bring the information retrieval community back into a traditional ad-hoc search task;
build one or more new test collections using more recently created documents
establish a (new) test collection construction methodology that avoids the pitfalls of depth-k pooling
depth-k pooling (good collections but relatively high cost):
- putting together top N retrieval results from a set of n systems (TREC: N = 100)
- humans manually judge every document in this pool
- documents outside the pool automatically considered to be irrelevant
- bandit methods (Bandit methods differ in how they choose next document) :
MaxMean (bandit method,MM) ,Core Track use:
- each run's weight(MM) :
$\frac { 1 + \text { num-relevant-retrieved } } { 2 + \text { num-judged } }$ ;retrieved is the num of documents appear in the top X ranks; use X = 100 - start : empty set of judgments , ranked list of documents
- choose the first document to get a (binary) relevance judgment
- retrieved that document,update all runs' weight which retrieve this document
- re-rank all runs,choose the next document
- each run's weight(MM) :
depth-k pooling (good collections but relatively high cost):
- 2017 :updated version of the TREC 2004 Robust track
- 2018 :two sets of topics
- 25 topics from the 2017 Common Core track
- 25 new topics to be developed by the NIST assessors
- their topics are the same ,but in different forms:
- CC : topic num + title + Description + Narrative -->sketch
- News :topic num + doc id + doc url --->the whole article
- evaluate metrics differ:
- CC : MAP , P@10 , recall , NDGG , whether contribute unique relevant documents to the pool
- News : mainly NDGG@5
- objective : high recall , reasonable effort
- prototype system , three levels of relevance
- Search Model :query and search
- CAL1 model (trained) : variation pf BMI,changes:
- seed query entered by users
- each judgment re-rank all documents
- store all the document feature vectors in memory
- document cache
- 3 runs ,own judgments
- TARSv1: tuple<relevance , score>,first ranked by relevance,then relevance scores
- TARSv2: change sample weights
- user study system (improved system)
- modefied relevance categories
- improved CAL model : paragraph rather than sentence summary
- 7 runs,own and user study judgements
- 5 different treatments : para(�find most relevant documents,lowest FPR) , search/para,para/ doc ,search/para/doc,or random order
- 10 runs:
- prototype system
- **TARSv1 ** : highest MAP, NDCG and P@10 scores�,first ranked by relevance,then by the relevance scores,
- TARSv2 : various weights for each relevance label
- user study system
- BFuse : highest recall@1000,3 classifiers-->3 rank lists -->reciprocal rank fusion ,
- prototype system
- Dynamic sampling (DS):creates a stratified sample of relevance judgments for test collection
construction,after each stratum,larger,better at finding relevant documents
- “zeroth” stratum : judged documents found from a mixture of CAL1 and ISJ2 ,inclusion probability of 1.0
- plus unjudged documents viewed as non-relevant--->train classifier
- rank all documents,select highest B docs--->form next stratum
- simple random sample n docs for judge(judging paragraphs ,more efficient but equal effect ,than full documents),inclusion probability of n/B
- relevance judgments(http://cormack.uwaterloo.ca/sample/):
- prels : judgments plus inclusion probabilities
- topic id , assessed document id , stratum number , the inclusion probability of the assessed document
- DynEval:use either traditional trec eval qrels or xinfAP irels.
- runs:
- DS_A : all judged relevant docs,ordered by the final classifier
- DS_B : all judged relevant docs,in reverse ordered by the final classifier
- Rank : final classifier to rank all docs
- SEQ : if a strtum:
- had all documents sampled:judged relevant documents by the order discovered
- inclusion probabilities smaller than 1:0, put all documents ordered by the classiffer.
hypergraph-of-entity:to represent textual documents
two types of nodes :
- term nodes
- entity nodes
three types of hyperedges:
- undirected document hyperedges : aggregate all terms and entities within a document
- undirected related_to hyperedges : link sets of related entities
- directed contained_in hyperedges : link a set of terms to their corresponding entity
random walk score(RWS)
- length ℓ and a number of iterations r
- keyword query -->term nodes -->adjacent entity nodes -->seed nodes
- multiple random walkers from seed nodes
- random node of random hyperedge
- RWS = number of visits to document hyperedges
Base runs:
- term nodes : text-only,consisting of term nodes and document hyperedges
- entity and term nodes : add DBpedia entities and triples , related_to hyperedges and contained_in hyperedges (first 3 paragraph)
document profiling:
- Named Entities (NE): Stanford NER use string-searching and dictionary-matching algorithm
- Sentiment Analysis (SA): supervised machine learning ,text categorization techniques, and ranking skip-gram techniques ,trained by Twitter posts and movies reviews
- Emotion Categories(EC) :a part of Sentiment Analysis but obtaining concrete emotions from the text , SVM
- Reading Complexity (RC): Flesch–Kincaid score through textstat(0~100)
- Keywords(KW) : RAKE tool
runs : applying document profile on base runs : not achieve a high retrieval effectiveness