Internal changes that do not directly affect users may not be listed here. For all changes see the closed milestones for each release.
#1187 - Improved the workflow filtering menu in the sidebar.
#1184 - Mean times for tasks in table changed to human readable ISO duration format.
#1182 - Allow filtering by cycle point and family in tree & table views.
#1230 - Fixes an issue where tasks were missing from the GUI in workflows which use multi-level family inheritance.
#1182 - Fixes bug in filtering by task name.
#1158 - Add log view: A new view which displays workflow and job logs (similar to log view available in Cylc 7 cylc review).
#1108 - Add graph view: A new view which displays tasks and dependencies as a graph (like the Cylc 7 graph view).
#1144 - Add "Edit Runtime" command, a more convenient way to perform broadcasts by viewing and editing a task/family's runtime configuration.
#1108 - Tree view: Task messages are now shown along with outputs.
#1124 - Table view: More options for number of tasks per page.
#1177 - New tabs now open on top.
#1178 - Improve appearance of Table view.
#1043 - The GScan sidebar is now resizeable.
#1164 - Fix the mean run time column in the table view.
#1167 - Prevent command menu from jumping after a delay when clicking "see more".
#1108 - Tree view: Task outputs are now correctly associated with the jobs that created them.
#1075 - Reverse default sort order of the table view so it matches the tree view.
#1107 - Use natural sort for table view cycle point column.
#1073 - Improve validation of the command edit form.
#1011 - Fix bug where the workflow commands menu would show the wrong workflow.
#967 - Appearance improvements.
#1027 - Remove development "Mutations View".
#979 - Fix bug where the commands menu could sometimes break.
#928 - Enable accessing the workflow commands menu from GScan (sidebar).
#672, #861 - Added the workflow table view.
#861 - Instant task filtering in the workflow tree and table views.
#876 - Convert to use the new Cylc "Universal Identifier".
#873 - Header now displays hostname rather than 'development'.
#891 - Clicking on cycles, tasks or jobs now shows the relevant ID and status.
#839 - Appearance improvements.
#927 - Fix bug where the commands menu would disappear when clicking on another task/cycle point/etc.
#502 - Hierarchical GScan.
#711 - Support Jupyter Server conversion. (the CylcUIServer has been converted to a Jupyter Server extension).
#728 - Display authorized commands in the User Profile and disable unauthorized commands in the commands menu.
- Miscellaneous improvements to the processing of delta updates.
#731, #810 - Appearance improvements.
- Fix issues with the workflow status and play/pause/stop buttons not updating correctly & enable starting a workflow from stopped.
#656 - Show runahead-limited tasks.
#657 - Display a different icon, with a shadow underneath, for the Job component.
#658 - Allow user to set the order of cycle points.
#543 - Use deltas in GScan.
#234 - Use query variables in GraphQL instead of string replace.
#209 - WorkflowService doesn't work with nodesEdges, edges, or any other top level entry.
#160 - Reduce duplicated code when using WorkflowService.
#356 - Use graphql-tag instead of Strings for GraphQL queries, fragments.
#388 - Prevent unnecessary subscription requests.
#453 - Confirm we don't have subscriptions outliving the views/use, to avoid performance issues, and add unit/e2e tests.
#661 - Avoid data duplication in added deltas.
#684 - Create a single object to receive the deltas of workflow-subscriptions.
#625 - alert: repeated errors are ignored.
#672 - add table view.
#691 - Fix bug that could cause commands to be run against the wrong workflow.
#649 - Avoid re-sorting a sorted array, instead adding a new element in its sorted index (respecting locale, and numeric on).
#676 - Fix the reactivity of the cycle point icon state. After this, the Task icon used to summarize the cycle point state should be updated to reflect the overall state based on the states of its children nodes.
#669 - Define the height of each table row, and specify the Skeleton height to avoid content shift.
#416 - WorkflowService/GQuery fetches more data than what it needs when GScan + a view/component are used.
#688 - gscan: installed workflows.
#671 - UI shows loading state forever if no workflows exist.
#641 - Display the new "platform" for jobs rather than the legacy "host" value.
#677 - Create a urls module to simplify how we concatenate strings to create URLs.
Release 0.3 of Cylc UI.
None or N/A.
#636 - Improve the appearance of commands menus and display an expandable short list of commands.
#616 - Alert the user if there are any errors processing deltas.
#623 - Display errors from commands.
#607 - Animate task progress using average run times.
#598 - Add workflow commands menu.
#530 - Display message triggers.
#544 - Enable editing command inputs and support broadcasts in the UI.
#574 - Add collapse all and expand all buttons to Tree component.
#577 - Improve how GScan behaves in responsive mode (smaller viewports).
#560 - Make job-details a node in the tree, expand/collapse control, align tree-leaf-triangle. Also align job icons vertically in the middle of the HTML element.
#504 - Add commands menu to the tree view to allow interacting with tasks, families and cycles.
#499 - Add search and filter functionalities to GScan.
#503 - Add configurable colour themes for Cylc job icons.
#498 - Sort GScan workflows by type (first running, then held, then stopped), and then by name.
#493 - async updates to the UI, adding support to stopped workflows.
#497 - Add a global error catcher to the Default layout, to show uncaught errors.
#491 - Update apollo-client to @apollo/client (different package ID, also from 2.x to 3.x).
#492 - Sort tree view by cyclepoints and task names.
#458 - Add CylcTree and use deltas for the Tree view and component.
#481 - Update dependencies, most important ones were Vue/React, Apollo GraphQL libraries, GraphQL, and the development libraries.
#483 - Filter tree item by tasks name and tasks states.
#505 - Use cycle point ID in the tree view structure.
#522 - Improve v-select of task state filter in responsive
#584 - Avoid NaN task progress, showing correct progress & icon.
#552 - Move to next route before adding a new tree widget.
#554 - Fix icons in the Dashboard.
#556 - UI sees old and new state of a re-run flow.
#700 - Use WorkflowState to control Tree view state, ignoring the shutdown property. This fixes console messages like "Received a delta before the workflow initial data burst".
Release 0.2 of Cylc UI.
None or N/A.
#266 - Color cylc logo.
#257 - Display toolbar for workflows only.
#283 - Load user information on application startup.
#285 - Update Vuetify to 2.1, along with other dependencies with updates available.
#291 - Add families to Tree view and component.
#301 - Add GScan component.
#327 - Use live data for the dashboard workflows summary.
#307 - Invoke mutations to hold, release, and stop workflows.
#280 - Add WebSockets client for GraphQL subscriptions.
#325 - Create Workflow component with Lumino.
#355 - Use wss when page protocol is http:
#379 - Add ConnectionStatus component.
#446 - Allow users to increase, decrease, and reset UI font size.
#457 - Add a GraphiQL view using graphiql.js that sends queries to the backend graphiql endpoint.
#275 - Fix size of dashboard links on hover.
#254 - Keep cache in sync, and use a global event bus.
#284 - Use data from JupyterHub to create the Hub URL (handling base_url).
#297 - Support IE and Safari
#306 - Dismissing alerts leave a blank space in the page
#341 - Fix toolbar (responsive mode and drawer)
#361 - Remove the unneeded footer component
#370 - Fix up the old gscan table view and move access to the dashboard.
#396 - Fix leaf and other tree nodes layout.
#432 - Add loading state to Lumino widgets with skeleton loaders, preventing it from displaying the data of other workflows for a brief moment.
#215 - guide: add beginnings of a user guide.
Initial release of Cylc UI.