From 514545dd777b3a5aebda3187eb628038dd108aa0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jordan Harband Otherwise, if value is an exotic object and value is not the
- %ObjectPrototype% intrinsic object associated with any JavaScript
+ %Object.prototype% intrinsic object associated with any JavaScript
realm, then throw a " Set deep to true. %ObjectPrototype% will end up being handled via this step and
+ %Object.prototype% will end up being handled via this step and
subsequent steps. The end result is that its exoticness is ignored, and after deserialization
the result will be an empty object (not an immutable prototype exotic object).
@@ -8456,7 +8456,7 @@ o.myself = o;
Let outputProto be
- targetRealm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%ArrayPrototype%]].DataCloneError
Set value to ! ArrayCreate(serialized.[[Length]], outputProto).
Otherwise, if serialized.[[Type]] is "Error", then:
Let prototype be %ErrorPrototype%.
Let prototype be %Error.prototype%.
If serialized.[[Name]] is "EvalError", then set prototype to - %EvalErrorPrototype%.
If serialized.[[Name]] is "RangeError", then set prototype - to %RangeErrorPrototype%.
If serialized.[[Name]] is "ReferenceError", then set - prototype to %ReferenceErrorPrototype%.
If serialized.[[Name]] is "SyntaxError", then set prototype - to %SyntaxErrorPrototype%.
If serialized.[[Name]] is "TypeError", then set prototype to - %TypeErrorPrototype%.
If serialized.[[Name]] is "URIError", then set prototype to - %URIErrorPrototype%.
Let message be serialized.[[Message]].
Let valueOf be location's relevant - Realm.[[Intrinsics]].[[%ObjProto_valueOf%]].
Perform ! location.[[DefineOwnProperty]]("valueOf
", {
[[Value]]: valueOf,
@@ -90859,7 +90859,7 @@ typedef OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull? OnBeforeUnloadEvent