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LDP Administrator Guide


1. Overview
2. System requirements
3. Installation
4. Database configuration
5. LDP configuration
6. Data privacy
7. Optional columns
8. Historical data
9. User accounts

1. Overview

An LDP instance is composed of an LDP software configuration and an analytic database. The LDP software updates data in the database from data sources such as FOLIO modules, and users connect directly to the database to perform reporting and analytics.

LDP is not multitenant in the usual sense, and normally one LDP instance is deployed per library.

This administrator guide covers installation and configuration of an LDP instance.

2. System requirements


  • Operating systems supported:
    • Linux (Debian 12 recommended)
  • Database systems supported:
    • PostgreSQL 15 or later
      • AWS RDS PostgreSQL optionally may be used (with servers in the same zone/subnet); Aurora is not supported
  • Other software dependencies:
  • Required to build from source code:
  • Required to build and run via Docker:


  • LDP software:
    • Memory: 2 GB
    • Storage: 500 GB SSD
  • Database:
    • CPU: 4 cores
    • Memory: 32 GB
    • Storage: 2 TB SSD

3. Installation


The LDP repository has two types of branches:

  • The main branch (main). This is a development branch where new features are first merged. This branch is relatively unstable. It is also the default view when browsing the repository on GitHub.

  • Release branches (release-*). These are releases made from main. They are managed as stable branches; i.e. they may receive bug fixes but generally no new features. Most users should run a recent release branch.

Installing software dependencies

Dependencies required for building the LDP software can be installed via a package manager on some platforms.

Debian Linux

sudo apt update

sudo apt install cmake g++ libcurl4-openssl-dev libpq-dev rapidjson-dev

Building the software

If the LDP software was built previously in the same directory, first remove the leftover build/ subdirectory to ensure a clean compile. Then:


The script creates a build/ subdirectory and builds the ldp executable there:

./build/ldp help

Building the software via Docker

Pre-built container images are available in the Github Container Registry, for example:

docker pull

Or they can be built by cloning this repository locally and running:

docker build -t ldp:latest . 

4. Database configuration

Creating a database

Before using the LDP software, we have to create a database that will store the data. This can be a local or cloud-based PostgreSQL database.

A robust backup process should be used to ensure that historical data and local tables are safe.

PostgreSQL configuration

These are recommended configuration settings for the PostgreSQL server that runs the LDP database, assuming 4 CPU cores and 32 GB memory:

  • checkpoint_timeout: 3600
  • cpu_tuple_cost: 0.03
  • default_statistics_target: 1000
  • effective_io_concurrency: 200
  • idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: 3600000
  • idle_session_timeout: 86400000
  • maintenance_work_mem: 1000000
  • max_wal_size: 10240
  • shared_buffers: 1250000
  • statement_timeout: 7200000
  • work_mem: 350000

Configuring the database

Three database users are required:

  • ldpadmin owns all database objects created by the LDP software. This account should be used very sparingly and carefully.

  • ldpconfig is a special user account for changing configuration settings in the dbconfig schema. It is intended to enable designated users to make changes to the server's operation. This user name can be modified using the ldpconfig_user configuration setting in ldpconf.json.

  • ldp is a general user of the LDP database. This user name can be modified using the ldp_user configuration setting in ldpconf.json.

If more than one LDP instance will be hosted with a single database server, the ldpconfig and ldp user names should for security reasons be configured to be different for each LDP instance. This is done by including within ldpconf.json the ldpconfig_user and ldp_user settings described below in the "Reference" section of this guide. In the following examples we will assume that the default user names are being used, but please substitute alternative names if you have configured them.

In addition to creating these users, a few access permissions should be set. In PostgreSQL, this can be done on the command line, for example:

createuser ldpadmin --username=<admin_user> --pwprompt

createuser ldpconfig --username=<admin_user> --pwprompt

createuser ldp --username=<admin_user> --pwprompt

createdb ldp --username=<admin_user> --owner=ldpadmin

psql ldp --username=<admin_user> \
      --command="ALTER DATABASE ldp SET search_path TO public;" \
      --command="REVOKE CREATE ON SCHEMA public FROM public;" \
      --command="GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO ldpadmin;" \
      --command="GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO ldpconfig;" \
      --command="GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO ldp;"

Or once the database has been created:

CREATE USER ldpadmin PASSWORD '(ldpadmin password here)';
CREATE USER ldpconfig PASSWORD '(ldpconfig password here)';
CREATE USER ldp PASSWORD '(ldp password here)';
ALTER DATABASE ldp SET search_path TO public;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO ldpadmin;
GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO ldpconfig;

5. LDP configuration

Creating a data directory

LDP uses a "data directory" where cached and temporary data, as well as server configuration files, are stored. In these examples, we will suppose that the data directory is /var/lib/ldp and that the server will be run as an ldp user:

sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/ldp

sudo chown ldp /var/lib/ldp

Configuration file

Server configuration settings are stored in a file in the data directory called ldpconf.json. In our example it would be /var/lib/ldp/ldpconf.json. The provided example file ldpconf.json can be used as a template.


    "deployment_environment": "production",
    "ldp_database": {
        "database_name": "ldp",
        "database_host": "",
        "database_port": 5432,
        "database_user": "ldpadmin",
        "database_password": "(ldpadmin password here)",
        "database_super_user": "postgres",
        "database_super_password": "(postgres password here)",
        "database_sslmode": "require"
    "enable_sources": ["my_library"],
    "sources": {
        "my_library": {
            "okapi_tenant": "diku",
            "direct_database_name": "diku_prod",
            "direct_database_host": "",
            "direct_database_port": 5432,
            "direct_database_user": "ldp",
            "direct_database_password": "(database password here)"

The direct_database_user must have privileges to read data in the source database. The list-privileges command can be used to generate SQL statements that will grant these privileges, for example:

ldp list-privileges -D /var/lib/ldp > grantldp.sql

Running LDP

If this is a new database, it should first be initialized:

ldp init-database -D /var/lib/ldp

To start LDP:

ldp update -D /var/lib/ldp

This will run a full update, showing progress on the console, and then exit. It can be scheduled via cron to run once per day.

The server logs details of its activities to standard error and in the table dbsystem.log. For more detailed logging to standard error, the --trace option can be used.

The list-tables command lists each LDP table and its corresponding table in the source database:

ldp list-tables

Upgrading to a new version

When installing a new version of LDP, the database should be "upgraded" before starting the new server:

  1. First, confirm that the new version of LDP builds without errors in the installation environment.

  2. Make a backup of the database.

  3. Use the upgrade-database command in the new version of LDP to perform the upgrade, e.g.:

ldp upgrade-database -D /var/lib/ldp
  1. If upgrading to a new major version of LDP, access to additional tables in the source database might be required. Use the list-privileges command in the new version of LDP to generate SQL for granting database privileges.

Running LDP via Docker

LDP can be run as a Docker container similar to the process above, except that the LDP data directory path (-D) should be omitted. Instead, mount your local LDP data directory at /var/lib/ldp. Examples:

docker run --rm -v /my/local/datadir:/var/lib/ldp init-database

docker run --rm -v /my/local/datadir:/var/lib/ldp update

docker run --rm -v /my/local/datadir:/var/lib/ldp upgrade-database

6. Data privacy


LDP attempts to "anonymize" tables or columns that contain personal data. This anonymization feature is enabled unless otherwise configured. Some tables are redacted entirely when anonymization is enabled, including audit_circulation_logs, configuration_entries, notes, and user_users.

Anonymization can be disabled by setting anonymize to false in ldpconf.json.

WARNING: LDP does not provide an automated way to anonymize the database after personal data have been loaded into it. For this reason, anonymization should never be disabled unless you are absolutely sure that you want to store personal data in the LDP database.

Filtering data fields

In addition or as an alternative to the pre-defined anonymization described above, a filter can be used to drop specific JSON fields. The filter is defined by creating a configuration file ldp_drop_field.conf in the data directory. If this file is present, LDP will try to parse the JSON objects and remove the specified field data during the update process. Each line should provide the table name and field path in the form:

<table> <field_path>

For example:

circulation_loans /userId
circulation_loans /proxyUserId
circulation_requests /requester/firstName
circulation_requests /requester/lastName
circulation_requests /requester/middleName
circulation_requests /requester/barcode
circulation_requests /requester/patronGroup

7. Optional columns

LDP creates table columns based on the presence of data in JSON fields. Sometimes a JSON field is optional or missing, and the corresponding column in LDP is not created. This can cause errors in queries that otherwise may be valid and useful.

Optional or missing columns can be added in LDP by creating a configuration file ldp_add_column.conf in the data directory. If this file is present, LDP will add the specified columns during the update process. Each line of the file should provide the table name, column name, and data type in the form:

<table>.<column> <type>

For example: varchar
po_purchase_orders.po_number varchar
po_purchase_orders.vendor varchar

Most columns have the data type varchar(...), and this can be written as varchar in the configuration file. Other supported data types include bigint, boolean, numeric(12,2), and timestamptz.

8. Historical data

For all tables except srs_error, srs_marc, and srs_records, when LDP detects that a record has changed since the last update, it retains the old version of the record. These historical data are stored in the history schema. This feature is enabled by default.

LDP can be configured not to record history, by setting record_history to false in ldpconf.json. If historical data will not be needed, this can have the benefit of reducing the running time of updates.

9. User accounts

Individual user accounts can be created in PostgreSQL and used to access LDP. To enable LDP to set permissions for these users, the database_super_user and database_super_password settings must be defined in ldpconf.json.

The user names are configured by creating a configuration file ldp_users.conf in the data directory. Each line should contain one user name, for example:


Then run the update-users command to set the permissions, for example:

ldp update-users -D /var/lib/ldp

The update-users command should be run whenever a new user name is added to ldp_users.conf.


Configuration file: ldpconf.json

  • anonymize (Boolean; optional) when set to false, disables anonymization of personal data. The default value is true. Please read the section on "Data privacy" above before changing this setting.

  • all_indexes (Boolean; optional) when set to true, enables automatic creation of indexes on most columns. The default value is false. Enabling the additional indexes will slow down the update process and is not recommended, but it can improve the performance of certain queries.

  • deployment_environment (string; required) is the deployment environment of the LDP instance. Supported values are production, staging, testing, and development. This setting is used to determine whether certain operations should be allowed to run on the instance.

  • enable_sources (array; required) is a list of sources that are enabled for LDP to extract data from. The source names refer to a subset of those defined under sources (see below). Only one source should be provided.

  • ldp_database (object; required) is a group of database-related settings.

    • ldpconfig_user (string; optional) is the database user that is defined by default as ldpconfig.
    • ldp_user (string; optional) is the database user that is defined by default as ldp.
    • database_host (string; required) is the LDP database host name.
    • database_name (string; required) is the LDP database name.
    • database_password (string; required) is the password for the specified LDP database administrator user name.
    • database_port (integer; required) is the LDP database port.
    • database_sslmode (string; required) is the LDP database connection SSL mode.
    • database_super_user (string; optional) is a superuser for the LDP database. This is required to enable individual user accounts.
    • database_super_password (string; optional) is the password for the specified superuser (database_super_user). This is required to enable individual user accounts.
    • database_user (string; required) is the LDP database administrator user name.
  • parallel_update (Boolean; optional) when set to false, disables parallel updates. The default value is true. Disabling parallel updates can be useful to make debugging easier, but it will also slow down the update process.

  • record_history (Boolean; optional) when set to false, disables recording historical data. The default value is true. Please read the section on "Historical data" above before changing this setting.

  • sources (object; required) is a collection of sources that LDP can extract data from. Only one source should be provided. A source is defined by a source name and an associated object containing several settings:

    • direct_database_host (string; required) is the FOLIO database host name.
    • direct_database_name (string; required) is the FOLIO database name.
    • direct_database_password (string; required) is the password for the specified FOLIO database user name.
    • direct_database_port (integer; required) is the FOLIO database port.
    • direct_database_user (string; required) is the FOLIO database user name.
    • okapi_tenant (string; required) is the Okapi tenant.

Further reading

User Guide