Releases: krzyzanowskim/ObjectivePGP
Releases · krzyzanowskim/ObjectivePGP
- Fixes generation subkeys with a passphrase.
- Improves memory usage when reading messages.
- Fixes public key equality checks.
- Ignores invalid/broken signature subpackets.
- Fixes nullability and undefined behaviors issues.
- Fixes issue where subkey should be used to sign for some keys.
- Fixes packets equality issues.
- Improves gnu-dummy support.
- Improves ZIP compression support.
- Sets default key size for a key generator to 3072 bits.
- Improves error handling.
- Fixes subkeys generation.
- Adds support for embedded signatures.
- PGPArmor return String now.
- Fixes keys management (import/export issues).
- Fixes instances equality.
- Fixes partial packets with zero body length.
- Improves objects copying (NSCopying for packets).
- Reverts NSSet collections to NSArray.
- Updates public API (cleanups).
- Updates tests.
- Updates documentations.
0.8.0 Keys generation
- Adds public and private keys generation feature with PGPKeyGenerator
- Adds methods to import and remove key instance
- Adds expirationDate property to a key instance
- Improves subkeys handling
- Exports keys data without reusing imported raw data.
- Fixes edge cases of decryption data with password encrypted key
- Fixes exporting private macros
- Fixes packets equality checks
- Fixes signature verifying flow, return on fail
- Fixes parsing corrupted input data.
- Fix TripleDSA decryption.
- Fix MPI memleak.
- Fix reading certificate sym. algs.
- Improve DSA keys support.
- Improve signature subpackets.
- Apply OpenPGP errata #2270.
- Avoid assertion failing to decrypt packet when signing.
- Support "critical bit".
- Address the App Store upload issue.
Dynamic and Swift
- Adds PGPKey.keyID property
- Adds Swift Playground with a sample Swift code
- Builds dynamic frameworks for iOS and macOS
- Builds ObjC and Swift modules
Summer breeze
A major update!
Many things have been improved and fixed. Encrypting is more performant now. Decrypting using password protected key has been fixed. From the API perspective, you'll notice that some methods disappeared. Keys management has been an improvement, and nullability added to where possible - that will improve Swift integration too.
With this release, ObjectivePGP.framework
is distributed as a source and Static Framework to make it easier to integrate with the projects. Also, removed external dependency to OpenSSL.
Check out updated for more details.