroyed -destroying -destruction -destructive -detailed -detailing -detained -detains +detail +detain detect -detected -detecting -detection -detects -deteriorating -deterioration -determine -determined -determines -determining detmer -detonating -detonator +detronal develop -developed -development -deviations device -devices +devore devotion -diagnoses -did +diana +diane +dick die -died -dies -different -difficulty -dignitaries -dilithium +diet +difalco +diffuser +dillard dim -diminishes +dinaali dinner +diode direct -direction -directly -directs -dis +dirge disables -disagrees -disappear -disappearing -disappears -disappointment disarms disaster -discharge -discharges -disciplined -discomfort -disconnected -discounts +disc discover -discovered -discovering -discovers -discovery discuss -discussing -discussion -discussions diseases -disintegrates -disintegrating +dish +disk dislikes -dismissed -dismisses -dismissing -dismissively -disobeying -disobeys -dispatching -dispenses -displacement -displaying -displays +dismiss +disobey +display disposal disputed disrupt -disrupted -disruptions -disruptor -disruptors -dissected -dissembles -dissipate -dissipated distance -distances distaste -distinguish -distortions -distracted -distracting -distraction -distracts +distract distress -disturbed -diversion +district divert -diverted -dizziness dizzy dna docking -doctari doctor -doctoring doing +dome +dominion +don +donark donatu done donor doomed +doomsday door -doors doorway +dorado +doris dormant +dorton +dosi double -double-reinforced +doug down download +doyle dozen -dozens drafts drag -dragged -dragging +drake +drapanas draw -drawn -draws +drayan dream -dreamed -drills -drinks -driving -dropped +drechtal +dresci +drift +drill +drink +drive +drone +dropp drops drought drug +drum dry -dsc +drydock +duarte dubious duct -ducts due -duplicated -duration +duffy +dummy +dumont +duonetic during +durst dust -duties +dutara duty -dying +dwarf +dynamic +dyson each eagerly -earlier -early -ear-piercing +eagle +earl +earpiece earth -earth-romulan -earth-type -easier -easily easy eaten -eating echo -economic +eckridge +eclipse economy +eddie +eddy edge +edit edith -eel-bird +edmond +edward +eel effect -effective -effectively -effects -efficiently efforts egg +eiger eight either -election -electricity -electromagnetic +ekosian +elaina +elas +electric +electro +electron elects element eleven -eliminate +elgol +elias ellen +elliott else -elsewhere embassy embrace -embraces emerge -emergency +eminian +emission +emitter +emmanuel emotion -emotions emphasis empire employ +empok empty -emptying +emulator enables -enchanted -encompasses -encounter -encountered -encounters -encourages +enaran +encoding end endanger -endangered -ended -ending endless -ends -enemies enemy -energizes energy engage -engages engine -engineer -engineering english +enhancer +enigma enjoy +enlisted +ennan +enolian enormous enough +enrique ensign ensues ensure enter -entered -entering enterprise -enters -enthusiastic entrance -entries entry -environment -environmental +enyak +enzyme +epic episode -equations -equipment -equivalent +eric +erickson +eridon +erin error -erupts +erupt escape -escaped -escaping escort -escorted -especially -espionage essence -establish -established -establishes -estimates +esteban etching -ethical -ethically +eternal +ethan ethics eugenics eulogy europa eva -evacuated evades +evan +evelyn even -evening event -events -eventually ever everett -every -everyday -everyone -everything evidence exact -exactly -examination examine -examined -examines example -examples -exasperated -excellent +exceiver except exchange -exchanged -exchanges excited -excitedly -exclaiming excuse -excuses -executed -executing -execution -exercising -exhausted +execute +exercise +exhaust exist -existed -existence exit -exited -exits +exocomp expect -expecting -expendable -experience -experiences -experiencing -experimental -experiments explain -explaining -explains -explanation explodes -exploration explore -explores -explosion -explosive expose -exposed express -expresses -expression -expressly expunge -extending -extensive +external extinct -extinction -extraction -extrapolate +extra extreme -extremely eye -eyes -eye-view -fabricated +ezri face -facilitate facility -facing fact -factor -facts -faded fail -failed -failing -fails -failure faint fair -fairly faith fakes fall -falling -falls -familiar +falor +false family famous +fan +fanalian fangs far +farley farr farrell -fascinated -fascinating fast -faster -fast-tracked +fastener fat father fault +favinit favor -fearing -fears +fear feasible -fed -federation feed -feeding -feeds +feedback feel -feeling -feelings -feels feet feigns +felada +feline fell fellow felt +felton +female fend +feragoit +ferengi +fernando +fetran +fettran few -fianc�e +fiancee field fifteen fifty fight figure -figured -figures +filament file fill -filled -fills +film filter final -finally +fincke find -finding -finds fine -finely -finished -finishing +finger +finish +finks +finney fire -fired -fires -firing +firenut first +fish +fishnet +fission +fissure fist fit -fitzpatrick +five fix +fizz +flag flagship -flamboyant +flaked flame +flare flash flaw -fled -flees +flea +fleck +flee fleet +fletcher +flexure flickers +flight flinging -floating -floats +float floor flop +flores flotilla -flower +flow +fluff flutter -flying +flux +fly focal focus -focused foiled +fold +foley follow -followed -followers -following -follows food fool foot for -forbidden +foraiga +forbes +forcas force -forced -forcefield -forcefully -forces -forcibly -foresight +forecast forever -forgetting -forgiveness -forgotten +forge +fork +forklift form formal -former formerly -formidable -forthcoming -fortunately fortune forward +foster found -foundation +fountain four +fractal fraction +fracture +fragment +frame +france +frank franklin -frankly +fratis +freddy free +freeman freeway +freezer frenzy -frequency frequent fresh +freshman frets friend -friendly -friendship +frigate frighten -frightened +fritters from front -frontal -fucking +frontier +frost +froth +fruit +fudge +fuel +fukai fulfill full fumes fun -functioning +function +funeral fungal fungi +fungus fur furious further -furthermore +fuse +fusion future +gabler gabriel -gaining +gaetano +gag +gaila +gain galactic -galaxies galaxy galileo galley +galloway +galor +galorda +galway gambled game -games +gamma +gamzian +ganalda ganglia -garnering +ganymede +garbage +garison +garrote +garvey +gary +garza gas +gaseous gasses -gateway +gates gather -gathering -gathers -gav gave +gavel geared +gel gem gene general -generating -generation +genesis genetic genius +gennaro genocide -gentleman +genome +genotron +genovese gently +geo +geodesic +geometry +geordi +george georgiou +gerald germany +gerron +gespar get +gettle geyser -ghosts +ghetto +ghost +gia giant +gibson +giddings gift +gig giggling +gil +gilmore +ginger +giotto +girani girl +giusti give -given -gives -giving glance -gleefully +glasses +gleason glenn +glider glimpse +glinn +globe +globular glory -glowing +gloves +glow +go goal -god -goes -going +gocke +gol +golwat +gomez gone +gong good -goodnight +goralis +gordon gorged -gormaganders +gorn got -gotten +goulash +goval +gown +gowron +graas grab -grabs -gradually +grade +graft +graham grain +grand grant -granted -granting -grants -grateful +grass +grav +gravitic +graviton +gravity grayson great -greatly +gree +green greet -greetings -greets +greg +gregory +gremish +grenade +greta +grey +grid grief -grief-stricken -grieves grimes grimly grip +groat groom groth ground -grounded group -groups grow -growing growls -grown -guaranteed -guarantees +grub +guard guardian +guava guess guest -guests +guide guilt -guilty +guinan +gul +gullory +gun +gurney +gyrodyne habit hack -had +hacopian +hadar +hadley +hagler hail -hails +haines +hair +haj half -half-hour +haliian halkan hall -halls +halloway hallway +hamboyan +hamilton +hammer hand -handing handle -handshake -hand-to-hand +handrail hansen -happened -happening -happily +happen happy harcourt hard -hardly +hargrove harmful harmless +harmonic harness +harper +harpoon +harren +harri +harrison harry -has +hart +haskell +hasperat +hatana hatch hate -hates have -having +hawk +hawkins +hayes +haymore +haynem +hazari head -headache -headed -heading -heads heal -healed health hear -heard -hearing -hears +hearse heart -heated +heat heavy +hebitian +hector +hedrick height -heightened held +helen helical hell +hello helm helmet helmsman help -helped -helps +henard henchmen +hendorff +henley +hennesey +henri +henshaw her +herbert +herbs here -hers -herself -hesitant hesitate -hesitation +hess +hickman hide -hiding high -higher -highest -highly -high-yield hikaru +hill him -himself +hindaki hint +hirogen his -historical history hit hitler -hits +hitora +hlaka +hodges +hogan hold -holding -holds hole -holographic -homeless -homeworld +holo +holodeck +hologram +hologrid +home honesty honey honor -honoring -honors +honorary hope -hopes +hopper +horizon horrible horror -horrors -hospitable +hortak +hose +hoshi hospital host hostile -hostility hot +houdini +hound hour -hours house -houses +hovercar how -however +howard +hoy +hoya +hub +hubbell hugh hull human humanity -humans +humat humbled -humiliate -humiliated humming humor hunched hundred -hundreds hunger -hungry hunt -hunting hurt -hurts husband +hutet +hutzel +hydrant hydro +hydrogen +hyper +hyperpro hypo -hypospray -hypothermia +ian ice -i-chaya +icheb +icoberry +iconian idea -idealistic ideally -identified -identifies identify -identifying identity -ignorance +idic ignore -ignoring -iii iks +ikuyo ilari +ilario +ilia ill illegal illogic illusory image -images imitate -immediate +immamura imminent impact -impacting impaling -impending -impersonate +imperial implant -implication -importance -important -impossible -impressed -impression -imprisoned -improvement -improving impulse -inauguration -incapacitates +imutta +in +inch incident include -included -including -inconclusive -incorrect increase -increasingly -incredulous indeed -indestructible index -indicates -indicating -individual +india induce +inductor inert -inevitable -inexplicable +inertial infamous +infantry infers -inflexible -influence inform -information -informed -informing -informs -ing +infrared +infuser +infusion +infusor inhabit inhale -inhaled inherent initial initiate -initiated -initiates -initiating inject -injected -injection -injuries -injuring injury inmates -innumerable input -inquires inquiry insect inside insist -insists -inspecting -installed -instantly instead -instincts -instructed -instructions -instructors -instructs -instrumentation -instruments -insufficient -insulted -insulting +instruct +insult intact -integrity -intellect -intelligence -intend -intended -intends intent -intentions -interactions -intercept -intercepts intercom -interdimensional interest -interested -interesting -interface -interference -intergalactic interior -interphase -interphasic -interplanetary -interpret -interrogates -interrupted -interruption -interrupts +internal +internet +intersat interval -intervals -intervene into intones -intricately-designed -intrigued -introduce -introduced -introducing intruder -intrusion -intuition -investigate -investigated -investigates -invincible -invisibility -invitation -invited -invites +invasion +invasive +inverse +inverter +invite invokes involve -involved +ion +ionizer +iotian iowa +irc +is +iso +isolator +isolytic iss issue -issued -issues -issuing +it items -its -itself +iyaaran +jabara +jacarine jacket -jammed +jackson +jacobson +jadzia +jae +jaeger +jake +james +jamie +jamm +jana +janaran +jane +janet +janeway janice +jankata +janklow +jar +jarvin +jarvis +jaxa +jay +jaylah jealous -jealousy -jefferies -jefferson -jeopardize -jeopardizes +jeff +jein +jelinian +jellico +jellied +jenkins +jenna +jenny +jeraddo +jeremy +jeri +jerry +jessica +jestral +jet +jetal +jettison +jibalian jim +jimenez joann job -jobs +joe john +johnson join -joined jokes +jon +jonas jonathan jones -josephs +jor +jordan +joseph +joshua journals -journeys +journey joy -jpg +juarez judder +judicial +juice +julian +jumbo +jumja jump -jumped -jumping -jumps +juncture +june +junie +junior +jupiter +jurot +jury just justice -justifies +kaferian kahless +kalo +kamata kamikaze -kasseelian +kaminer +kanar +kandora +kane +kaplan +karemma +karen +karvino +karyn +kathryn +katie +katra +katric katrina +kava +kaylo +kazon keeler +keeley keen keep -keeping +keiko +keith +kelby +kell +kellogg +kelowitz kelpians kelpien -kelpiens +kelso +kelvas +kemper +ken +kenicki kenner +kerr +kes +kesatian +kevin +key keyla +khan +khavorta +khitomer kicked kidnap +kieran kill -killed -killers -killing -kills -kilometer -kilometers +kilm +kiln +kim +kimara +kimball kind +kinetic kings +kir +kira +kirby kirk -kirk-spock kiss -kissing +kit +klach +klavaatu klaxon klingon -klingons knew knife -knocked -knocking -knocks -knowing -knowledge -known -knows +knitting +knock +know +kobayashi +kolaran +kolinahr koloth +kolyan +kolyar komack -koon-ut-kal-if-fee +kopf korax +korvat kowski +kradin +krenim +krim +krios +kristin +kristine +kroad +ktarian +kub +kuiper +kumari +kunz +kurland +kurn +kurt +kwan kyle +kyoto lab -laboratory +labor lack ladder +lakarian +lakat +lake +lal lamb +lambda laments +lamp land -landing +landon +landras +landru landry -lands +lang language -languages +lankal +lantern +laptop +laren large -larger +larish +larry +larson +laser last +latara late -later +lateral +lathe +latimer +latinum latter laugh -laughed -laughing -laughter launch -launches +lavelle law -lay +lawton +lazard lead leaders -leadership -leading -leads +leaf leans learn -learned -learning -learns least leave -leaves -leaving lectures led +lee +leech +lefler left leg legacy +legal +legate legend +legion leland -lennon +lemli +lens +leola leonard +leong +leslie less -lesser -lets -letting +lett +letters +lev level -leveling -levels +lewis +lian liar liberty library +license lie -lies life lifeform lifeless lifelong +lift light -lighting -lightning -lights -light-skinned like -liked -likely -likes -limited -limits +limb +limit +lin +linda line -liner -linked +linear +link +linnis liquid lirpa +lisa list listen -listens -listing -literally +litana +litmus litter little +livanian live -lives -living loaded +lobe local -located -locating -location +locate +locator lock -locked -locks +locket +locklin +lockout +lockseal +locutus log +logan logic logical -logically -logs +lois +lokar +lon long -longer -long-range +longo look -looking lookout -looks loop loot +lopez lorca +lorian +lorot +lorvan lose -losing -losses lost lot loudly +louise +louvier +loval love -loved -loves -loving low +lowry +luc luck -lucky +luhvian +lumbar +luna +lunar lunch lure lurry +lute luxury -lying +lydia +lyman +lynch +lyndsay +maaza +macduff machine -machinery +maco +macormak +madalone maddox +maddy +made madly madness +mag +maggie +maglock +magnet +magnetic +magnus mahna +mail main maintain -maintained -maintains +maje +major +makapa +makara make -makes -makeup -making -malaysia +malcolm male -malfunctioned +mallory +malt man +manacle manage -managed -manager -manages -maneuvers +mandel +mandy +manhole maniac manic +manifold mankind -manner -manning +mann +mannus manual -manually -many map +mapa +maranga +marc +marcel +marcus +mari +marie +marissa +mark market markings +markson +marla marlena -marriage -marriages +marob +marple +marquez marry mars -martine -martine-tomlinson +marshal +martha +martin +martok martyr -masses +maru +marvin +mary +maryl +masaro +mask +mason +mass +massaro massive +master matching mate material -materialize -materialized -materializing -materials -mathematical -mating +mathews +matopin +matrix +matron +matson matt -matter maximum may maybe +mayter +mcbee +mccarthy mccoy +mcdowell +mcgarry +mcgivers +mckay +mckenzie +mcknight +mcminn meal mean -meaning -means meant meantime -meanwhile +mears measures meat medal +medi medical +medicine meditate -melds +medkit +mees +megalite +megan +meld +melora +melvaran members -memories +memory mempa -men +mendez mending -mentions +mendon +menegay +mention mentor +mercedes mercy merely +meridor +merlot +merri +mesh mess message -messages -messed met -metabolism metal -metal-cased -methodically +meteor methods +metreon metrics +mezoti michael mickey -microscopic +micro mid midst might miles -military +militia milk -milky +miller million -millions +mimas mimics +min mind mine -mines -mining -ministrations +ministry +minnerly minor +minshara +mint mintaka minute mirror -mirrors +missile missing mission -missions mistress misused +mitchell +mnemonic moaning +moba +mobile +mocha mode -modifications +model +modela +modern +module +moebius +molina mollify +mollusk +molly molor +molotov moment -momentarily -momentary money moniker +moninger monitor -monitored -monitoring -montgomery +monkey +monks +monroe month -months +moody moon -moons +moore +moraes moral -morale more -moreau +moreno +morgue morning +morrow +morse +morska +mortae mortal +mortar +mortimer +mossler most +mot motes mother -motivated -motivational +motion +motor +mount mourning +mouse +mousse mouth move -movement -movements -moves movie -moving much -much-larger -multidimensonal -multiplying +mud +mulchaey +mulhall +multi +multiple +muniz +munoz murder -murdered -murderers +murphy muscles muses music -musician +muskan must -mutilated +mutara +mute mutineer -mutineers mutiny mutually mycelial mycelium -mysterious +myelin +myers mystery +nacelle +nadion +nagal +nagel +nagus +naiman +nalas name -named -namely -names +namod +nanite +nano +naomi nap +nara +narendra narrowed +narsu nasty +natasha native -natives natural nature -nausicaan naval +navarch navigate -navigation -navigational -navigator navy -nazi -nazi-esque -nazis +ncc ndash near -nearby -nearest -nearly +nebula neck +nectar need -needed -needing needle -needs -negatively -negotiations +neela +neelix +negative neither +nella +nelson +nemecek +nemesis +neon nerve -nervous -nervousness +nerys +nestor +net network -network-constructed neural -neuro-paralyzer +neuro +neuss +neutral +neutrino +neutron never new -newly-built -news -newspaper next +nexus +nhan +nicola night -nightmare -nights nilz +nimian +nimoy +nine +nitron +noah +node nods +noel +nog noise -non +nokia none -nonetheless -non-human -non-humanoid -nor +nori +normal +norman not notable note -notes nothing notice -noticed notified -notifies -noting +nova +novel now -now-former -nowhere +nozawa +nozzle nuclear nugget +null numb -number +numeric numerous nurse -nutrients +nursery +nut nyota +oath +obelisks object -objections -objective -objects -oblivious -observation -observed -observes -observing +observe +obsidian +ocampa +occupied occur -occurred +ocean octopus +ocular odd -offer -offering -offers -off-guard +of +off offhand office -officer -officers -offices -officiating -off-line -offspring often +ogat +ogawa +oil +okala old -ominously -once +olian +omarion +omega +omelette +on +onara oncoming one -ones -on-line -only +onion onto +oort open -opening -opens opera operate -operational -operations -operative -operatives operator ophiucus opinion -opinions -opponents -opportunities opposing -optimism -optimistic +opted +optic +optical options +optronic +or +oracle +orbital orbiting +orchid order -ordered -ordering -orders -organian +ore +orfil +organ +organia organic organism -organized -organs +orias original origins orion -orions -ostensibly +orlando +ortholav +ortiz +osana +osborne +oskoid +osol +osteo other -others -ourselves out outburst outcome -outer outfit -outnumbered outpost -outposts outraged outside -outworlder over -overall -over-breed +overburn overcome +overdiek overdose overhead overhear -overhears overload -overloads -overpowers -overridden -overseeing -overthrow -overwhelmed owes owosekun +oxygen +pablo +pacelli pacifist -pacifists pack -pad +packet padd -pads +pager +pahvan pain -pained +paint pair -pairing palace +palamas +palm +palukoo +pan +panel panic -panspermia +papa +papalla +paper +paraka parallel -paralyzed -parameters pardon parents paris parroted parsec +parsons part -participate +parthas particle -particular -particularly parties -partly-open partner -partners -parts pass -passed -passersby -passes -passing -passionately past +pasta +pastry +patch +pate +paterson path +pathway patients +patricia +patrol pattern +patti +paul +pauley pauses pavel +pavlik +paz +pazlar +pcapsys +pea peace -peaceful +pechetti peculiar -penetrate +pedal +peel +peeples +peets +pejuta +peliar +pelosa +penal +pendant +pentath +penthe people -per -perfection -perfectly +perez perform -performance -perimeter +perim period -permanent -permeates -permission permit -permitted -perpetrator -perplexed -persecute +perseids persists person -personal -personnel -perspective persuade +pestle pet +pete +peterson petition +petri +petty +phage phase -phaser -phasers -phenomenon +pheben +phil philippa -photograph +phillip +phlox +phone +phonetic +phoretic photon phrase +phylum physical -physically physics -physiology +picard pick -picked -picking -picks picture -piezoelectricity -piezolectric +pie +pierce +pierre +pierson +pike +pilaf pile +piller pilot +pinar pinch -pinpointed +pinder +piper pirate -place -placed -placing +pitcairn +piton +plain plak plan planet -planetary -planetoid -planets -planned +plant plasma plateau platform -platform-like +platt play -played -playfully -playing -plays +plaza plea -plead -pleads -pleased -pleases -pleasing +plebe +pleenok +plexus plomeek plot -plots -pna-episode +plumb pocket pod +poets point -pointedly -pointing -points poison -poisoned +pok +pola +polar +polarity +polaron police -policeman -politically +poma pon ponder -ponders pong +pool poorly -populated -population port portable portal +porthos position +positron posits -possibility possible -possibly post -posthumously -posts -posturing -potential +posture +potts +pouch +poultice +pound pouring -poverty-stricken +powder +powell power -powered powerful -precipitating +praxis precise predator -predators -prediction -predictive -preemptive -preferring prefers +prefix pregnant -prematurely -preoccupied +premier prepare -prepared -prepares -preparing presence present -present-day -presented -presents preserve -president -pressed -presses -pressing -presumably -pretending +press +pressor +pressure +preston prevent -prevented -preventing -prevention -prevents previous -pre-warp price pride +prieto primary prime -principal -principals -principles +primmin print prior priority +prishic +prism prison -prisoner -prisoners private -privately -privilege +prixus prize -probability probably -procedure +probe proceed -proceeding process produced -production -profitable -progenitors program -programming -prohibits project -promised -promises -promising +promise promoted -promotion promptly proof propel prophecy -proprietor -propulsion -prosecute -protecting -protection -protective +prosecco +protein protest -protests protocol -prototaxites +proton prove -proven provide -providing provoke -provoking -proximity -psychiatrist +psionic +psychic psycho public -pulled -pulls +pudding +puff +pulaski +pull +pulley +pulsar +pulsatel +pulse +pump punch -punches -punching punished -punishment -purchases +pup +purge purpose -pursued -pursues -pursuing +pursue push -pushes -pushing put -puts -putting puzzled -quadrotriticale +pylon +qomar +quad +quadrant +quail quantity quantum quarrel +quarren quarters +quasar queries question -questioned -questioning -questions quick -quickly quiet -quietly +quinn +quintana +quist quite -quizzes -quizzing +quizz quotes +quvat race -races -radiation radio +radiola +raft +ragan +rager +rahda +rahn raider -raiders +rain raise -raised -ramifications -rammed +ralph +ram +rama +rameau +ramirez +ramos +ramp rampant -rand +ramsey +ramufta range rank rapid -rapidly +ratamba +rate rather +rawlins +rawski +ray +rayburn reach -reached -reaches -reaching -react -reacting -reaction -reacts -read +reactor readings readout -ready real reality -realization -realized -realizes -realizing -really -reappeared -reappearing -reappears +realize +reappear +rear reason -reasoning -reassured -reassures -rebellion +reassure +rebecca +rebi +reboot rebuffed rebukes -recalling -recalls +recall receive -received -receives recent -reception recites reckless -recognizing -recommends -reconcile -reconsider -recording -recounts +record recover -recovered -recovering -recovery -recreation -red +recruit redacted -redeeming -red-handed -redirecting +redbat +redspice reduce -reduced -reducing +reel reemerge -reentering -reference -referencing -referred -referring +reen +reese +referr reflect -reflexively -refreshing -refused -refuses -refusing +refuse regains regard -regarding -regards +reginald region +regional +register +regova regret -regretfully -regrettable regulan -regularly -regulation -regulations regulus -rehabilitation -rehydrate -reinforcements -reiterate +reilly related -relation -relationship -relationships -relatives relax relay -relayed -relays release -released -releases -relief relieve -relinquish -relinquishes -reluctantly remain -remains remark -remarking -remarks -remastered remember -remembers remind -reminded -reminder -reminding +remote remove -removed -removing render -rendering -repaired -repairs -repeatedly +rene +renlay +repair repeats replay -replication -replies reply report -reports -represent reprieve -reproaches -reproduction -reproductive -reputation +republic request -requests require -required -requirement -requires -requiring rescue -rescued -rescuing research -resemblance resemble -resembling -reservations reset -resetting -resignedly resist -resisting +resonant resort -resources respect -respectable -respected respond -responded -responding -responds -response -responsibility -rest restart restless restored -restrained -restrains -restraints +restrain result -resulted -resulting resume -resumed -resumes -resuscitation +retinal retreats retrieve -retrieving -retrospect return -returned -returning -returns reunite -reunited reveal -revealed -revealing -reveals revenge reverse review +revised revive -revived -revives revolt -revolution -revolutionary +reynolds +rhea +rhodes rhys +rice rich +richard +rick rid ride rifle -rifles +rift +rig +rigger right -rightful -rights +riker +riley +rinax ripples rise +risian risk -risking -risks +risotto +rita +rite ritual +rivers +rivos +rizzo +roast robbing robert +robin +robinson +robot +rock +rocket +rod rodent +roger +rogue +rokassa role +rolk +rollins +rom roman -roman-like +romero romulan -romulans romulus +ron +ronald room roommate -roosevelt -roots +rooney +root +rope +rosa +rose +ross +rossi +rostov rotating -rotation round routing +rover +rowboat +rowe +royal +rozhenko ruin -ruined rules +rulot +rumall run -running -runs +runner rupture +rura rush -ruthlessly +russ +russell +russo +ryan +ryson +saavik sabotage +sabre sac sacred -sacrificed sadly safe -safely -safety said +sail +salad +salazar sales saliva salmon salt salute -salutes +sam +samantha +samarian same sample +sanchez +sand +sanders +sandfire +sandoval +sandra sandwich -sarcastically -sarcophagi -sarcophagus -sarcophagus-like +sandworm +sar +sarah sarek +sariel +sarion saru +satcom +sato +sauce +sauna +saurian +sausage savage save -saved -saves -saving saw say -saying -says scale -scan -scanning -scans -scattering +scalpel +scanner scene scepter +scheimer scheme +school +schplict science -scientific -scientist scoff +scope scott -scotty +scout scow scramble scrap -screaming -screams +scream screen -scrutinize -sculpture-like +scrub scurry +sea +seaborn seal +seaman search seat -seating -secondary -seconds +second secret section sector secure -secured security -seductive +sedan see -seeing seek -seeking -seeks seem -seemed -seeming -seemingly -seems -seen -sees +seev sehlat -self-defense -self-destruct +seismic +selar +seleya +self sell -sending -sends +sena +senarian +send +sendine +senior sense -senses -sensing -sensitive -sensitivities -sensitivity sensor -sensors sent sentence -sentenced -sentiment -sentimental -sequences -sequitur +sequence +sergeant series serious +seronian serve -serves -serving +service +servo +seska session set -setting +setti +seuphon seven -several severe -severed -severely -shadows +sextant +shadow shake -shaken -shakes shall shame -shameful shape share -shared -shares sharply +sharr +shatner shaven +shawn she +shea +shear sheepish +shelby shenzhou sherman +sherry shield -shielded -shielding -shields shift -shifting -shifts +shikahr +shimizu +shimoda ship -ships +shipley +shirkar shock -shocked -shocks shoot -shoots +shopping shore short -shortly shot should -shoulder shouts shoves show -shown -shows +shri shriek +shrimp shrine -shuddering -shudders +shudder shushing shut -shuts shutter -shuttered shuttle -shuttlebay -shuttlecraft -shuttlepod sickbay side sidearm -sides sidewalk -siding sight sign signal -signals -signatures -signs -silence -silenced -silences silent +silmic +sim similar +simmons +simon simple -simply simulate -simulation -simultaneously since +singh single +sinkhole +siral +siren +sisko sister sit -sitting -situation +site +sito six -six-inch +sizing skeletal -skeptical -skepticism +skill +skimmer +sky slack slams slaps +slave +sled sleep -slides +slide slight slip slow -slowly -slows +slug slump -slumps small -smaller smarter smashes smell smile -smiles -smiling +smith +smoke +smothers +smutko +snail +snake snapping +snare sneak sneers snoring sobbing -softly +socorro +sofin +soft +software sol solace solar sold soldier sole +solis +soliton solitude +solution somber -somberly some -somehow -someone -something -sometime -sometimes -somewhere +somnetic son +sonak +sonic +sonya soon soothing +sordal sorry sort +souffle sound -sounds soup source spa space -spaceborne -spacesuit sparing spatial speak -speaking -speaks special -specialist -specially species -speculated -speculates +specimen +speckman +spectral +spectrum speech -speechless speed -speeds speirein spend +sphere spican -spies +spice +spinelli +spiny +spirits +spith splendid +splint split spock sporal spore -spores spot sprang +spray spread -spreads sprint -spt spur +sputnik spy +squill stabbed +stadi +staff stage staggers -staircase +stairway +stalk staments stamets stand standard standby -standing -stands +stanton +star starbase stardate stares -starfleet -starfleet-related -stars +stargram starship start -started -starting -starts starved +stasis state -states +static station -stations status +steak steal -steals stella -stellaviatori +stellar +stem step -stepping -steps +stepan +sterile +steve steven +stew +stewart stick stiles still +stimson +stipes +stirrup +stock stolen +stolzoff stone stonn stop -stopped -stopping -stops storage storm -storms story +stotler straal strain -stranded -stranding +stran +strand strange -stranger -strangles -strapped +strap strategy +stream street -streets -strength -strenuous stress -stresses strike -strikes -striking +string strip -stripped strong struck struggle -struggles stuart stuck study stuff -stuffed stumbles stunned +stunsail stupid +sturgeon +subahdar subdue -subdued -subdues -subjugating -submitting -subsequently -subsiding +subhadar +subsonic subspace -substitute subtly +subunit +subvocal succeed -succeeded -succeeding -succeeds -successes -successful -successfully -successive such sudden -suddenly -suddently -suffered -suffering -sufficiently -suffocation -suggesting -suggests +suder +suffer +suggest suicide suit -suited suites +suliban sulu -sum -summarizes summon -summoned sun sunday -suns +sundial +sunrise +sunset +sunspot superior -superiority -superiors -supernova -supplemental supply support suppose -supposed -suppresses -suppressing +supra +supreme +surak sure surface +surge surgeon surgery -surgical +surma surmises surprise -surprised -surprises surround -surrounded -surrounding -surrounds -survival -survived -survives -survivor -survivors +survey +survive +susan suspect -suspects sustain -sustained +sutter suture suus +suzi swamping swaps sweeping +sweet +swensen +swift swings +swinn sword sylvia -symbiotic -synthesizing +synaptic +synthale +syringe +syrup system -systematically -systems -table +tablet +tabor +tachyon +tack tactical +tactile +tag +tagana +taggert tail +tailor +taitt take -takes -taking +takka +tal +talaxian +tale talk -talking -tanks +talpet +talsa +tamarin +tampoya +tamura +tank +tankris +tanner tantalus tape -tardigrade +tapeworm +tar +tara +taresian target -targeted -targets -tartigrade +tarin +tarok +tarses +tart +tartoc +tash task -tasked +taspar +tassoni taught taunts +tauri +taurik tax +taylor +tcars tea teach -teachings team -teams -tearfully tease -teaser -technical -technique -technology +tech teddy teeth -telemetry -telepathic -telescope +tekoa +telegram +telfer tell -tellarite -telling -tells tellun +telnorri +temple temporal -temporary ten tendrils tends +tent +teplan +teracaq +terai +teraquad +teresa term terminal -terminates -terminology -terms +terok terran terrible -territory +tess test -tested -tests tether +tetryon +text +tezber +thalian than -thanking -thanks +thank tharn that the +theater theft their -theirs thelev -them -themselves +thelin then -theoretical -theorizes -theorizing theory therapy there thereby +thermic these -they -thing -things +theta think -thinking -thinks -third thirteen this -those +thomas +thompson +thoms +thoracic +thoridar +thorium +thorne +thoron +thorpe +thot though -thoughtfully thousand threat -threatening -threatens -threats three throat -throne-like +thrombic +throttle through -throughout throw -throwing -thrown -throws -thruster -thrusters +thrust +thule thumb tie +tight +tiki till +tilonian +tilonus tilts time +timebase timeline -times +timeship +timothy +tina tired +tissue +titan title -t-negative +to toast today +toddy +toffa together +tojal told -tolerated toll +tom +tomato +tongue +tonia +tonic tons -tonsillectomy +tonsa +tony too took tool -toolbox -tools top -top-secret -torchbearer +torch +torigan +tormolen +torna +toroidal +torothan torpedo +torque +torres +torrot +torte torture -tortured +toru tosses total -totally touch -touches tour touts tow toward -towards +towel +towles +toya trace track tractor +tracy trade -traditional -traditions traffic +traggle trail -trained -training -trains +train trait +trakian +tranome transfer -transference -transferred -transfixed -transfusion transit -transmission -transmissions -transmitter -transport -transporter -transporting -transports -transpose -trapped +tranya +trap +trauma travel -traveling -travels +travis +travois +treasury treating -treatment treaty +trek +triagar tribble -tribbles +tribunal trick -tricking -tried -tries +tricorder +trie trill trip +triton +trivas +trixian +troi +troop trouble +trova +troyius truck true +trumari trust -trusted -truth -trying tube -tubes -turbolift +tubule +tucker +tug +tuning +tunnel turn -turned -turning -turns +tuvix +tuvok +tuwaly twelve -twelve-hour twenty -twenty-seven -twenty-three twice -twisted +twist two -two-way +tygokor tyler type -typically tyranny +tyrus +tzartak +ufc +ufp +uhlan uhura +ullage +ultra +umbato unable -unadorned -unannounced -unanticipated -unauthorized -unbelievably +unai uncaring -uncertain -unchanged -uncharacteristically -uncivilized uncle -uncomfortable -unconscious -unconvinced -uncooperative -uncovered uncrewed under -undergoing -undersecretary -understand -understanding -understands -understood -undertaking -undetected unease -uneasily -unexplored unfazed -unforgettable -unfortunate -unfortunately -unidentified uniform -uniforms unify -uninhabitable -uninterested +union unique -united +unit universe -universes unknown unless -unlikely -unlocking -unnecessary -unnoticed +unnamed unpacks -unpleasantness -unprecedented -unpredictable -unprincipled unsafe unseen -unsurprised -unthinkable until unusual -unwittingly unworthy updates upheaval upper upset +urchin urges use -used -useful -useless -uses +ushaan +uss usually vacant vacation vacuum vain -value -values +vak +valerian +valerie +valonnan +valve +van vapor -vaporized -vaporizes -vaporizing -vapors +variable various -varying +vascular vast -vastly -vectors +vat +vault +vector +vedala +vee veers vega +vehicle veins +veklava +velal +velocity veneer -ventilation venting verifier +verism +vernier very +vescio vessel -vessels +vhnori via +vial +vice vicinity victim -victims victory video +vidiian view -viewing viewport -viewscreen +viia +vilm +vinci +vinculum +vine violate -violating -violation violent -violently -virtually +viral +virts +virtual virus visible -visibly vision visit -visits +visor visual vitally +vocal +voder +vodrey voice -voices -volcanic volcano -volcanoes -volunteers +vole +voodai voq +vori +vorik +voroth +vorta vortex vote vows +voyage vulcan -vulcans +wadi wait -waited -waiting -waits -wakes -waking +wake walk -walking -walks wall +wallace +walsh +walter want -wanted -wanting -wants war +warbird ward -warfare warhead -warlike warn -warning -warns +waroon warp warrior -warriors +warship wartime was +washburn waste watch -watches -watching water +watkins +watley +watson wave -waves +waveform +waverly way -ways weak -weakened -weapons +weapon wearing +web wedding wedge week -weeks weet +weiss welcomes -welcoming +welder +wendy went +wentlian were +wesley +west +whalen what -whatever +whatley +wheel +whelan when -whenever where -whereabouts -wherever whether which while +whiskey white who -whoever -wholesale -whom -whose why +wide wife wiggles +wilbur +wilcox wild will -willing -willingly -willingness +willie +willis wilson +wiltz win +wind window -windows -winds -winning -wins +wine +wings wipe -wiped -wiping wisely wish -wishes with -within -without -witnesses woken woman +wompat won -wondering -wonderland -wondrous +wong +woods +woofer word -words +worene +worf work -workaround -worked -working world -worlds +worm +wormhole worry -worrying worsened worth would wound -wounded -wounds -wrapped +wrap +wrath +wrench wrestles +wright wrong -xenological +wyatt +xindi +yacht +yacobian +yaderan +yalasat +yamok +yar yeager year -years yellow yells yeoman yes yet +yigrish +yndar york +yosa +yoshiko you young -your -yours -yourself +yoyodyne +yridian yurium -zee-magnees +yuron +yuta +zabel +zabu +zahra +zapata +zayra +zel +zenith +ziegler +ziff +zim +ziyal zone +zoth +zylo diff --git a/passphraseme/wordlists/starwars-2018.txt b/passphraseme/wordlists/starwars-2018.txt index 66ff029..863e0e2 100644 --- a/passphraseme/wordlists/starwars-2018.txt +++ b/passphraseme/wordlists/starwars-2018.txt @@ -1,4000 +1,4000 @@ +aak +aargonar aayla +abafar abandon -abandoned -abandoning abdomen abednedo -abilities +abeloth ability ablaze able +abo aboard about above +abrams +abregado +absanz absence -absolutely abyss +acablas academy -accelerate -accept -accepts access -accidentally -accompanied -accompany -accompanying -accomplished -according -accurately -accusations accuses -accustomed -achieve +ace +acidity ackbar -acknowledged +acolytes across act -acting -action -actions -activate -activates -activating -activities -acts actual +ada +adamite adapted +adarga add -additional -adds -adjourns -administrator +adept +adi admiral admit -admits +adnama adopted adult -advance -advanced -advantage -adventures -advice advise -advises -advocate -affecting +advocacy +aesthete +affadar aflame afraid after -aftermath -afternoon -afterward again against +agamar +agapos +agaris aged agen -aggressive +agency agile ago agony +agra agree -agreed -agrees -ahch-to +ahakista +ahrnell aid -aided -aides -aids +aidu aim air -aircraft -airstrike +ajalo +ajax +akiva +akk +aks +alaris +alavar +alayta albeit +alchaka +alchemy alderaan -alerted -alerts +alderath +alec +aleen +aleena +alert +alexi alias -alienating +alien alike alive all -allegiance +allecto alliance allie -allies allow -allowing -allows -ally +allst +allyuen almost alone along +alora +alpha +alpinn already also -alternative -although +altar +ama amanda +amander +amaxine ambush -ambushed -ambushes +amedda +amee +amethia amidala amidst amilyn +amithest +ammon +amon among -amusement +amrosio +amulet +an +ana +anak anakin +anawa +anaxes ancient and +andeddu +andelm +ando andor +anelsana anew anger -angered angle -angrily angry -anguish +ania +anima animal -animation -annihilated -announce -announced -announces -announcing -annoyance -another +ankhural +ann +annali +anoat +anselm +ansion answers -antagonizing -antechamber +antar antenna -anticipated +anthan +anthony +anti antilles antoc -any -anything +anya apart -apartment -apologize -apologizes -apology -apparently +aperion +aphshire appeals appear -appearing -appears -applause appo -appointment -appoints -apprehended -apprehending -apprentice -approach -approached -approaches -approaching -approval -approved -approximately +aqualish +aquaris +arantara +arbiter +arch archduke are area argues +aria +arieli +aris +arkanis arm armada -armed armitage armor -armored -arms -army around arrest -arrested -arrival +arreyel arrive -arrived -arrives -arriving +arrizza +arrow +art +article +artiod +artisan +artist artoo +artusian +arvel +as +ascent +asha +ashern +ashes +ashlanae aside -asking -asks +ask +askaji asleep -asperations -aspiring +asmeru +aspects +aspectu assault -assaults -assembling assess asset -assigned -assignment +assist assumes assures asteroid -asteroids +astraal astride -astromech -astronomical -at-act +asusto +asyrphus +at at-at -at-ats -atmospheric +athulla +atollon atop -at-st -at-sts -attached -attaches +atrisia +attache attack -attacked -attacking -attacks -attempt -attempting -attempts -attention -audacious -audience +atterra +auction aunt -automated +aurra +auto avail -available +avery avoid -avoids await -awaken -awakened -awakens awakes aware away -awoke -awoken +awglk axe -axes -babies baby back -backed -backfires -background -backing -backpack -backs -back-to-back bacta bad +badi badlands -badly +bagwa bail -balancing -bala-tik -balbianello +baker +bakura +balance balcony +balith ball -ballet +balnab +baltro +bamayar band bandage +bandit +bane bank banquet bantha +banvhar +bar +baran barc +bardak +bardotta +barduun bare -barely bargain -bargaining barge bargwill bark +barlow +barriss +bascus base basic +baskalar bass -battalion -battering +bastatha +basteel +bastian +batonn battle -battled -battles -battleship -battling +batuu +bavva bay baze bazine +bazzel +bb-8 +be beach -beaches beacon beam +bearers beast beaten beauty -became because beckett become -becomes -becoming been before began begin -beginning -begins -begrudgingly begs begun -behalf behead -beheading -beheads +behemoth behind -being +bel +belandi +belasco belch +beldonna believe -believes -believing -belly -belonged -beloved -below +belmer +belnar +belt +beltire ben +bendoh +bendu +bene beneath benefit +benthar benthic +berch +bergon beru +berzite beside bespin -bestowing +bestine bests -betrayal -betrayed -betraying +beta +betray better between +bewil beyond bib +bibble bid big biggs bight bike +bilious +billaba +bilzen binary binder +biniir binks +bio +birra +birren birth +bissa +bite +bith bitter black -blackmails +blacktar blade blagg blame -blaming +blanaid blanket +blario blast -blaster -blasters -blasting -blasts -bleeding +blaz blind -blizzard block -blockade -blockaded blood -blood-red -bloodthirsty blow blue -blueprints board -boarded -boarding -boards boba +boda bodhi -bodies body +boffin +bog boga +bogden bohdi bolt -bolts -bombardment -bombards -bombers -bombing +bomb +bombad +bonadan bond +bonnet booby books +boonta booster +boothi bor +bora born +boru +boshek +boss bossk +botajef both +bothawui +botor bottom bought bouhlel +bouncer bounty boushh -bowcaster bowels bows box boy +bracca +bragh +bran +brance +branch +branded +brangus +brave bravo brawl -breached -breaches +braxus +bray +brayan +breach break -breaks breath -breathe -breathing -breaths breha +brentaal bribe bridge brief -briefly bright bring -bringing -brings -broadcasts -broken +broker +brood broom brother brought brush -brutally +bryndar +bucket budget -building +bug built +bullwin +bultar bunker -buried +bunny +bureau burn -burned -burning +burnin +burnout +burra burst -bursts +burtola bury -business -businessman -bustling but -butt button buy buzz -bypassing +by +byss +c-3po +caar +caarimon +cabbel cable -cables -cackling cadera cadet +cadomai +cadre +caeleb +cala calamari -calculations +calderos +caleb call -called -calling -calls callsign calm -calrissian +caluan +calvary came +camie +camp +camson can +canady cannon -cannons -cannot cantina canto -cantonica canyon capable capital -capsules captain -captains captive -captives -captivity captors capture -captured +carajam +caravan +caraxl +caraya carbon -carbon-freezing -carbonite -carbonization +cardota cards care -cared -carefully -cares cargo +cargryph carida carkoon +carlac carnage -carried -carries -carrying +carpet +carrie +cartao case caserta casino +cassa cassian -casting +castell +castilon castle -casually -casualties -catacombs catalyst catch -catches cato -caught +cauldron cause -caused -causes -causing caution cave cavern +cawa ceiling -celebrate -celebrates -celebration cell -cellblock -cells +celot cement center -ceremony +centris +cerean certain +cestus +chaaktil +chad chain -chained chair -chairman -challenges +chal +chalacta +chalmun +chamat chamber -chambers +champala chance -chancellor +chandar +chandel change -changed -changing chaos +chara charge -charges -charred +chargona charted chase -chased -chases chasez chasm +chatos checks -chest -chewbacca +cheelru +cheryl +chev chewie +chi chides +chief child -childbirth -children +chinook +chirpa chirrut +chlorian +chobb +chodo choice choke -chokes +chokee +choobies choose -chooses +chopper +chorios chosen chris -chronicles -chuckles +chrona +chu +chuba +church chute +cianap cin +cinder cinema +cinzia +circle citadel citing citizens city +civic civil +civilian claim -claiming -claims +clams +clan +clanker clasp class +clat +claw clean -cleaning -cleanly +cleanse clear -clearance -clearly -cleaving +clerion +cliegg cliff -cliffside climb -climbing -climbs cloak clone -clones close -closer -closes cloud -cloud-riders -clutches +clovocs +club +clue +clutch coaxium -cobalt code -codebreaker -coded -codenamed +codex +codia cody coerced -coffin +coil cold -collapse -collapses -collapsing -collared -colleagues -collect -collection +colla +colonel colony +colossus +colton +columus comatose combat -combatants +combine come -comes comfort -comfortable -comforted -coming comlink +comm command -commanded -commandeers -commander -commanders -commanding -commands -commence -commences -commends -commented +commenor commit -committing -communicate -communicates -communicating -communication -communications como -compactor -companion -companions -company -compartments -compels -competence -complement -complete -completed -completely -completing complex -complimenting -compound -compressor -compromised -computer comrade -comrades -conceivable -concentrated -concentrating -concentration +cona concern -concerned -concerning -concludes -concussion -condemned -conditions -conducted -confederacy -conference -confesses -confidence -confides -confirmation -confirmed -confirms -conflicted -confront -confronted -confronting -confronts -confused -confusion -congratulates -connected -connection -consciousness -consensus -consents -consider -considered -consignment +concord +confirm +connix console -construction -consumed -consumes +consume contact -contacted -contacts -containing -contemplate -contemplated -contempt content context -continuation -continue -continued -continues -continuing -contrast control -controls -conversation -converted -converting -convince -convinced -convinces -convincing -convocation +convert convoy -cooperate -cooperated -coordinated -coordinates -co-pilot +cool +coorr +cora +corde core corellia -cornered -corners -corporate +coreward +corner +coronet corps -corpses -corridor -corridors -corrupted -corruption -coruscant +corulag +corvair corvette +cos +cosia +cosmic could council -counsel count -counter -counterattack -counter-attack -counter-attacked -counters -course +courier +court cover -covered -covers -covertly -cowardly +covert +coyerti craft crait crash -crashes -crashing -crash-land -crash-lands crater craves crawl -create -creates -creating -creation -creature -creatures credits crew -cries crime -criminal -criminals crimson -crippled -criticizes +crisis +crocker crolute -crosses +cross crowd +crucible +crucival cruiser +crul crumb +crusade crush -crushed -crushing cry -crystals +cryalira +crynyd +crypt +crystal +csilla cuffs +cularin +cull +culroon +cult +cur curio curious current cursing -custody cut -cuts -cutting +cybloc cyborg +cylo +cymoon +cyphar +cyrkon +cyst +daal +daan +dac dagobah -dais +dagoyan +dahz +dai +daine +dajus dak +dal +dallenor damage -damaged -damages +damask +dambrizi dameron -dancing +dampen +danc +dance +dandoran danger -dangerous -dangers dangles +daniels +danod +danoor +danu +danva +dao +daragon +darex +darial +dariana +darien +daring dark -darklighter -darkness -dark-side -darksider +darkk +darlyn +darparu darth -dashes +dasoor +dassal data databank -daughter -daughters +dathomir +datoo +daultay davits dawn +daxam +daxan day -days -deactivate -deactivated -deactivates -deactivating +dazon +dea dead -deadly +deak deal -dealings -deals dear +dearic death -deaths -debriefs +debates debt -debts -decapitates -deceased december -deception +decency decide -decided -decides -deciding -decision -decisively deck -declares -declaring -declines -decoration -deduced -deduces +decor +deduce deems deep -deeper -deeply defeat -defeated -defeating -defected -defection defector defend -defending -defends -defense -defenseless -defenses -defensive -defiance +defiant defined -deflected -deflector -deflects -deformed +deflect +dei +deja +dejarik del -delays deleted -delighted deliver -delivered -delivers +dellalt +delos +delphon +delta +delving +demagol demand -demands +demir demise -democracy -demolished -demonstrate -demonstrates -demonstration +demophon +demos demotes -demotion +dena +denash dengar denial -denied -denies +dennogra +denon deny +depa depart -departing -department -departs -departure depend -depicted -deployed -deploys +deploy +depot +derlin +dermos +dervish descend -descends descent -describe -describes desert -deserter -deserting design -designation -designed desire despair -despairing -desperate -desperately -despite -destabilize -de-stabilize -destined destiny +destrier destroy -destroyed -destroyer -destroyers -destroying -destroys -destruction detach -detaching -detained +detail detect -detection -detention -determines -detonates -detonator -detonators -devastator -developments -device +detritus +deuce +dev +devaron devil -devising +devin +devore devour -devours +dex +dexter +dhandu +dhar +dhara +diah dianoga +dice did die -dies -different -difficult digital -diminutive -diplomatic +dil +dillian +diner +dinn +dinwa +dinzo +dio direct -directions -director -directors +dirtball dirty disable -disabled -disables -disabling -disagrees -disappearance -disappeared -disappearing -disappears -disappointed -disapproving disarms disaster -disbelief -discarding -discharges -discloses -discover -discovered -discovering -discovers -discreetly -discuss -disengages -disfiguring -disguise -disguised disgust dismay -dismembered -dismisses -disobeying -disobeys -dispatched -dispatches -disperses -displayed -displays -disposing -disregards -dissipate -distance +disobey +display +dispute distant -distaste -distract -distracted -distraction -distress -district -distrust -distrustful -disturbance -ditches dive -diversionary -docked -docking +division +djas +djinn +do +dobbu +dock +doctor +dod +doda dodonna -does +dofine +dog dogfight +doi +doikk +dolina +doln +doloria +domina done +dooarix dooku +doom door dopheld +dorin +dorivonn dormant +dorme +dorumaa +dosh dotted double doubts +douro down -downed -downfall +dowut +doza +draboon +dracos draft drag -drags -draining -drains +drain +drake drallig +dram +drashi draven draw -drawer -drawing -draws +draxus +drayvos +drazkel dreaded -dreadnought dream -dreaming -dreams dressed +dressel +drevun +drik drink -drinking -drinks drive -driven -driving droid -droids +drone drop -dropped -dropping -drops dryden +duala +duality dubbing -ducks +duck duel -dueling -duels -dumbfounded +dume dump +dun dune +dunn duo +dupe during +durkteel +duro +durshana +dwan dwarf -dwindle -dying +dwartii +dweller each +eaden eadu ealing -earlier -early +earl easily east eating -eccentric +eawen echo +edestus edge +edian +edis edit -effective -effectively +eedit +eekway +eelyak +eeth +eeytch effects effort -efforts +egg +egips +eight +eighth +eila +eirtae eisley either eject -ejects +ela +elan elder -elected -electing -electrostaff +eldewn +eldra +elect +elegos element -elements -elevator +eleven +elioup +elite +elom +elomin +elsae else -elsewhere +elthree eluding -embankment +ematt embrace -embraced -emerged -emergency -emerges -emotional -emotions +emerald +emerge +empath emperor -emphasizing empire empty encased -encounter -encounters -encouragement -encourages -encroaching end -endanger -ended -ending +enders endor -ends -enemies enemy energy enforcer enfys engage -engaged -engages engines enlists enough enraged -ensues -ensuing +enrivi +ensign +ensued ensure -ensuring enter -entered -enters -entertains entire -entirety -entitled +entity entombed -entrance +entruvia entry +envoy eopie +eozlin epic +epiphany episode -equipment -equipped +era +erased eravana -erecting +eriadu +eriaduan erso -erupts -escalated +ertegas escape -escaped -escapes -escaping escort -escorting -escorts espa -espa�a -essentially -establish -estimated -evacuate -evacuated -evacuation +espana +espinar +espirion +essence +etti +eufornis +euphoria evade -evaded -evades -evading +evazan even -evening -events -eventually ever -every -everyone -everything -evidence evil +evlyn ewok -ewoks +ewyrin exactly -example except -exchange -exchanging -excoriates -excruciating execute -executes -execution -executioners -executor -executrix exhaust -exhaustion -exhausts exile -existence exit -exits exodus expects -expelled -experience -experiences -experiment explain -explaining -explains -explicitly explode -explodes -exploitation -explosion -explosions -explosives expose -exposed -exposure -expresses -extensively extent -exterior -extract -extraction extras extreme -extremely eye -eyes +eyeball +ezaraa +ezra +faal +fac face -faced -facility -facing fact -factions +faction fades fail -failed -failing -fails -failure -failures faith fake -faking +fala falcon fall +falleen fallen -falling -falls false family fan -fans +fanatics +fang +fanha +faos far -farewell -farmer +fardan +fardi +farhava +farm +farr +farseers farther +fas +fashk +fass fast -fastest +fat fatal -fatally fate father fathier -fathiers fatone favor -favorite fear -feared -fearful -fearfully -fearing -fears -federation -feeds +feed feel feeling -feelings -feels +feenix +feint +fekunda +fel fell fellow felucia -fending -fends -ferocious +female +fen +fend +fennesa +ferrok +ferthyn +fest fett few -fiddles +fex field -fiendish fierce -fiercely fiery -fight fighter -fighters -fighting +figrin figure -figures filled film -filmed -filming -films +filordus final -finalizer -finally find -finding -finds -fingernails +findsman finish -finished -finishes -finishing finn fire -fired -firefight -firepower -fires -firespeeders -fireworks -firing -firmly +fireball firmus +firrerre first +fisher fisto fit -fitted +fitz +five fix -fixing -flagship -flames -flaming +flam flawed -flawlessly fled flee -fleeing -flees fleet -flies +flesh flight -flipping float floor +florn +florrum flung +fluzhi fly -flying +flyboy +focus +fodder +fode foe +foerost foiled +foito follow -followed -following -follows +folly +fondor food -foodstuff -foolishly foot for force -force-choking -forced -force-flip -forces -force-sensitive -force-tricked -forcibly -forcing +ford foreman -foreseen -forest -forests forever form -formally -formation -former -forms -formulates -fortress +fort fortuna -fortunately -forward +fosky fought foul found +fount four foursome fox -fractional -frames -frantically +fpi +fragging +frangawl +frank free -freed -freedom -free-fall freeing -frees +freerago +freetown freeze -freezing -freighter friend -friends -friendship frigate -frightened -fringes +frillian from +frong front -frustrated +frost fuel -fugitives fulfill full -fully fumes -function funeral +furellas furious -furiously further fury futile future +gaalan gain -gained -gaining -gains +gala +galaan galactic -galaxies galaxy galen +gallia +gallius +galpos +galron +galzez game -gamorrean +gamerong +gamorr +gan +gand gang -gangs -gangster +ganthel garbage -garrison -gas-mining +garden +garel +gargon +garindan +garouf +garr +gary +garyn +gas gate -gathered -gathering -gathers gave gazes gear +gedd +gedde +geden +gel +gella general -generals -generator -geonosian +gentes +geo +geonosis george +gepta +gerant gerrera +gesaral get -gets -getting +gholan +ghorman ghost gial giants +giddean gifts +gigor +giju +gilded +gindar girl +girov give -given -gives -giving -glancing -glares +glare +glasfir +glass glee -gloatingly +globe +go goazon -god -goes -going gold gone +goo good goodbye +goode +goren +gorma +gorse +gossam got -government -governor -graceful -gradually +govneh +grace +grael +grail +grakks +grakkus grand -grandfather +grange grant -granted -grants -grasped grate -grateful gravely -graveyard -gravitational gravity -gray-hulled +gravlex +gray +grayda +graysuit great -greater -greatest gree +greedo +greedy green -green-skinned greeted grenade +grer +greti grew +grid grief -grievous +grilnor +grimdock +grimoire grin grind +gripe ground group -groveling -growing -grows -guarantee +grove +grow +grysk guard -guardians -guards +guattako guavian guests -guidance +guich guide -guided -guides +guild +guinness guise +gula +gulf gullet gunfight -gunned -gunner +gungan +gunn gunray guns gunship -gunships gut -gyrations +gutretee +gyll +ha haako +habat hacks -had +haddrex +hadrik +haidoral +hal +halbara +halcyon hale half -half-blinded -half-completed -half-witted halik halt -halves +hamill +hammo hamper han hand -hands +handoff hang hangar -hanger -hanging -happened -happens +har hard -hardworking -harpoons +harkass +harloff +harlon +harpy +harrison harshly -has +haruun hatch hauls haunt have -having +hawkeyes +hays head -heading -headquarters -heads healing -heard -hearing -hears +hear heart -heavily heavy +hedala heist +heji held +hell helmet help -helped -helping -helpless -helplessly -henchmen +helpers +helska +hem her -herded -herder +hera +herd heroes heroics -herself -hesitates +hetton hever -hexagonal +hevurion +hi hidden -hideously hideout -hides -hiding high -higher -high-security +hijack +hill hilt him -himself +hinari hinder +hirara hires -his +hissrich history hit -hits +hobbie +hog hoist hold -holding -holdo -holds hole +holochess hologram -holographic +holotank home -homestead +hondo hone -honing +honna +honoghr honor +hop hope -hopefully -hopelessly -hopes -hoping -horizon -horribly -horrified +horn +horox horror +horuz hosnian +hosra hostage hostile hosts hoth -hot-head -hot-wires +hothead +hound +hour house -housing -hovering +hovun how howard -however howls +hrchek +hub +hubin +hudalla +hudda hue huge hugging hull human humanoid -humiliated -hundreds -hunted +hundred hunter -hunters -hurling -hurls -hurriedly +hurl hurries hurt husband hut hutt -hux -hyperdrive -hyperfuel -hyperspace -ice +huxling +hvitur +hyborean +hynestia +hyper +hypori +i i-class +iakar +ibaar +ibegon +ice +iceheart +ickabel idea -identify -identity +idle +iego ignite -ignited -ignites -ignition -ignore -ignoring +igren +ii iii -illegitimate -immediately -imminent -immortality +iillor +ikari +ikkrukk +iloh +ilum +image +immera +imono +imp impacts -impassioned -impatient -impede -impending imperial -imperials -implantation -implied implode -imploder -implores -imply -important -impressed -imprison -imprisoned -impromptu -improvises -inability -inaction -incapable -incident -incinerates -incinerating +impound +impstar +imvur +imwe +in +incense include -includes -including income -incompetence -incomplete -increases -incredulous -indeed -independent +ind indiana -indicate -indifferent -indistinctly -industrial -infamous +indiko infant -infantryman -infiltrate -infiltrated -infiltrating -inflicting -influence -inform -information -informed -informing -informs -ingenuity -inhabitants -initially -initiate -injured -injures +infernal +injure injury -insanely +inner inside -insignificant -insisting -insists -inspecting -inspection +insight +insist +insk inspire -inspired -installation -installed -instantly instead -instigates -instituted -instructed -instructions -instructs -instrument -insubordination insult insure -intelligence -intended -intending +intari intense -intensity -intent -intentions -intercepted -interceptor -interest -interfacing -interference -interior -internal -interpreter -interrogate -interrogated -interrupted -interrupts -intervene -intervenes -intervention into -introduced -introduces -intruders -intuitive -investigate -invisible +inusagi +invader invites -inviting -involuntary -involved -involvement +inyusu ion -irises -irony +ione +irff +iridonia +iron +ironhand +irstat +irudiru +is +isaac +isaru +iskalon +isken island -islands -isolated +isobe +ison +isopter +isorpian +ispca issue +it italy +itapi ithano -its +ithor itself -iv-vi +iv +ivarujar +ivera +ix jabba +jabitha +jacipri jacket +jacque +jacynith +jadru +jaelen +jai +jail jakku +jal +jalath +jalindi +jam +james +jamillia +jamiro jan +janard +jango janson january +janus japor jar +jaraana +jarael +jarea +jaresh +jari +jawa +jax jebel jedha jedi -jedi-in-hiding -jerjerrod +jedidiah +jelucan +jenny +jeosyn +jeraa +jerec +jeroen +jeseej +jesmin +jess +jessa jetpack -jettisoned +jettster +jeyell +jhas jinn +jir +jira +jjiaah jmel +job +jobal +jocasta +jockey +joclad +jodh joey jogged join -joins jon jones +jopi +jori +jos joy -judgment jukassa +jula +julias jump -jumping -jumps jundland june junk junkers just +justice justin jyn +kabalian +kabe +kadavo +kaddak +kaela kafrene +kaggle +kaitis +kaj +kal +kalaides +kalee +kalevala +kaliida +kaliska +kaller +kallus +kalonia +kamino kanata -kanjiklub +kanauer +kanji +kanos +kanzi +kaplan +kara +karabast +kardoa +karee +karlinus +karnak +karoly +karrh +karthakk +kartoosh +karu kashyyyk +kaskutal +kasmir +kasuni +kath katie +kattun +kaveri +kaydel +kayvonix +kazerath keep -keeping +keetael +keeth +keitum +kel +kell +kellux +keltal kendal +kenny kenobi +kerev +kergans kessel +kestro +ketee +ketsu +ketwol +khaa +khan +kheedar khetanna -ki-adi-mundi -kidnapped -kidnapping +khomm +khorm +kibnon +kid +kidnapp +kiffar +kiffex +kiffu +kihotay +kijimi +kilian kill -killed -killer -killing -kills -kilometers +killaen +kilmera +kimaru kind -kingdom -kirkpatrick +kinnin +kinrah +kintaka +kintan +kintoni +kios +kir +kira +kirdo +kiros kiss -kisses kit -kneeling +kitster +kittens +klonoid +klytus knees +kneesaa knew knight -knights +knob knock -knocked -knocking -knocks +knossa know -knowing -knowledge -known -knows kolar +konkiv +konn koon +kooriva +kooroo +korlen +koro +korr +korsin +korunnai +koth +kotiate +kowak +koya +kragis +krath +krayt krennic +kriffing +krim +kris +kro +krownest +kryze ksar ksour +kuat +kubindi +kubo +kuce +kudo +kuliquo +kung +kupoh +kwath kyber kylo +laa +laborers lack -lacks +lady +lafoe +lag +lahn laid lake +lakhasa +lama +lame laments lance land -landed -landers -landing lando -lands -landscape +langua +lank +lannik +lansend +lanteeb +lar large -larger -lars +lasan laser lashes last latches late -lately -later latter laugh -laughs launch -launches -launching -launderette lava +laze lead -leader -leaders -leadership -leading -leads +leaf +league leak -leaks -leaping -leaps +leap learn -learned -learning -learns least leave -leaves -leavesden -leaving -lectures -led +lecersen +leech +leeha +leesub +lefrani left leg legends legion -legions -legs leia +leids +lek +lelek +lema +lennox +leonides +leonis +leross less -lesser lesson -lessons -lest let +lev level -levels levitate -liability +lexi +lexo +lexrul liana -libertine liberty library -lied -lies -lieutenant +lie life lifts light -lightmaker -lightning -lightning,torturing -lights lightsaber -lightsabers -lightspeed +lignan like -likely -likes -lines +lin linger -lining -links +link +lintra +lira +liriana +lirin +lisali listed listen -listens -literally +litter little -live livid -living -lizard-monkey -load -loadlifters +livno +llanic +lobot local locate -located -locates -locating -location -locations +lochett lock -locked -locks +loewig +logray +logs +lok +lokori +lola +lolet +lonera long -longer +looca look -looking -looks loose +loot lor lord +lortan lorth lose -loses -losing loss -losses lost +loth +lothal +lotho +lott love -loved -lover -loves -lovey +lovers low -lower -lowers -loyalties +lowe +loyalist loyalty lucas -lucasfilm -lucrehulk-class +lucazec +lucites +lucky +luka luke +lullaby luminara +lunae lungs +luprora lure -lured lush luxury -lying +lyn lynne lyra +lyric +lysatra mace -machinery mad +madame made +madine +mag +magaloof +magash magic -magnaguard magnets +magnus +magrody +mahranee +mai main -mainframe -mainly -maintained -maintains major -majority make -makes -making +makem +makers +malachor +malani malbus +male +malian +malkhani +malkii +malpaz +malreaux +mamkoda man +manaan manage -manages -man-eating -maneuver -maneuvers -manifestation +mandel +mandrell +manifold manner -mans +mannius +manpha +mantell mantra -many map +mara +maraken +marca march +marcolf +mardona +marek +marg +margolis +mari +maridun marines +marite +mark +market +markus +marr marshy +masak mask -masquerade mass massa -massacre -massacres +massassi massive master -masters +mataou match -matches mate -matters +mathas +mathayus +matrix +matter +matukai maul +mawhonic max -maximillian -may +maxi +maxim +maximum +mayhew +mayor maz mccallum +me meal mean -means meant -meantime -meanwhile -mechanic -mechanical -mechanized +mebara +mecheaux +med medals medenine media +medic medical -medicines -meditates -meditating -meditation +medon meet -meeting -meets -mega-class +megalox +melas melee +melida +melo member -members -memorable memory -men menace +mendavi +meniscus mental mention -mentioned -mentioning -mentions -mercilessly +merchant merge +merj merrick -mesmerized +merril message +mestra +mesulan met -metallic -meteorite -method -mid-air +meta +metal +metellos +miat +midair middle -midi-chlorians +midi midst +mig might +mijos +mikkia military -millennium -million +milker +milvayne mimban +mimicry +min mind mine -mines -minimum -mining -minions -missed -misses +minfar +mingla +ministry +minor +minx +miraluka +mirat +mirial +mirrin +mirror +mischa +miscord +miss missile -missiles -missing mission +missira +mist mistake -mistaken -mistakenly -mistakes mitaka +mitillan moaning -mobility mocks +mod model +moden +modon module +moe moff -moisture +mokivj +moko +moldour +mollusk molten -moment -momentarily -moments -momentum +momaw +momin mon money -monitors +mong +monitor monster -monstrous +monsua month +montross +moof moon -moon-sized +moonus +moore +moorja +moraband +moradir +morag +moraga moral +mordal more +moregi +morellia morning -mortally -mos +morthul +mortis most +motee +motel mother mothma -motion -motionless +motti mount -mounting mourn -mourning mouth move -moved -moves +movement movie -movies +mpi +mrisst much muffled -multiple -mumbling +muftak murder -murdered -murdering +murkhana +murr +murra music -musical must mustafar musters -mutilated -mutiny -�mwe +mydasos mygeeto -mynocks -mysterious -mysteriously -mystical +mykapo +mynock +mystic +naalol +naare +naator +naberrie naboo +nabrun +nacronis +nadd +nadon +nag +najedha +nakadia +nal +nalroni +nam name -named -names -narrowly +napkin +nar +naraka +narn +narq +narrows +nasdra +nass natural +nature +navint navy +neaed near -nearby -nearest -nearly -nears -nebulon-b -necessarily -necessary +nebula neck -need +nee needa -needed -needing -needs -negative -negatively -negotiator -neimoidia -neimoidian +neepers neither +nemesis +nemet +neo +nep nephew +nepotis +neral nerf -nest +nerro +nerve +nervi +nessin net netal +nett network -neutralize never -nevertheless +nevoota new -newest -news next +nexus +nica +nick +nicki +nien night +nihil +nihilus +niik niima -nineteen -nominates -nomination -non-conformity -non-corporeal -nonetheless +nik +nills +nimban +nimbanel +ningoth +ninth +nitsa +niv +nixus +nixx +no +noble +noctu +noldan +nonia nooo +nordis +norrin +nose not notes nothing +nothoiin notice -noticed -notices -notified -notifies -noting -notorious +notifie +notron +nouane +noult november +novo now -nower -now-frozen -*nsync nudo number -numbers -numerous +numidian +nunb +nuns nute +nuvo +oasis +oba obi-wan -objective +objects +oblee +obrexta obtain -obtained -occupied +obumubo +ocahont occur -occurred -occurs +ocean odds +odessen +odona +ody +of off +offee offense -offer -offered -offering -offers office -officer -officers -off-screen +offworld +ogem +ogoth +ohnaka +ojom +oktaro old -older +olie +oliu +olnom +omenada +omereth +omi +omin +omwati +on onboard once -oncoming +onderon one +oneness ongoing -only +onimi onto +onyo oola oolin +oon +ooriffi +oosalon +opan open -opening -openly -opens opera -operating -operation -operational -operatives -opportunity -opposition -option -options +oppo +opress +optics opulence +or +orb orbital -orchestrated -ordeal order -ordered -ordering -orders +ordo +ordu +oreworks organa organic -organization +organium organs -originally +orish +orl +orn +orondia +ororo +orphne +orra orson -oscillator +orto +ortolan +osia +osleo +ossus other -others +otoh +oulanne oung our -out -outburst +outcasts outcrop outer -outgoing -outnumbered outpost -outraged +outreach outside -outskirts -outweighs +ovanis over -overcome overdue -overland -overlooking -overpower -overpowered -overpowers -overrules oversee -overseer -overshoots -overtake -overtakes -overthrow -overwhelmed -owed owen owes -owing own -owners ozzel -packet +paan padawan -padawans -padm� +padme +paffen +page paige pain +painted pair palace +paladin +palawa pale -pallid palpatine +pamarthe +pamich pamlo +panaka panel panic -parasitic -parental +panna +panpick +pantora +paploo +para +parade +paradise +pardron parents park +parliock +paro parsecs part -parted -partial -partially -particular -parties -partisan -partisans -partly partner -parts -party +pasa +pasaana +pasher pass passage -passes passion -passionate past +pastoria path pathway -patience patient +patitite patrol +patrolia +patron +pattuna pau +paucris +paulsen pause -paying -payment +pavan +pawn +pax +paxist +pay +paze peace -peacefully +peavey +peedunky +peekoine peel +peet +peiro +pel +pelikki +pello +pembric penance pendant -penetrate +pendarr people -perceived -percentage +percival perform -performing -perished -permanently -permission +period person -personal -personally -personnel -persuade -persuasion -persuasions -perturbed -petitions +perwin +peter +petrusia +pfassk +phantom +phara phase phasma -philiosophy -photography +phatrong +pheryon +phindar +phinx +phirmist +phorsa phrase -physical -physically pick -picked -picks piece -pieces -piercing +piell piett +pig +pijal +pike +pillio pilot -piloting -pilots +pinett +pion +pipada +pirate pistol +piston pit pitiful place -placed -places -placing plagueis plain plan planet -planetary -planets plank -planned -plans -planting +plasteel plates -platform -platforms play -playfully -plays plaza plea -pleading -pleads -pleas +plead pleased -pleasure -pledges +plexis +plin plo plot -plunging +plutonia plutt +pneuma pod podrace poe +poets poggle point -point-blank -point-defense pokes -police +pol polis -political +polmanar +pomak +pon +ponemah +poodoo +poof +pooja +pool +poolok +poppers +porpman port -portions -posing -position -possession -possessions -possible -potential +porte +pose +post +pothor +powder power -powered -powerful -powerless -powers -praised -praises -praying -prays -pregnant -prepare -prepares -preparing +prairie +praise +praji +pray +pre +prennert prequel -presence present -presented -presents -presumably -presumed -presumptuousness +preserve +pressor +pressy pretext -prevent -prevents -previous -previously price pride -primarily primary prime +primo princess -principal prior prison -prisoner -prisoners -private -probably +prithi probe -probing -problem -problems -proceeding -proceeds -process -proclaim -proclaimed -proclaims procure -prodded -prodigious -producer -production -profiteers profits -profundity +program project -projected -projection promise -promises -prompting -promptly proper -property +prophet propose -proposes -prosthetic protect -protecting -protection -protests -protocol +protest proton proud proves provide +prozzen pry -psychologically +pryl public +puhr +pujool pull -pulled -pulling -pulls +pulsar punches -punished -pursue -pursued -pursuers -pursues -pursuing +punisher +purges pursuit push -pushes -pushing put -putting +pypey pyre -quadjumper +qarot +qhulosk +quad +quarra +quarsh quarter -quarters -quarterstaff +quartet +quarzite queen -quest -question -questions +quell +quermia +quesoth +qui-gon quick -quickly quiet -quietly quiggold -qui-gon +quila +quinlan +r2-d2 +raada +rabe race -racer -racetrack +radama +raddan raddus +radhii +raffa rage -rage-fueled -rages raid railing rain +raina raise -raised +rajivari +rajtiri +rakatan +rakghoul +ralchio +ralltiir ralter ram ramp -rampages +rampage +rancisis rancor -range +ranger +rango rank rants +rashfond +rat rate -rather +rath rathtar -rathtars +rattatak +ratts +ratua ravaged -ray +rawk +rax +raxus +raydonia +raygar raymus +raysho +razi +razoo +rclu reach -reached -reaches -reaching -reacted -reaction -reactions -re-activate +react reactor -reacts ready real -realization realize -realized -realizes -realizing -really +reamma rear -rear-guard -reason -reassure -rebel -rebellion +reb rebels rebo rebuild -rebuilt -recalibrate recalls -recaptured receive -received -receives -receiving -recently-built -reckless -recklessness -recognizes -recognizing -reconnected -reconstructing record -recording -recordings -recovered -recovers +recover recruit -recruiting -recycled red -redeemed -redemption reduced -re-emergence -reestablished -re-evaluated -re-evaluates -reference -referred -refined -reflection -reflective +reede +reemar +reezen +refin +refnu refresh +refugee refuse -refuses -refusing +reg regain -regains -regale regime -regretful +registry regroup reigns -reinforce -reinforcements reject -rejects rejoin -rejuvenation +reklam relays release -released -releases relent -relented relics relief -relieves -reluctant -reluctantly relying -remain -remainder -remaining -remains -remark -remarkable -remarking -remarks -remembering -remembers -reminding -reminds -remonstrates +remind +remoh remote remove -removes -removing ren -rendered -rendering -rendezvous -reneging -re-open -reorganized +rendel +render +renegade +renseth +reopen repairs -repeatedly -repeating -repeats +repeat repels -replacement replies report -reported -reporting -reports -represent -reprimands -reprogrammed republic -repulses -reputed -request -requests -required -requires +require rescue -rescued -rescues -rescuing +resdox research -resided -resident -resides -resistance +reside resists resolve -resolves -resources -respects -respirator -responds response -responsibility -responsible -rest -restart +restful restore -restrains -restraint -restraints result -resulting -results retain retorts retract retreat -retreats -retrieval -retrieve -retrieved +retro +retta return -returned -returning -returns reunion reunite -reunited +rev reveal -revealed -revealing -reveals -revelations +revelers revenge -revisits -reward +revolt +rex rey +reyna +rhand +rhen +rhondi +ric rick -riddling ride riders -riding +ridge rieekan +riesa +riflor +rift right -rigorous +rihn +rikard rim -rims +rimk +rimward +rina ring +rinn +rion +riosa riot +ripclaw rips rise -rising +rishi risky +ritual rival +rivas river +roaster +robbery robert +roche rock -rock-carved +rodia rogue +rokur role +rollies rolls +rolo +rolund ron +ronet +ronith +ronton rook room +root +rori rose +rostu rotten rough route row royal -ruminates +rryatt +rtan +rubix +ruffians +rugosa +ruh +rumitaka rumor -rumored -rumors -rumours run rune -running -runs -rupturing +ruoss +rur rush -rushes +rust +ruuria +ruusan +ruwee +rycar +ryjerd +ryloth +rynalla +ryoo +saarge sabacc -saber +sabe +sabre +sacha +sache sack -sacrifice -sacrifices -sacrificing +sacred sadness saesee safe -safekeeping -safely -safety saga -sagged +sage said sail -sails -salacious +saki +sakiyan +sakul +sal sales -saleucami +salgari +salient salt salvage same +sammun +samovar san +sanbra sand sanity +sanjin +sapience +saponza +sarenda +sarka +sarken sarlacc +sarrav +sarrish +sarvool +sasori satchel -satirical -satisfied +satine +satotai saturday +savage +savants +savara savareen save -saved -saving saw -saying -says -scanning -scared +say +sayu +scape +scar scarif -scarred -scars scatter -scavenger -scavenging +scay scene -scenes -schedule -schematics -scientist +scepter +schism +school +scions +scipio scour +scourge scout -scraps +scrambas +scrap +scrapper scream -screaming -screams -screeching +scrim script -scruffy-looking +scruffy scrumrat scuffle -scuffles +scum sea -sealed -seals +seah +seal search -searching +season +seboca +sebulba second -seconds secrecy secret -secretly +sect sector +secundu secura -secure -securing security -seduced -seduces +sedeya +sedratis +seduce see -seeing seek -seeking -seeks +seelah +seelos seem -seeming -seems -seen -sees -seized +sei +seize +sekot self -self-imposed selfless sell -selling +sella +sembla +sempre senate senator -senators send -sending -sends +sene senesca +senior sense -sensed -senses -sensing sensors -sent -sentences -separate -separately -separates -separatist -separatists -september +sentient +sentinel +seps +serenno serial series +serper servant serve -serves -services -serving +service +sesid session +seswenna set -sets -setting -settlement -settles -several +settle +sevarcos +sever severe -severed -severely -severing -severs seville -shadows +seyugi +shaa +shaak +shada +shaddaa +shadow shaft shaken shall +shaman shame +shann +shapers +shard share -shared -shares -sharing -shattered -shattering +shareen +shasa +shashay +shatter she sheev +sheh +shell shelter +sheyasti shield -shields shift -shifts +shili ship -shipbuilding -shipment -ships +shiraya +shmi shock -shocked -shocks +shonn shoot -shooting -shoots shore short -shorter -shortly shot -shots should -shoulder -shouts show -showed -showing -shows shred +shrine +shryne +shu +shunned shut -shuts shuttle +shynne +sibensko +sibwarra side -side-effects -sides sidi sidious sidon +sieben +siechel siege +siena +sienar +sif +sifters sight -sighted sign signal -signature -signs -silenced silencer silent -silently +silooth +silus similar -simplistic simply -simultaneously since +sing single -singlehandedly sinks +sio +sirln +sirpar sister sit site sith -sits -sitting -situation +sitrep +sivarra six sixty size +skako +skakoan +skale +skall +skeeto +skelda sketch ski skiff -skiffs -skilled -skills +skill +skimmer +skin +skirata +skraik +skug +skuhl +skull sky +skyholme +skytop skywalker slack +slag slain slake slash -slashing -slaughter -slaughtered -slaughtering -slaughters -slave +slaves slaying +sled +sleemo sleep -sleeping sleeve sleight slice -slicer -slices -slicing slight +slime slowen slowly slug +sly small smashes -smashing smears -smiles -smiling +smil smoke -smoking -smuggler -smugglers -smuggling -snatches +snap sneak +sneeve snippet +snivvian snoke +snook snootles snow -snowspeeder -snowspeeders -snowtroopers -snowy -so-called +snowmen +soahi +social society +socorro +sod +soft +sola solar sold -soldiers +soldier solemn +solid +solimon solo -solution -solved some -someday -something son +sooger soon +sorca sought +soul sound source -sources space +spacers spain +spalex +spanners +spark speak -speaks -spearheading +spear special -speechless -speeder -speeders -speeds -sphyrna-class -spider -spielberg -spies +species +spectral +speed +spell +sphere +spice spikes spin -spiraling +spine +spinner +spinward +spire spirit -spirits +splash split spot -spots -spotted spread -spreading +sprog spy -spying squad -squadmate -squadron -squadrons square -squeezing squid -stability +squill +sriluur stable -stables staccato +stacks +stadd staff stage -staggers -staging -stairs stalks -stalling -stampede +stall stand -standard -standing -stand-off +stang star +starck stardust stares -starfighter -starfighters -staring -starkiller -stars +stareye starship -starships start -starting -starts stashed -stasis-pod +stasis stass state -stated -statement -states -stating station -stationed +statue +statura stay -stays steal -stealing -steals stealth -stealthily +steel step -steps +sterdic steve steven +stewjon +sticks still +stix stole stolen stone stop -stopping -stops -stored -stories +storage +store storm -storms -stormtrooper -stormtroopers -stormy story -stowaways stows strafing -straight -strangle -strangles streak -streets -strength +stream +street strike -strikes -striking -stripping -strokes +stroke +strokill strong -structural -structure -struggle -struggles -struggling -stuck-up +stuck student studio -studios study stun -stuns stupor -sub-chamber +stygeon +suba subdue -subjects -submerged -submission submit -submits -subsequent -subsequently -substantial subtle -subtly -succeeding -succeeds +succeed success -successful -successfully -successor succumb such sucked -suddenly +suday suffer -suffered -suffering -suffers -suggesting -suggests -suicide sullust -summa-verminoth -summoned -summons +sulyan +summer +summit +summon +sump sun -sunlight -suns +sundari sunset +sunspot +sunstar super -superior -superlaser -superweapon -supplies support -supremacy supreme +suraz sure -surely surface surgery surname -surprise -surprised -surprises -surrender -surrendered -surrounded -surrounding survey -surveys survive -survived -survives -surviving -suspected -suspects -suspended -suspicious -sustains +susheer +suspect +svaper swamp -swamping +swan sweat sweep -sweeping swept swift -swiftly +swilla swing +swinif switch swoop sword -swordsmaster +syclos sydney -sympathetic -sympathizer -syndicate +syndulla system -systems +taanab +tabala table -tactical +tabor +tac tactics +taelo +tagge +taggi +tailhead +tainer take -taken -takes -taking +takobo takodana -talkative -talking -talks +tal +talia +talk +talon tambor +taming +tamm +tamsye +tan +tanbris +tanda +tandell +taneel +tangan tangle tank -tanks +tann +tansyl tantive tantrum +taozin +tapas taps +tarast tarfful target +taria +taris tarkin +tarpals +tarsunt task -tasked -tataouine +tasu tatooine -tatooinian taught +taul +taun +taung +taunt tauntaun -taunted -taunting +taverri +tavson +tawss +tayron teach -teaching team -teams -tearfully -tearing -tears -technician -technique -techno +tear +tech +teebo teedo +teene +teepo teeth +tehar tekka -telekinesis -telepathic -telepathically +telerath tell -telling -tells +telos temiri -temper -temperatures +temm +tempest temple -temporary tempt -tempted -tentacles +tenants tenth -terminally-ill -termination +teralov +terr terrain -terrified -territories +terrible terror test -test-firing -testing +testor +teth +tetsu texts +thabeska than -thanks +thank that +thayn the -theaters -theed +theelin +theft their +thelvin them -themselves then +theran there -thereby -therefore thermal +theron these -they +theta +thexan thief -thieves thin things -thinking -thinks +think third thire thirst -thirsting -thirteen thirty -thirty-four this +thok +tholoth those though -thought -thousand -thousands +thrad threat -threatened -threatening -threatens three threepio throat throne through -throughout throw -throwing -thrown -throws -thrusters -thrusting +thrust thugs -thunderbolt -thunderous +thulaka +thune thus -thwarted +thustra tiaan +tibrin ticket +ticks tico +tidal +tiddell tide tie -ties +tiferep +tiger tighten tightly +tigran tiin -timberlake +tiir +tila time -times +tinnel tipped +tirahnn +tiscak +tistura +titan titanic tivik +to +toa tobias -together +togna +tok +tokmia told -tolerate -tolerated toll +tolut +tomb tomder +tommaba +tongue too took +toola +toonbuck +toora top topple -topples +toprawa +tor +toribota +torment torn -torpedoes +torra torrent torso torture -torturing -torturous +torva +toryaz +toryn +tosh tossing -touching +tosste +totem +touch +tours tow toward -towards -tower +towers town +toydaria track -tracker -tracks +tract tractor trade -trading -traffic tragedy train -trained -training traitor -traitors -transfer -translator -transmission -transmissions -transmit -transmits -transmitted -transmitter -transport -transportation -transporting -transports +trance trap -trapdoor -trapped -traps trash +trasse travel -traveling -travels -traverses tray -treasures -treatment +trech +tredway tree +treidum +trel +tremaine trench -trenches trial -trials -tribal tribe trick -tried -tries -triggers +trig +trilinae +trillia trilogy +trinja trio -trooper -troopers -troops +trionak +tritt +trivar +trogan +troiken +tron +troop trophy -tropical -troubled trough true -truly trust -truth -truthful try -trying +tryst +tseebo +tsevuka tuanul +tubbs tug -tugging -tumbles +tulava +tulpaa +tumble +tund tunisia -turbolaser -turbolasers +tunnel +tunroth +tureen +turmoil turn -turned -turning -turns +tusken +tweezer twenty -twin +twilight twins -twisted -twists +twist two +tyegin +tyerell +tyia +tyn +tynna tynnra +typho +tyranny tyranus +tyrena +tyrnia +tython tythoni -ultimate -ultimately -unable -unanesthesized -unassailable -unauthorized +u-wing +uba +ubardia +ubdur +ubduria +uccorfay +uchinao +uffel +ugnaught +ukian +ukio +uldir +umbara unaware -unbeknownst -uncertain uncle -unconscious -uncontrollably -uncontrolled +undead under -underbelly -underestimate undergo -underneath -understands -undeveloped undoing unduli -unenthusiastic -unfortunate -unfortunately +unfyr unhappy -uniforms +unify union unit -united unkar unknown unleash -unleashes unless unlike -unnatural -unprecedented -unprocessed -unscathed -unsuccessful +unrest +untaire until -untrained -unusually +up upfront upon upper upright -uprising upset upside +uquine +urai urge -urges +uro uscru use -used -uses -ushered -using +users +ushruu utapau +utinni +utrila utterly -u-wing +uwana +uwlla +uyter +v +vac vader +vagabond +vagadarr vague +vahl vain +vale valid -valuable +valley +vallt +valor +valorous +valorum +valss +vandelae vander vandor -vane� -vanished -vanishes +vanee +vanishe +vanqor +vao +var varactyl +vardos various +vas +vashka vasp vaspar +vass +vassek vault +vaxx +vaylin +vector +veermok veers vehicle -vehicles -venator-class +veila +velusia +vendaxa +vendetta +venithon +venku vent -verifying +verachen +verla +veros +vertseth very vessel -vessels +vessora +vetine +vex +vi via +viamarr vice viceroy -vicinity -viciously victims -victories -victorious victory video view +vigil +vii +viii vile villa village -villagers -violation +vinda +vindi +vinzors violent -violently +vir +virec +virten visible vision -visions visits vital -vocabulator +vitiate +viun +vivonah +vixnix +viziers +vizsla +vjun +vodran voice -volatile -volcanic +void volley -volunteer -vos -vos� +volta +voon +vor +vorfren +vorlag +voss +vote vows -vulnerability -vulnerable +vox +vrill +vrogas +vulpter +vulture +vurdon +vylukh +vyndal +wade +wadi wager wait -waiting waking -walker +wald +walk walkers -walking -walks wall -walls wampa -wandering -wanders +wander +wannabes want -wanted -wanting -wants war -ward +wardens warn -warned -warning -warns +warping +warren warrick warrior -wars -wary was +wasp +wass +wasskah waste -wastes -wat +wastoid +watassay watch -watches -watching water -waterfall -waterworld +watto wave way -ways +wayland +wayward +we weak -weakened -wealth -wealthy weapon -weapons -wearing +weather +weave +weazel +webb +wecacoe wedge -welcomed -welcomes -welcoming +wee +welcom well went were -wes +wert +wesell +wet +wexley whacks what -whatever wheel when where -whereas -wherein whether which +whie +whiforla while +whills whilst -whippendell +whit white who whole -whom -whose why -wickedly wicket -wide-awake -widowed -wielded -wielding -wields +widows +wield wife wild +wildlife +wilena wilhuff will -willing +willard wily win -window +winds windu wing wingman -wings -wins +winter wipe wire wisdom wise wishes +witch with -withdraws within without -witness -witnessed -witnesses +wizard wobani +wodibin +wolf +wollivan woman +womp won -wondering wood -woods wookiee -wookiees word -words work -working -works world +worlders worry worst would wound -wounded -wounding -wounds +wraith wrath -wreckage +wrea wrecked -writhing +wrench written +wroonian wroshyr +wuher +wutzek +wyrd +wyron +wyss +wystri x-wing -x-wings +xagobah +xala +xamaural +xan +xandret +xendek +xiath +xii +xirl +xos +y-wing yacht +yaddle +yagaran +yalvik +yan +yane +yar +yarael +yard +yarma +yasinda yavin -years -yelling +year +yell yellow -yells +yerj +yerka yet +yirt +ylesia yoda +yolo you young -younger -younglings -youngster your -y-wing -y-wings +yout +youth +ysanna +yush +zac +zakuul +zaloriis +zam +zanbar +zar +zardossa +zarrak +zascha +zastiga +zeison +zek zemeckis +zerala +zerm +zero +zesi zett zev +zey +zhanox +zhell +zhen +ziff +ziil +zillo +zinn +ziro +zoh +zolan +zombies +zonama zone +zora zuckuss +zulirian +zygerria +zyzar