Following NVIDIA GPU installation (B.1.), we'll delve into the setup of the Docker Hailo Software Suite and the necessary steps to enable Docker's utilization of the GPU.
- Google account
- Paid subscription to Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
- Access to Hailo Developer Zone
- GCP Compute Engine with NVIDIA GPUs and Docker (see B.1.)
- Docker Install of the Hailo Software Suite
- Use Docker with NVIDIA GPU
- Access the Hailo Developer Zone(account creation required).
- Download the latest Software Suite (Latest releases):
- Software package: AI Software Suite
- Software subpackage: AI Software Suite
- Architecture: x86
- OS: Linux
- Python version: 3.8
- Open a terminal on your local computer and upload the .zip file to you home directory in the VM with this command. "LOCAL_PATH" should be replaced with the actual path to the downloaded files on the local machine. Similarly, USERNAME and EXTERNALIP" should be replaced with the username and external IP of the VM.
- SSH into the GCP VM:
- Unzip the Hailo Software Suite archive:
sudo apt install unzip
Adjust the versionname of the sw_suite as new versions are released regulary. 7. Then run the script - which opens a new container and get inside the container with this command. The script might take a while to download and set up the container.
You can drink some coffee or tea and ignore the Xauthority error as it's not crucial for non-graphical applications.
- Check the hailo software suite with
hailo -h
Then exit docker with the exit
- For each session run this command to confirm that your system has GPUs and that Docker can access them:
docker run --gpus all nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-base-ubuntu20.04 nvidia-smi
./ --resume
- To test the hailo suite you can test the following command to give a list of available commands or to see the installed packages
hailo -h
pip list | grep hailo
Continue with Compiling YOLOv8 Model with Hailo Model Zoo.