R2 Directory Sync
ActionsGithub action to upload static directory of files to Cloudflare R2
Before uploading, it will first check whether it is consistent with the local file. If there is no corresponding file in R2, or the file is inconsistent, it will be updated.
Required The R2 Account ID.
Required The R2 Access Key ID.
Required The R2 Secret Key.
Required The R2 bucket name.
Required The directory you want to upload.
Optional Destination path of the directory. Defaults to the root of the bucket.
Optional Filter sent files using regular expressions
- name: R2 Directory Sync
uses: zhaijunxiao/[email protected]
accountid: ${{ secrets.CF_ACCOUNT_ID }}
accesskeyid: ${{ secrets.CF_ACCESS_KEY }}
secretaccesskey: ${{ secrets.CF_SECRET_KEY }}
bucket: ${{ secrets.R2_BUCKET }}
source: ${{ github.workspace }}/static
destination: dir
filenamePattern: .*
R2 Directory Sync is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.