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antrelay (src/

This is the frontend software. It connects to uplink and downlink Unix sockets, as well as a serial port (the central station).


An uplink/downlink simulator console. Connects to running relay software and sends packets as if it were the rover.


Similar to console, emulates the serial side. Connects to a serial port and sends cobs-encoded packets as if it were the central station.


Development was a bit practically easier for me on Windows, so everything also runs on Windows -- in this case, rather than Unix sockets, everything communicates over IP/UDP sockets.

build / run

This project was written in Rust. Grab it from To run a binary:

$ cargo run --bin <binary_name> -- <args>

For testing, I recommend invoking antrelay and the console in different terminals:

# relay
$ cargo run -- --serial-port <your serial port> --uplink socks/uplink --downlink socks/downlink

# console
$ cargo run --bin console -- --uplink socks/uplink --downlink socks/downlink

The console supports both submitting commands to the uplink, and decoding messages that come back over the downlink.

Type help to list supported commands.

debugging serial (serial_console)

If you want to test serial functionality independent of the hardware, use serial_console:

$ cargo run --bin serial_console -- --serial_port <your serial port>

You'll probably need a null modem/loopback serial connection. The easiest way I've found to emulate this is with socat. It will report the ptys it allocates for you, to use with serial_console and antrelay:

$ socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0

rover -> frontend control messages

To produce a listing of hex-encoded control messages the frontend software expects to receive from the rover at the relevant points in the mission, you can run:

$ cargo run --bin rovermsgs
hex-encoding of binary control messages (rover -> antrelay frontend)
5v supplied to ant

ant garage open

rover is not turning

rover is turning

Output as of 2/2023 is included above and is expected to be stable.

Additional output including direct ant control messages (not to be sent by rover on mission):

# ...
hex-encoding of selected binary ant control messages
ant start

ant stop

ant forward (test only)

ant backward (test only)

ant ping

For clarity, we expect to receive these messages as binary packets over the uplink socket (not textual hex). You can convert the messages to binary files as follows:

$ echo -n "$hex" | xxd -r -p > test.bin


Over the downlink, the frontend echoes every packet it:

  • receives over the uplink
  • sends to the serial port
  • receives from the serial port

Raw literal packets are always sent. If the frontend succeeds in (de)serializing the packet, it also reencodes it and sends that as a "non-raw" version. E.g., there's both an "uplink raw" message type (UDP packets from uplink) and an "uplink" (reencoded messages) type, to give us visibility in the case of a serialization failure.

Our telemetry from the central station and ant is in the form of "serial downlink" packets that come back over this link.

The downlink itself is encoded using the rust bincode library and then compressed using brotli -- it is not easily introspectable.

LO integration testing

If testing the messages defined above over the uplink, we provide the decode_downlink tool to decode messages downlinked from the ant's docker container:

$ cargo run --bin docker_downlink < packet.bin

It expects binary input by default, but can be passed --hex or --base64 as appropriate, e.g.:

$ echo -n $pkt_hex | cargo run --bin docker_downlink -- --hex

The most interesting messages will be marked SERIAL DOWNLINK, as this is what is coming back from the central station:

  • After sending 5v supplied, we expect periodic CSPing[Ack] messages with no payload.

  • After sending ant garage open:

    • CSGarageOpen[Ack] with no payload. If the ant is not present, this should be it.
    • With the ant:
      • CSBLEConnect[Ack] with no payload. (It may send a CSBLEDisconnect[Ack] first if it was already connected to the ant.)
      • CSRelay packets containing ant data
  • After sending rover not turning, assuming ant is present:

    • AntStart[Ack]
    • Ant should start to move
    • After it completes its move, a dump of CSRelay packets containing ant data
  • After sending rover turning, assuming ant is present:

    • AntStop[Ack]
    • Ant should stop moving (I don't believe the current firmware does this)

Note that resending a packet from the rover will not cause repeat behavior unless we've been in a different state since the first message. E.g. "not turning -> not turning" means the frontend software will only trigger sending a message to the ant once.

docker (@LO)

A docker run oneliner:

$ docker run \
    -v socket_dir:/sockets:rw \
    -v /dev/SERIAL_TTY:/serial:rw \
    --restart on-failure \
    antrelay:latest \
    --serial-port /serial \
    --baud 115200 \
    --uplink /sockets/uplink \
    --downlink /sockets/downlink

(Plus whatever is required to give us dialout/access to the serial port on the host system)


  • integration tests