- fixes dependency vulnerabilities
- update mesh-helper to v1.0.6
- fixes multiple grid generation if using CSS Modules
- update mesh-helper to v1.0.4
- fix settings reset problem on recompile
- minor changes
- custom classNames
- exclude components by span
- debug mode to display excluded classes
to set the default unit of containeruse-name-prefix
to to toggle classNames prefix- minor changes
- documentation update
- README.md update
- postcss-mesh.org GoLive
- major update. See READEME.md for documentation.
- You can now set the grid's name via the
property. - classes with suffix
now exist so you can reset pulls, pushes and offsets.
- Bug Fix: using keyword "fluid" for property "container-width" within a viewport declaration now sets width to 100%
- minor changes
- seperate multi-word properties by '-'
- updated READE.md with basic documentation
- fixed
displayType: flex
and addedflex-wrap: wrap
to the.mesh-void{...}
✨ First pre-release v0.0.1