Object Identification Techniques
1- Strategy- ID
Match Based on- Element ID
Example- id:username
2- Strategy- Name Match Based on- Name Attribute Example- name:username
3- Strategy- Identifier Match Based on- Either ID or Name Example- identifier:username
4- Strategy- class
Not Recommended way, as generally they are not unique and more than one element has same class. If it is unique only it is good to use option, otherwise ID/NAME/XPATH are recommended Make sure it is unique in the DOM, then only use class
Match Based on- Element Class
Example- class:title
wsite-form-input wsite-input wsite-input-width-370px
Here there are spaces in between, It means
Class1: wsite-form-input
Class2: wsite-input
Class3: wsite-input-width-370px
If we run, the test case would fail when we have multiple classes with spaces.
The best way is to replace the spaces with a Dot.
5- Strategy- Tag
Not Recommended way, as generally tags are not unique except body tag and head tag and other tags like h1 or div are not unique.
Match Based on- Tag Name
Example- tag:body
6- Strategy- XPATH
If we are not finding elements using id, name, class. It is recommended to use XPATH
Rules in XPATH: Rule 1: Double Slash // --- Relative Reference XPATH Example: //body
Rule 2: Single Slash / --- Absolute Reference XPATH Example: /html/body/div/div/div
Relative + Abosolute Reference: Examples: //select/option -- reference + absolute //div/select/option -- reference + absolute //div//option --- skipping the select "absolute"
Rule 3: Asterisk * --- All immediate children of the element Example: //select/* It is not preferred, as it require specific criteria to search.
Rule 4: Single Attribute
Searching element using attribute is main reason to use XPATH or CSS.
If we are using basic techniques like ID, NAME, CLASS.
These are restricting to use only those attributes.
If we want to search with other attribute, which we do not have any technique
Then we look for a Generic Technique, that helps in searching an element by any attribute.
Example: Type, Enabled / Disabled XPATH gives us flexibility.
Match Based on- XPath Expression Example- xpath://input[id='x']
Examples: //input[@id="input-233928631404364620"] //input[@name="_u233928631404364620"]
Rule 5: Multiple Attributes
Sometimes Single Attributes are not identified uniquely on the page.
In those cases, we need to use Multiple Attributes.
For Example ID/Name was not able to give unique element.
But Combination of ID and Type Attribute is Unique.
Examples: //input[@id="input-233928631404364620"][@type="text"]
Rule 6: starts-with()
Attribute values "for attribute value"
We need to observe the behavior, login and logout and login again and see if this value is constant.
Does the locator change? If changes,we cannot use the strategy.
If changes,we need to use "starts-with" or "contains"
This is unique element on the page.
Rule 7: Ends-With()
Some browsers do not support XML 2.0. If browser does not support, this will not work.
Rule 8: contains() Contains checks if the sub-string is present in main string. Examples: //input[contains(@value,'ale')] This function is very useful in automation.
Rule 9: text()
At times, for the elements there are no attributes.
Gender *
This is used to get inner text, which does not contain any attributes.
//label[text()="Gender "]
This function is very useful in automation.
Rule 10: Contains text()
To find inner text which contains a sub-string
//label[contains(text(),'Gender ')]
Rule 11: Attribute without Tag Asterisk == If we are not sure about tag name. If tag name is dynamic, we can use STAR for that Examples: //*[@Value="Male"] All the tags that matching the criteria.
Rule 12: Index When we need to search for the element under a parent and that parent has multiple child elements. We can search by index. so we can put that index number in square brackets. Example: Dropdown list Index starts with 1. option[index] //select[@id="input-263590537572862908"]/option[2]
Rule 13: last() When we need to search for the element under a parent and that parent has multiple child elements. We can search by index. so we can put that index number in square brackets. If there are more values. If we want to select last option. Example: Dropdown list Index starts with 1. option[last()] //select[@id="input-263590537572862908"]/option[last()] //select[@id="input-263590537572862908"]/option[last()-2]
Rule 14: Parent Double dot to find the parent of the elemnt. Examples: //option[@value="60 +"]/../../../..
Rule 15: Child Single Slash for immediate child Double Slash for any element present at any layer. Examples: //select/option //select/option[3] //select/option[last()]
Rule 16: Preceding-Sibling Siblings are basically elements at same level. Example: //option[@value="18-30 yrs"]/preceding-sibling::option //option[@value="18-30 yrs"]/preceding-sibling::* //option[@value="18-30 yrs"]/preceding-sibling::option[1]
Rule 17: Following-Sibling Example: //option[@value="18-30 yrs"]/following-sibling::* //option[@value="18-30 yrs"]/following-sibling::option //option[@value="18-30 yrs"]/following-sibling::option[2]
Rule 18: OR, AND, NOT()
//input[@type="radio" or @value="Male"]
//input[@type="radio" and @value="Male"]
Rule 19: Union If we have multiple selectors, we want to have consolidated result of all selectors. We use Union Operator
Rule 20: Arithmetic If we want to search for an element whose attribute has numerical value and we want to check for arithmetic condition ie. value>something. only then select those elements. Example: //div[@value>20200]
CSS Selectors: CSS Selectors allows to select elements or locators on basis of styling properties. CSS Selectors are faster than XPATH - SPEED But XPATH has different options like parent, forward, backward etc. Sometimes CSS Selectors fail on IE/EDGE. In that cases, we can use XPATH.
Rule 1: Direct Child
Arrow symbol in between div and h2
Here, Arrow == Single Slash / --- Absolute Reference XPATH
Rule 2: Indirect Child
body h2
Space between body and h2
Here, space == Double Slash // --- Relative Reference XPATH