Table of Contents
The ocm repo contains 5 core components:
- registration
- placement
- work
- registration-operator
- addon-manager
All contributions to the repository must be submitted under the terms of the Apache Public License 2.0.
By contributing to this project, you agree to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO). This document was created by the Linux Kernel community and is a simple statement that you, as a contributor, have the legal right to make the contribution. See the DCO file for details.
You must sign off your commit to state that you certify the DCO. To certify your commit for DCO, add a line like the following at the end of your commit message:
Signed-off-by: John Smith <[email protected]>
This can be done with the --signoff
option to git commit
. See the Git documentation for details.
The Open Cluster Management project has adopted the CNCF Code of Conduct. Refer to our Community Code of Conduct for details.
- Submit an issue describing your proposed change to the repository in question. The repository owners will respond to your issue promptly.
- Fork the desired repository, then develop and test your code changes.
- Submit a pull request.
For development purposes, we can use the kind tool to create a local Kubernetes cluster and deploy the Open Cluster Management components.
- Create a kind cluster:
kind create cluster
Deploy the Open Cluster Management components referring to the Setup hub and managed clusters guide on the kind cluster created in the previous step. Summary the key steps are:
- Install the clusteradm CLI tool:
curl -sL | bash
- Init the control plane:
clusteradm init --wait --bundle-version="latest"
- Join the hub cluster as a managed cluster(self management):
clusteradm join --hub-token <hub-token> --hub-apiserver <hub-apiserver> --wait --cluster-name cluster1 --force-internal-endpoint-lookup --bundle-version="latest"
- Access the hub cluster:
clusteradm accept --clusters cluster1
Check the Open Cluster Management components are running:
╰─# kubectl get clustermanager cluster-manager
cluster-manager 7h36m
╰─# kubectl get managedcluster
cluster1 true https://kind-control-plane:6443 True True 7h36m
╰─# kubectl get deployment -A | grep open-cluster-management
open-cluster-management-agent klusterlet-registration-agent # register the managed cluster
open-cluster-management-agent klusterlet-work-agent # distribute resources to the managed cluster
open-cluster-management-hub cluster-manager-addon-manager-controller # manage the addons
open-cluster-management-hub cluster-manager-placement-controller # manage the placement
open-cluster-management-hub cluster-manager-registration-controller # manage the registration
open-cluster-management-hub cluster-manager-registration-webhook # validate managedcluster/managedclusterset
open-cluster-management-hub cluster-manager-work-webhook # validate manifestwork
open-cluster-management cluster-manager # watch clustermanager and deploy the hub components
open-cluster-management klusterlet # watch managedcluster and deploy the managed cluster components
Note: if klustelet is deployed in Singleton mode(clusteradm join --hub-token <hub-token> --hub-apiserver <hub-apiserver> --wait --cluster-name cluster1 --force-internal-endpoint-lookup --bundle-version="latest" --singleton=true
), the klusterlet-registration-agent
and klusterlet-work-agent
will be replaced by one deployment klusterlet-agent
Once the Open Cluster Management components are deployed, you can start developing and testing your changes.
There are 5 core images that are built from the ocm repository: registration
, placement
, work
, and addon-manager
To build all these images, you can run the following command:
# Replace the IMAGE_REGISTRY and IMAGE_TAG with your desired values IMAGE_TAG=test make images
To build a specific image, you can run the following command:
# the <image-name> can be one of the following: registration, placement, work, registration-operator, addon-manager IMAGE_TAG=test make image-<image-name>
After building the images, you can push them to the registry by docker/podman push, if you do not have a registry,
you can use the command kind load docker-image<image-name>:test
to load the
images into the kind cluster.
After building and pushing the images, you can test the changes in the kind cluster.
- Test the operators(deployment
in theopen-cluster-management
namespace) changes by replacing the registration-operator image for the operators deployments:
kubectl set image -n open-cluster-management deployment/cluster-manager registration-operator=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/registration-operator:$(IMAGE_TAG)
kubectl set image -n open-cluster-management deployment/klusterlet klusterlet=$(IMAGE_REGISTRY)/registration-operator:$(IMAGE_TAG)
- Test the hub side components changes by replacing the image fields in the clustermanager spec:
kubectl edit clustermanager cluster-manager
- Test the managed cluster side components changes by replacing the image fields in the klusterlet spec:
kubectl edit klusterlet klusterlet
The integration tests are written in the test/integration directory. They start a kubenretes api server locally with controller-runtime, and run the tests against the local api server.
To run the integration tests, you can use the following command:
make test-integration # run all the integration tests
make test-<component>-integration # run the integration tests for a specific component
The E2E tests are written in the test/e2e directory. You can run the E2E tests:
- referring to the steps described in the e2e workflow file
- or by the act command:
act -j e2e
Anyone can comment on issues and submit reviews for pull requests. In order to be assigned an issue or pull request, you can leave a /assign <your Github ID>
comment on the issue or pull request.
Please refer to the Contribution Guide