CFX (CounterFactual eXplanation) is a popular method for model explanation. It is a post-hoc way that can give actionable explanations to a model result. In this repo, I will list out some SOTA related to CFX.
DiCE [repo]
- Explaining machine learning classifiers through diverse counterfactual explanations [paper]
Alibi [repo]
- Supported methods [summary]
- ( Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning: A Review [paper][ppt]
- Evaluation of Counterfactual Generation Algorithms [Google Sheet]
- Benchmarking and Survey of Explanation Methods for Black Box Models [paper]
- DiCE [example code]
- Randomized sampling
- KD-Tree (for counterfactuals within the training data)
- Genetic algorithm
- CFRL by Seldon Alibi [example code] [doc]
- 🔥 Model-agnostic and Scalable Counterfactual Explanations via Reinforcement Learning [paper]
- (Nips 2021) Designing Counterfactual Generators using Deep Model Inversion [paper]
- No need training data
- (Nips 2021) Towards Robust and Reliable Algorithmic Recourse [paper]
- Data shifting
- Adversarial training
- (KDD 2021) Model-Based Counterfactual Synthesizer for Interpretation [paper]
- CounteRGAN: Generating Realistic Counterfactuals with Residual Generative Adversarial Nets [paper]
- (ICLR 2021) Counterfactual generative networks [paper][source code]
- (AAAI 2022) Amortized Generation of Sequential Algorithmic Recourses for Black-box Models[paper]
- Algorithmic Recourses (AR) and sequential ARs
- Reinforcement learning
- (AAAI 2022) Diverse, Global and Amortised Counterfactual Explanations for Uncertainty Estimates [paper]
🥶 on-going
- (PMLR 2020) Model-Agnostic Counterfactual Explanations for Consequential Decisions [paper] source code]
- (FAT 2020) The Hidden Assumptions Behind Counterfactual Explanations and Principal Reasons [paper]
- CounterFactual (by Seldon Alibi) [example code] [doc]
- Counterfactual Explanations without Opening the Black Box: Automated Decisions and the GDPR [paper]
- CEM (By Seldon Alibi) [example code] [doc]
- Explanations based on the Missing: Towards Contrastive Explanations with Pertinent Negatives [paper] [source code]
- DiCE
- An explicit loss-based method [paper]
- A Variational AutoEncoder (VAE)-based method [paper] [example code]
- 🔥 GeCo: Quality Counterfactual Explanations in Real Time [paper] [source code]
- Actionable Recourse in Linear Classification [paper] [source code]
- Efficient Search for Diverse Coherent Explanations [paper] [source code]
- KS Test
- 🔥 Comprehensible Counterfactual Explanation on Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test [paper] [source code]
- Post-hoc counterfactual generation with supervised autoencoder [ppt]
- If Only We Had Better Counterfactual Explanations: Five Key Deficits to Rectify in the Evaluation of Counterfactual XAI Techniques [paper]
- Adquate and Fair Explanations [paper]