-So you've read the [Explainer](explainer.md) for ServiceWorkers but you've still got questions -- great! We've got (more) answers.
-## Caching of ServiceWorker scripts
-The script that you register, as well as any additional scripts that
-are imported during initial load, are persistently cached with a separate policy from normal web content, or any other web storage mechanisms.
-This allows the browser to start up the ServiceWorker at any point, generally in response to document loading.
-## Offline
-How does this handle offline, or more specifically, how does this replace AppCache?
-The fetch event is simply the gateway through which all network access for a given is managed. By intercepting all fetch events and optionally routing them through a cache, you can control access to the network, possibly avoiding it altogether.
-To do this you're going to need an actual Cache. ServiceWorkers (and eventually other contexts) have access to a separate Cache API which allows storage of arbitrary data that can be used to respond to fetch events.
-## Understanding ServiceWorker script Caching
-It's important to keep in mind that ServiceWorkers are a type of [Shared Worker](http://www.w3.org/TR/workers/#shared-workers-and-the-sharedworker-interface) -- uniquely imbued with additional APIs for access to cache objects and such -- but in general, what you can do in a Shared Worker, you can do in a ServiceWorker. That includes calling [`importScripts()`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/Using_web_workers#Importing_scripts_and_libraries) to include libraries.
-`importScripts()` is a dynamic call, much like the addition of a `