한글 문서 | English Document
- Ubuntu (or ubuntu server) version between 18.04 (inclusive) and 22.04 (inclusive) recommended.
- Nodes (both master and workers) are to be in the same subnet. For calico autodeployment to work the Master node's IP(Host IP) must not be within the same CIDR.
- If accessing via ssh, use username/password authentication and not pem.
- The script automatically opens some ports (such as 6443), but ports may need to be manually opened in case of firewalls or company policies. (ports required to be open for k8s installation)
From the home directory, run curl -sSLO http://raw.githubusercontent.com/kdgyun/k8s-cluster-bootstrap/main/k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh
or download from github latest release version and run k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh.
Grant k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh
the following permission:
chmod +x k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh
Run k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh
with sudo.
sudo ./k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh [options] <value>
The arguments for [options] are explained below.
The following shows the available options to run this bootstrap.
Option(Flag) | Values | Description, example | Remarks |
-c / --cni |
CIDR | Installs cni(with calico) during master node installation. | To utilize this option, the master's IP(Host IP) cannot overlap with calico's CIDR. Please utilize one of the following CIDR: , , . |
-ct / --containertype |
Container Runtime | Specify the type of container runtime k8s will use. If empty, it will default to docker(cri-dockerd) |
For cri-dockerd write docker , for containerd write containerd as the parameter for this option. |
-h / --help |
Display all options and their respective descriptions. | ||
-i / --ip |
Master's (Host) IP | Declare IP for master node (e.g, In case of deploying k8s in a cloud (e.g, aws, gcp …) declare an IP with the scope of a private IP, not the public IP. |
-kv / --k8sversion |
Displays all versions of k8s this bootstrap can install | ||
-m / --master |
Use this option to install a master -m |
The flag -i/--ip is a must if this option is utilized. |
-ms / --metricserver |
To install the metrics-server for Kubernetes, use the -ms flag. |
It can only be installed when configuring a master node, so the -m/--master flag is also required. |
-p / --password |
Master(Host) node password | Required for ssh login using a password. It is done so the worker node can access the master during installation to obtain the join token. Both master and worker must be in the same subnet. |
The flag -u/--username is a must if this option is utilized. |
-r / --regularuser (*beta) |
HOME_PATH of regular user | This bootstrap is executed with sudo permission, thus this option is used to allow regular users (such as the user ubuntu in ubuntu servers) to also use k8s. run this option as -r /home/username . Crucial that HOME_PATH is the same as the regular user's home directory($HOME) |
Not a must option. Utilized when initializing a master node with -m . |
-u / --username |
Master(Host) node username | username for ssh login. Set so a newly created worker node within the same subnet as the master node can fetch the join token from the master node. |
The floag -p/--password is a must if this option is utilized. |
-v / --version |
k8s version | Declare k8s version to install. Supports k8s version from 1.24.15 to 1.31.2 and more details can be checked using the -kv or --k8sversion option. |
The parameters for this options are to be written as x.y.z . Not using this option will default k8s version to 1.24.15 and does not support RC nor beta versions since they are not stable versions. |
-w / --worker |
Used to specify worker node installation. | the following 3 options are required: -i/--ip , -u/--username , -p/-password . |
Executing this bootstrap with no options will only install the packages for k8s (no auto deployment)
In the case that only the packages are install, you can still use the kubeadm init
command to manually deploy nodes.
example for installing k8s and deploying a master node:
sudo ./k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh -m -c -i -ct containerd -v 1.25.0
example for installing k8s and deploying a worker node:
sudo ./k8s-cluster-bootstrap.sh -w -i -u username -p pwd123! -ct containerd -v 1.25.0
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