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Browser base (React)

Set up a search/browser interface using React (and React Router). Requires React 18 and optionally React Router 6.4.

Install the package using: npm install @knaw-huc/browser-base-react

Build the package using: npm run build

You can use the hooks to embed the logic into your own React components or use the components with a predefined layout. Or use the Router component to quickly set up a browser interface using React Router.

  1. Context
  2. Hooks
    1. Hook useSearch
    2. Hook useFreeTextFacet
    3. Hook useListFacet
    4. Hook useSliderFacet
  3. Components
    1. Component Router
    2. Components Search and Detail
      1. Component Search
      2. Component Detail
    3. Facet components
      1. Component FreeTextFacet
      2. Component ListFacet
      3. Component SliderFacet
  4. Utilities
    1. Base64 utilities
    2. Paging utilities
    3. Search utilities


The SearchContext is used to keep track of the search state. It is initialized with the following parameters:

Parameter Value type
 field: string,
 values: string[]
The search values selected by the user
page number The current page number
onSearch (searchValues, page) => void To call when either the search values or the current page is changed


Hook useSearch

The useSearch hook is used to set up a Search interface and uses the SearchContext. It returns an array with the following functions for user interaction:

Value Signature
 field: string,
 values: string[]
The search values selected by the user
 field: string,
 label: string,
 values: string[]
The search values selected by the user with labels
registerFacet (field: string, label: string) => void Register a facet
unregisterFacet (field: string) => void Unregister a facet
selectPage (page: number) => void Change the page number
prevPage () => void Go to the previous page
nextPage () => void Go to the next page
resetFacets () => void Reset all facets
removeFacet (field: string, value: string) => void Remove a facet with the given value
setFacet (field: string, value: string) => void Add a facet with the given value

Hook useFreeTextFacet

The useFreeTextFacet hook is used to set up a facet with free text search. The hook is initialized with the following parameters:

Parameter Value type
label string The label (defaults to Free text)
field string The field name (defaults to FREE_TEXT)

It returns an array with the following values/functions for user interaction:

Value Signature
textField string The value of the search field
setTextFacet () => void Submit the search value
handleChange (e: event) => void Change event handler
handleKeyPress (e: event) => void Key press event handler

Hook useListFacet

The useListFacet hook is used to set up a facet with a list. The hook is initialized with the following parameters:

Parameter Value type
label string The label of the facet
field string The field of the facet
url string The URL to obtain the facet values from
usePost boolean Whether to do a POST call to obtain the values; is required for the use of searchValues (defaults to false)
startAmount number The number of initial values to show (defaults to 10)
moreAmount number The upper limit for all values to show (defaults to 500)
isHidden boolean Whether to start the facet hidden? (defaults to true)

It returns an array with the following values/functions for user interaction:

Value Signature
data {key: key: string, doc_count: number}[] The facet values
loading boolean Whether the values are still loading
hidden boolean Whether the values are hidden
setHidden (hidden: boolean) => void Whether the values should be hidden
more boolean Whether to show more values
changeListLength () => void Toggle between more or less values to show
sendCandidate (value: string) => void To call whenever a facet is added by the user
handleChange (e: event) => void Change event handler

Hook useSliderFacet

The useSliderFacet hook is used to set up a facet with a slider. The hook is initialized with the following parameters:

Parameter Value type
label string The label of the facet
field string The field of the facet
min number The minimum allowed value
max number The maximum allowed value
isHidden boolean Whether to start the facet hidden? (defaults to true)

It returns an array with the following values/functions for user interaction:

Value Signature
from number The current start range value set by the user
to number The current end range value set by the user
hidden boolean Whether the values are hidden
setHidden (hidden: boolean) => void Whether the values should be hidden
handleChange (from: number, to: number) => void Change event handler accepting a new range
sendSelect () => void To call whenever the range is selected by the user


Component Router

The React component Router can be used to set up the browser interface:

<Router title="My browser!"
        description="Find something that suits your needs!"
        getFetchUrl={id => 'http://localhost:5000/detail?rec=' + id}

function MyDetail(params) {
    return <div>{}</div>;

function MyListDetails(params) {
    return <div>{params.item}</div>;

function MyFacets() {
    return <>
        <ListFacet name="Title" field="title" url="http://localhost:5000/facet"/>

All available parameters:

Parameter Value type Required
title string The title of the browser
description string The description of the browser
updateDocumentTitle boolean If the document title should be updated; if absent it defaults to true
logo ReactElement The logo to show in the header element
items ReactElement The items to show in the header element
AppComponent FunctionComponent A React component to render the app component; has to accept children for the React Browser Outlet
headerElement ReactElement The header to render; if absent a default header is placed with the title, logo and header items
footerElement ReactElement The footer to render; if absent no footer is rendered
rootElement ReactElement The root page to render; if absent a default root page with the title and description is rendered
childRoutes RouteObject[] Additional child routes to add to the React Router component
searchUrl string The URL to use for searching
pageLength number The default page length
sortOrder number The default sort order
hasIndexPage boolean If the index page should be disabled and immediately show the search index ; if absent it defaults to true
withPaging boolean If paging should be enabled; if absent it defaults to false
showSearchHeader boolean If the search header should be shown; if absent it defaults to true
searchParams SearchParams { CODE, PARAMS } How to obtain search parameters (using a code, or using URL parameters) ; if absent it defaults to SearchParams.CODE
getFetchUrl (id: string) => string A function that receives an identifier and returns the URL to obtain the item data
DetailComponent FunctionComponent A React component to render an item; has to accept a parameter data with the data object
ResultItemComponent FunctionComponent A React component to render an item in the result list; has to accept a parameter item with the item object
facetsElement ReactElement The facets to render for searching
headersElement ReactElement The headers to render for searching

Components Search and Detail

The React components Search and Detail can be used to set up your own routing for the search and detail pages. To create loaders for React Router, use the helper functions createSearchLoader and createDetailLoader.

const codeSearchLoader = createSearchLoader(searchUtils.getSearchObjectFromCode, "http://localhost:5000/browse");
const paramsSearchLoader = createSearchLoader(searchUtils.getSearchObjectFromParams, "http://localhost:5000/browse");
const detailLoader = createDetailLoader(id => 'http://localhost:5000/detail?rec=' + id);

<Search title="My browser!"

<Detail title="My browser!"

function MyDetail(params) {
    return <div>{}</div>;

function MyListDetails(params) {
    return <div>{params.item}</div>;

function MyFacets() {
    return <>
        <ListFacet name="Title" field="title" url="http://localhost:5000/facet"/>

Component Search

A component Search to set up a search interface which accepts the parameters:

Parameter Value type Required
title string The title of the browser
updateDocumentTitle boolean If the document title should be updated; if absent it defaults to true
showSearchHeader boolean If the search header should be shown; if absent it defaults to true
pageLength number The default page length
hasIndexPage boolean If the index page should be disabled and immediately show the search index ; if absent it defaults to true
withPaging boolean If paging should be enabled; if absent it defaults to false
searchParams SearchParams { CODE, PARAMS } How to obtain search parameters (using a code, or using URL parameters) ; if absent it defaults to SearchParams.CODE
ResultItemComponent FunctionComponent A React component to render an item in the result list; has to accept a parameter item with the item object
facetsElement ReactElement The facets to render for searching
headersElement ReactElement The headers to render for searching

Component Detail

A component Detail to set up a detail interface which accepts the parameters:

Parameter Value type Required
title string The title of the browser
updateDocumentTitle boolean If the document title should be updated; if absent it defaults to true
DetailComponent FunctionComponent A React component to render an item; has to accept a parameter data with the data object

Facet components

There are a number of facet components to choose from.

Component FreeTextFacet

A component FreeTextFacet to allow for free text searching which accepts the parameters:

Parameter Value type Required
name string The label (defaults to Free text)
field string The field name (defaults to FREE_TEXT)

Component ListFacet

A component ListFacet to render a list of possible values to filter on which accepts the parameters:

Parameter Value type Required
name string The label of the facet
field string The field of the facet
url string The URL to obtain the facet values from
usePost boolean Whether to do a POST call to obtain the values; (defaults to false)
flex boolean Whether to show a toggle for more/less values (defaults to true)
addFilter boolean Whether to add a filter field to filter the facet values (defaults to false)
isHidden boolean Whether to start the facet hidden? (defaults to true)

Component SliderFacet

A component SliderFacet to render a slider to filter on which accepts the parameters:

Parameter Value type Required
name string The label of the facet
field string The field of the facet
min number The minimum allowed value
max number The maximum allowed value
isHidden boolean Whether to start the facet hidden? (defaults to true)


Base64 utilities

A UTF-8 safe Base64 encoder and decoder.

import {base64} from 'browser-base-react';

const encoded = base64.encode('Base64 encoding of the string');
const decoded = base64.decode(encoded);

Paging utilities

Some utility functions to help with paging layouts.

import {pagingUtils} from 'browser-base-react';

const pages = getPages(10); // getPages(noPages: number, startPage: number = 1)
console.log(pages); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

const prevPages = getPrevPages(15); // getPrevPages(curPage: number, maxPages: number = 4)
console.log(prevPages); // [11, 12, 13, 14]

const nextPages = getNextPages(15, 18); // getNextPages(curPage: number, totalPages: number, maxPages: number = 4)
console.log(nextPages); // [16, 17, 18]

Search utilities

Utilities to deal with the encoding and decoding of the search object.

import {searchUtils} from 'browser-base-react';

const code = createCodeFromSearchObject({
    searchvalues: [{
        field: 'My field',
        values: ['Search value 1', 'Search value 2']
    page: 1
}); // createCodeFromSearchObject(searchObject: SearchObject)

const searchObject1 = getSearchObjectFromCode(code); // getSearchObjectFromCode(code?: string)

// --------------------------------------------------------------- //

const params = createParamsFromSearchObject({
    searchvalues: [{
        field: 'My field',
        values: ['Search value 1', 'Search value 2']
    page: 1
}); // createParamsFromSearchObject(searchObject: SearchObject)

const searchObject2 = getSearchObjectFromParams(params); // getSearchObjectFromParams(params: URLSearchParams)