The Performance Review of Each Team-Member can be seen in the mentioned link: Sprint 1 Performance Review
The above link is a google spreedsheet which consist of all the details on performance review given by each team member to every other team member.
To give review amongst team members, we have used the google form to submit the response of every team member's performance review. By using this form, our review can standardized. After each sprint, each member is required to submit a review for other members in the team.
a) Here is the link of the google form we have used for submitting the performance review: (
b) from this form the name, email id, the name of team member to whom he/she is reviewing (selected from the dropdown), and a few questions related to performance review is recorded.
c) On submission of this form the records are sent directly to the google spreedsheet. Each member will also get a confirmation email about their submission.
This spreedsheet we are maintaining for recording performance review and keeping track on the performance of every team member.
This can be helpful in getting feedback for the particular member in the team and analysing the performance of the team.
From the recorded response in google spreedsheet, following points can be recognised as improvements need to be done as a team:
a) As a team, needs to put more efforts to understand the technology we are using.
b) Need to follow the deadline and submit it on time.
c) Understandability of the requirements should be improved.
d) Communication and involvement in the meeting should be shown up.
e) The contribution in documenting and creation of documents should be improved.
This process of documenting and recording the performance with the help of google form and spreedsheet will help in improving the team performance and realising where the team is lagging as a whole and can be handled it appropriately.