All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. In order to read more about upgrading and BC breaks have a look at the UPGRADE Document.
- Fixed php 8 issues.
- Small changes in docs, translations, composer dependencies
- #31 Added Bulgarian translations.
- New PT translations
- New FR translations
- #16 Added google maps api key option.
- #26 Added polish translations.
- Use new {{DS}} separator for block paths.
- #23 Fixed bug with ImageBlock not linking to hidden menu items.
- #17 Updated to bootstrap 3 media text for image text block.
- #11 Turkish added
- #15 Dutch added
- #9 French update
- #8 Fixed missing translation of image block labels.
- #6 Embed maps use the composition localisation lang short code.
- #5 Added Snazzy Maps iFrame URL field to MapBlock and updated translations.
- #4 Translated FormBlock from German to English.
- #3 Add alt and title from image caption.
- First stable release.