A simple, transparent, but at the same time efficient completely decentralized cold supply chain dedicated to solving centralized database systems where pharmacy/drug theft, temperature deviations during shipping are unavoidable.
git clone https://github.com/medipolchain/supply-chain.git
cd supply-chain
npm i
pip install -r requirements.txt
| +---src
| | +---config
| | +---contract
| | | +---ABIs
| | +---db
| | +---middleware
| | +---models
| | +---routers
| | +---web3
| +---components
| | +---hooks
| | +---providers
| | | +---web3
| | | | +---hooks
| | +---ui
| | | +---AdminContent
| | | | +---base
| | | +---ConnectButton
| | | | +---base
| | | +---Layout
| | | +---MetamaskSVG
| | | +---RestrictedArea
| | | | +---base
| | | +---SettingsModal
| | | | +---base
| +---pages
| +---public
| | +---contracts
| +---styles
| +---utils
address owner x
mapping(address => bool) public admins; x
mapping(bytes32 => Product) public products; x
struct Product {
address _admin,
address _currentCarrier,
bool _deliveryDone
} x
event OwnerChanged x
event AdminAdded x
event AdminRemoved x
event PackageCarrierChange x
event NewPackageCreated x
event PackageArrived x
event DeletePackage x
event TemperatureViolated x
event SetPackageAdmin x
event SetPackageDeliveryDoneOrUndone x
function addAdmin x Owner
function removeAdmin x Owner
function transferOwnership x Owner
function createDeliveryPackage x Owner, Admin
function deleteDeliveryPackage x Owner, Admin
function changePackageCarrier x Owner, Admin, Current Carrier
function packageArrived x Owner, Admin, Current Carrier
function temperatureViolate x Owner, Admin
function setPackageDeliveryDoneOrUndone x Owner, Admin
function setPackageAdmin x Owner
function getPackageDeliveryDone x
function getPackageAdmin x
function getPackageCurrentCarrier x
modifier onlyOwner() x
modifier onlyAdminOrOwner() x
Metamask Connection and Admin Panel Transition | Create Product Through Admin Panel | Mail Notification Subscription | Heat Sensor and Blockchain Transaction IoT |
Berkay Ermiş - @berkayermis - Frontend / IoT
Mehmet Berat Öztürk - BeratOz01 - Frontend / Backend
Vusal Ismayilov - @woosal1337 - Solidity / IoT
Furkan Boyraz - @hellomrbj - Blockchain / Security
MIT: License