- Python 3 with the
(discord.py) module - Cron activated (or do systemd timers if you prefer)
- Developer mode should be activated (see https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-)
- Basic knowledge of discord server management
If you want to share your CoRT-dc channels with other servers, you'll need to enable your community server, see https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047132851-Enabling-Your-Community-Server
Once you get your server, create two channels, either text (local only) or
announcement (shared/community). Let's call them bz-status
You need to create a bot account from your own account.
See https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html#discord-intro
At stage 6, give the following permissions to the bot:
- "Send Messages"
- "Manage Messages"
At this point, your should have your bot in your server member list.
Doc: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/10543994968087-Channel-Permissions-Settings-101
You may have noted that your bot has a specific role, for each channels allow it to:
- "View Channel"
- "Send Messages"
- "Manage Messages"
Set the permissions of @everyone
so nobody can write in these two channels but
CoRT-dc (and you as the server owner).
Time to install the bot on your VPS now.
- Copy
, add the secret token you got when creating the bot (you can regenerate it if lost), the various channels IDs and the server ID; see the developer link in Pre-requisites that explains how to get them. Leave thetest
channel ID as-is, it is used for development. Chmod/Chown it accordingly. - Now we will trigger our first discord messages, issue the following commands:
cd /where/is/CoRT-dc
python3 bz.py
python3 bosses.py
Hopefully, you should see messages appear in the two channels.