# | Dictionary Name | Describe |
1 | MdxService | .mdx dict file, it's only has default field. |
2 | StardictService | .ifo dict file, it's only has default field. |
3 | MDX-LDOCE6 | local LDOCE6 mdx file, it's has some fileds. |
# | Dictionary Name | Link |
1 | Baicizhan | http://mall.baicizhan.com/ws/search?w=word |
2 | Bing | http://cn.bing.com/dict/search?q=word&mkt=zh-cn |
3 | Bing xtk | http://xtk.azurewebsites.net/BingDictService.aspx?Word=word |
4 | 西语助手 | https://www.esdict.cn/mdicts/es/word |
5 | 法语助手 | https://frdic.com/mdicts/fr/ |
6 | 爱词霸 | http://www.iciba.com/index.php?a=getWordMean&c=search&word=word |
7 | 朗文 | https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/word |
8 | 海词迷你词典 | http://dict.cn/word |
9 | Oxford Learner | https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/word |
10 | Oxford | https://od-api.oxforddictionaries.com/ |
11 | Youdao-English | http://dict.youdao.com/... |
12 | Youdao-French | http://dict.youdao.com/... |
13 | Youdao-Korean | http://dict.youdao.com/... |
14 | MDX Server | You have to run mdx server by yourself first. |
15 | Yahoo Dictionary | https://tw.dictionary... |
16 | Baidu Hanyu | http://dict.baidu.com/... |
17 | Cambridge | https://dictionary.cambridge.org/... |
18 | Dr.eye | https://yun.dreye.com/... |