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Using Kubeflow

This guide will walk you through the basics of deploying and interacting with Kubeflow. Some understanding of Kubernetes, Tensorflow, and Ksonnet are useful in completing the contents of this guide.

For an end to end example illustrating in details how to deploy kubeflow and run a training job from scratch, check out this tutorial.


  • Kubernetes >= 1.8 see here
  • ksonnet version 0.9.2. (See below for an explanation of why we use ksonnet)
  • An existing kubernetes cluster:
    • A minimum of 0.6 CPU in cluster (Reserved for 3 replicated ambassador pods and according to your need add additional CPUs)
    • Node with storage >= 10 GB (Due to the ML libraries and third party packages being bundled in Kubeflow Docker images)

Deploy Kubeflow

We will be using Ksonnet to deploy kubeflow into your cluster.

Initialize a directory to contain your ksonnet application.

ks init my-kubeflow

Install the Kubeflow packages into your application.

# For a list of releases see:

cd my-kubeflow
ks registry add kubeflow${VERSION}/kubeflow
ks pkg install kubeflow/core@${VERSION}
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-serving@${VERSION}
ks pkg install kubeflow/tf-job@${VERSION}

Create the Kubeflow core component. The core component includes:

ks generate core kubeflow-core --name=kubeflow-core

# Enable collection of anonymous usage metrics
# Skip this step if you don't want to enable collection.
# Or set reportUsage to false (the default).
ks param set kubeflow-core reportUsage true
ks param set kubeflow-core usageId $(uuidgen)

Ksonnet allows us to parameterize the Kubeflow deployment according to our needs. We will define two environments: nocloud, and cloud.

ks env add nocloud
ks env add cloud

The nocloud environment can be used for minikube or other basic k8s clusters, the cloud environment will be used for GKE or Azure in this guide.

If using GKE, we can configure our cloud environment to use GCP features with a single parameter:

ks param set kubeflow-core cloud gke --env=cloud

If the cluster was created on AWS:

ks param set kubeflow-core cloud aws --env=cloud

NOTE: using 'gke' instead of 'aws' will work too.

If the cluster was created on Azure with AKS/ACS:

ks param set kubeflow-core cloud aks --env=cloud

If it was created with acs-engine instead:

ks param set kubeflow-core cloud acsengine --env=cloud

If it was created on Alibaba Cloud with ACK:

ks param set kubeflow-core cloud ack --env=cloud

Now let's set ${KF_ENV} to cloud or nocloud to reflect our environment for the rest of the guide:

$ KF_ENV=cloud|nocloud
  • By default Kubeflow does not persist any work that is done within the Jupyter notebook.
  • If the container is destroyed or recreated, all of its contents, including users working notebooks and other files are going to be deleted.
  • To enable the persistence of such files, the user will need to have a default StorageClass defined for persistent volumes.
  • You can run the following command to check if you have a storage class
kubectl get storageclass
  • Users with a default storage class defined can use the jupyterNotebookPVCMount parameter to create a volume that will be mounted within the notebook

    ks param set kubeflow-core jupyterNotebookPVCMount /home/jovyan
    • Here we mount the volume at /home/jovyan because the notebook always executes as user jovyan
    • The selected directory will be stored on whatever storage is the default for the cluster (typically some form of persistent disk)

Create a namespace for your deployment and set it as part of the environment. Feel free to change the namespace to a value that better suits your kubernetes cluster.

kubectl create namespace ${NAMESPACE}
ks env set ${KF_ENV} --namespace ${NAMESPACE}

And apply the components to our Kubernetes cluster

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c kubeflow-core

At any time you can inspect the kubernetes objects definitions for a particular ksonnet component using ks show e.g

ks show ${KF_ENV} -c kubeflow-core

Usage Reporting

When enabled, Kubeflow will report anonymous usage data using spartakus, Kubernetes' reporting tool. Spartakus does not report any personal information. See here for more detail. This is entirely voluntary and you can opt out by doing the following

ks param set kubeflow-core reportUsage false

# Delete any existing deployments of spartakus
kubectl delete -n ${NAMESPACE} deploy spartakus-volunteer

To explictly enable usage reporting repeat the above steps setting reportUsage to true

ks param set kubeflow-core reportUsage true

# Delete any existing deployments of spartakus
kubectl delete -n ${NAMESPACE} deploy spartakus-volunteer

Reporting usage data is one of the most signifcant contributions you can make to Kubeflow; so please consider turning it on. This data allows us to improve the project and helps the many companies working on Kubeflow justify continued investement.

You can improve the quality of the data by giving each Kubeflow deployment a unique id

ks param set kubeflow-core usageId $(uuidgen)

Bringing up a Jupyter Notebook

The kubeflow-core component deployed JupyterHub and a corresponding load balancer service. You can check its status using the kubectl command line.

kubectl get svc -n=${NAMESPACE}

NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
tf-hub-0           ClusterIP      None            <none>        8000/TCP       1m
tf-hub-lb          ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP         1m

By default we are using ClusterIPs for the JupyterHub UI. This can be changed to one of the following:

  • NodePort (for non-cloud) by issuing

    ks param set kubeflow-core jupyterHubServiceType NodePort
    ks apply ${KF_ENV}
  • LoadBalancer (for cloud) by issuing

    ks param set kubeflow-core jupyterHubServiceType LoadBalancer
    ks apply ${KF_ENV}

however this will leave your Jupyter notebook open to the Internet.

To connect to your Jupyter Notebook locally:

PODNAME=`kubectl get pods --namespace=${NAMESPACE} --selector="app=tf-hub" --output=template --template="{{with index .items 0}}{{}}{{end}}"`
kubectl port-forward --namespace=${NAMESPACE} $PODNAME 8000:8000

Then, open in your browser.

You should see a sign in prompt.

  1. Sign in using any username/password

  2. Click the "Start My Server" button, and you will be greeted by a dialog screen.

  3. Select a CPU or GPU image from the Image dropdown menu depending on whether you are doing CPU or GPU training, or whether or not you have GPUs in your cluster. We currently offer a cpu and gpu image for each tensorflow minor version(eg: 1.4.1,1.5.1,1.6.0). Or you can type in the name of any TF image you want to run.

  4. Allocate memory, CPU, GPU, or other resources according to your need (1 CPU and 2Gi of Memory are good starting points)

    • To allocate GPUs, make sure that you have GPUs available in your cluster
    • Run the following command to check if there are any nvidia gpus available: kubectl get nodes ",GPU:.status.allocatable.nvidia\.com/gpu"
    • If you have GPUs available, you can schedule your server on a GPU node by specifying the following json in Extra Resource Limits section: {"": "1"}
  5. Click Spawn

    • The images are 10's of GBs in size and can take a long time to download depending on your network connection

    • You can check the status of your pod by doing

      kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} describe pods jupyter-${USERNAME}
      • Where ${USERNAME} is the name you used to login

      • GKE users if you have IAP turned on the pod will be named differently

  6. You should now be greeted with a Jupyter Notebook interface.

The image supplied above can be used for training Tensorflow models with Jupyter. The images include all the requisite plugins, including Tensorboard that you can use for rich visualizations and insights into your models.

To test the install, we can run a basic hello world (adapted from )

from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("MNIST_data/", one_hot=True)

import tensorflow as tf

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784])

W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784, 10]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]))

y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x, W) + b)

y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.reduce_sum(y_ * tf.log(y), reduction_indices=[1]))

train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.05).minimize(cross_entropy)

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

for _ in range(1000):
  batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(100), feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})

correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y,1), tf.argmax(y_,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
print(, feed_dict={x: mnist.test.images, y_: mnist.test.labels}))

Paste the example into a new Python 3 Jupyter notebook and execute the code. This should result in a 0.9014 accuracy result against the test data.

Please note that when running on most cloud providers, the public IP address will be exposed to the internet and is an unsecured endpoint by default. For a production deployment with SSL and authentication, refer to the documentation.

Serve a model using TensorFlow Serving

We treat each deployed model as a component in your APP.

Create a component for your model located on cloud

ks generate tf-serving ${MODEL_COMPONENT} --name=${MODEL_NAME}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelPath ${MODEL_PATH}

(Or) create a component for your model located on nfs, learn more from components/k8s-model-server

ks generate tf-serving ${MODEL_COMPONENT} --name=${MODEL_NAME}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelPath ${MODEL_PATH}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelStorageType ${MODEL_STORAGE_TYPE}
ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} nfsPVC ${NFS_PVC_NAME}

Deploy the model component. Ksonnet will pick up existing parameters for your environment (e.g. cloud, nocloud) and customize the resulting deployment appropriately

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${MODEL_COMPONENT}

As before, a few pods and services have been created in your cluster. You can get the inception serving endpoint by querying kubernetes:

kubectl get svc inception -n=${NAMESPACE}
NAME        TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)          AGE
inception   LoadBalancer   ww.xx.yy.zz   9000:30936/TCP   28m

In this example, you should be able to use the inception_client to hit ww.xx.yy.zz:9000

The model at gs://kubeflow-models/inception is publicly accessible. However, if your environment doesn't have google cloud credential setup, TF serving will not be able to read the model. See this issue for example. To setup the google cloud credential, you should either have the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS pointing to the credential file, or run gcloud auth login. See doc for more detail.

Serve a model using Seldon

Seldon-core provides deployment for any machine learning runtime that can be packaged in a Docker container.

Install the seldon package

ks pkg install kubeflow/seldon

Generate the core components

ks generate seldon seldon

Seldon allows complex runtime graphs for model inference to be deployed. For an example end-to-end integration see the kubeflow-seldon example. For more details see the seldon-core documentation.

Submitting a TensorFlow training job

Note: Before submitting a training job, you should have deployed kubeflow to your cluster. Doing so ensures that the TFJob custom resource is available when you submit the training job.

We treat each TensorFlow job as a component in your APP.

Create a component for your job.


ks generate tf-job ${JOB_NAME} --name=${JOB_NAME}

To configure your job you need to set a bunch of parameters. To see a list of parameters run

ks prototype describe tf-job

Parameters can be set using ks param e.g. to set the Docker image used
ks param set ${JOB_NAME} image ${IMAGE}

You can also edit the params.libsonnet files directly to set parameters.

Warning Currently setting args via the command line doesn't work because of escaping issues (see ksonnet/ksonnet/issues/235). So to set the parameters you will need to directly edit the params.libsonnet file directly.

To run your job

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${JOB_NAME}

For information on monitoring your job please refer to the TfJob docs.

To delete your job

ks delete ${KF_ENV} -c ${JOB_NAME}

Run the TfCnn example

Kubeflow ships with a ksonnet prototype suitable for running the TensorFlow CNN Benchmarks.

Create the component


ks registry add kubeflow-git${VERSION}/kubeflow
ks pkg install kubeflow-git/examples

ks generate tf-job-simple ${CNN_JOB_NAME} --name=${CNN_JOB_NAME}

Submit it

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${CNN_JOB_NAME}

Monitor it (Please refer to the TfJob docs)

kubectl get -o yaml tfjobs ${CNN_JOB_NAME}

Delete it

ks delete ${KF_ENV} -c ${CNN_JOB_NAME}

Submitting a PyTorch training job

Note: Before submitting a training job, you should have deployed kubeflow to your cluster. Doing so ensures that the PyTorchJob custom resource is available when you submit the training job.

We treat each PyTorch job as a component in your APP.

Create a component for your job.

ks generate pytorch-job ${JOB_NAME} --name=${JOB_NAME}

To configure your job you need to set a bunch of parameters. To see a list of parameters run

ks prototype describe pytorch-job

Parameters can be set using ks param e.g. to set the Docker image used

IMAGE=<your pytorch image>
ks param set ${JOB_NAME} image ${IMAGE}

You can also edit the params.libsonnet files directly to set parameters.

Warning Currently setting args via the command line doesn't work because of escaping issues (see ksonnet/ksonnet/issues/235). So to set the parameters you will need to directly edit the params.libsonnet file directly.

To run your job

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c ${JOB_NAME}

To delete your job

ks delete ${KF_ENV} -c ${JOB_NAME}

Advanced Customization

  • Often times data scientists require a POSIX compliant filesystem
    • For example, most HDF5 libraries require POSIX and don't work with an object store like GCS or S3
  • When working with teams you might want a shared POSIX filesystem to be mounted into your notebook environments so that data scientists can work collaboratively on the same datasets.
  • Here we show how to customize your Kubeflow deployment to achieve this.

Set the disks parameter to a comma separated list of the Google persistent disks you want to mount

  • These disks should be in the same zone as your cluster
  • These disks need to be created manually via gcloud or the Cloud console e.g.
  • These disks can't be attached to any existing VM or POD.

Create the disks

  gcloud --project=${PROJECT} compute disks create  --zone=${ZONE} ${PD_DISK1} --description="PD to back NFS storage on GKE." --size=1TB
  gcloud --project=${PROJECT} compute disks create  --zone=${ZONE} ${PD_DISK2} --description="PD to back NFS storage on GKE." --size=1TB

Configure the environment to use the disks.

ks param set --env=cloud kubeflow-core disks ${PD_DISK1},${PD_DISK2}

Deploy the environment

ks apply cloud

Start Juptyer You should see your NFS volumes mounted as /mnt/${DISK_NAME}

In a Juptyer cell you can run


You should see output like the following
Filesystem                                                     1K-blocks    Used  Available Use% Mounted on
overlay                                                         98884832 8336440   90532008   9% /
tmpfs                                                           15444244       0   15444244   0% /dev
tmpfs                                                           15444244       0   15444244   0% /sys/fs/cgroup 1055841280   77824 1002059776   1% /mnt/jlewi-kubeflow-test1 1055841280   77824 1002059776   1% /mnt/jlewi-kubeflow-test2
/dev/sda1                                                       98884832 8336440   90532008   9% /etc/hosts
shm                                                                65536       0      65536   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                                                           15444244       0   15444244   0% /sys/firmware
  • Here jlewi-kubeflow-test1 and jlewi-kubeflow-test2 are the names of the PDs.


TensorFlow and AVX

There are some instances where you may encounter a TensorFlow-related Python installation or a pod launch issue that results in a SIGILL (illegal instruction core dump). Kubeflow uses the pre-built binaries from the TensorFlow project which, beginning with version 1.6, are compiled to make use of the AVX CPU instruction. This is a recent feature and your CPU might not support it. Check the host environment for your node to determine whether it has this support:


grep -ci avx /proc/cpuinfo


On Minikube the Virtualbox/VMware drivers for Minikube are recommended as there is a known issue between the KVM/KVM2 driver and TensorFlow Serving. The issue is tracked in kubernetes/minikube#2377.

We recommend increasing the amount of resources Minikube allocates

minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8096 --disk-size=40g
  • Minikube by default allocates 2048Mb of RAM for its VM which is not enough for JupyterHub.
  • The larger disk is needed to accomodate Kubeflow's Jupyter images which are 10s of GBs due to all the extra Python libraries we include.

If you just installed Minikube following instructions from the quick start guide, you most likely created a VM with the default resources. You would want to recreate your Minikube with the appropriate resource setttings.

minikube stop
minikube delete
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8096 --disk-size=40g

If you encounter a jupyter-xxxx pod in Pending status, described with:

Warning  FailedScheduling  8s (x22 over 5m)  default-scheduler  0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient memory.
  • Then try recreating your Minikube cluster (and re-apply Kubeflow using Ksonnet) with more resources (as your environment allows):

RBAC clusters

If you are running on a K8s cluster with RBAC enabled, you may get an error like the following when deploying Kubeflow:

ERROR Error updating roles kubeflow-test-infra.jupyter-role: "jupyter-role" is forbidden: attempt to grant extra privileges: [PolicyRule{Resources:["*"], APIGroups:["*"], Verbs:["*"]}] user=&{[email protected]  [system:authenticated] map[]} ownerrules=[PolicyRule{Resources:["selfsubjectaccessreviews"], APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["create"]} PolicyRule{NonResourceURLs:["/api" "/api/*" "/apis" "/apis/*" "/healthz" "/swagger-2.0.0.pb-v1" "/swagger.json" "/swaggerapi" "/swaggerapi/*" "/version"], Verbs:["get"]}] ruleResolutionErrors=[]

This error indicates you do not have sufficient permissions. In many cases you can resolve this just by creating an appropriate clusterrole binding like so and then redeploying kubeflow

kubectl create clusterrolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin [email protected]

If you're using GKE, you may want to refer to GKE's RBAC docs to understand how RBAC interacts with IAM on GCP.

Problems spawning Jupyter pods

If you're having trouble spawning jupyter notebooks, check that the pod is getting scheduled

kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods
  • Look for pods whose name starts with juypter
  • If you are using username/password auth with Jupyter the pod will be named
  • If you are using IAP on GKE the pod will be named


Once you know the name of the pod do

kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} describe pods ${PODNAME}
  • Look at the events to see if there are any errors trying to schedule the pod
  • One common error is not being able to schedule the pod because there aren't enough resources in the cluster.


If you are deploying Kubeflow in an OpenShift environment which encapsulates Kubernetes, you will need to adjust the security contexts for the ambassador and jupyter-hub deployments in order to get the pods to run.

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z ambassador
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z jupyter-hub

Once the anyuid policy has been set, you must delete the failing pods and allow them to be recreated in the project deployment.

You will also need to adjust the privileges of the tf-job-operator service account for TFJobs to run. Do this in the project where you are running TFJobs:

oc adm policy add-role-to-user cluster-admin -z tf-job-operator

Docker for Mac

The Docker for Mac Community Edition now ships with Kubernetes support (1.9.2) which can be enabled from their edge channel. If you decide to use this as your Kubernetes environment on Mac, you may encounter the following error when deploying Kubeflow:

ks apply default -c kubeflow-core
ERROR Attempting to deploy to environment 'default' at '', but cannot locate a server at that address

This error is due to the fact that the default cluster installed by Docker for Mac is actually set to https://localhost:6443. One option is to directly edit the generated environments/default/spec.json file to set the "server" variable to the correct location, then retry the deployment. However, it is preferable to initialize your Ksonnet app using the desired kube config:

kubectl config use-context docker-for-desktop
ks init my-kubeflow

403 API rate limit exceeded error

Because ksonnet uses Github to pull kubeflow, unless user specifies Github API token, it will quickly consume maximum API call quota for anonymous. To fix this issue first create Github API token using this guide, and assign this token to GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable.

export GITHUB_TOKEN=<< token >>

ks apply produces error "Unknown variable: env"

Kubeflow requires ksonnet version 0.9.2 or later see here. If you run ks apply with an older version of ksonnet you will likely get the error Unknown variable: env as illustrated below:

ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c kubeflow-core
ERROR Error reading /Users/xxx/projects/devel/go/src/ /Users/xxx/projects/devel/go/src/ Unknown variable: env

  namespace: if params.namespace == "null" then env.namespace else params.namespace

You can check the ksonnet version as follows:

ks version

If your ksonnet version is lower than v0.9.2, please upgrade it and follow the user_guide to recreate the app.

Why Kubeflow Uses Ksonnet

Ksonnet is a command line tool that makes it easier to manage complex deployments consisting of multiple components. It is designed to work side by side with kubectl.

Ksonnet allows us to generate Kubernetes manifests from parameterized templates. This makes it easy to customize Kubernetes manifests for your particular use case. In the examples above we used this functionality to generate manifests for TfServing with a user supplied URI for the model.

One of the reasons we really like ksonnet is because it treats environment as in (dev, test, staging, prod) as a first class concept. For each environment we can easily deploy the same components but with slightly different parameters to customize it for a particular environments. We think this maps really well to common workflows. For example, this feature makes it really easy to run a job locally without GPUs for a small number of steps to make sure the code doesn't crash, and then easily move that to the Cloud to run at scale with GPUs.