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File metadata and controls

129 lines (108 loc) · 5.9 KB

Tool Usage

This file covers the information about which part of functionalities among these tools that I used to build the interface.


We use the class CyclicNetwork defined in xtfa/networks/ to do the analysis. Although there are FeedForwardNetwork and CyclicNetwork defined in xtfa/networks/, cyclic network can also solve feed-forward networks. As a result we use the CyclicNetwork to contruct the network.

Since xtfa was already capable of reading directly from any network file defined in WOPANet format, we only need to call WopanetReader in xtfa/networks/ to load the network.

To do the analysis, we simply do the following

xtfa_net = xtfa.networks.CyclicNetwork(xtfa.fasUtility.TopologicalSort())
reader = xtfa.networks.WopanetReader()
reader.configure_network_from_xml(xtfa_net, network_file)



Generally, in DNC you need to construct your network with several functions. They are:

  • ServerGraph: Defined in You need to define the network topology, flows, and servers for a ServerGraph to do analysis.

  • Server: A ServerGraph is composed with multiple Server objects. To define a server, you may also need ServiceCurve and/or MaxServiceCurve. A service curve can be built using

    ServiceCurve sCurve = Curve.getFactory().createRateLatency(rate, lat);

    where you need to import org.networkcalculus.dnc.curves.ServiceCurve and org.networkcalculus.dnc.curves.Curve.

    Then you can add a server into the server graph using

    Server newServer = serverGraph.addServer(serverName, sCurve, max_sCurve));
  • Turn: A Turn represents a connection link in the server graph. You can use the following function to make connections.

    serverGraph.addTurn(server_i, server_j);

    Turn is defined in import

  • Flow: Defined in import It represents a flow in a server graph. You first need an arrival curve for a flow:

    import org.networkcalculus.dnc.curves.ArrivalCurve;
    ArrivalCurve aCurve = Curve.getFactory().createTokenBucket(rate, bur);
    Flow flowByPath = serverGraph.addFlow(flowName, aCurve, path);
    Flow flowOneHop = serverGraph.addFlow(flowName, aCurve, server);
    Flow flowShortestPath = serverGraph.addFlow(flowName, aCurve, server_source, server_destination);

You can see how to use them in demos presented in DNC/src/main/java/org/networkcalculus/dnc/demos/, or NetworkAnalysis/ to see how we parse our .json files into a DNC server graph.

To do the analysis, you can use any analysis methods defined in org.networkcalculus.dnc.tandem.analyses. For example to do TFA:

import org.networkcalculus.dnc.tandem.analyses.TotalFlowAnalysis;

TotalFlowAnalysis tfa = new TotalFlowAnalysis(sg); // sg is a ServerGraph
tfa.performAnalysis(foi); // foi is a Flow object, as your flow of interest

In this project, we simply parse the .json format and use the information to construct a ServerGraph, then use the analysis tool to analyze the server graph. We later format the analysis result from DNC and then captured by the Python interface.


In panco, you may use the following definition to build a network for analysis.

from panco.descriptor.curves import TokenBucket, RateLatency
from panco.descriptor.flow import Flow
from panco.descriptor.server import Server
from import Network
  • Arrival/Service Curves: Use class TokenBucket or RateLatency to contruct curves. For example:

    service_curve = RateLatency(rate, latency)
    arrival_curve = TokenBucket(burst, rate)
  • Server: Use class Server to construct a server. For example:

    server = Server(service_curves, max_service_curves)

    service_curves is a list of RateLatency curves, it means the service curve of this server is the maximum of these rate-latency curves. max_service_curves is a list of TokenBucket curves, it means the maximum service curve of this server is the minimum of these token-bucket curves.

  • Flow: Use class Flow to construct a flow. For example:

    flow = Flow(arrival_curves, path)

    arrival_curves is a list of TokenBucket curves, it means the arrival curve of this flow is the minimum of these token-bucket curves. path is a list of server indices to represent the path of the flow. For example path = [0,1,4].

  • Network: Use class Network to construct a network. For example:

    network = Network(servers, flows)

    servers is a list of Server objects and flows is a list of flows. Note that the server indices used in path defined in each Flow should be consistent with servers.

To do the analysis, you can use the following modules

from panco.fifo.fifoLP import FifoLP
from panco.fifo.tfaLP import TfaLP
from panco.fifo.sfaLP import SfaLP

FifoLP can perform PLP (Polynomial Linear Program) or ELP (Exponential Linear Program) methods, and the other 2 are TFA and SFA.

You can do analysis as the following example:

# TFA analysis
tfa = TfaLP(network)
delay_per_server = tfa.delay_servers
delay_per_flow = tfa.all_delays
delay_flow_i = tfa.delay(i)

# SFA analysis
sfa = SfaLP(network)
delay_per_flow = sfa.all_delays
delay_flow_i = sfa.delay(i)

# PLP analysis
plp = FifoLP(network, polynomial=True, tfa=True, sfa=True)  # tfa/sfa constrols whether to use TFA or SFA results to improve delay bound
delay_per_flow = plp.all_delays
delay_flow_i = plp.delay(i)

# ELP analysis
elp = FifoLP(network, polynomial=False, tfa=True, sfa=True)  # tfa/sfa constrols whether to use TFA or SFA results to improve delay bound
delay_per_flow = elp.all_delays
delay_flow_i = elp.delay(i)