Releases: k-ujihara/NCDK
This release is based on snapshot.
Most of features including AtomContainer2 class are implemented and pass tests as Java version.
NuGet packages are uploaded at the followings.
NCDK 1.2.0
This release is based on cdk-2.1.0 except AtomContainer2.
NCDKDisplay project is fixed to work well.
MolViewer.exe is a sample program of NCDKDisplay.dll and it contains WPF control to display molecular/reaction.
A lot of member names are changed to C# style.
NCDK 1.1.2
This release adds ACDK project (A is named after ActiveX).
ACDK is wrapper to access NCDK from VBA. --- All binary
ACDK_Installer-1.1.2.msi --- Installer to use NCDK from VBA. Excel example is installed in ACDK folder in my documents.
This release is based on cdk-2.0. The changes from 1.1.2
Rename method name IChemObjectBuilder.Create---(...) to New---()
Rename interface name IAtomContainerSet to IChemObjectSet. Now IAtomContainerSet and AtomContainerSet are non-generic type.
Remove IDescriptor.Initialise method because it is not used.
Change types returned by Descriptors to generic one.
Add wrapper classes for COM interop.
NCDK 1.1.1
This release is still based on CDK-2.0 but built with Visual Studio 2017.
Fixed and refactor some issues.
Updated to InChI version 1 (software version 1.05).
Remove SetReader and SetWriter.
NCDK 1.1.0
This release is based on CDK-2.0.
NCDK 1.0.3
This release is based on CDK-1.5.14. Bug-fixes and some namespaces are renamed from v1.0.2.
NCDK 1.0.2
This release based on cdk-1.5.14.
NCDK 1.0.1
NCDK-1.0.1 NCDK 1.0.1
NCDK 1.0.0
NCDK-1.0.0 NCDK 1.0.0.