- Hi, this is an Expense Tracking App created by me and my team, including my dearest friend ChatGPT.
- The concept of this app is that without any need for an API and using text parsing, you can just paste your transaction messages, and voila, all your expenses are added.
- Right now, it's working for SBI messages. USE THESE MESSAGES FOR TEST:
Dear UPI user A/C X7716 debited by 13768.0 on date 01Apr24 trf to StanzaLiving Refno 123456789012. If not u? call 1800111109. -SBI
Dear UPI user A/C X7716 debited by 500.0 on date 02Jun24 trf to CATCHY ENTERPRIS Refno 234567890123. If not u? call 1800111109. -SBI
Dear UPI user A/C X7716 debited by 971.67 on date 01Mar24 trf to LAZYPAY PRIVATE Refno 345678901234. If not u? call 1800111109. -SBI
Dear UPI user A/C X7716 debited by 119.0 on date 28May24 trf to SHREYAS C Refno 456789012345. If not u? call 1800111109. -SBI
Dear UPI user A/C X7716 debited by 50.0 on date 15May24 trf to VISHRUTH D Refno 567890123456. If not u? call 1800111109. -SBI
You can just collect whatever transaction messages you get in the notes or notepad, and just copy all these and paste them in AutoFeed Expense:
This is a hosted version and might take time to open, but please give feedback if you find it useful.