the section called "Polar Stereographic" : Added
map parameter.
[scalar-coordinate-variables] : Added note that use of scalar coordinate variables inhibits interoperability with COARDS conforming applications.
[multiple-forecasts-from-single-analysis] : Added
attribute to the scalar coordinate p500 to make it unambiguous that the pressure is a vertical coordinate value.
[cell-methods] : Changed several incorrect occurances of the cell method
"standard deviation"
the section called "Atmosphere hybrid height coordinate" : Fixed definition of atmosphere hybrid height coordinate.
[preface] : Changed text to refer to rules of CF governance, and provisional status.
[coordinate-types] , [coordinate-system] : Made changes regarding use of the axis attribute to identify horizontal coordinate variables.
Changed document version to 1.1.
[grid-mappings-and-projections], [appendix-grid-mappings] : Additions and revisions to CF grid mapping attributes to support the specification of coordinate reference system properties (Trac ticket #18).
Table 3.1, "Supported Units" : Corrected Prefix for Factor "1e-2" from "deci" to "centi". (Trac ticket #25).
Changed document version to 1.2.
[flags] , [attribute-appendix] , [standard-name-modifiers] : Enhanced the Flags definition to support bit field notation using a
attribute. (Trac ticket #26). -
Changed document version to 1.3.
Fixed defect in Example 4.3, “Atmosphere sigma coordinate”. (Trac ticket #30).
Fixed defect in [coordinate-system]. (Trac ticket #32).
Fixed defect in wording of [coordinate-system]. (Trac ticket #35).
Fixed defect related to subsection headings in [dimensionless-v-coord]. (Trac ticket #36).
Changes related to removing ambiguity in [cell-methods]. (Trac ticket #17).
Changed document version to 1.4.
Added grid mappings Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area, Mercator, and Orthographic to [appendix-grid-mappings]. (Trac ticket #34).
Fixed defect in Mercator section of [appendix-grid-mappings] by updating to version 12 of Grid Map Names (see http://cf-trac.llnl.gov/trac/wiki/GridMapNames?version=12).
Fixed defect by clarifying that coordinates indicate gridpoint location in [coordinate-types]. (Trac ticket #44).
Fixed defect of outdated Conventions attribute. (Trac ticket #45).
Minor revisions requested by Jonathan Gregory. Revisions 33 and 49 were closed after discussions; the rest had elicited no objections.
Ticket 33, cell_methods for statistical indices
Ticket 49, clarification of flag_meanings attribute
Ticket 58, remove deprecation of "missing_value" attribute
Ticket 57, fix for broken URLs in CF Conventions document
Ticket 56, typo in CF conventions doc
Ticket 51, syntax consistency for dimensionless vertical coordinate definitions
Ticket 47, error in example 7.4
Changed document version to 1.5.
New chapter, ticket 37 Changed document version to 1.6.
Ticket 37. Added Chapter 9, Discrete Sampling Geometries, and a related Appendix H, and revised several other chapters.
In Appendix H (Annotated Examples of Descrete Geometries), updated standard names "station_description" and "station_wmo_id" to "platform_name" and "platform_id".
Re-do several changes which had previously been made in an earlier draft of version 1.7:
Ticket 61, two new cell methods in Appendix E.
Ticket 64, section 7.3 editorial correction, replace "cell_bounds" with "bounds".
Ticket 65, add range entry in Appendix E.
Ticket 69. Added Section 5.6.1, Use of the CRS Well-known Text Format and related changes.
Ticket 93, Added two new dimensionless coordinates to Appendix D.
Ticket 67, remove deprecation of "missing_value" from [attribute-appendix].
Ticket #71, correction of [vertical-perspective] projection.
Ticket 103 updated Type and Use values for some attributes in [attribute-appendix] and added "special purpose" value. In [appendix-examples-discrete-geometries], updated coordinate values for the variables in some examples to correct omissions.
Ticket 141, update affiliation organisations for Jonathan Gregory and Phil Bentley.
Ticket 31, add new attribute
renamed Appendix G to Revision History, as in Trac Ticket 73.
revised section 3.3 for Trac ticket 123.
Ticket #118, Add geoid_name and geopotential_datum_name to the list of Grid Mapping Attributes.
Ticket #148, Added maximum_absolute_value, minimum_absolute_value and mean_absolute_value to cell methods in Appendix E
Ticket #149, correction of standard name in example 7.3
Ticket #77, Add sinusoidal projection
Ticket #87, Allow comments in coordinate variables
Ticket #92, Add oblique mercator projection
Ticket #72, Adding the geostationary projection.
Ticket #103, Corrections to Appendices A and H, finish the ticket with remaining changes to Appendix H.
Ticket #74, Removed "sea_water_speed" from flag values example and added Note at bottom of Example 3.3 in Chapter 3. Also added a sentence to Appendix C Standard Name Modifiers "number of observations" and and a sentence to "status_flag_modifiers"
Ticket #145, Add new sentence to bottom of Section 7.2, Add new Section 2.6.3, "External variables", Add "External variable" attribute to Appendix A.
Ticket #85, Added sentence to bottom of first para in Section 9.1 "Features and feature types". Added Links column in Section 9.1 Replaced first para in Section 9.6. "Missing Data". Added verbiage to Section 2.5.1, "Missing data…". Added sentence to Appendix A "Description" "missing_value" and "Fill_Value".
Ticket #143, Supplement the definitions of dimensionless vertical coordinates
Ticket #75, fix documentation and definitions of 3 grid mapping definitions
Ticket #109, resolve inconsistency of positive and standard_name attributes (section 4.3)
Ticket #76, More than one name in Conventions attribute (section 2.6.1)
Ticket #138, Clarification of false_easting / false_northing (Table F.1)
Ticket #86, Allow coordinate variables to be scaled integers, affects two table rows in Appendix A.
Ticket #80, added attributes to AppF Table F1, changes in section 5.6 and 5.6.1.
Ticket #102, additional cell_methods, changes in Appendix E and section 7.3
Ticket #104, Clarify the interpretation of scalar coordinate variables, changes in sections 5.7 and 6.1
Ticket #70, Connecting coordinates to Grid Mapping variables: revisions in Section 5.6 and Examples 5.10 and 5.12
Ticket #100, Clarifications to the preamble of sections 4 and 5.
Ticket #140, Added 3 paragraphs and an example to Chapter 7, Section 7.1.
a few formatting tweaks
Where appropriate, changed document version from 1.6 to 1.7, and 1.7 (DRAFT) to 1.7.
Updated the links and references to NUG (The NetCDF User Guide), to refer to the current version.
Trivial updates to links for COARDS and UDUNITS in the bibliography.
Updated use of WKT-CRS syntax.
Ticket #164, New Geometries section 7.5.
Ticket #164, Implement suggestions from trac ticket comments.
Ticket #164, If coordinates attribute is carried by geometry container, require coordinate variables which correspond to node coordinate variables to have the corresponding axis attribute.
Ticket #164, Remove geometry attribute from lat/lon variables in examples.
Ticket #164, Add Tim Whiteaker and Dave Blodgett as authors.
Ticket #164, Replace axis with bounds for coordinate variables related to geometry node variables.
Ticket #164, Add bounds attribute to first geometry CDL example.
Pull request #146: Typos (plural dimensions) in section H
Issues #155, #156: Allow alternate grid mappings for geometry containers. When node_count attribute is missing, require the dimension of the node coordinate variables to be one of the dimensions of the data variable.
Pull request #142: Fix bad reference to an example in section 6.1 "Labels".
Issue #128: Add definition of 'name_strlen' dimension where missing in Appendix H CDL examples.
Issue #136: Missing trajectory dimension in H.22
Issue #186: Minor corrections to Example 5.10, Section 9.5 & Appendix F
Issue #139: Added support for variables of type string.
Issue #139: Added support for variables of type string.
Issue #179: Don’t require longitude and Latitude for projected coordinates.
Issue #198: Clarification of use of standard region names in "region" variables.
Pull request #202: Fix Section 7 examples numbering in the list of examples
Issue #213: Missing `s`s in grid mapping description texts.
Issue #203: Clarifications to use of groups.
Issue #218: Taxon Names and Identifiers.
Issue #212: Inconsistent usage of false_easting and false_northing in grid mappings definitions and in examples
Issue #223: Axis Order for CRS-WKT grid mappings
#230 - Correct inconsistency in units or geostationary projection
Issue #259: Clarify geostationary projection items
Issue #193: Added two figures to clarify order of vertex coordinates in lon/lat bnds variables
Issue #222: Allow CRS WKT to represent the CRS without requiring reader to compare with grid mapping parameters.
Issue #284: Example 6.1.2 not listed in list of examples
Issue #288: Third table in section 9.3.1 list four elements but related text and other table mention three elements
Issue #301: Introducing a CF domain variable.
Issue #273: State the principles for design of the CF conventions
Issue #304: Clarify some formula terms definitions
Issue #313: Clarification of the handling of leap seconds