- fc9ad64: Vite 6
- 8305c3d: Update ESLint config, remove prettier
- 1625421: Update deps: Vite 5.4
- 3b9edd7: Exclude unnecessary files from git archive
- c40e329: Respect build.sourcemap option, props @ernilambar
- 0564e76: Fix wp_scripts plugin, props @Bernix01
- 86a8495: Fix peer dependencies
- d33de07: Support enqueuing split CSS chunks with multiple outputs. Props @netlas
- c4bc83a: Vite 5
- 6eb0bb8: ESLint 9
- b7b96a3: Fix script type modifier. Props @irshadahmad21
- da9b6e1: wp_scripts: Import dependencies dynamically.
- bafb3cb: Use WP_HTML_Tag_Processor to update script type attribute.
- 28a3eb6: Accept options in dev_server, prioritise dev manifest over build one in PHP helper.
- 77a7da8: Use wp_json_file_decode() to read manifest file.
- 3296971: Only print react-refresh preamble script once.
- 461687b: Merge dev server plugins
- ad81a04: Make v4wp options optional
- c755432: Ensure dev server manifest is created when the server (re)starts and deleted when it's stopped.
- e2212e3: Improve JS doc blocks.
- dc71bde: Dev server manifest plugin: Improve files-related operation
- 56bce53: Introduce wp_scripts() plugin to externalise scripts already registered by WP core.
- 08ceb4f: Provide v4wp plugin, deprecate create_config()
- 961d00b: Update prettier
- a4cd144: Improve manifest file finder
- f221454: Fix production asset paths on Windows
- 89d341b: Vite 4.4 & Typings with JSDoc
- c9bf8fb: Update Vite -> 4.0.1
- 6393c5a: Replace deprecated option: polyfillModulePreload -> modulePreload
- f8041da: Exit process cleanly after removing manifest file
- 2bdce3b: Improve production assets handling, props @slamkajs.
- c8db8fe: Fix react-refresh preamble script
- cd44819: Support dynamic imports/code splitting
- ef4decc: Add support for WP global modules
- 89fc35e: Fix README & NPM package info
- aad4294: Fix release workflow
- d34ce89: Initial release