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Releases: lunarcast/lunarbox
Releases · lunarcast/lunarbox
1.15.0 (2020-05-07)
Bug Fixes
- clean up dependency graph when deleting nodes (09c30c8)
- fixed function level dependency cycles when adding nodes from the search bar (098ebe4)
- added a favicon and an icon in the left bottom corner of the editor (25cbc8f)
- descriptions for all the nodes (16e0d8d)
- display pin descriptions (98b1721)
- even more keyboard shortcuts (824ec32)
- getting the project list from the api (f7c6ddd)
- int id instead of strnig (c8226c5)
- loading projects from the api (1197273)
- more keybindings for the add nodes input (2d95dee)
- more math nodes (2fbdd20)
- node deleting (fcdce2b)
- project creating (65f683b)
- spawn output nodes in the middle of the screen (00b4ce2)
1.13.0 (2020-05-06)
Bug Fixes
- fixed opening a second project without refreshing breaking the svg (b347d0a)
- now the cursor is set to text on all inputs (79e35fb)
- basic projects page component (a61e83b)
- clamped zooming (66fce14)
- function level cycle prevention (e968b90)
- in function cycle prevention (31e811d)
- inputs names on hover (af3afc2)
- modified the editor state encoding and decoding to better fit the api (33a3d24)
- only be able to connect pins of correct types (0f519e7)
- project saving (ac79b53)
- project searching (7b82511)
- same for outputs (333f72d)
- see node output on hover (545bf65)
- setting the names and example status of projects (7cbb25f)
- settings page (8fc1b42)
- some logic related to loading any Project (601f8b7)
- some styling on the projects page (c64ef9f)
- visually show what inputs cant be connected (b0a8d83)
1.12.0 (2020-05-02)
Bug Fixes
- fixed a giant bug in the type inference algorithm - now generaliation works properly (8c2287a)
- fixed page reloading on any form (ddb3dfd)
- fixed purescript code not starting on load (3c13fba)
- fixed type-inference for let-bindings (2aff9a8)
- no longer display nulls (04d9cbb)
- now the connection offset to the result doesn't apply on the mouse as well (c26b927)
- the editor now resizes properly (6ffdf73)
- added a basic camera structure (7d628c2)
- adding inputs (49c0206)
- basic cameras (5a25864)
- basic json encoding / decoding (59c7477)
- better validation for passwords (aa32738)
- currying (d6fabec)
- custom inputs (6145448)
- do not navigate to a login or register form when logged in (692eec6)
- fixed some routing problems and created more:( (138419f)
- interpret some stuff as fixpoints (037361f)
- logging in (ae5b50b)
- logging in with the actual api (4187da3)
- login form (9d78177)
- more function based nodes and fixed some visual bugs (893bc94)
- nodes are added to the center of the screen (a584cdb)
- not showing the expression on top of nodes anymore (e0beddc)
- now you can see the entire type on top of ndoes, not only the output (99773aa)
- number helpers (23f10a3)
- number node (cd0937d)
- pannig (944383c)
- pushing nodes on top when dragging (3fd3f96)
- register form (82577c2)
- saving of runtime overwrites (993203d)
- showing types using arrows (ae7eaef)
- some logic for logging in (9333b9d)
- string helpers (4ea7244)
- string node (dbe2d96)
- styled number nodes (9be4a89)
- styled scrollbars and adding inputs (da9182d)
- the entry file is now written in typescript (186eedf)
- trim node (2699c62)
- use the right cursor for nodes and stuff (88062d0)
- very basic login form (e055281)
- very basic user stuff (9c52ca3)
- zooming (640b8f2)
Performance Improvements
- floor everything (7a7f7f4)
1.11.0 (2020-04-28)
Bug Fixes
- a few performance optimizations and fixed some values not changing (45c1280)
- fixed overflow issues with long function names (67427b3)
- fixed overflow scrolling issues for too many functions in the tree view (ebb0f5c)
- fixed overflow scrolling issues on the add page (7b6306a)
- now the switch component is in state with the runtime value overwrites (01ad12a)
- the switch component now syncs with the state (cbf8da7)
- ctrl+b to togglet the panel on the left (9bb6d22)
- custom node-specific ui (d7c008d)
- doing some cleanup when replacing a connection (2ad6b28)
- logic for node deleting (c5376a5)
- logic gates (085a33a)
- node deleting (219de5a)
- some ffi code to allow using mausetrap-ts from purescript (ef9b848)
- types for function uis (71e3477)
Performance Improvements
1.10.0 (2020-04-27)
Bug Fixes
- fixed bugs in the runtime (54fc101)
- now its a tiny bit easier to connect stuff (d7913b8)
- now new functions start with an output node (3576566)
- now yuo can move stuff without creating connections (756a0d5)
- working topological sorting (3c5baab)
- 3 new native functions exposed: identity, const and pipe (ee9bf09)
- connection preview for everything (1d5b02e)
- connection prview for outputs (bd70211)
- connection removing (75164b7)
- executing... kinda (ec3f979)
- interpreting (e5bc256)
- polished connection previews (9e5cabe)
- scale the connections on hover (3083044)
- the Interpreter monad (677b96a)
- the logic of edge removing (f07c32d)
- types for everything runtime related (b4caf0b)
1.8.0 (2020-04-23)
- A function to add a connection to a state (9e0a425)
- basic types and stuff for PartialConnections (f3f8fbf)
- CONNECTIONS!!! (e7fd0dc)
- display the types on the Add panel (c500728)
- experimental connections (f95e1ef)
- expression optimization (57e4175)
- instead of increasing the radius of node inputs now I increase the stroke-width (9ea094d)
- making node inputs bigger on hover (6604ff1)
- pretty printing of expressions (410cb4b)
- scaling of outputs on hover (825dd81)
- syntax highlighting everywhere!!! (and fixed wrong output types) (02070b4)
- type syntax highlighting (c669772)
1.7.0 (2020-04-22)
Bug Fixes
- correct linecaping for nodes without inputs (7bdb410)
- fixed compilaion results only containing output nodes (a38790a)
- fixed infinite recursion when detecting an intersection (a03ecd7)
- fixed partial initial loading of native functions (84b7335)
- fixed some input pins having the wrong color (44e4f1e)
- fixed some random problems with node compiling (81cf7fd)
- for now unkown colors just become gray (01f01cd)
- now you can drag nodes even from the empty spaces between input arcs (5e24521)
- removed debug logs (804b101)
- arc overlapping solver (4cab578)
- colored node inputs (f8f2809)
- colored outputs (eddd2b3)
- colored types on the Add panel (364ce5b)
- display errors with a nice illustration (97cd0fc)
- dotted lines (77ca8d7)
- empty space filling alg for arcs on a circle (67e37a6)
- free type variable finding for the Scene component (7b934df)
- got dnd back (b4c0bc9)
- helper to draw chords (26abe47)
- only compile when necessary (ca719cc)
- random colors for unkown types (cbdedf0)
- rendering for node inputs! (e505b1d)
- some more coloring stuff (2ff7081)
- started work on pin locations (c6a1747)
- type prettifying (0996d07)