This is the list of previous todos that are now completed
Major Version:
- [] iOS App
Next Minor Version:
- [] Ensure even when a podcast is clicked via the search page it still loads all the podcast db context
- Allow user to adjust amount of time to save/download youtube videos
- After adding podcast we no longer show dumpster
- Bad url while no channels added youtube
Version 0.7.3
- Youtube Subscriptions
- Fix refreshing so it handlees youtube subscriptions
- Thumbnails for youtube episodes currently are just sections of the video
- Validate some more channel adds
- Speed up channel add process by only checking recent videos up to 30 days.
- When searching channels show more recent vids than just one
- Dynamic updating youtube channels
- Delete youtube subs
- Ensure youtube videos update completion/listen time status correctly
- check refreshing on episode/other youtube related pages
- Make /episode page work with youtube
- Allowed and documented option to download episodes as specific user on host machine
- Nextcloud Sync Fixed
- Episode Completion Status is now pushed to Nextcloud/Gpodder
- Adjusted Downloaded Episode titles to be more descriptive - Also added metadata
- Fixed issue with news feed adding
- Additional Podcast parsing when things are missing
- Add pinepods news feed to any admin rather than hard id of 2
- Fix recent episodes so it handles incompletes better
- Check mark episode complete on episode page
- Uncomplete/complete - and in prog episode sorting on episode_layout page
- Add completed icon and in prog info to episodes on episode_layout page
- Check for and fix issues with refreshing again on every page
- Fix issue with episodes page opening when clicking show notes while on episodes page already
- Fix issues with ability to open episode_layout page from episode page. That includes whether the podcast is added or not
- Add podcastindexid to episode page url vars - Then pass to dynamic func call
- Validate Mysql functions
- Build clients and verify
- Sometimes episodes are not even close to newest or right order in episode_layout
- Think the weird yt double refreshing after search is messing up which one is subbed to
- Queuing yt ep also queues standard pod counterpart id
Version 0.7.2
- Mobile Progress line (little line that appears above the line player to indicate your progress in the episode)
- Dynamically Adjusting chapters. Chapters now adapt and update as you play each one
- Dynamic Play button. This means when you play an episode it will update to a pause button as you see it in a list of other episodes
- Fixed issue where Gpodder wasn't adding in podcasts right away after being connected.
- Fixed issues with admin user add component where you could adjust user settings
- Also adjusted error messages on user component so that it's more clear what went wrong
- Added in RSS feed capability. There's a new setting to turn on RSS feeds in the user settings. This will allow you to get a feed of all your Pinepods podcasts that you can add into another podcast app.
- Individual Podcasts can also be subscribed to with feeds as well. Opening the individual Podcast page there's a new RSS icon you can click to get the feed
- Fixed issues where theme wasn't staying applied sometimes
- Added filtering throughout the app. You can now selectively filter whether podcasts is completed or in progress
- Added quick search in numerous places. This allows you to quickly search for a podcast based on the name. Pages like History, Saved, Podcast have all gotten this
- Added Sorting throughout the app. You can now sort podcasts in numerous ways, such as a-z, longest to shortest, newest to oldest, etc...
- Fixed issue where images in descriptions could break the layout of episodes
- Adjusted categories to look nicer in the podcast page
- Fixed issues with DB backup options
- Implemented DB restore options
- Fixed issue where the Queue on mobile wasn't adjusting episode placement
Version 0.7.0
Android App
Flatpak Client
Snap Client
aur client
Added Valkey to make many processes faster
People Table with background jobs to update people found in podcasts
Subscribe to people
Add loading spinner when adding podcast via people page
Four new themes added
People page dropdowns on podcasts and episodes
Stop issues with timeouts on occation with mobile apps - Potentially fixed due to audio file caching. Testing needed
Virtual Lines implemented for Home and Episode Layout. This will improve performance on those pages greatly
Dynamically adjusting buttons on episode page
PodcastPeople DB up and running and can be contributed to
Show currently updating podcast in refresh feed button at top of screen
Fixed up remaining issues with user podcast refresh
Podcast 3x layout
Finalize loading states so you don't see login page when you are already authenticated
Using valkey to ensure stateless opml imports
Android play/pause episode metadata
Draggable Queues on Mobile Devices
Make Chapters much nicer. Nice modern look to them
Add background task to remove shared episode references in db after 60 days
Dynamically adjusting Download, Queue, and Saved Episodes so that every page can add or remove from these lists
Fixed issue where some episodes weren't adding when refreshing due to redirects
Some pods not loading in from opml import - better opml validation. Say number importing. - OPML imports moved to backend to get pod values, also reporting function created to update status
Update queue slider to be centered
People don't clear out of hosts and people dropdowns if a podcast doesn't have people. So it shows the old podcast currently
div .title on audio player is now a link, not selectable text.
Improved the playback and volume dropdowns so they don't interact with the rest of the page now
Added some box shadow to the episode image in the full screen player
When playing an episode <- and -> arrow keys skips forward and back for the playback now
Layout improved all over the place
Phosphor icons implemented as opposed to material
Settings page layout rebuilt
Better handle description html formatting
Version 0.6.6
- Manually adjust tags for podcast in podcast settings
- Dynamically refresh tags on ep-layout when adding and removing them
- Removed see more button from the episodes_layout, queue, and downloads page
- Added a People page so that you can see other episodes and podcasts a particular person has been on
- Speed up people page loading (happens in async now)
- Add loading component to people page loading process
- Added category filtering to podcasts page
- Link Sharing to a podcast to share and allow people to listen to that episode on the server without logging in
- Update api key creation and deletion after change dynamically with use_effect
- Update mfa setup slider after setup dynamically with use_effect
- Fixed refreshing on episode screen so it no longer breaks the session
- Fixed refreshing on episode-layout screen so it no longer breaks the session
- Fixed issue with episode page where refreshing caused it to break
- Fixed issue with queue where episode couldn't be manually removed
- Added loading spinner when opening an episode to ensure you don't momentarily see the wrong episode
- Improve Filtering css so that things align correctly
- Made the button to add and remove podcasts more consistent (Sometimes it was just not registering)
- Upgraded pulldown-cmark library
- Upgraded python mysql-connection library to 9
- Upgraded chrono-tz rust library
- mac version attached like this:
- Update Rust dependancies
- mac version attached like this: dmg.Pinepods_0.6.5_aarch64.dmg - Also second mac archive build failed
- Fix the archived builds for linux. Which are huge because we include a ton of appimage info
- Add in x64 mac releases
- Build in arm cross compile into ubuntu build
Version 0.6.5
- Fixed issue with Podcasts page not refreshing correctly
- Added Add Custom Feed to Podcasts page
- Allow for podcast feeds with user and pass
- Add option to add podcast from feed on podcasts page
- Ensure podcast loads onto podcast page when adding a new custom one in
- Adjusted buttons on episode layout page so they dynamically adjust position to fit better
- Option for user to manually update feeds
- Update Feed directly after adding a Nextcloud/gpodder sync server instead of waiting for the next refresh
- Fixed issue with episode refreshing where a panic could occur (This was due to the categories list)
- Ensured See More Button only shows when needed (Just made the descriptions clickable)
- Fixed issue with context for podcasts not dynamically updating on the episode layout page once the podcast was added to the db
- Fixed issue with nextcloud sync on mysql dbs
- Fixed issue with db setup with mysql
- Ensured deleting podcast when on the episode layout page it closes the deleted modal
Version 0.6.4
- Added a fallback to the opml import for when the opml file uses text instead of title for the podcast name key
- Added a new route for the version tag that dynamically updates when the application is compiled. This allows for automation around the version numbers all based around the the Github release tag as the original source of truth.
- Fixed layout for podcasts when searching
- Support floating point chapters
- Fixed issue with white space at the bottom of every page #229
- Cleaned up incorrect or not needed logging at startup #219
- Fixed issue with user stats page where it would lose user context on reload #135
- Fixed issue with settings page where it would lose user context on reload #134
- Fixed issue with episode_layout page where it would lose user context on reload and also made podcasts sharable via link #213
- Fixed issue where podcast episode counts wouldn't increment after initial add to the db
- Ugraded gloo::net to 0.6.0
- Upgraded openssl in src-tauri to 0.10.66
- Upgraded a few other rust depends to next minor version
- Added loading spinner to custom feed and implemented more clear success message
- Fixed postgres return issue on user_stats route
- Fixed postgres return issue on mfa return route
- Fixed delete api key route for postgres
- Implemented adjustment on all modals throughout the app so clicking outside them closes them (episode layout confiramtions missing yet - also test all login modals)
- Implemented adjustment on all modals so that they overlap everything in the app (This was causing issues on small screens)
- Added Confirmation dialog modal to podcast deletion on /podcasts layout page
- Changed name of bt user to background_tasks to make the user more clear on api key settings display
Version 0.6.3
- Jump to clicked timestamp
- Full Chapter Support (Support for floating points needed yet)
- Chapter Image Support
- Basic Support for People Tags (Host and Guest)
- Support for Funding Tags
- Draggable Queue placement
- Fixed issue with self service user creation when using a postgres db
- Rebuilt the Podcast Episode Layout display page so that on small screens everything fits on screen and looks much nicer
- Rebuilt the Single Episode display page so that on small screens everything fits on screen and looks much nicer
- Fixed Issue with Episodes on small screens where if a word in the title was long enough it would overflow the container
- Adjusted the Podcast Episode Layout display page so that you can click and episode title and view the description
- Removed Unneeded space between First episode/podcast container and the title bar at the top on multiple pages - Just cleans things up a bit
- Fixed image layout issue where if episode had wide image it would overflow the container and title text
- Fixed issue with categories where it showed them as part of a dictionary and sometimes didn't show them at all
- Added verification before downloading all episodes since this is quite a weighty process
- Added Complete Episode Option to Episode Page
- Adjusted downloads page to display the number of downloaded episodes instead of the number of episodes in the podcast
- Added Episode Completion Status to Episode Page
- Fixed Issue with Postgres DBs where sometimes it would return dictionaries and try to refresh episodes using :podcastid as the podcast id. Now it always refreshes correctly
- Fixed issue where when using postgres the User Created date on the user stats page would display the unix Epoch date
- Added Validations on Episode layout page to verify the user wants to delete the podcast or download all episodes
Pre launch tests: Check routes for mysql and postgres Create self service user on mysql and postgres
Version 0.6.2
- Kubernetes deployment option with helm
- Easy to use helm repo setup and active
- Added Local Download support to the client versions
- Local Downloads and Server Downloads tabs in client versions
- Created logic to keep track of locally downloaded episodes
- Episodes download using tauri function
- Episodes play using tauri functions
- Episodes delete using tauri functions
- Create a system to queue the local download jobs so that you don't need to wait for the downloads to complete
- Added offline support to the client versions.
- Installable PWA
- Fixed bug where some requests would queue instead of clearing on continued episode plays. For example, if you played an episode and then played another episode, the first episode would still make reqeuests for updating certain values.
- Fixed issue with postgres dbs not adding episodes after addding a Nextcloud sync server (It was calling the refresh nextcloud function in the wrong file)
- Fixed issue with manual completion where it only could complete, but not uncomplete
- Fixed issue in downloads page where see more button didn't work on episodes
Version 0.6.1
- Add support for gpodder sync standalone container. You can now sync to either Nextcloud or a gpodder standalone server that supports user and passwords.
- Volume control in the player
- Fixed a couple parsing issues with mysql dbs found after implementing the new postgres support
- Fixed issue where MFA couldn't be disabled. It just tried to enable it again.
- Fixed issue with time zone parsing in postgres and mysql dbs
- Implemented a mac dmg client
- Added Current Version to User Stats Page
Version 0.6.0
- Added Postgresql support
- Added option to podcast pages to allow for downloading every episode
- Enhanced downloads page to better display podcasts. This improves archival experience
- Added ability to download all episodes of a podcast at once with a button
- Added Individual Podcast Settings Button
- Completed status added so podcasts can be marked as completed manually and will auto complete once finished
- Auto Download Episodes when released for given podcasts
- Added Auto Skip options for intro and outros of podcasts
- Fixed issue where episodes could be downloaded multiple times
Version 0.5.4
Fixed enter key to login when highlighted on username or password field of login page
Created a confirmation message when a user gets created using self service user creation
Fixed issue with viewing episodes with certain podcasts when any episodes were missing a duration
Fixed issue where release date would show current timestamp when the podcast wasn't added to the db
Added user deletion option when editing a user
Fixed issue with password changing in the ui. It now works great.
Version 0.5.3
- Fix appearance and layout of podcasts on podcast screen or on searching pages. (Also added additional see more type dropdowns for descriptions to make them fit better.)
- Fix mobile experience to make images consistently sized
- Fixed layout of pinepods logo on user stats screen
- Expanded the search bar on search podcasts page for small screens. It was being cut off a bit
- Fixed order of history page
- Downloads page typo
- Improve look of search podcast dropdown on small screens
- Made the setting accordion hover effect only over the arrows.
- Added area in the settings to add custom podcast feeds
- Added a Pinepods news feed that gets automatically subscribed to on fresh installs. You can easily unsubscribe from this if you don't care about it
- Added ability to access episodes for an entire podcast from the episode display screen (click the podcast name)
- Created functionality so the app can handle when a feed doesn't contain an audio file
- Added playback speed button in the episode playing page. Now you can make playback faster!
- Added episode skip button in the episode playing page. Skips to the next in the queue.
- Fixed issue with the reverse button in the episode page so that it now reverses the playback by 15 seconds.
- Fixed issue where spacebar didn't work in app when episode was playing
- Added and verified support for mysql databases. Thanks @rgarcia6520
Version 0.5.2
- Fixed issue with removal of podcasts when no longer in nextcloud subscription
- Fixed scrolling problems where the app would sometimes start you at the bottom of the page when scrolling to different locations.
- Fixed issue where a very occaitional podcast is unable to open it's feed. This was due to podcast redirects. Which caused the function to not work. It will now follow a redirect.
- Fixed an issue where podcasts would be removed after adding when nextcloud sync is active
- Added Nextcloud timestamp functionality. Podcasts will now sync listen timestamps from nextcloud. Start an episode on pinepods and finish it on Antennapods!
- Added css files for material icons rather than pulling them down from Google's servers (Thanks @civilblur)
- Fixed display issue on the search bar so it correctly formats itunes and podcast index
- Added in check on the podcast page to check if the podcast has been added. This allows the podcast to have the context button if it's added to the db
- Readjusted the format of episodes on screen. This tightens them up and ensures they are all always consistently sized. It also allows more episodes to show at once.
- Added loading icon when a podcast is being added. This gives some feedback to the user during a couple seconds it takes to add the feed. (Also improved the look of that button)
- Fixed date formatting issue on all pages so they format using the user's timezone preferences.
- Added notifications when saving, downloading, or queueing episode from search page.
- Improved look at the episode page. Fixed up the spacing and the buttons.
Version 0.5.1
- Fixed Nextcloud cors issues that were appearing due to requests being made from the client side
- Fixed Docker auto uploads in actions CI/CD
Version 0.5.0
- Complete Rust WASM Rebuild
- Make Timestamps with with Auto Resume
- Nextcloud Subscriptions
- Finalize User Stats recording and display
- MFA Logins
- User Settings
- Ensure Queue Functions after episode End
- Auto Update Button interactions based on current page. (EX. When on saved page - Save button should be Remove from Saved rather than Save)
- Refresh of podcasts needs to be async (Currently that process stops the server dead)
- Make the Queue functional and verify auto removals and adds
- Downloads Page
- Backup Server
- Allow for episodes to be played without being added
- Fix images on some podcasts that don't appear. Likely a fallback issue
- Issues occur server side when adding podcast without itunes_duration (pinepods-1 | Error adding episodes: object has no attribute 'itunes_duration')
- Click Episode Title to Open into Episode Screen
- Duration Not showing when podcast played from episode layout screen
- Episodes not appearing in history (Issue due to recent episode in db check)
- Panic being caused when searching podcasts sometimes (due to an empty value) <- Silly Categories being empty
- Auto close queue, download, save context menu when clicking an option or clicking away from it
- Added login screen random image selection. For some nice styling
- Check for Added Podcasts to ensure you can't add a second time. Searching a podcast already added should present with remove button instead of add < - On search results page (done), on podcasts page (done), and on podcast episode list page
- Show Currently Connected Nextcloud Server in settings
- Allow Setting and removing user admin status in settings
- Show released time of episodes - use function call_get_time_info in pod_reqs (Additional date format display implemented along with AM/PM time based on user pref)
- Require Re-Login if API Key that's saved doesn't work
- Episodes directly get the wrong images sometimes. This likely has to do with the way the database is parsing the podcasts as they refresh and pull in. (Should be fixed. Need to allow feeds to load in some episodes to know for sure)
- Episode Releases are showing now time. Rather than actual release in app (Bug with Parsing)
- Consistent Styling Throughout
- Setup All Themes
- Downloads page playing streamed episodes. Should stream from server files
- Loading icon in the center of screen while episodes load in (Done on home - Further test)
- Podcasts show episode images sometimes on podcasts page for some reason (This was because it used the first episode in the feed for the import. Not anymore)
- Initial Screen loading as we pull in context - It swaps a lot quicker now. Theme stores itself in local storage
- Run Podcast Descriptions on Podcasts page through html parsing
- Fix all auth Problems with redirecting and episodes loading (Solution Found, implementing on all routes) <- Fixed, F5 now returns you to the page you were previously on
- Nextcloud Subscription Timestamps
- Verify Users only see what they have access to
- Do not delete theme context on logout
- Make validations work correctly on login user create
- Make no or wrong pass display error in server Restore and Backup
- Improve Import Experience
- Update All Depends
- Loading animations where if makes sense
- Verify Funtional Mobile Version (Functional - Will be made better with time)
- Cleanup prints on server and client end. Make debugging functionality work again
- Fix all CORs Issues - Verify behind Reverse Proxy (Seems to all work great with no issues)
- Client release with Tauri (Compiles and runs. Feature testing needed - Mainly Audio) <- Audo tested and working. Everything seems to be totally fine.
- Automation - client auto release and compile - auto compile and push to docker hub
- Revamp Readme
- Cors errors when browsing certain podcast results
- Perfect the scrubbing (Mostly good to go at this point. The only potential issue is the coloring. Another pass on colors will be done after the first beta release.)
- Itunes
- Revamp Documentation
Version 0.5.0
- v0.1 of Pinepods Firewood released!
- Nextcloud Gpodder Support added to Pinepods!
Version 0.4.1
- Fixed issue where get_user_episode_count wasn't displaying episode numbers. There was a syntax error in the api call
- Added /api/data/podcast_episodes and /api/data/get_podcast_id api calls. These are needed for Pinepods Firewood
Version 0.4
- Unlock api creation for standard users - The API has been completely re-written to follow along the permissions that users actually have. Meaning users can easily request their own api keys and sign into the client with admin consent
- Signing into the client edition is now possible with either an API key or username and password sign in. It gives the option to choose which you would prefer.
- Email resets currently broken for non-admins due to lockdown on encryption key. Need to handle encryption server-side
- Client version images load a lot faster now
- Fixed issue with audio container not reappearing after entering playing fullscreen
- Fixed Issue with Queue Bump Not working right
- Added verification when deleting user
Version 0.3.1
- Finalize reverse proxy processes and web playing
Version 0.3
- Export and import of following podcasts (basically user backups)
- Entire Server Backup and Import. This allows you to export and import your entire database for complete backups
- New refresh system added to automatically update podcasts in database with no user input.
- Reworked the controls displayed on the page to be components of a class. This should improve performance.
- fixed issues with logging in on small screens. (a big step for mobile version)
- Bug fixing such as fixing queue bump, and fixing an audio changing issue - Along with quite a few random UI bug fixing throughout
Version 0.2
- Implement custom urls for feeds
- Organize folder layout in the same way as the client when server downloading
Version 0.1
- Create Code that can pull Podcasts
- Integrate Podcast Index
- Play Audio Files using Python - Flet's Audio library is used
- Record listen history and display user history on specific page
- Record accurate listen time. So if you stop listening part-way through you can resume from the same spot
- Scrubbing playback from a progress bar - ft.slider()
- Visual progress bar based on time listened to podcasts partly listened to
- Download option for podcasts. In addition, display downloaded podcasts in downloads area. Allow for deletion of these after downloaded
- Queue, and allow podcasts to be removed from queue once added (Queue is added but you can't remove them from it yet)
- Login screen
- Episode view (Also display html in descriptions via markdown)
- Multiple Themes (like 10 I think?)
- Add picture of current episode to soundbar
- Complete user management with admin options
- Ability to Delete Users
- Allow guest user to be disabled (Is disabled by default)
- Ensure changes cannot be made to guest user
- Ensure Users cannot delete themselves
- Guest sign in via button on login screen when enabled
- Saved episodes view
- Caching image server (proxy)
- Optional user self service creation
- User stats page
- Implement sign in retention. (App retention now works. It creates session keys and stores them locally. Browser retention is next, this will need some kind of oauth)
- Audio Volume adjustment options
- Create Web App
- Responsive layout
- Security and Logins
- Database interaction for users and podcast data
- Fully update Readme with updated info and docs including deployment guide
- Bugs
- Links when searching an episode are blue (wrong color)
- When changing theme, then selecting 'podcasts' page, the navbar does not retain theme
- There's an issue with Queue not working properly. Sometimes it just plays instead of queues (Fixed when switching to flet audio control)
- Clicking podcast that's already been added displays add podcast view with no current way to play
- Clicking play buttons on a podcast while another is loading currently breaks things
- Pausing audio changes font color
- Login screen colors are wrong on first boot
- Themeing currently wrong on audio interaction control
- Starting a podcast results in audio bar being in phone mode on application version (This should be fixed. I load the check screensize method now further down the page. Which results in consistent width collection.)
- Starting a podcast results in audio bar being in phone mode on application version
- Adding a podcast with an emoji in the description currently appears to break it
- Layout breaks when pausing for podcast names
- The queue works but currently does not remove podcasts after switching to a new one
- Resume is currently broken (it now works but it double plays an episode before resuming for some reason. It still double plays and there's not a great way to fix it. Return later. Updates to flet are likely to help eventually)
- Double check 2 users adding the same podcast (There was an issue with checking playback status that is now fixed)
- After refresh auto update current route
- Double and triple check all interactions to verify functionality
- Fix any additional browser playback bugs (Audio now routes properly through the proxy)
- Dockerize
- Package into Container/Dockerfile
- Pypods image in docker hub
- Create Docker-Compose Code
- Mixed content - Currently running http or https content can cause an error
- Option to run your own local podcast index api connection
- Implement Gravitar API for profile picture
- Make web version utilize API Routes instead of database connections directly
- Update flet dependancy to v6 (This fixes audio routing)
- Ability to disable downloads (for public servers)
- One set of functions. Currently client and web app uses different function set. This is be changed for consistency.
- GUI Wrapper for App
- Server Hosting and client Interaction - Client interaction works via API with mariadb which is hosted on server side
- Options to create API keys on the web client as well as ability to remove them
- Linux App
- Install Script
- Packaging and automation
- Proper web layout
- Windows App
- Packaging and automation
- Mac App
- Packaging and automation
- Self Service PW Resets
- Add creator info to bottom of stats page
- Default User Creation (Default User is now created if user vars aren't specified in compoose file)
- Issue with web search bar may be due to appbar (This was a rabbit hole. Turns out this was due to the way the top bar was created prior to the routes. I needed to rebuild how searching is done, but this is now fixed)
- Occasionally podcasts will put seconds value in mins (This was a bug due to duration parsing. Code fixed, everything now displays properly)
- Fix client pooling issue (This is a tough issue. Pooling is occasionally a problem. I set the idle timeout to kill old connections and I also fixed a couple database connections that didn't run cnx.close) Edit: I actually think this is truly fixed now. I rebuilt the way this works using async, no problems so far
- Rebuild image Pulling process. The current one is just unworkable (It runs a lot better now. It spawns 4 workers to handle image gathering. Though it still isn't perfect, it hangs a bit occationally but for the time being it's totally usable)
- Layout Settings page better
- MFA Logins
- Allow local downloads to just download the mp3 files direct (Likely only possible on app version)
- Add Itunes podcast API
- MFA Logins on web version
- Do something when search results aren't found - Currently Blank screen
- Implement smoother scrolling with big list loading (I've started a fix for this. ListViews are now active and working right on home and podview)
- Option to remove from history
- Reload not needed to add and remove episodes from pages
- Add mfa to dynamic settings class
- Add new users to dynamic settings class
- Add Email settings to dynamic users class
- logout on client remove saved app cache (Implemented button in settings to clear cache)
- On top bar cutoff add a search button that opens a search prompt (There's a small version of the search button now)
- custom timezone entry
- MFA Display totp secret
- Fix guest with timezone stuff
- 2.0 description features
- Mass downloading episodes. Entire podcast at once (Implemented but I'm working on getting it to display on download page to see status)
- Remove local podcasts if podcast is no longer in database - Handle this somehow - Mass delete feature added
- Speed up database queries (Indexing added to episodes and podcasts)
- Check local downloads if already downloaded
- Allow description view on podcasts not added
- Configure some kind of auto-refresh feature - Refreshes now on first boot and once every hour
- Mass download options not working on web
- Issue with loading poddisplay on web
- Search options missing from web (Restored - Entirely due to flet jank from app to web)
- Small layout Improvements (Try, complete layout overhaul actually)
- Apparently I broke itunes searching (description addition was causing a problem)
- Internal Episode Search
- Refresh causes episode to restart
- Fix logout - It's shows navbar still
- Refresh with nothing in database breaks things
- Revamp queue - It should just save to the database
- Refresh changes on readme
- API documentation (Site Built with Docusaurus)