- Changed
method to delete the service asynchronously and poll for completion on the client. - Added forms of
methods andassociateRoleWithSpace()
methods that take an organization parameter. - Added populating
field of app metadata when retrieving applications. - Added
methods for retrieving user and system environment variables. - Added
methods. - Added support for providing implicit-grant tokens in credentials.
- Fixed parsing of UTC Z dates.
- Upgraded the Apache HttpClient library to version 4.3.6 to address a security vulnerability in HttpClient (http://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2014/08/18/8)
- Added operations for managing security groups
- Added the ability to assign space roles to a user
- Added setting the space when retrieving and application
- Fixed bugs in parsing application environment variables
- Updated Spring Framework, Apache HttpClient, and Jackson dependendencies to Spring 4.x, HttpComponents 4.3.x, and Jackson 2.x
- Added the ability to specify a syslog drain URL with a user-provided service
- Added space management operations
- Added the ability to upload an application from an InputStream
- Changed retrieval of “recent logs” from Loggregator to use the HTTP endpoint instead of the deprecated WebSockets endpoint (tailing logs from Loggregator continues to use WebSockets).
- Updated tomcat-embed-websockets library to address a problem tailing logs from Loggregator on some platforms
- Added support for authenticated HTTP proxies
- Changed uploading of application bits to always use UTC time for “last modified” timestamp of files to match CLI behavior
- Added service broker management operations
- Added quota management operations
- Added method for removal of orphaned application routes
methods were added to retrieve logs from Loggregator- An
method was added to stream the contents of a file - A
method was added to retrieve a list of available service brokers
- Added support for user-provided servicess.
- Added support for "healthCheckTimeout" and "diskQuota" parameters on application creation in the Client Library.
- Removed validation of application memory settings, since memory values are no longer constrained to a fixed set of options.
- Improved support for async file uploads.
- Added support for accepting self-signed SSL certificates from the Cloud Foundry target endpoint.
- Frameworks
- Runtimes
- ServiceConfiguration (replaced by CloudServiceOffering)
- Application plans
- CloudFoundryClient constructors and parameters modified accordingly
- Buildpack and command fields were added to the Staging object used for createApplication
- Space name and Org name added as a CloudFoundryClient constructor parameters
The following classes have moved to the org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain package
- ApplicationStats.java
- CloudApplication.java
- CloudEntity.java
- CloudInfo.java
- CloudResource.java
- CloudResources.java
- CloudService.java
- CrashInfo.java
- CrashesInfo.java
- DeploymentInfo.java
- InstanceInfo.java
- InstanceStats.java
- InstancesInfo.java
- ServiceConfiguration.java
- Staging.java
- UploadApplicationPayload.java
The following classes have moved to the org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.util package
- CloudUtil.java
- StringHttpMessageConverterWithoutMediaType.java
- UploadApplicationPayloadHttpMessageConverter.java
You will need to adjust the import statements for these classes
The org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudFoundryOperations interface defines the public API. You can use this interface or continue using the org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.CloudFoundryClient class.
All entity classes in the org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain package have a CloudEntity.Meta property that hold the following attributes:
- UUID guid;
- Date created;
- Date updated;
- int version;
This allows you to determine the version of any entity using getMeta().getVersion() which should return 1 or 2 depending on the cloud controller version currently connected to.
The following method has been removed from CloudFoundryClient:
public <T> T getFile(String appName, int instanceIndex, String filePath, RequestCallback requestCallback, ResponseExtractor<T> responseHandler)
The following methods have been removed from CloudApplication:
public Map<String, Object> getMeta()
public void setMeta(Map<String, Object> meta)
They are replaced with the following methods that are now available for all cloud entity classes:
public CloudEntity.Meta getMeta()
public void setMeta(CloudEntity.Meta meta)
The org.cloudfoundry.client.lib.domain.CloudApplication class has been deprecated since it's not used anywhere in the library. You will have to replace this with your own implementation.