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Any use of the kubecub Trademarks other than those permitted in these guidelines must be approved in advance.
If you are unsure if your behavior conforms to the kubecub specifications, you can contact us:
- : We also have Slack channels for you to communicate and discuss. To join, visit and join our 👀 kubecub slack team channel.
- : Get in touch with us on Gmail. If you have any questions or issues that need resolving, or any suggestions and feedback for our open source projects, please feel free to contact us via email.
- : Read our blog. Our blog is a great place to stay up-to-date with kubecub projects and trends. On the blog, we share our latest developments, tech trends, and other interesting information.
- : Add Wechat and indicate that you are a user or developer of kubecub. We will process your request as soon as possible.