clear and equals button to be in same row
clear and equals button to be in same row
make design a bit nicer
make design a bit nicer
add check if it's NaN in the handleOperator and handleEquals to stop …
add check if it's NaN in the handleOperator and handleEquals to stop …
refactor code to re utilize handleEquals and handleNumberInput by cli…
refactor code to re utilize handleEquals and handleNumberInput by cli…
add event listeners to keydown for numbers and backspace
add event listeners to keydown for numbers and backspace
keep 0 in front of .
keep 0 in front of .
add eventlisteners to 0 and . and make division by 0 return an error
add eventlisteners to 0 and . and make division by 0 return an error
clicking operator btn after first calculation immediately returns the…
clicking operator btn after first calculation immediately returns the…
make clear button change display to 0 instead of emtpy
make clear button change display to 0 instead of emtpy
make operator buttons work as expected
make operator buttons work as expected
html & css structure initial
html & css structure initial
Initial commit, basic operations ond operator in js file, rest empty
Initial commit, basic operations ond operator in js file, rest empty