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Compiling APL

Source language

e ::= i | e1;e2 | e1+e2 | x<-e | x | lam e | x(e)  

Dynamically typed terms:

  type mi = Int Num m   (* Multidimensional integer array *)

  datatype s =          (* Terms *)
      Is of INT         (*   integer *)
    | Ais of mi         (*   integer array *)
    | Fs of s -> s M    (*   function in-lining *)

Environments (G) map identifiers (variables and symbols) to terms:

G \in ENV = ID -> s


[ _ ] _ _ : AST -> ENV -> (s * ENV -> s M) -> s M

[i] G k = k (Is(I i),{})

[e1; e2] G k =
  [e1] G (fn (s1,G1) =>
  [e2] (G1@G) (fn (s2,G2) =>
  k (s2,G2@G1)))

[e1 + e2] G k =
  [e2] G (fn (s2,G2) =>
  [e1] (G2@G) (fn (s1,G1) =>
  case (s1, s2) of
       (Is i1, Is i2) => k(Is(i1+i2),G2@G1)
     | (Ais a1, Ais a2) => mmap2 (op +) a1 a2 >>= (fn x => k(Ais x,G2@G1))
     | (Ais a1, Is i2) => k(Ais(mmap(fn x => x+i2)a1),G2@G1)
     | (Is i1, Ais a2) => k(Ais(mmap(fn x => i1+x)a2),G2@G1)
     | _ => err))

[v <- e] G k =
   [e] G (fn (s,_) => k(s,{v->s}))

[a] G k = k (G(a),{})

[lam e] G k =
  let f x =
    let G' = {w -> x}
    in [e] (G'@G) (fn (s,_) => ret s)
  in k(Fs f,{})

[a(e)] G k =
  case G(a) of
     Fs f =>
       [e] G (fn (s,G') =>
       f s >>= (fn s' => k(s',G')))
   | _ => err

Compiling into TAIL (simplified)

opr ::= reduce[1,2] | map[1,1] | transpose[0,1] | out[2,2] 
      | add[0,2] | mul[0,2] | max[0,2] | min[0,2]

a ::= <i1,...,in>

e ::= a | x | let x = e in e | fun f (x1,...,xn) = e in e 
    | f(e1,...,en) | opr [f1,...,fn] (e1,...,em)

[ _ ] _ : AST -> E -> (ML -> E -> ML) -> ML

[x] E k = k E x

[a] E k = k E a

[x<-e] E k = let x = [e] E (fn _ x => x) in k (E+{x->x}) x

[e1;e2] E k = [e1] E (fn E x => [e2] E k)

[e1+e2] k = [e2] E (fn E x => [e1] E (fn E y => k E (add[](y,x))))

[lam e] E k = 
  fun f (w) = [e] (E+{w->w}) (fn _ x => x)
  in k E f

[x(e)] E k = [e] E (fn E y => k E (E(x)(y)))