In the last chapter, we noted that set theorists think of a binary relation
R on a set A as a set of ordered pairs,
so that R(a, b) really means (a, b) \in R.
An alternative is to think of R as a function which,
when applied to a and b,
returns the proposition that R(a, b) holds.
This is the viewpoint adopted by Lean:
a binary relation on a type A
is a function A → A → Prop
Remember that the arrows associate to the right,
so A → A → Prop
really means A → (A → Prop)
So, given a : A
R a
is a predicate (the property of being related to A
and given a b : A
, R a b
is a proposition.
With first-order logic, we can say what it means for a relation to be reflexive, symmetric, transitive, antisymmetric, and so on:
namespace hidden
variable {A : Type}
def Reflexive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x, R x x
def Symmetric (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y, R x y → R y x
def Transitive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z
def AntiSymmetric (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y, R x y → R y x → x = y
def Irreflexive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x, ¬ R x x
def Total (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y, R x y ∨ R y x
end hidden
Notice that Lean will unfold the definitions when necessary,
for example, treating Reflexive R
as ∀ x, R x x
namespace hidden
variable {A : Type}
def Reflexive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x, R x x
def Symmetric (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y, R x y → R y x
def Transitive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z
def AntiSymmetric (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y, R x y → R y x → x = y
variable (R : A → A → Prop)
example (h : Reflexive R) (x : A) : R x x := h x
example (h : Symmetric R) (x y : A) (h1 : R x y) : R y x :=
h x y h1
example (h : Transitive R) (x y z : A) (h1 : R x y) (h2 : R y z) :
R x z :=
h x y z h1 h2
example (h : AntiSymmetric R) (x y : A) (h1 : R x y)
(h2 : R y x) :
x = y :=
h x y h1 h2
-- END
end hidden
In the command variable {A : Type}
we put curly braces around A
to indicate that it is an implicit argument,
which is to say, you do not have to write it explicitly;
Lean can infer it from the argument R
That is why we can write Reflexive R
rather than Reflexive A R
Lean knows that R
is a binary relation on A
so it can infer that we mean reflexivity for binary relations on A
Given h : Transitive R
, h1 : R x y
, and h2 : R y z
it is annoying to have to write h x y z h1 h2
to prove R x z
After all,
Lean should be able to infer that we are talking about transitivity at
, y
, and z
from the fact that h1
is R x y
and h2
is R y z
Indeed, we can replace that information by underscores:
namespace hidden
variable {A : Type}
def Transitive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ x y z, R x y → R y z → R x z
variable (R : A → A → Prop)
example (h : Transitive R) (x y z : A) (h1 : R x y)
(h2 : R y z) :
R x z :=
h _ _ _ h1 h2
-- END
end hidden
But typing underscores is annoying, too.
The best solution is to declare the arguments x y z
to a transitivity hypothesis to be implicit as well.
We can do this by introducing curly braces around the
variables in the definition.
namespace hidden
variable {A : Type}
def Transitive' (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ {x} {y} {z}, R x y → R y z → R x z
def Transitive (R : A → A → Prop) : Prop :=
∀ {x y z}, R x y → R y z → R x z
variable (R : A → A → Prop)
example (h : Transitive R) (x y z : A) (h1 : R x y)
(h2 : R y z) :
R x z :=
h h1 h2
-- END
end hidden
In fact, the notions
, Symmetric
, Transitive
and so on are defined in Mathlib in exactly this way,
so we are free to use them by doing import Mathlib.Init.Logic
at the top of the file.
import Mathlib.Init.Logic
#check Reflexive
#check Symmetric
#check Transitive
#check AntiSymmetric
#check Irreflexive
We put our temporary definitions of in a namespace hidden
that means that the full name of our version of Reflexive
which would not conflict with the one defined in the library
were we to import that module.
In :numref:`order_relations` we showed that a strict partial order - that is, a binary relation that is transitive and irreflexive - is also asymmetric. Here is a proof of that fact in Lean.
import Mathlib.Init.Logic
variable (A : Type)
variable (R : A → A → Prop)
example (h1 : Irreflexive R) (h2 : Transitive R) :
∀ x y, R x y → ¬ R y x := by
intro x y
intro (h3 : R x y)
intro (h4 : R y x)
have h5 : R x x := h2 h3 h4
have h6 : ¬ R x x := h1 x
show False
exact h6 h5
variable A : Type
variable R : A → A → Prop
-- END
In mathematics,
it is common to use infix notation and a symbol like ≼
to denote a partial order,
which you can input by typing \preceq
Lean supports this practice:
import Mathlib.Init.Logic
variable (A : Type)
variable (R : A → A → Prop)
-- type \preceq for the symbol ≼
local infix:50 " ≼ " => R
example (h1 : Irreflexive R) (h2 : Transitive R) :
∀ x y, x ≼ y → ¬ y ≼ x := by
intro x y
intro (h3 : x ≼ y)
intro (h4 : y ≼ x)
have h5 : x ≼ x := h2 h3 h4
have h6 : ¬ x ≼ x := h1 x
show False
exact h6 h5
-- END
The structure of a partial order consists of a type A
(traditionally a set A
with a binary relation le : A → A → Prop
(short for "lesser or equal")
on it that is reflexive,
transitive, and antisymmetric.
We can package this structure as a "class" in Lean.
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
namespace hidden
class PartialOrder (A : Type u) where
le : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive le
trans : Transitive le
antisymm : ∀ {a b : A}, le a b → le b a → a = b
-- type \preceq for the symbol ≼
local infix:50 " ≼ " => PartialOrder.le
-- END
end hidden
Assuming we have a type A
that is a partial order,
we can define the corresponding strict partial order lt : A → A → Prop
(short for "lesser than")
and prove that it is,
indeed, a strict order.
We also introduce notation ≺
for le
which you can write by typing \prec
import Mathlib.Tactic.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
namespace hidden
class PartialOrder (A : Type u) where
le : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive le
trans : Transitive le
antisymm : ∀ {a b : A}, le a b → le b a → a = b
-- type \preceq for the symbol ≼
local infix:50 " ≼ " => PartialOrder.le
namespace PartialOrder
variable {A : Type} [PartialOrder A]
def lt (a b : A) : Prop := a ≼ b ∧ a ≠ b
-- type \prec for the symbol ≺
local infix:50 " ≺ " => lt
theorem irrefl_lt (a : A) : ¬ (a ≺ a) := by
intro (h : a ≺ a)
have : a ≠ a := And.right h
have : a = a := rfl
theorem trans_lt {a b c : A} (h₁ : a ≺ b) (h₂ : b ≺ c) : a ≺ c :=
have : a ≼ b := And.left h₁
have : a ≠ b := And.right h₁
have : b ≼ c := And.left h₂
have : b ≠ c := And.right h₂
have : a ≼ c := trans ‹a ≼ b› ‹b ≼ c›
have : a ≠ c :=
fun hac : a = c ↦
have : c ≼ b := by rw [← hac]; assumption
have : b = c := antisymm ‹b ≼ c› ‹c ≼ b›
show False from ‹b ≠ c› ‹b = c›
show a ≺ c from And.intro ‹a ≼ c› ‹a ≠ c›
end PartialOrder
-- END
end hidden
The variable declaration [PartialOrder A]
can be read as
"assume A
is a partial order".
Then Lean will use this "instance" of the class PartialOrder
to figure out what le
and lt
are referring to.
The proofs use anonymous have
referring back to them with the French quotes, `\f<
and \f>
or assumption
(in tactic mode).
The proof of transitivity switches from term mode to tactic mode,
to use rewrite
to replace c
for a
in a ≤ b
Recall that contradiction
instructs Lean to find
a hypothesis and its negation in the context, and hence complete the proof.
We could even define the class StrictPartialOrder
in a similar manner,
then use the above theorems to show that any (weak) PartialOrder
is also a
import Mathlib.Tactic.Basic
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
namespace hidden
class PartialOrder (A : Type u) where
le : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive le
trans : Transitive le
antisymm : ∀ {a b : A}, le a b → le b a → a = b
-- type \preceq for the symbol ≼
local infix:50 " ≼ " => PartialOrder.le
namespace PartialOrder
variable {A : Type} [PartialOrder A]
def lt (a b : A) : Prop := a ≼ b ∧ a ≠ b
-- type \prec for the symbol ≺
local infix:50 " ≺ " =>
theorem irrefl_lt (a : A) : ¬ (a ≺ a) := by
intro (h : a ≺ a)
have : a ≠ a := And.right h
have : a = a := rfl
theorem trans_lt {a b c : A} (h₁ : a ≺ b) (h₂ : b ≺ c) : a ≺ c :=
have : a ≼ b := And.left h₁
have : a ≠ b := And.right h₁
have : b ≼ c := And.left h₂
have : b ≠ c := And.right h₂
have : a ≼ c := trans ‹a ≼ b› ‹b ≼ c›
have : a ≠ c :=
fun hac : a = c ↦
have : c ≼ b := by rw [← hac]; assumption
have : b = c := antisymm ‹b ≼ c› ‹c ≼ b›
show False from ‹b ≠ c› ‹b = c›
show a ≺ c from And.intro ‹a ≼ c› ‹a ≠ c›
end PartialOrder
class StrictPartialOrder (A : Type u) where
lt : A → A → Prop
irrefl : Irreflexive lt
trans : Transitive lt
-- type \prec for the symbol ≺
local infix:50 " ≺ " =>
instance {A : Type} [PartialOrder A] : StrictPartialOrder A where
lt :=
irrefl := PartialOrder.irrefl_lt
trans _ _ _ := PartialOrder.trans_lt
example (a : A) [PartialOrder A] : ¬ a ≺ a :=
StrictPartialOrder.irrefl a
-- END
end hidden
Once we have shown this instance, we would be able to use the inherited
(not the one we defined in the PartialOrder
and facts about StrictPartialOrder
on any partial order.
In Section :numref:`order_relations`, we also noted that you can define a (weak) partial order from a strict one. We ask you to do this formally in the exercises below.
Mathlib defines PartialOrder
in roughly the same way as we have,
which is why we enclosed our definitions in the hidden
so that our definition is called hidden.PartialOrder
rather than just PartialOrder
outside the namespace.
There is no StrictPartialOrder
but we can refer to the strict partial order, given a partial order.
The notation used by Mathlib is the more common ≤
(input \le
) and <
Here is one more example. Suppose R
is a binary relation on a type A
, and we define S x y
to mean that both R x y
and R y x
holds. Below we show that the resulting relation is reflexive and symmetric.
axiom A : Type
axiom R : A → A → Prop
variable (h1 : Transitive R)
variable (h2 : Reflexive R)
def S (x y : A) := R x y ∧ R y x
example : Reflexive S :=
fun x ↦
have : R x x := h2 x
show S x x from And.intro this this
example : Symmetric S :=
fun x y ↦
fun h : S x y ↦
have h1 : R x y := h.left
have h2 : R y x := h.right
show S y x from ⟨h2, h1⟩
In the exercises below, we ask you to show that S
is transitive as well.
In the first example,
we use the anonymous have
and then refer back to the have
with the keyword this
In the second example,
we abbreviate And.left h
and And.right h
as h.left
and h.right
We also abbreviate And.intro h2 h1
with an anonymous constructor,
writing ⟨h2, h1⟩
Lean figures out that we are trying to prove a conjunction,
and figures out that And.intro
is the relevant introduction principle.
You can type the corner brackets with \<
and \>
, respectively.
Conveniently, Lean has the normal orderings on the natural numbers, integers, and so on defined already in Mathlib.
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs
open Nat
variable (n m : ℕ)
#check 0 ≤ n
#check n < n + 1
example : 0 ≤ n := Nat.zero_le n
example : n < n + 1 := lt_succ_self n
example (h : n + 1 ≤ m) : n < m + 1 :=
have h1 : n < n + 1 := lt_succ_self n
have h2 : n < m := lt_of_lt_of_le h1 h
have h3 : m < m + 1 := lt_succ_self m
show n < m + 1 from lt_trans h2 h3
There are many theorems in Lean that are useful for proving facts about inequality relations. We list some common ones here.
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
variable (A : Type) [PartialOrder A]
variable (a b c : A)
#check (le_trans : a ≤ b → b ≤ c → a ≤ c)
#check (lt_trans : a < b → b < c → a < c)
#check (lt_of_lt_of_le : a < b → b ≤ c → a < c)
#check (lt_of_le_of_lt : a ≤ b → b < c → a < c)
#check (le_of_lt : a < b → a ≤ b)
Notice that we assume an instance of PartialOrder
on A
There are also properties that are specific to some domains,
like the natural numbers:
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs
variable (n : ℕ)
#check (Nat.zero_le : ∀ n : ℕ, 0 ≤ n)
#check (Nat.lt_succ_self : ∀ n : ℕ, n < n + 1)
#check (Nat.le_succ : ∀ n : ℕ, n ≤ n + 1)
In :numref:`equivalence_relations_and_equality` we saw that an equivalence relation is a binary relation on some domain A that is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. We will see such relations in Lean in a moment, but first let's define another kind of relation called a preorder, which is a binary relation that is reflexive and transitive.
Again, we use a class
to capture this data.
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
namespace hidden
variable {A : Type}
class Preorder (A : Type u) where
le : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive le
trans : Transitive le
end hidden
Lean's library provides its own formulation of preorders.
In order to use the same name, we have to put it in the hidden
Lean's library defines other properties of relations, such as these:
Building on our definition of a preorder, we can describe partial orders as antisymmetric preorders, and equivalences as symmetric preorders.
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
namespace hidden
variable {A : Type}
class Preorder (A : Type u) where
le : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive le
trans : Transitive le
class PartialOrder (A : Type u) extends Preorder A where
antisymm : AntiSymmetric le
class Equivalence (A : Type u) extends Preorder A where
symm : Symmetric le
end hidden
The extends Preorder A
in this definition now makes
a class that automatically
inherits all the definitions and theorems from Preorder
In particular le
, refl
, and trans
become part of the data of
Using classes in this way we can write very general proofs
(for example proofs just about preorders)
and apply them in contexts that are more specific
(for example proofs about equivalence relations and partial orders).
Note: we might not want to design the library in this way specifically.
Since we might want to use ≤
as notation for a partial order,
but for an equivalence relation.
Indeed Mathlib
does not define Equivalence
as an extension of
In :numref:`equivalence_relations_and_equality` we claimed that there is another way to define an equivalence relation, namely as a binary relation satisfying the following two properties:
- \forall a \; (a \equiv a)
- \forall {a, b, c} \; (a \equiv b \wedge c \equiv b \to a \equiv c)
We derive the two definitions from each other in the following
import Mathlib.Order.Basic
namespace hidden
class Equivalence (A : Type u) where
R : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive R
symm : Symmetric R
trans : Transitive R
local infix:50 " ~ " => Equivalence.R
class Equivalence' (A : Type u) where
R : A → A → Prop
refl : Reflexive R
trans' : ∀ {a b c}, R a b → R c b → R a c
-- type ``≈`` as ``\~~``
local infix:50 " ≈ " => Equivalence'.R
variable {A : Type u}
theorem Equivalence.trans' [Equivalence A] {a b c : A} :
a ~ b → c ~ b → a ~ c := by
intro (hab : a ~ b)
intro (hcb : c ~ b)
apply trans hab
show b ~ c
exact symm hcb
example [Equivalence A] : Equivalence' A where
R := Equivalence.R
refl := Equivalence.refl
trans':= Equivalence.trans'
theorem Equivalence'.symm [Equivalence' A] {a b : A} :
a ≈ b → b ≈ a := by
intro (hab : a ≈ b)
have hbb : b ≈ b := Equivalence'.refl b
show b ≈ a
exact Equivalence'.trans' hbb hab
theorem Equivalence'.trans [Equivalence' A] {a b c : A} :
a ≈ b → b ≈ c → a ≈ c := by
intro (hab : a ≈ b) (hbc : b ≈ c)
have hcb : c ≈ b := Equivalence'.symm hbc
show a ≈ c
exact Equivalence'.trans' hab hcb
example [Equivalence' A] : Equivalence A where
R := Equivalence'.R
refl := Equivalence'.refl
symm _ _:= Equivalence'.symm
trans _ _ _ := Equivalence'.trans
end hidden
For one of the definitions we use the infix notation ~
and we use
for the other. (You can type ≈
as \~~
We use example
instead of instance
so that we don't actually
instantiate instances of the classes.
Replace the
commands in the following proofs to show that we can create a partial orderR'
out of a strict partial orderR
.import Mathlib.Order.Basic class StrictPartialOrder (A : Type u) where lt : A → A → Prop irrefl : Irreflexive lt trans : Transitive lt local infix:50 " ≺ " => section variable {A : Type u} [StrictPartialOrder A] def R' (a b : A) : Prop := (a ≺ b) ∨ a = b local infix:50 " ≼ " => R' theorem reflR' (a : A) : a ≼ a := sorry theorem transR' {a b c : A} (h1 : a ≼ b) (h2 : b ≼ c) : a ≼ c := sorry theorem antisymmR' {a b : A} (h1 : a ≼ b) (h2 : b ≼ a) : a = b := sorry end
Replace the
by a proof.import Mathlib.Order.Basic namespace hidden class Preorder (A : Type u) where le : A → A → Prop refl : Reflexive le trans : Transitive le namespace Preorder def S (a b : A) [Preorder A] : Prop := le a b ∧ le b a example (A : Type u) [Preorder A] {x y z : A} : S x y → S y z → S x z := sorry end Preorder end hidden
Only one of the following two theorems is provable. Figure out which one is true, and replace the
command with a complete proof.import Mathlib.Order.Basic axiom A : Type axiom a : A axiom b : A axiom c : A axiom R : A → A → Prop axiom Rab : R a b axiom Rbc : R b c axiom nRac : ¬ R a c -- Prove one of the following two theorems: theorem R_is_strict_partial_order : Irreflexive R ∧ Transitive R := sorry theorem R_is_not_strict_partial_order : ¬(Irreflexive R ∧ Transitive R) := sorry
Complete the following proof. You may use results from Mathlib.
import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Defs section open Nat variable (n m : ℕ) example : 1 ≤ 4 := sorry end