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Common Programming Concepts1

To run the program:

$ cargo run --bin common-concepts
   Compiling common-concepts v0.1.0 ...

Lessons learned

In this chapter, we reviewed:

  1. Variables and Mutability
  2. Data Types
  3. Functions
  5. Control Flow

Additionally, keywords reserved in Rust:

name purpose
as perform primitive casting, disabugiate traits, rename in use
async returns a Future instead of blocking the current thread
await suspend execution until the result of a Future is ready
break exit a loop immediately
const define constant items or constant raw pointers
continue continue to the next loop iteration
crate in a module path, refers to the crate root
dyn dynamic dispatch to a trait object
else fallback for if and if let control flow constructs
enum define an enumeration
extern link an external function or variable
false boolean false literal
fn define a function or the function pointer type
for loop over iterator, implement a trait, specify a lifetime
if branch based on the result of a conditional expression
impl implement inherent or trait functionality
in part of for loop syntax
let bind a variable
loop loop unconditionally
match match a value to patterns
mod define a module
move make a closure take ownership of all captures
mut denote mutability in references, raw pointers, or patterns
pub denote public visibility in fields, blocks, or modules
ref bind by reference
return return from a function
Self a type alias for the type we are defining or implementing
self method subject or current module
static global variable or lifetime lasting the program execution
struct define a structure
super parent module of the current module
trait define a trait
true boolean true literal
type define a type alias or associated type
union define a union
unsafe denote unsafe code, functions, traits, or implementations
use bring symbols into scope
where denote causes that constrain a type
while loop unconditionally based on the result of an expression

Variables and Mutability

  • Constants are compile-time evaluated2

  • Unlike let assignments, const cannot use type inference:

    // OK
    let x = 60 * 60 * 3;
    // ERROR
    const x = 60 * 60 * 3;
    // OK
    const x: u32 = 60 * 60 * 3;
  • Shadowing is powerful, by either creating explicit new scopes:

    let x = 5;
      let x = x * 2;
  • Or even reusing a particulary good name:

    let spaces = "   ";
    let spaces = spaces.len();

Data Types

A scalar represents a single value, of which Rust has four primary types:

  • integers
  • floating-point numbers
  • booleans
  • characters


An integer is a number without a fractional component:

Length [Signed ]3 Unsigned
8-bit i8 u8
16-bit i16 u16
32-bit i32 u32
64-bit i64 u64
128-bit i128 u128
[arch]4 isize usize

Integer values can be written in any of the following forms:

Number literals Example
Decimal 98_222
Hex 0xff
Octal 0o77
Binary ob1111_0000
Byte (u8 only) b'A'

Rust's defaults generally start with i32.

Integer Overflow

  • In --debug mode, panics occur when integer overflow would occur.
  • In --release mode, two's complement wrapping occurs.

To explicitly handle overflow, there are several primitive numeric methods:

  • Wrap all modes with wrapping_*, such as wrapping_add
  • Return the None value if there is overflow with the checked_* methods
  • Return the value and a boolean indicating overflow with overflowing_*
  • Saturating at the value's minimum/maximum with saturating_*

Floating-Point Types

Rust has f32 and f64 respectively, with the default being f64.

All floating-point types are signed.

Boolean Type

I.e. either true or false.

Character Type

Rust's char (u4) type is the language's most primitive alphabetic type:

// Note single quotes (char literals) versus double quotes (string literals).
let c = 'z';
let c = '😻';


Grouping together a number of values into a single, fixed-length compound type:

let tup = (500, 6.4, 1);

We mostly use destructuring to read from a tuple:

let (x, y, z) = tup;

// Also works
let x = tup.0;
let y = tup.1;
let z = tup.2;


Collection of multiple values of the same type, also with a fixed-length:

let a = [1, 2, 3];

We can also use destructuring:

let [x, y, z] = a;

// Also works
let x = x[0];
let y = y[1];
let z = y[2];

Unlike, say, C, reading out of bounds causes a panic:

let a = [1, 2, 3];
let a = a[3];


Return expressions (i.e. without a ;) are implicit:

fn five() -> i32 {

fn plus_one(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x + 1

Nothing else too spicy, though being able to write expression bodies is nice:

let y = {
  let x = 3;
  x + 1


Most comments will begin with two slashes, i.e. // I'm feeling lucky.

Control Flow


Straight-forward, anything than a simple if or else if would use match.

However, if is also an expression:


Mostly either loop { ... }, while <cond> { ... }, or for x in a { ... }.


I had to use more expressive formatted print in these examples.

Some examples:

// Simple stringified replacements.
println!("{} days", 31);

// Positional arguments.
println!("{0}, this is {1}. {1}, this is {0}", "Alice", "Bob");

// Named arguments.
println!("{subject} {verb} {object}",
         object="The dog",
         subject="the fox",
         verb="jumps over");

// Different formatting.
println!("Base ... 10 {0} 2 {0:b} 8 {0:o} 16 {0:x} {0:X}", 69420);

// Right-align text, i.e. "    1".
println!("{:>5}", 1);

// "00001".
println!("{0:>5}", 1);


  1. Source:


  3. Whether it is possible to be negative, -(2n - 1) to 2n - 1 - 1. See two's complement.

  4. Depend on the architecture of the computer your program is running on; i.e. 64-bit if on 64-bit architecture, and 32-bit if you are on 32-bit architecture. The primary situation you'd use one of these types is when indexing some sort of collection.