Because of time conflicts between team members, we had a first meeting for our sprint 2 a bit later. We decide to have 2 meetings per week on Monday and Friday at 9:30pm. Because our very first meeting is on Mar 15th (Wed) so we decided to skip that week Friday meeting, since 2-day is too short for a sprint process update meeting.
- We went over what we have missed doing in the last sprint
- Decided deadline for Assignment #2 to be Mar 25th
- Team members decided their tasks for the week/sprint
- Team updates on tasks progress
- Discussion about test implementations and future UI designs
- Team updates on tasks in prepare for submission
- Discussion for future sprint
- Tasks updates of every team member did in 1 week.
- Discussion on left over for final document submission for sprint 2.
- Ask for performance review from every team member.
- Discussion on next sprint tasks.