We now have a fully functioning REST API with dozens of endpoints, all of them secure, which we can use to create structured access to our data. Now it is time for you to create something that leverages our new APIs.
I have no idea how much time you will have at this point, so if you are out of time, feel free to continue the Hackathon on your own time. You can "submit" your application by sending me a link to your LoopBack explorer page, and any other page that is part of your "solution." Send to [email protected]
If you are looking for a little guidance, the next logical step is to create a front-end website that uses our REST API to populate information for users. Maybe users can look through the books you have available, sort books by author, or look at all books written by an author? Maybe you want to add more models and relationships? It is really up to you!
Or maybe you can create an application in another language (PHP, Python, or even RPG?) that consumes our REST API endpoints to access data in our data model (and eventually, the database).
This is the part of the hackathon where you have freedom. If you are really at a loss for something to do, I will have my screen shared, trying to implement my own application that uses our new LoopBack-created REST APIs.
With 10 minutes left in the hackathon, we can do a show and tell to show how we have integrated our REST APIs with another application.
Next: Conclusion