VXFLD is a suite of tools that provides the ability to do VXLAN BUM flooding using unicast instead of the traditional multicast. This is accomplished using 2 components, vxsnd and vxrd.
vxsnd provides the unicast BUM packet flooding and VTEP learning capabilities while vxrd is a simple registration daemon designed to register local VTEPs with a remote vxsnd daemon.
Install using pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/CumulusNetworks/vxfld.git
or install from source:
python setup.py install
Build the man pages:
python setup.py build_sphinx
Once built, the man pages can be found under build/man/. To install them:
mkdir /usr/local/man/man8 install -g 0 -o 0 -m 0644 build/man/vx*.8 /usr/local/man/man8/ gzip /usr/local/man/man8/vx*.8
Refer to the Configuring the Registration Node section in the LNV user guide. Launch the daemon by running:
sudo /path/to/vxrd -d
or to run as non-sudo:
/path/to/vxrd -d -p /path/to/vxrd.pid -u /path/to/vxrd.sock [ -c /path/to/vxrd.conf ]
Refer to the Configuring the Service Node section in the LNV user guide. Launch the daemon by running:
sudo /path/to/vxsnd -d
or to run as non-sudo:
/path/to/vxsnd -d -p /path/to/vxsnd.pid -u /path/to/vxsnd.sock --no-flood [ -c /path/to/vxsnd.conf ]
Note: software replication requires root priveleges to bind to raw sockets; --no-flood disables it.
Cumulus Networks LNV user guide.