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, 2016-08-09
Header <boost/endian/conversion.hpp>
enum class order { big, little, native }; // native == big or little
[u]int{8,16,32,64}_t endian_reverse([u]int{8,16,32,64}_t x) noexcept; // use intrinsic if available
template <typename T> concept bool EndianReversible = CopyConstructible<T> &&
requires (T x) { { endian_reverse(x) } -> T; };
template <typename T> concept bool EndianReversibleInPlace = CopyConstructible<T> &&
requires (T x) { endian_reverse_inplace(x); };
EndianReversible {big,little}_to_native(EndianReversible x) noexcept; // endian_reverse(x) if need
EndianReversible native_to_{big,little}(EndianReversible x) noexcept; // ditto
EndianReversible conditional_reverse<order, order>(EndianReversible x) noexcept; // ditto
EndianReversible conditional_reverse(EndianReversible x, order, order) noexcept; // ditto
void endian_reverse_inplace(EndianReversible& x) noexcept; // x = endian_reverse(x)
void {big,little}_to_native_inplace(EndianReversibleInplace& x) noexcept; // endian_reverse_inplace(x) or x
void native_to_{big,little}_inplace(EndianReversibleInplace& x) noexcept; // ditto
void conditional_reverse<order, order>(EndianReversibleInplace& x) noexcept; // ditto
void conditional_reverse(EndianReversibleInplace& x, order, order) noexcept; // ditto
Overload endian_reverse
for custom types.
Header <boost/endian/buffers.hpp>
enum class align { no, yes };
template <order Order, typename T, std::size_t n_bits, align A=align::no>
class endian_buffer {
typedef T value_type;
endian_buffer() noexcept = default;
explicit endian_buffer(T v) noexcept;
endian_buffer& operator=(T v) noexcept;
value_type value() const noexcept;
const char* data() const noexcept;
std::basic_ostream<C,T>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<C,T>&, endian_buffer<O,T,N,A> const &);
std::basic_istream<C,T>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<C,T>&, endian_buffer<O,T,N,A> &);
using {big,little}_[u]int{8,16,32,64}_buf_at = // exact size aligned buffer
endian_buffer<order::{big,little}, [u]int{8,16,32,64}, {8,16,32,64}, align::yes>;
using {big,little,native}_[u]int{8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64}_buf_t = // unaligned buffer
endian_buffer<order::{big,little}, [u]int_least{8,16,32,64}, {8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64}>;
- Use
conversions internally. - Specializations for aligned buffers store typed value.
- Specializations for unaligned buffers store value in char array.
Header <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
template <order Order, typename T, std::size_t n_bits, align A=align::no>
class endian_arithmetic : public endian_buffer<Order, T, n_bits, Align> {
typedef T value_type;
endian_arithmetic() noexcept = default;
endian_arithmetic(T v) noexcept; // implicit
endian_arithmetic& operator=(T v) noexcept;
operator value_type() const noexcept { return value(); } // implicit
friend value_type operator+(endian_arithmetic const &) noexcept;
friend bool operator{==,<}(endian_arithmetic const &, value_type) noexcept;
friend endian_arithmetic & operator{+,-,*,/,%,&,|,^,<<,>>}=(endian_arithmetic &, value_type) noexcept;
friend value_type operator{<<,>>}(endian_arithmetic const &, value_type) noexcept;
friend endian_arithmetic & operator{++,--}(endian_arithmetic &) noexcept;
friend endian_arithmetic operator{++,--}(endian_arithmetic &, int) noexcept;
friend std::basic_ostream<C,T>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<C,T>&, endian_arithmetic const &);
friend std::basic_istream<C,T>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<C,T>&, endian_arithmetic &);
using {big,little}_[u]int{8,16,32,64}_at = // exact size aligned
endian_arithmetic<order::{big,little}, [u]int{8,16,32,64}, {8,16,32,64}, align::yes>;
using {big,little,native}_[u]int{8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64}_t = // unaligned
endian_arithmetic<order::{big,little}, [u]int_least{8,16,32,64}, {8,16,24,32,40,48,56,64}>;
Full operator set is covered according to implicit conversion to value_type