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4418 lines (4006 loc) · 173 KB

File metadata and controls

4418 lines (4006 loc) · 173 KB


Initial emacs setup (you need to do this manually)

make the emacs directory

mkdir -p .emacs.d tangled_files

clone Spacemacs into it

git clone -v .emacs.d

Need to clear up elpa

rm -rf .emacs.d/elpa/

update spacemacs

git pull --rebase

restart your emacs in –insecure mode

emacs --insecure

diff with the following code into with .spacemacs

;; -*- mode: emacs-lisp -*-
;; This file is loaded by Spacemacs at startup.
;; It must be stored in your home directory.

(defun dotspacemacs/layers ()
  "Configuration Layers declaration.
You should not put any user code in this function besides modifying the variable
   ;; Base distribution to use. This is a layer contained in the directory
   ;; `+distribution'. For now available distributions are `spacemacs-base'
   ;; or `spacemacs'. (default 'spacemacs)
   dotspacemacs-distribution 'spacemacs
   ;; List of additional paths where to look for configuration layers.
   ;; Paths must have a trailing slash (i.e. `~/.mycontribs/')
   dotspacemacs-configuration-layer-path '()
   ;; List of configuration layers to load. If it is the symbol `all' instead
   ;; of a list then all discovered layers will be installed.
     ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
     ;; Example of useful layers you may want to use right away.
     ;; Uncomment some layer names and press <SPC f e R> (Vim style) or
     ;; <M-m f e R> (Emacs style) to install them.
     ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------
     ;; markdown
     (org :variables
          org-enable-github-support t)
     ;; (shell :variables
     ;;        shell-default-height 30
     ;;        shell-default-position 'bottom)
     ;; spell-checking
     ;; syntax-checking
     ;; version-control
   ;; List of additional packages that will be installed without being
   ;; wrapped in a layer. If you need some configuration for these
   ;; packages, then consider creating a layer. You can also put the
   ;; configuration in `dotspacemacs/user-config'.
   dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(tramp dash s f verilog-mode ob-ipython org-bullets)
   ;; A list of packages and/or extensions that will not be install and loaded.
   dotspacemacs-excluded-packages '()
   ;; If non-nil spacemacs will delete any orphan packages, i.e. packages that
   ;; are declared in a layer which is not a member of
   ;; the list `dotspacemacs-configuration-layers'. (default t)
   dotspacemacs-delete-orphan-packages t))

(defun dotspacemacs/init ()
  "Initialization function.
This function is called at the very startup of Spacemacs initialization
before layers configuration.
You should not put any user code in there besides modifying the variable
  ;; This setq-default sexp is an exhaustive list of all the supported
  ;; spacemacs settings.
   ;; If non nil ELPA repositories are contacted via HTTPS whenever it's
   ;; possible. Set it to nil if you have no way to use HTTPS in your
   ;; environment, otherwise it is strongly recommended to let it set to t.
   ;; This variable has no effect if Emacs is launched with the parameter
   ;; `--insecure' which forces the value of this variable to nil.
   ;; (default t)
   dotspacemacs-elpa-https nil
   dotspacemacs-melpa-https nil
   ;; Maximum allowed time in seconds to contact an ELPA repository.
   dotspacemacs-elpa-timeout 5
   ;; If non nil then spacemacs will check for updates at startup
   ;; when the current branch is not `develop'. (default t)
   dotspacemacs-check-for-update t
   ;; One of `vim', `emacs' or `hybrid'. Evil is always enabled but if the
   ;; variable is `emacs' then the `holy-mode' is enabled at startup. `hybrid'
   ;; uses emacs key bindings for vim's insert mode, but otherwise leaves evil
   ;; unchanged. (default 'vim)
   dotspacemacs-editing-style 'vim
   ;; If non nil output loading progress in `*Messages*' buffer. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-verbose-loading nil
   ;; Specify the startup banner. Default value is `official', it displays
   ;; the official spacemacs logo. An integer value is the index of text
   ;; banner, `random' chooses a random text banner in `core/banners'
   ;; directory. A string value must be a path to an image format supported
   ;; by your Emacs build.
   ;; If the value is nil then no banner is displayed. (default 'official)
   dotspacemacs-startup-banner 'official
   ;; List of items to show in the startup buffer. If nil it is disabled.
   ;; Possible values are: `recents' `bookmarks' `projects'.
   ;; (default '(recents projects))
   dotspacemacs-startup-lists '(recents projects)
   ;; Number of recent files to show in the startup buffer. Ignored if
   ;; `dotspacemacs-startup-lists' doesn't include `recents'. (default 5)
   dotspacemacs-startup-recent-list-size 5
   ;; Default major mode of the scratch buffer (default `text-mode')
   dotspacemacs-scratch-mode 'text-mode
   ;; List of themes, the first of the list is loaded when spacemacs starts.
   ;; Press <SPC> T n to cycle to the next theme in the list (works great
   ;; with 2 themes variants, one dark and one light)
   dotspacemacs-themes '(spacemacs-dark
   ;; If non nil the cursor color matches the state color in GUI Emacs.
   dotspacemacs-colorize-cursor-according-to-state t
   ;; Default font. `powerline-scale' allows to quickly tweak the mode-line
   ;; size to make separators look not too crappy.
   dotspacemacs-default-font '("Source Code Pro"
                               :size 13
                               :weight normal
                               :width normal
                               :powerline-scale 1.1)
   ;; The leader key
   dotspacemacs-leader-key "SPC"
   ;; The leader key accessible in `emacs state' and `insert state'
   ;; (default "M-m")
   dotspacemacs-emacs-leader-key "M-m"
   ;; Major mode leader key is a shortcut key which is the equivalent of
   ;; pressing `<leader> m`. Set it to `nil` to disable it. (default ",")
   dotspacemacs-major-mode-leader-key ","
   ;; Major mode leader key accessible in `emacs state' and `insert state'.
   ;; (default "C-M-m)
   dotspacemacs-major-mode-emacs-leader-key "C-M-m"
   ;; These variables control whether separate commands are bound in the GUI to
   ;; the key pairs C-i, TAB and C-m, RET.
   ;; Setting it to a non-nil value, allows for separate commands under <C-i>
   ;; and TAB or <C-m> and RET.
   ;; In the terminal, these pairs are generally indistinguishable, so this only
   ;; works in the GUI. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-tab nil
   ;; (Not implemented) dotspacemacs-distinguish-gui-ret nil
   ;; The command key used for Evil commands (ex-commands) and
   ;; Emacs commands (M-x).
   ;; By default the command key is `:' so ex-commands are executed like in Vim
   ;; with `:' and Emacs commands are executed with `<leader> :'.
   dotspacemacs-command-key ":"
   ;; If non nil `Y' is remapped to `y$'. (default t)
   dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$ t
   ;; Name of the default layout (default "Default")
   dotspacemacs-default-layout-name "Default"
   ;; If non nil the default layout name is displayed in the mode-line.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-display-default-layout nil
   ;; If non nil then the last auto saved layouts are resume automatically upon
   ;; start. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts nil
   ;; Location where to auto-save files. Possible values are `original' to
   ;; auto-save the file in-place, `cache' to auto-save the file to another
   ;; file stored in the cache directory and `nil' to disable auto-saving.
   ;; (default 'cache)
   dotspacemacs-auto-save-file-location 'cache
   ;; Maximum number of rollback slots to keep in the cache. (default 5)
   dotspacemacs-max-rollback-slots 5
   ;; If non nil then `ido' replaces `helm' for some commands. For now only
   ;; `find-files' (SPC f f), `find-spacemacs-file' (SPC f e s), and
   ;; `find-contrib-file' (SPC f e c) are replaced. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-use-ido nil
   ;; If non nil, `helm' will try to minimize the space it uses. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-helm-resize nil
   ;; if non nil, the helm header is hidden when there is only one source.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-helm-no-header nil
   ;; define the position to display `helm', options are `bottom', `top',
   ;; `left', or `right'. (default 'bottom)
   dotspacemacs-helm-position 'bottom
   ;; If non nil the paste micro-state is enabled. When enabled pressing `p`
   ;; several times cycle between the kill ring content. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-enable-paste-micro-state nil
   ;; Which-key delay in seconds. The which-key buffer is the popup listing
   ;; the commands bound to the current keystroke sequence. (default 0.4)
   dotspacemacs-which-key-delay 0.4
   ;; Which-key frame position. Possible values are `right', `bottom' and
   ;; `right-then-bottom'. right-then-bottom tries to display the frame to the
   ;; right; if there is insufficient space it displays it at the bottom.
   ;; (default 'bottom)
   dotspacemacs-which-key-position 'bottom
   ;; If non nil a progress bar is displayed when spacemacs is loading. This
   ;; may increase the boot time on some systems and emacs builds, set it to
   ;; nil to boost the loading time. (default t)
   dotspacemacs-loading-progress-bar t
   ;; If non nil the frame is fullscreen when Emacs starts up. (default nil)
   ;; (Emacs 24.4+ only)
   dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup nil
   ;; If non nil `spacemacs/toggle-fullscreen' will not use native fullscreen.
   ;; Use to disable fullscreen animations in OSX. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-fullscreen-use-non-native nil
   ;; If non nil the frame is maximized when Emacs starts up.
   ;; Takes effect only if `dotspacemacs-fullscreen-at-startup' is nil.
   ;; (default nil) (Emacs 24.4+ only)
   dotspacemacs-maximized-at-startup nil
   ;; A value from the range (0..100), in increasing opacity, which describes
   ;; the transparency level of a frame when it's active or selected.
   ;; Transparency can be toggled through `toggle-transparency'. (default 90)
   dotspacemacs-active-transparency 90
   ;; A value from the range (0..100), in increasing opacity, which describes
   ;; the transparency level of a frame when it's inactive or deselected.
   ;; Transparency can be toggled through `toggle-transparency'. (default 90)
   dotspacemacs-inactive-transparency 90
   ;; If non nil unicode symbols are displayed in the mode line. (default t)
   dotspacemacs-mode-line-unicode-symbols t
   ;; If non nil smooth scrolling (native-scrolling) is enabled. Smooth
   ;; scrolling overrides the default behavior of Emacs which recenters the
   ;; point when it reaches the top or bottom of the screen. (default t)
   dotspacemacs-smooth-scrolling t
   ;; If non nil line numbers are turned on in all `prog-mode' and `text-mode'
   ;; derivatives. If set to `relative', also turns on relative line numbers.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-line-numbers t
   ;; If non-nil smartparens-strict-mode will be enabled in programming modes.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-smartparens-strict-mode t
   ;; Select a scope to highlight delimiters. Possible values are `any',
   ;; `current', `all' or `nil'. Default is `all' (highlight any scope and
   ;; emphasis the current one). (default 'all)
   dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters 'all
   ;; If non nil advises quit functions to keep server open when quitting.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-persistent-server nil
   ;; List of search tool executable names. Spacemacs uses the first installed
   ;; tool of the list. Supported tools are `ag', `pt', `ack' and `grep'.
   ;; (default '("ag" "pt" "ack" "grep"))
   dotspacemacs-search-tools '("ag" "pt" "ack" "grep")
   ;; The default package repository used if no explicit repository has been
   ;; specified with an installed package.
   ;; Not used for now. (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-default-package-repository nil
   ;; Delete whitespace while saving buffer. Possible values are `all'
   ;; to aggressively delete empty line and long sequences of whitespace,
   ;; `trailing' to delete only the whitespace at end of lines, `changed'to
   ;; delete only whitespace for changed lines or `nil' to disable cleanup.
   ;; (default nil)
   dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup nil

(defun dotspacemacs/user-init ()
  "Initialization function for user code.
It is called immediately after `dotspacemacs/init', before layer configuration
 This function is mostly useful for variables that need to be set
before packages are loaded. If you are unsure, you should try in setting them in
`dotspacemacs/user-config' first."

(defun dotspacemacs/user-config ()
  "Configuration function for user code.
This function is called at the very end of Spacemacs initialization after
layers configuration.
This is the place where most of your configurations should be done. Unless it is
explicitly specified that a variable should be set before a package is loaded,
you should place your code here."
  (with-eval-after-load 'org
     '((python . t)
         (sh . t)
         (emacs-lisp . t)
         (latex . t)
         (gnuplot . t)
         (perl . t)
       (ipython . t)))

(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)   ;don't prompt me to confirm everytime I want to evaluate a block

;;; display/update images in the buffer after I evaluate
(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'org-display-inline-images 'append)

(setq org-startup-with-inline-images t)
;; Do not write anything past this comment. This is where Emacs will
;; auto-generate custom variable definitions.

once you have the emacs up and running you should be able to execute code from inside it :)

create directories

mkdir -vp ~/scripts/usr ~/scripts/downloaded ~/scripts/bin

set up cshrc

need to add the following lines into your ~/.cshrc

if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/bindKeys") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/bindKeys"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/complete") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/complete"
if (-r "/usr/share/doc/tcsh-6.17/complete.tcsh") then
    source "/usr/share/doc/tcsh-6.17/complete.tcsh"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/history") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/history"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/my_alias") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/my_alias"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/my_path") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/my_path"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/notification") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/notification"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/push_pop") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/push_pop"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/prompt") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/prompt"
if (-r "$HOME/tangled_files/system") then
    source "$HOME/tangled_files/system"
if (-r "$HOME/.git-completion.tcsh") then
    source "$HOME/.git-completion.tcsh"
if (-r "/proj/verif_release_ro/cbwa_initscript/current/cbwa_init.csh") then
    source "/proj/verif_release_ro/cbwa_initscript/current/cbwa_init.csh"
    module load ~/.bootenv.modulefile

append it to the end of your ~/.cshrc

cat ~/tangled_files/cshrc_source >> ~/.cshrc

put the following commands into your ~/.cshrc


# history {{{1
set history=5000 
set savehist=(5000 merge)
set histfile = "/home/ramondal/.tcsh_history"
# the following will save the history prior to writing the prompt
# history -L
# alias precmd 'history -S; history -M'
# expand history
set autoexpand
set autorehash
# do not keep repeated commands
set histdup=erase
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

History merge at logout

# history {{{1
history -S
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


# pushd/popd {{{1
# extract rather than rotate on pushd
set dextract
# pushd with no args does a cd ~
set pushdtohome	        
# don't print the stack
set pushdsilent	        
# removes any instances of name from the stack before pushing it onto the stack.
unset dunique
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


# completion/directory {{{1
# example file using the new completion code
# Debian GNU/Linux
# /usr/share/doc/tcsh/examples/complete.gz
# This file may be read from user's ~/.cshrc or ~/.tcshrc file by
# decompressing it into the home directory as ~/.complete and
# then adding the line "source ~/.complete" and maybe defining
# some of the shell variables described below.
# Added two Debian-specific completions: dpkg and dpkg-deb (who
# wrote them?). Changed completions of several commands. The ones
# are evaluated if the `traditional_complete' shell variable is
# defined.
# Debian enhancements by Vadim Vygonets <[email protected]>.
# Bugfixes and apt completions by Miklos Quartus <[email protected]>.
# Cleanup by Martin A. Godisch <[email protected]>.

# onintr -
if ( ! $?prompt ) goto end

if ( $?tcsh ) then
  if ( $tcsh != 1 ) then
    set rev=$tcsh:r:r
    set rel=$tcsh:r:e
    if ( $rev > 6 || ( $rev > 5 && $rel > 1 ) ) then
      set _has_complete=1
  unset rev rel

if ( ! $?_has_complete ) goto end

# if ( ! $?noglob ) set noglob _unset_noglob

# Old TCSH versions don't define OSTYPE.
# Use a close approximation instead.

if ( ! $?OSTYPE ) then
  setenv OSTYPE `echo "$HOSTTYPE" | sed -e 's/^(i[3456]86|(amd|x86_)64)-//'`

# show hidden files in list and completion
set showdots		
set implicitcd
set listjobs=long	# list all jobs on suspension
# resolve links with correct file type
set listlinks		
# max items to list without clarification
# set listmax		
# [nomatch|ambiguous|notunique|never]

# add cd search path
# set cdpath=(/usr/jenny /usr/jenny/mail ../)
# file completion
set filec
# automatic tab completion
set autolist=ambiguous
# add directory symbol
set addsuffix
# do not autolist certain files
# set fignore=(.c .cpp .h)
set correct=cmd
set autolist=ambigous
set complete=enhance
# returns back to the actual directory
set symlinks=ignore
# no ambiguous file name
# set noglob # caused an issue with ~/.vim

# directories
# complete cd 'C/*/d/'
complete rmdir 'C/*/d/'
complete chdir 	p/1/d/
complete pushd 	p/1/d/
complete popd 	p/1/d/
complete pu 	p/1/d/
complete po 	p/1/d/
complete lsd 'C/*/d/'

complete rm \
  'c/--/"(directory force interactive verbose recursive help version)"/' \
  'c/-/"(d f i v r R -)"/' \
  # Protect precious files

# signal names
# also note that the initial - can be created with the first completion
# but without appending a space (note the extra slash with no
# append character specified)
complete kill 'c/-/S/' 'p/1/(-)//'
complete skill 	p/1/c/

# use available commands as arguments for which, where, and man
complete which 'p/1/c/'
complete users	c/--/"(help version)"/ p/1/x:'<accounting_file>'/
complete who	c/--/"(heading idle count mesg message writable help \
    			version)"/ c/-/"(H i m q s T w u -)"/ \
			p/1/x:'<accounting_file>'/ n/am/"(i)"/ n/are/"(you)"/

complete df		c/--/"(all block-size human-readable si inodes \
			kilobytes local megabytes no-sync portability sync \
			type print-type exclude-type help version)"/ \
			c/-/"(a H h i k l m P T t v x)"/
complete du		c/--/"(all block-size bytes total dereference-args \
    			human-readable si kilobytes count-links dereference \
			megabytes separate-dirs summarize one-file-system \
			exclude-from exclude max-depth help version"/ \
			c/-/"(a b c D H h k L l m S s X x)"/

complete mv		c/--/"(backup force interactive update verbose suffix \
		    version-control help version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(b f i S u V v -)"/ \
		    n/{-S,--suffix}/x:'<suffix>'/ \
		    n/{-V,--version-control}/"(t numbered nil existing \
		    never simple)"/ n/-/f/ N/-/d/ p/1/f/ p/2/d/ 'n/*/f/'

complete cp		c/--/"(archive backup no-dereference force \
		    interactive link preserve parents sparse recursive \
		    symbolic-link suffix update verbose version-control \
		    one-file-system help version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(a b d f i l P p R r S s u V v x -)"/ \
		    'n/-*r/d/' n/{-S,--suffix}/x:'<suffix>'/ \
		    n/{-V,--version-control}/"(t numbered nil existing \
		    never simple)"/ n/-/f/ N/-/d/ p/1/f/ p/2/d/ 'n/*/f/'

complete ln		c/--/"(backup directory force no-dereference \
		    interactive symbolic suffix verbose version-control \
		    help version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(b d F f i n S s V v -)"/ \
		    n/{-S,--suffix}/x:'<suffix>'/ \
		    n/{-V,--version-control}/"(t numbered nil existing \
		    never simple)"/ 'n/-*/f/' N/-\*/x:'<link_name>'/ \
		    p/1/f/ p/2/x:'<link_name>'/

complete touch	c/--/"(date reference time help version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(a c d f m r t -)"/ \
		    n/{-d,--date}/x:'<date_string>'/ \
		    c/--time/"(access atime mtime modify use)"/ \
		    n/{-r,--file}/f/ n/-t/x:'<time_stamp>'/ 'n/*/f/'

complete mkdir	c/--/"(mode parents verbose help version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(p m -)"/ \
		    n/{-m,--mode}/x:'<mode>'/ 'n/*/d/'

complete complete 	p/1/X/		# Completions only
# of course, this completes with all current completions
# complete uncomplete 'p/*/X/'
complete uncomplete	'n/*/X/'
complete exec 	p/1/c/		# Commands only
complete trace 	p/1/c/
complete strace 	p/1/c/
complete where 'p/1/c/'
complete man 'p/1/c/'
complete crontab	'n/-u/u/'
complete ifconfig	'p@1@`ifconfig -l`@' 'n/*/(range phase link netmask \
			mtu vlandev vlan metric mediaopt down delete \
			broadcast arp debug)/'

complete wget 	c/--/"(accept= append-output= background cache= \
		continue convert-links cut-dirs= debug \
		delete-after directory-prefix= domains= \
		dont-remove-listing dot-style= exclude-directories= \
		exclude-domains= execute= follow-ftp \
		force-directories force-html glob= header= help \
		http-passwd= http-user= ignore-length \
		include-directories= input-file= level= mirror \
		no-clobber no-directories no-host-directories \
		no-host-lookup no-parent non-verbose \
		output-document= output-file= passive-ftp \
		proxy-passwd= proxy-user= proxy= quiet quota= \
		recursive reject= relative retr-symlinks save-headers \
		server-response span-hosts spider timeout= \
		timestamping tries= user-agent= verbose version wait=)"/

# aliases
complete alias 'p/1/a/'
complete unalias 'p/1/a/'

# variables
complete unset 'p/1/s/'
complete set 'p/1/s/'

# environment variables
complete unsetenv 'p/1/e/'
complete setenv 'p/1/e/' 'c/*:/f/'
#(kinda cool: complete first arg with an env variable, and add an =,
# continue completion of first arg with a filename.  complete 2nd arg
# with a command)
complete env 'c/*=/f/' 'p/1/e/=/' 'p/2/c/'

# key bindings
complete bindkey 'C/*/b/'

# groups
complete chgrp 'p/1/g/'
complete chmod	c/--/"(changes silent quiet verbose reference \
    			recursive help version)"/ c/-/"(c f R v)"/

# users
complete chown 'p/1/u/'

# You can use complete to provide extensive help for complex commands
# like find.  
# Please check your version before using these completions, as some
# differences may exist.
complete find 'n/-name/f/' 'n/-newer/f/' 'n/-{,n}cpio/f/' \
      'n/-exec/c/' 'n/-ok/c/' 'n/-user/u/' 'n/-group/g/' \
      'n/-fstype/(nfs 4.2)/' 'n/-type/(b c d f l p s)/' \
      'c/-/(name newer cpio ncpio exec ok user group fstype type atime \
      ctime depth inum ls mtime nogroup nouser perm print prune \
      size xdev)/' \

complete -%*	c/%/j/			# fill in the jobs builtin
complete {fg,bg,stop}	c/%/j/ p/1/"(%)"//

# set up cc to complete only with files ending in .c, .a, and .o
complete cc 'p/*/f:*.[cao]/'

# complex completion for ln
# In all cases, if you start typing, it completes with a filename
# But if you complete without typing anything you get this:
#   first argument:           adds "-s"
#   arguments that follow -s: reminds you of which argument is expected
# complete ln 'C/?/f/' 'p/1/(-s)/' 'n/-s/x:[first arg is path to original file]/' 'N/-s/x:[second arg is new link]/'
# complete ln		c/--/"(backup directory force no-dereference \
#     			interactive symbolic suffix verbose version-control \
# 			help version)"/ \
# 			c/-/"(b d F f i n S s V v -)"/ \
# 			n/{-S,--suffix}/x:'<suffix>'/ \
# 			n/{-V,--version-control}/"(t numbered nil existing \
# 			never simple)"/ n/-/f/ N/-/x:'<link_name>'/ \
# 			p/1/f/ p/2/x:'<link_name>'/

# set a list of hosts, for use with rlogin
foreach f ($HOME/.hosts /usr/local/etc/csh.hosts $HOME/.rhosts /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.equiv)
if ( -r $f ) then
if (! $?hosts ) then
set hosts = (`grep -v -e "+" -e "^\#" $f | tr -s "[:blank:]" | awk '{print $3}'`)
set hosts = ($hosts `grep -v -e "+" -e "^\#" $f | tr -s "[:blank:]" | awk '{print $3}'`)
endif # if (! $?hosts ) then 
# if ( -r $HOME/.netrc ) then
# set f=`awk '/machine/ { print $2 }' < $HOME/.netrc` >& /dev/null
# set hosts=($hosts $f)
# endif
if ( -r $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts ) then
if (! $?hosts ) then
set hosts = (`cat $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts | tr -s "[:blank:]" | awk -F, '{print $1}'`)
set hosts = ($hosts `cat $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts | tr -s "[:blank:]" | awk -F, '{print $1}'`)
endif # if (! $?hosts ) then 

complete rlogin 'p/1/$hosts/'
complete rsh 'p/1/$hosts/' 'p/2/c/'
complete ssh 'p/1/$hosts/' 'p/2/c/'
# complete telnet p/1/\$hosts/ p/2/x:'<port>'/ n/*/n/

if (-X zcat) then
  zcat --version >& /dev/null
  if ($status != 0) then
    complete zcat	'n/*/f:*.Z/'
    complete zcat	'c/--/"(force help license quiet version)"/' \
			'c/-/"(f h L q V -)"/' \

complete gzcat	c/--/"(force help license quiet version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(f h L q V -)"/ 'n/*/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip}/'

complete gzip	c/--/"(stdout to-stdout decompress uncompress \
		    force help list license no-name quiet recurse \
		    suffix test verbose version fast best)"/ \
		    c/-/"(c d f h l L n q r S t v V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -)"/\
		    n/{-S,--suffix}/x:'<file_name_suffix>'/ \
		    'n/{-d,--{de,un}compress}/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}/' \
		    'N/{-d,--{de,un}compress}/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}/' \

complete {gunzip,ungzip} c/--/"(stdout to-stdout force help list license \
		    no-name quiet recurse suffix test verbose version)"/ \
		    c/-/"(c f h l L n q r S t v V -)"/ \
		    n/{-S,--suffix}/x:'<file_name_suffix>'/ \

complete zgrep	c/-\*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-\*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/\
		    c/-/"(A b B c C e f h i l n s v V w x)"/ \
		    p/1/x:'<limited_regular_expression>'/ 'N/-*e/f/' \
		    n/-\*e/x:'<limited_regular_expression>'/ 'n/-*f/f/' 'n/*/f/'

complete zegrep	c/-\*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-\*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/\
		    c/-/"(A b B c C e f h i l n s v V w x)"/ \
		    p/1/x:'<full_regular_expression>'/ 'N/-*e/f/' \
		    n/-\*e/x:'<full_regular_expression>'/ 'n/-*f/f/' 'n/*/f/'

complete zfgrep	c/-\*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-\*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/\
		    c/-/"(A b B c C e f h i l n s v V w x)"/ \
		    p/1/x:'<fixed_string>'/ 'N/-*e/f/' \
		    n/-\*e/x:'<fixed_string>'/ 'n/-*f/f/' 'n/*/f/'

complete znew	c/-/"(f t v 9 P K)"/ 'n/*/f:*.Z/'
complete zmore	'n/*/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip}/'
complete zfile	'n/*/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}/'
complete ztouch	'n/*/f:*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}/'
complete zforce	'n/*/f:^*.{gz,tgz}/'

complete grep	c/-\*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-\*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/\
		    c/--/"(extended-regexp fixed-regexp basic-regexp \
		    regexp file ignore-case word-regexp line-regexp \
		    no-messages revert-match version help byte-offset \
		    line-number with-filename no-filename quiet silent \
		    text directories recursive files-without-match \
		    files-with-matches count before-context after-context \
		    context binary unix-byte-offsets)"/ \
		    c/-/"(A a B b C c d E e F f G H h i L l n q r s U u V \
			    v w x)"/ \
		    p/1/x:'<limited_regular_expression>'/ 'N/-*e/f/' \
		    n/-\*e/x:'<limited_regular_expression>'/ 'n/-*f/f/' 'n/*/f/'

complete egrep	c/-\*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-\*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/\
		    c/--/"(extended-regexp fixed-regexp basic-regexp \
		    regexp file ignore-case word-regexp line-regexp \
		    no-messages revert-match version help byte-offset \
		    line-number with-filename no-filename quiet silent \
		    text directories recursive files-without-match \
		    files-with-matches count before-context after-context \
		    context binary unix-byte-offsets)"/ \
		    c/-/"(A a B b C c d E e F f G H h i L l n q r s U u V \
			    v w x)"/ \
		    p/1/x:'<full_regular_expression>'/ 'N/-*e/f/' \
		    n/-\*e/x:'<full_regular_expression>'/ 'n/-*f/f/' 'n/*/f/'

complete fgrep	c/-\*A/x:'<#_lines_after>'/ c/-\*B/x:'<#_lines_before>'/\
		    c/--/"(extended-regexp fixed-regexp basic-regexp \
		    regexp file ignore-case word-regexp line-regexp \
		    no-messages revert-match version help byte-offset \
		    line-number with-filename no-filename quiet silent \
		    text directories recursive files-without-match \
		    files-with-matches count before-context after-context \
		    context binary unix-byte-offsets)"/ \
		    c/-/"(A a B b C c d E e F f G H h i L l n q r s U u V \
			    v w x)"/ \
		    p/1/x:'<fixed_string>'/ 'N/-*e/f/' \
		    n/-\*e/x:'<fixed_string>'/ 'n/-*f/f/' 'n/*/f/'

complete sed	c/--/"(quiet silent version help expression file)"/   \
      c/-/"(n V e f -)"/ n/{-e,--expression}/x:'<script>'/  \
      'n/{-f,--file}/f:*.sed/ N/-{e,f,-{file,expression}}/f/' \
      n/-/x:'<script>'/ N/-/f/ p/1/x:'<script>'/ p/2/f/

complete finger	'n/*/u/' 
complete ping	p/1/\$hosts/
complete traceroute	p/1/\$hosts/
complete nslookup   p/1/x:\$hosts/ p/2/\$hosts/

#from Dan Nicolaescu <[email protected]>
if ( $?MODULESHOME ) then
  alias Compl_module \
    'find ${MODULEPATH:as/:/ /} -name .version -o -name .modulea\* -prune \
    -o -print | sed `echo "-e s@${MODULEPATH:as%:%/\*@@g -e s@%}/\*@@g"`'
  complete module \
    'p%1%(add load unload switch display avail use unuse update purge list \
	  clear help initadd initrm initswitch initlist initclear)%' \
    'n%{unl*,sw*,inits*}%`echo "$LOADEDMODULES:as/:/ /"`%' \
    'n%{lo*,di*,he*,inita*,initr*}%`eval Compl_module`%' \
    'N%{sw*,initsw*}%`eval Compl_module`%' \
    'C%-%(-append)%' \
    'n%{use,unu*,av*}%d%' \
    'n%-append%d%' \
    'C%[^-]*%`eval Compl_module`%'

set perlmodules = ("perlmodlib" "perllocal")
# set perlmodules = ($perlmodules `pmall | awk '{print $1}'`)
# echo $perlmodules
complete perldoc p/1/\$perlmodules/
# unset perlmodules

# rcp and scp allow arguments to be references to either local or remote
# files.  It's impossible to complete remote files, but its useful to assume
# that the remote file structure is similar to the local one.
# when you first start typing, it could be any of a username, hostname,
# or filename.  But filename is probably the most useful case, so:
# complete arguments as regular filenames, with following exceptions
# if "@" has been typed, complete with a hostname, and append a colon (:)
# if ":" has been typed, complete with a filename relative to home directory
# if ":/" has been typed, complete with a filename relative to root directory
complete rcp "c,*:/,F:/," "c,*:,F:$HOME," 'c/*@/$hosts/:/'
complete scp "c,*:/,F:/," "c,*:,F:$HOME," 'c/*@/$hosts/:/'

if (-X perl) then
    # This is from Greg Allen.
    set p4cmds=(add branch branches commands change changes client clients \
	counter counters delete depot depots describe diff diff2 \
	edit filelog files fix fixes fstat group groups have help \
	info integrate integrated job jobs jobspec label labels \
	labelsync lock obliterate opened passwd print protect rename \
	reopen resolve resolved revert review reviews set submit \
	sync triggers unlock user users verify where)

    set p4wcmds=($p4cmds advise audit_workspace branch_all change_branch check_servers check_submit_info \
                  chwacfg copy diff_all find_changelist opened_all p4v reconcile remove \
                  sanity_check ssync stage status status_all submit_all sync_all sync_local \
                  unsubmit update_client update_env)

    complete p4 'p/1/$p4cmds/' 'n/help/$p4cmds/' \
	'n%{-l,label}%`p4 labels | sed "s/Label \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/"`%' \
	'n%-t%`p4 $:1s | sed "s/[^ ]* \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/"`%' \
	'c%*@%`p4 labels | sed "s/Label \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/"`%' \
	'c@//*/*@`p4 files $:-0... |& perl -nle "m%\Q$:-0\E([^#][^/# ] \
	*)%;print "\$"1 if \\\!/no such/&&\!"\$"h{"\$"1}++"`@@' \
	'c@//@`p4 depots | sed "s/Depot \([^ ]*\) .*/\1/"`@/@'

    complete p4w 'p/1/$p4wcmds/' 'n/help/$p4wcmds/'


unset _has_complete
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


# notification/monitor/display {{{1
set nobeep
set matchbeep=never	
# notify when background job finishes
set notify
# ding in the clock
unset noding
# monitor for login activity
set watch=(5 any any)
set who='%n has %a %l from %m at %t'
# monitor time taken to run a command
set time=(300 Elapsed:%E,User=%U,System=%S,CPU=%P.)
# print exit status
set printexitvalue
# fixing a bug in tcsh
set anyerror
# see time in am/pm
set ampm
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


# system {{{1
set norebind
unset autologout
# permissions when creating new directories
umask 0027 # umask -s -> u=rwx,g=rx,o=x
# no accidentally closing my C-D
set ignoreeof
# no overwriting files
set noclobber
set rmstar
set color
set colorcat
setenv VISUAL 'gvim -f'
setenv EDITOR 'gvim -f'
setenv PAGER less
setenv TERM 'xterm-256color'
if (${?MANPATH}) then
    setenv MANPATH ${MANPATH}:/tool/pandora/man:/tool/pandora64/man:/home/${USER}/scripts/share/man:/home/${USER}/scripts/.linuxbrew/share/man
setenv MANPATH /tool/pandora/man:/tool/pandora64/man:/home/${USER}/scripts/share/man:/home/${USER}/scripts/.linuxbrew/share/man
if (${?INFOPATH}) then
    setenv INFOPATH ${INFOPATH}:/tool/pandora/info:/tool/pandora64/info:/home/${USER}/scripts/share/info:/home/${USER}/scripts/.linuxbrew/share/info
    setenv INFOPATH /tool/pandora/info:/tool/pandora64/info:/home/${USER}/scripts/share/info:/home/${USER}/scripts/.linuxbrew/share/info
# }}} 1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


# bindkey {{{1
  ### delete words:
  # check the value with stty -a
  # printed using C-v then backspace
  stty erase �
  bindkey ^W	backward-delete-word
  bindkey ^D	delete-word
  bindkey -b M-k backward-kill-line
  ### cursor movement in word::
  #bindkey ^[^F	forward-word
  #bindkey ^[^B	backward-word
  bindkey ^F  forward-word
  bindkey ^B  backward-word
  # search
  bindkey ' '	magic-space
  bindkey ^_	i-search-back		#cntrl-/ : locate the next line w/ a pattern

  # completion
  bindkey "^n" "complete-word-fwd"
  bindkey "^p" "complete-word-back"
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


# git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null' | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1) /
# git branch 2> /dev/null | grep '^*' | awk '{ print $2; }'
# Bit if a hack to get the git status into the tcsh prompt.
# Put this script in $HOME/bin/ and add these lines to your .tcshrc
#   if ( $?prompt && -x /usr/bin/git && -x $HOME/bin/ ) then
#       alias precmd $HOME/bin/
#   endif
use Env;
use File::Spec;
my $prompt="";
my $GITBR="";

open IF, "git branch --no-color 2>/dev/null|" or exit;
while(<IF>) {
  if (/^\* (.*)/) {
close IF;

my $GITST=0;
if ( $GITBR ne "" ) {
  open IF, "git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null|" or exit;
  while(<IF>) { $GITST++; }  # Count number of files to check in

  $prompt .= "[git:${GITBR}";
  $prompt .= "*" if ( ${GITST} > 0 );
  $prompt .= "]\n";

# my $stem = dir($ENV{ANCHOR_STEM_GC});
# my $relative = $stem->relative($ENV{OUT_ANCHOR});
my $relative = File::Spec->abs2rel($ENV{OUT_ANCHOR}, $ENV{ANCHOR_STEM_GC});

if(exists $ENV{PROJECT}){
    ${prompt} .= "[" . $ENV{PROJECT} . "]";
} else {
    ${prompt} .= "";
if($relative eq '.'){
    if(exists $ENV{PROJECT}){
        ${prompt} .= " ";
    } else {
        ${prompt} .= "";
} else {
    ${prompt} .= "[" . ${relative} . "] ";
print ${prompt};
# prompt {{{1
# colors {{{2
# Colors!
set     red="%{\033[1;31m%}"
set   green="%{\033[0;32m%}"
set  yellow="%{\033[1;33m%}"
set    blue="%{\033[1;34m%}"
set magenta="%{\033[1;35m%}"
set    cyan="%{\033[1;36m%}"
set   white="%{\033[0;37m%}"
set     end="%{\033[0m%}" # This is needed at the end... :(
# }}}2
set system=`hostname`
# if ($?prompt) then
#   if ($?PROJECT) then
#     unalias setprompt; alias setprompt 'set prompt="[%U${PROJECT}%u] ${green}%n${end}@${magenta}${system}${end}: ${red}%B%c04%b ${end}  :${cyan}%w-%D(%d)-%t${end}:[ \! ][%?] ${blue} ${end} \n${end}%#"'
#     unalias cd; alias cd 'chdir \!* && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
#   else
#     unalias setprompt; alias setprompt 'set prompt="${green}%n${end}@${magenta}${system}${end}: ${red}%B%c04%b ${end}  :${cyan}%w-%D(%d)-%t${end}:[ \! ][%?] ${blue} ${end} \n${end}%#"'
#     unalias cd; alias cd 'chdir \!* && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
#   endif
# endif

unalias setprompt; alias setprompt 'set prompt="${green}%n${end}@${magenta}${system}${end}: ${red}%B%c04%b ${end}  :${cyan}%w-%D(%d)-%t${end}:[ \! ][%?] ${blue} ${end} \n${end}%#"'
unalias cd; alias cd 'chdir \!* && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdz; alias cdz 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command . | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdy; alias cdy 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command . | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdpz; alias cdpz 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $STEM/src/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdpy; alias cdpy 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $STEM/src/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdfz; alias cdfz 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command \!:1 | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdfy; alias cdfy 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command \!:1 | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdoz; alias cdoz 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $OUT_HOME/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias cdsim; alias cdsim 'chdir $OUT_HOME/$DESIGN_NAME/config/ge/pub/sim'
unalias cdrun; alias cdrun 'chdir $OUT_HOME/$DESIGN_NAME/config/ge/run/block/ge/\!:*'
unalias cdoy; alias cdoy 'chdir `$HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $OUT_HOME/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy` && setprompt'	# reset prompt after change dir
unalias ggo; alias ggo 'pushd ${STEM}/ && gvim \!:* && popd' 
unalias ggoa; alias ggoa 'pushd ${OUT_HOME}/common/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggog; alias ggog 'pushd ${STEM}/src/test/gold/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggoi; alias ggoi 'pushd ${STEM}/import/ip/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggom; alias ggom 'pushd ${STEM}/src/meta/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggoo; alias ggoo 'pushd ${OUT_HOME}/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggor; alias ggor 'pushd ${STEM}/src/rtl/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggosc; alias ggosc 'pushd ${STEM}/setup/scripts/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggose; alias ggose 'pushd ${STEM}/setup/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggot; alias ggot 'pushd ${STEM}/src/test/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias ggov; alias ggov 'pushd ${STEM}/src/verif/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias gcdrun; alias gcdrun 'pushd ${OUT_HOME}/${DESIGN_NAME}/config/ge/run/block/ge/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
unalias gcdsim; alias gcdsim 'pushd ${OUT_HOME}/${DESIGN_NAME}/config/ge/pub/sim/ && gvim \!:* && popd'
# unalias boot; alias boot 'bootenv \!:* && set prompt=\"`printenv DJ_CONTEXT` ${prompt}\"'

if ( $?prompt && -x  /tool/pandora64/.package/git-2.21.0/bin/git && -x $HOME/scripts/bin/cgb ) then
   alias precmd $HOME/scripts/bin/cgb
alias precmd 'set prompt="`env PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8 ~/.local/bin/powerline-shell --shell tcsh $?`"'
# setprompt				# to set the initial prompt
# unset red green yellow blue magenta cyan white end
# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=tcsh:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

path variables

# path variables {{{1
# the ":q" suffix in $path quotes the previous path names, so we can handle
# path directories that contain spaces.
setenv MODULESHOME /tool/pandora/.package/modulecmd-tcl-amd-1.06
source $MODULESHOME/init/tcsh
if (${?MODULEPATH}) then
setenv MODULEPATH ${MODULEPATH}:/tool/amd-env/modules:/proj/verif_release_ro:/tool/pandora64/etc/modules:/tool/pandora/etc/modules:/tool/cbar/etc/`sitename`/modules:/proj/verif_release_ro/modules/current:/proj/verif/lib/modules:/proj/verif_release_ro/rubix/68/lib/cdl/bin/module
setenv MODULEPATH /tool/amd-env/modules:/proj/verif_release_ro:/tool/pandora64/etc/modules:/tool/pandora/etc/modules:/tool/cbar/etc/`sitename`/modules:/proj/verif_release_ro/modules/current:/proj/verif/lib/modules:/proj/verif_release_ro/rubix/68/lib/cdl/bin/module
source ~/tangled_files/my_modules_load

set path = ( \
  ~/scripts/bin/ \
  ~/scripts/downloaded/ \
  ~/scripts/usr/ \
  $path:q \

# Clean up the path
set newPath = ""
foreach d ( $path )
    set alreadyExists = 0
    if ( "$newPath" != "" ) then
        foreach newPathDir ( "$newPath" )
            if ( "$d" == "$newPath" ) then
                set alreadyExists = 1
    if ( $alreadyExists == 0 ) then
        set newPath = ( $newPath $d )
set path = ( $newPath )

if ( ! $?MAGIC_SITENAME ) then
  setenv MAGIC_SITENAME `/tool/pandora/bin/sitename`
switch ( $MAGIC_SITENAME )
case "MKDC":
setenv P4PORT; breaksw
case "ATL":
setenv P4PORT; breaksw
case "ORL":
setenv P4PORT; breaksw
case "BDC":
setenv P4PORT; breaksw
echo "P4PORT not set"
exit 2

setenv P4DIFF tkdiff
setenv P4EDITOR 'gvim -f'
setenv P4MERGE 'gvim -f $1 $3 $2 $4 +SpliceInit'
# perforce :base, theirs, yours and merge file
# setenv P4MERGE p4merge

# }}}1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:


#  some default alias {{{1
# escaping quotes example
# alias t echo hello world                # you may not actually need any quotes
# alias u 'echo "hello world"'            # nested quotes of different types
# alias v echo\ \"hello\ world\"          # escape everything
# alias w echo '\;'hello'";"' world       # quote/escape problem areas only
# alias x 'echo \"hello world\"'          # single quote and escape for literal "
# alias y "echo "\""hello world"\"        # unquote, escaped quote, quote ("\"")
# alias z 'echo '\''hello world'\'        # same goes for single quotes ('\'')

unalias xterm; alias xterm 'uxterm'
if ($?prompt) then
  unalias ls; alias ls "ls-F --color=always -h" #enable thousands grouping and colour
unalias lz; alias lz 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command . ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias ly; alias ly 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command . ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias lfz; alias lfz 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command \!:1 ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:1 ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias lfy; alias lfy 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command \!:1 ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:1 ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias lpz; alias lpz 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $STEM/src ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias lpy; alias lpy 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $STEM/src ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias loz; alias loz 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $OUT_HOME ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias loy; alias loy 'ls-F --color=always -h `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $OUT_HOME ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias llz; alias llz 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command . ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias lly; alias lly 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command . ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias llfz; alias llfz 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command \!:1 ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:1 ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias llfy; alias llfy 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command \!:1 ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:1 ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias llpz; alias llpz 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $STEM/src ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias llpy; alias llpy 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $STEM/src ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias lloz; alias lloz 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $OUT_HOME ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias lloy; alias lloy 'ls-F --color=always -ltrh `( $HOME/scripts/bin/cdf_command $OUT_HOME ; $HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME ) | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
# current directory
unalias vz; alias vz 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vy; alias vy 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias vfz; alias vfz 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:1 | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vfy; alias vfy 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:1 | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias vagz; alias vagz 'gvim `ag \!:* | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf | awk '\''{print $1}'\''`'
unalias vagy; alias vagy 'gvim `ag \!:* | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy | awk '\''{print $1}'\''`'
unalias vmz; alias vmz '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vmy; alias vmy '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command . | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias vmfz; alias vmfz '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:2 | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vmfy; alias vmfy '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command \!:2 | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
# project specific
# unalias dj; alias dj 'bootenv && sleep 2 && \dj --console_status_line cmd'
unalias mkverdi; alias mkverdi 'bootenv && sleep 2 && \mkverdi'
# unalias dmp2vec; alias dmp2vec  'sh -c \'for dmp in `ls \!*`; do echo -n "Generating $dmp.view now..."; perl $STEM/src/test/tools/scripts/ $dmp > $dmp\.view && echo "Done" || echo "Error"; done;\'
unalias p4q; alias p4q 'bootenv && sleep 2 && source /proj/verif_release_ro/p4w/current/_p4w.csh'
unalias vpz; alias vpz 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vpy; alias vpy 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias voz; alias voz 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias voy; alias voy 'gvim `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias vmpz; alias vmpz '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vmpy; alias vmpy '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $STEM/src/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias vmoz; alias vmoz '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf`'
unalias vmoy; alias vmoy '$HOME/scripts/downloaded/vimer -t -s GVIM\!:1 `$HOME/scripts/bin/ag_file_command $OUT_HOME/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzy`'
unalias ll; alias ll 'ls-F -ltrh'
unalias lla; alias lla 'ls-F -l -A'
unalias flist; alias flist '\find \!:1 -type f >! files'
# Some alias to force the user to acknowledge when deleting or copying
unalias rm; alias rm "\rm -i -v"
unalias cp; alias cp "\cp -i -v"
unalias mv; alias mv "\mv -i -v"
unalias grep; alias grep "\grep --color=always -s"
unalias tree; alias tree "\tree -C"
unalias less; alias less "\less -R -i"
unalias df; alias df "\df -h"
unalias du; alias du "\du -h"
unalias lg; alias lg '\ls -1 | \grep -i '

# xterm related
unalias kk; alias kk '\konsole &'
unalias tt; alias tt '\terminator &'
unalias gg; alias gg 'gnome-terminal &'
unalias xx; alias xx '\uxterm -fg white -bg #262626 &'
unalias xb; alias xb '\uxterm &'
unalias xtg; alias xtg '\uxterm -fg green -bg black &'
unalias xtgr; alias xtgr '\uxterm -fg gray  -bg black &' 
unalias xty; alias xty '\uxterm -fg yellow -bg black &' 
unalias xto; alias xto '\uxterm -fg orange -bg black &' 
unalias xtw; alias xtw '\uxterm -fg white -bg black &' 
unalias xtwh; alias xtwh '\uxterm -fg wheat -bg black &' 
unalias xtv; alias xtv '\uxterm -fg violet -bg black &' 
unalias xtb; alias xtb '\uxterm -fg black -bg gray &' 
unalias xt4e4e4e; alias xt4e4e4e '\uxterm -fg white -bg #4e4e4e &' 

unalias ssh; alias ssh 'ssh -X'
unalias ss; alias ss 'source ~/tangled_files/my_proj_path'
unalias v; alias v 'vim'
unalias vi; alias vi 'vim -u NONE'
unalias g; alias g 'gvim -u NONE'
unalias e; alias e 'emacs \!:* &'
unalias p4o; alias p4o 'p4 opened'
unalias p4d; alias p4d 'p4 diff \!:* &'
unalias p4pd; alias p4pd 'p4 opened \!:* | awk -F'\''[#]'\'' '\''{print $1}'\'' | parallel --eta '\''env P4DIFF="gvim -d -f" p4 diff {}'\'''
unalias p4of; alias p4of 'p4 opened \!:* | awk -F'\''[#]'\'' '\''{print $1}'\'' | xargs p4 where | awk '\''{print $NF}'\'''
unalias p4r; alias p4r 'p4 resolve'
unalias p4e; alias p4e 'p4 edit'
unalias p4a; alias p4a 'p4 add'
unalias p4shelved; alias p4shelved 'p4 changes -u $USER -s shelved'
unalias p4have; alias p4have 'p4 changes -m1 -s submitted #have'
unalias p4not; alias p4not "( fd . --type f "\$"PWD --color never --print0 | xargs -0 p4 fstat > /dev/null ) | & awk '{print "\$"1}'"
unalias init; alias init 'source /proj/verif_release_ro/cbwa_initscript/current/cbwa_init.csh'

# unalias boot; alias boot 'setenv PROJECT \!* && init && eval bootenv -v ${PROJECT} && cd && cd -'
# unalias bootnv31; alias bootnv31 'boot navi31'
# unalias bootrem; alias bootrem 'boot rembrandt'

unalias diskspace; alias diskspace 'chdir `\fd . --color never --type d --max-depth 1 /local_vol1_nobackup/user/ramondal/ | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf ` && setprompt'
unalias decoderb; alias decoderb '$STEM/src/test/tools/scripts/ \!:*rbbm.dmp | tee \!:*decoded_rbbm.dmp && gvim \!:*decoded_rbbm.dmp'
unalias decoderbz; alias decoderbz '$STEM/src/test/tools/scripts/ rbbm.dmp | $HOME/scripts/bin/fzf'
set backslash_quote
unalias hbo; alias hbo 'dj -c -v -e \'here_in_design.build_self("\!:*")\''

unalias createVnc; alias createVnc 'cd && vncserver :\!:1 -depth 24 -geometry 3820x1025 --alwaysshared -log \*:stdout:0 && cd -'
unalias createVncSmall; alias createVncSmall 'cd && vncserver :\!:1 -depth 24 -geometry 1910x1025 --alwaysshared -log \*:stdout:0 && cd -'

# unalias module; alias module 'eval `$TCLSH $MODULESHOME/modulecmd.tcl tcsh !*`'
# }}} 1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=tcsh:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

(need to make it generic) project path and source

#  some default paths {{{1
source /proj/verif_release_ro/cbwa_initscript/current/cbwa_init.csh
sleep 5
# source ~/tangled_files/my_modules_load
# bootenv -v greenland
# }}} 1

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

need to modify this section

# ATI "project.tcshrc" file for SUN workstations.
# This tcsh script is to be sourced by a user's .cshrc at the
# time of login. This script executes three tasks:
# 1. Read in the working project name.
# 2. Set up Modules and load the appropriave env. file for the
#    working project given.
# 3. Set default settings for the user's environment.
# Revision by Tyrone Hallums August 8, 2001

# Section for the user to specify project name. If the user's 
# .cshrc source command doesn't have a project name specified
# as an argument, then the user will be prompted to specify a
# project name, stored in variable "AtiProjectName". If the 
# project name is passed as an argument, then "AtiProjectName"
# is set to that project name. From there, the correct
# environment Modulefile is loaded.

# setenv BOOTENV_NOCLEAN 1	# mznoj this is dangerous!
# setenv DJ_INIT '-c -m2 --save_cmd_logs --console_status_line cmd'
# echo -n "in gl_terminal.tcshrc"

if (! $?ProjectName ) then
  if ( $?prompt ) then
    if ( ${#argv} == 0 ) then # no project selected. obtain one!
      echo "Choose workspace 9a 9b 9c"
      echo -n "Enter Workspace Name: "
      setenv ProjectName $<   # read input
      echo $ProjectName
    else # argument supplied upon calling this script
      setenv ProjectName $argv[1] # take the name supplied via argument

    # ensure the correct project name was passed
    set correctProjectName = 0
    while ($correctProjectName == 0)
      switch ("$ProjectName")
        case "9a":
        case "9b":
        case "9c":
	  set correctProjectName = 1
	default: # incorrect project name. Enter a correct one!
	  set correctProjectName = 0
	  echo "*** Error! Incorrect workspace name supplied!"
	  echo ""
	  echo -n "Enter Workspace Name: "
	  setenv ProjectName $<   # read input
    end # while loop

# Set variables to know where to find project files
setenv PLATFORM `uname -s`
if ($?PLATFORM_TYPE == 0) then
  if ($PLATFORM == SunOS) then
    setenv PLATFORM_TYPE   unix
    setenv PLATFORM_FLAVOR sun
    setenv WTYPE SOL
  else if ($PLATFORM == Linux) then
    setenv PLATFORM_TYPE   unix
    setenv PLATFORM_FLAVOR linux
    setenv WTYPE LINUX
    setenv PLATFORM_TYPE   win
    setenv PLATFORM_FLAVOR win
#unsetenv PLATFORM

if($ProjectName == 9a) then
  chdir /local_vol1_nobackup/amakana/main
  bootenv -v greenland
  chdir /local_vol1_nobackup/amakana/main/src/verif/vgt/tb/tb_vgt

if($ProjectName == 9b) then
  chdir /local_vol1_nobackup/amakana/9tc
  bootenv -v greenland
  chdir /local_vol1_nobackup/amakana/9tc/src/verif/vgt/tb/tb_vgt


if($ProjectName == 9c) then
  chdir /local_vol1_nobackup/amakana/9c
  chdir /local_vol1_nobackup/amakana/9c/src/verif/vgt/tb/tb_vgt

#alias make 'make "DV=dv -job rush"'
alias dv 'dv -job rush'
alias bdvi 'dv'
limit descriptors unlimited

setenv P4PORT ''

# special setup for no project
if ($ProjectName == none ) then 
        set history=400
        set savehist=400
        #set prompt="[%c2]%B$HOST%b\% "
	unsetenv ProjectName


get your .vim

get the .vim repository

git -v clone .vim 

softlink the .vimrc

ln -fs ~/.vim/vimrcNV ~/.vimrc

clone neobundle

git clone -v neobundle

launch vim and let neobundle do it’s magic by installing the packages

install the submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive

install ycm_build

create the directory

mkdir -p ycm_build

install using cmake

cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" . ~/.vim/neobundle_bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp
cmake --build . --target ycm_core --config Release

cleanup vim plugins

rm -rfv neobundle_bundle
mkdir -vp neobundle_bundle

set up vim fonts

get the fonts

git -v clone

copy fonts to .fonts directory

mkdir -vp .fonts
cp -vrf ~/fonts/* .fonts/.

run the following commands

ttmkfdir -o fonts.dir
fc-cache -f -v ~/.fonts
fc-cache -f -v
fc-match NonExistingFont

remove the git directory

rm -rfv ~/fonts

updating vim

vim -c ':NeoBundleUpdate neobundle.vim' -c ":q" 
vim -c ':NeoBundleUpdate' -c ":q"

set up your tmux

tmux configuration

ln -fs ~/.vim/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf

install tmux scripts

set up your fluxbox

fluxbox configuration

set the defatult colors

# Configuration file for dircolors, a utility to help you set the
# LS_COLORS environment variable used by GNU ls with the --color option.

# The keywords COLOR, OPTIONS, and EIGHTBIT (honored by the
# slackware version of dircolors) are recognized but ignored.

# Below, there should be one TERM entry for each termtype that is colorizable
TERM linux
TERM linux-c
TERM mach-color
TERM console
TERM con132x25
TERM con132x30
TERM con132x43
TERM con132x60
TERM con80x25
TERM con80x28
TERM con80x30
TERM con80x43
TERM con80x50
TERM con80x60
TERM dtterm
TERM xterm
TERM xterm-color
TERM xterm-debian
TERM rxvt
TERM screen
TERM screen-w
TERM vt100
TERM Eterm

# Below are the color init strings for the basic file types. A color init
# string consists of one or more of the following numeric codes:
# Attribute codes:
# 00=none 01=bold 04=underscore 05=blink 07=reverse 08=concealed
# Text color codes:
# 30=black 31=red 32=green 33=yellow 34=blue 35=magenta 36=cyan 37=white
# Background color codes:
# 40=black 41=red 42=green 43=yellow 44=blue 45=magenta 46=cyan 47=white
NORMAL 00	# global default, although everything should be something.
FILE 00 	# normal file
DIR 01;35 	# directory
LINK 01;36 	# symbolic link.  (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
           	# numerical value, the color is as for the file pointed to.)
FIFO 40;33	# pipe
SOCK 01;35	# socket
DOOR 01;35	# door
BLK 40;33;01	# block device driver
CHR 40;33;01 	# character device driver
ORPHAN 40;31;01 # symlink to nonexistent file

# This is for files with execute permission:
EXEC 01;32

# List any file extensions like '.gz' or '.tar' that you would like ls
# to colorize below. Put the extension, a space, and the color init string.
# (and any comments you want to add after a '#')

# If you use DOS-style suffixes, you may want to uncomment the following:
#.cmd 01;32 # executables (bright green)
#.exe 01;32 01;32
#.btm 01;32
#.bat 01;32

.tar 01;31 # archives or compressed (bright red)
.tgz 01;31
.arj 01;31
.taz 01;31
.lzh 01;31
.zip 01;31
.z   01;31
.Z   01;31
.gz  01;31
.bz2 01;31
.deb 01;31
.rpm 01;31
.jar 01;31

# image formats
.jpg 01;35
.jpeg 01;35
.gif 01;35
.bmp 01;35
.pbm 01;35
.pgm 01;35
.ppm 01;35
.tga 01;35
.xbm 01;35
.xpm 01;35
.tif 01;35
.tiff 01;35
.png 01;35
.mpg 01;35
.mpeg 01;35
.avi 01;35
.fli 01;35
.gl 01;35
.dl 01;35
.xcf 01;35
.xwd 01;35

# audio formats
.ogg 01;35
.mp3 01;35
.wav 01;35
# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=tcsh:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

setup vnc xstartup

check the modline

cvt 3820 1025 60

set the defatult xstartup

# ftp://atlftptest/pub/leostream/xstartup
xrandr --rate 60 --newmode "3824x1025_60.00" 325.50  3824 4064 4464 5104  1025 1028 1038 1064 -hsync +vsync
xrandr --addmode default "3824x1025_60.00"

#enabling copy-paste between VNC session and outside world
vncconfig -nowin 2>&1 > /dev/null &

# Uncomment these if we are trying to use Gnome on Solaris
# export LC_CTYPE

# Lets get our resources if they exist.
if [ -f $HOME/.Xdefaults ]; then
        xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults
if [ -f $HOME/.Xresources ]; then
        xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
if [ -f $HOME/.dt/sessions/home/dt.resources ]; then
        xrdb -merge $HOME/.dt/sessions/home/dt.resources

# Now let's make some decisions about what we want to run

# Choose "gnome", "kde", "fluxbox", or "fvwm2"
# WM="gnome"
# WM="kde"
# WM="fvwm2"
# WM="fluxbox"
# WM="icewm"
# WM="xfce"

# Are we running Solaris 2.x?
if echo $OS | grep -q "^so"; then
        /usr/dt/bin/dtsession &
        # Are we running Linux?
        if echo $OS | grep -q "^k2[46]_g2[12345]"; then
            if [ "$WM" = "gnome" ]; then
               if [ -x /usr/bin/gnome-session ]; then
                  exec gnome-session
               if [ -x /usr/bin/sawfish ]; then
                  /usr/bin/sawfish &
            elif [ "$WM" = "kde" ]; then
               if [ -x /usr/bin/startkde ]; then
                  exec startkde
            elif [ "$WM" = "fluxbox" ]; then
               exec fluxbox
            elif [ "$WM" = "fvwm2" ]; then
               exec fvwm2
            elif [ "$WM" = "icewm" ]; then
               exec icewm
            elif [ "$WM" = "i3" ]; then
               exec i3
            elif [ "$WM" == "xfce" ]; then
                exec /tool/pandora64/.package/xfce-4.12/bin/startxfce4
               xterm -title "You didn't set WM to anything I understand" &
            # Just start an Xterm so we can figure out what to do
            xterm -title "We didn't find a startup area for this OS" & 

# # Uncomment the following two lines for normal desktop:
# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
# [ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
# [ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
# xsetroot -solid grey
# vncconfig -iconic &xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" & twm &

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=tcsh:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

create symlinks

ln -fs xstartup_IT xstartup

fvwm settings

#  ____________________________
# (   _________________________)
#  ) (__  _  _  _    _  
# (   __)( \/ )( \/\/ )/\/\
#  ) (    \  /  \    //    \
# (___)    \/    \/\/(_/\/\_) 2.6.2 
# fvwm2rc resource file
# Set Environment variables
SetEnv fvwm_home             $[HOME]/.fvwm
SetEnv fvwm_img              $[fvwm_home]/images
SetEnv fvwm_icon             /usr/share/icons/hicolor
SetEnv fvwm_pixmaps          /usr/share/pixmaps 
SetEnv fvwm_scrpt            $[fvwm_home]/scripts
SetEnv fvwm_wallpapers       $[fvwm_img]/wallpaper
SetEnv fvwm_icon_size        96

# Set the image path
ImagePath                    $[fvwm_icon]/32x32/apps:$[fvwm_icon]/32x32/apps;.png:$[fvwm_home]/icons:$[fvwm_pixmaps]:$[fvwm_home]/icons/mini:/opt/NX/share/icons/32x32:+

# Shell commands 
Test (f /bin/bash) ExecUseShell /bin/bash

# Virtual Desktops
DesktopSize                  1x1
DesktopName                  0    Aleph
DesktopName                  1    Lamed
DesktopName                  2    Hey
DesktopName                  3    Yod 
DesktopName                  4    Mem 
EdgeScroll                   100  100
EdgeThickness                0
EdgeResistance               2000
Style * EdgeMoveDelay        1500
Style * EdgeMoveResistance   1500

# Use an arrow rather than the `X` cursor on the root window.
CursorStyle                  root top_left_arrow

# Mouse and Focus Behavior
ClickTime                    350
MoveThreshold                3
Style                        * ClickToFocus

#--------------------------- Left Rite Top Bot
EwmhBaseStruts               1    114  1   25
IgnoreModifiers              L25

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                             Color Sets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Window Colorsets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colorset 3 fg #101060, bg #e6e7d7
Colorset 4 fg Black, bg #a6a797
Colorset 5 fg White, bg Black
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Menu Colorsets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colorset 7 fg Black, bg LightGray, hi Black, sh Black
Colorset 8 fg Red, bg #e6e7d7, sh Black, hi #202070
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Module Colorsets
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Colorset 9  fg rgb:00/00/00, hi rgb:00/00/00, sh rgb:00/00/00, bg rgb:e9/e9/d9
Colorset 10 fg rgb:00/00/00, hi rgb:dd/00/00, sh rgb:dd/00/00, bg rgb:fb/fc/ec
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Global Options
OpaqueMoveSize          -1
Emulate                 Mwm 
HideGeometryWindow      Never
BugOpts                 FlickeringMoveWorkAround On
XorValue                55555
SetAnimation            10  -.01 0 .01 .03 .08 .18 .3 .45 .6 .75 .85 .90 .94 .97 .99 1.0

# Global Styles
Style * TileCascadePlacement, GrabFocusOff
Style * NoPPosition, ResizeOpaque
Style * DecorateTransient, DontRaiseTransient
Style * DontLowerTransient, StackTransientParent
Style * GrabFocusTransientOff
Style * WindowShadeSteps 20, WindowShadeScrolls
Style * UseDecor fDecor, SlipperyIcon
Style * IconBox screen w 15 15 -165 -15, IconGrid 3 3, IconFill right top
Style * SnapAttraction 5 SameType Screen
Style * SnapGrid 3 3

# Program Styles
Style "*" Icon programs.xpm, MiniIcon mini.x.xpm
Style "XTerm" Icon terminator.png, NoActiveIconOverride, MiniIcon /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/terminator.png
Style "gvim" Icon gvim.png, IconOverride, MiniIcon mini.gvim.xpm, EWMHMiniIconOverride
Style "Firefox" Icon firefox.png, MiniIcon /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/firefox.png, EWMHMiniIconOverride
Style DeskControl NoTitle, NeverFocus, CirculateSkip, WindowListSkip, Sticky, StaysOnBottom, FixedSize, NoHandles
Style FvwmBar NoTitle, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, Sticky, NeverFocus, StaysOnBottom, NoHandles

# Basic Functions
DestroyFunc FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
AddToFunc   FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ C Delete
+ D Destroy

DestroyFunc FvwmIconifyOrShade
AddToFunc   FvwmIconifyOrShade
+ C Iconify
+ D WindowShade

DestroyFunc FvwmMaximize
AddToFunc   FvwmMaximize
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ C Maximize $0 $1

DestroyFunc FvwmMoveOrIconify
AddToFunc   FvwmMoveOrIconify
+ M Move
+ D Iconify

DestroyFunc FvwmWindowShade
AddToFunc   FvwmWindowShade
+ D WindowShade $0

# Program Launching Functions
DestroyFunc FvwmLibreoffice
AddToFunc   FvwmLibreoffice
+ I Exec exec libreoffice

DestroyFunc FvwmXTerm
AddToFunc   FvwmXTerm
+ I Exec exec xterm -ls -bg black -fg cyan -fn 9x15 -geometry 150x50

DestroyFunc FvwmKonsole
AddToFunc   FvwmKonsole
+ I Exec exec konsole

DestroyFunc FvwmTerminator
AddToFunc   FvwmTerminator
+ I Exec exec terminator 

DestroyFunc FvwmGVim
AddToFunc   FvwmGVim
+ I Exec exec gvim

DestroyFunc FvwmGimp
AddToFunc   FvwmGimp
+ I Exec exec gimp

DestroyFunc FvwmFireFox
AddToFunc   FvwmFireFox
+ I Exec exec firefox

DestroyFunc FvwmThunderbird
AddToFunc   FvwmThunderbird
+ I Exec exec thunderbird

DestroyFunc FvwmNXClient
AddToFunc   FvwmNXClient
+ I Exec exec /opt/NX/bin/nxclient

DestroyFunc FvwmViewManPage
AddToFunc   FvwmViewManPage
+ I Exec exec xterm -fg White -bg DarkBlue -g 80x40 -fn 7x14 -fb 7x14bold \
 -n "Manual Page - $0" -T "Manual Page - $0" -e man "$0"

# Startup Functions
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc   StartFunction
+ I Module FvwmTaskBar
+ I Module FvwmPager 0 4
+ I Module FvwmAnimate
# + I Module FvwmProxy
+ I Module FvwmButtons MyButtons
+ I Module FvwmWinList
#+ I Module FvwmScript

DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc   InitFunction
# + I Exec exec xscreensaver
# + I Exec exec fvwm-root -r $[fvwm_wallpapers]/chicago_skyline.png
# + I FvwmXTerm

DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc   RestartFunction
+ I Nop

# Screenshot Functions (uses ImageMagick)
DestroyFunc FvwmWindowScreenshot
AddToFunc   FvwmWindowScreenshot
+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded !Iconic Iconifiable) \
  Exec import -window $[] -quality 100 -silent \
  "$[fvwm_home]/screenshot/screenshot-`date +%F[%R]`.$[].jpg"

DestroyFunc FvwmDesktopScreenshot
AddToFunc   FvwmDesktopScreenshot
+ I Exec sleep $0; import -window root -quality 100 -silent \
  "$[fvwm_home]/screenshot/screenshot-`date +%F[%R]`.jpg"

# Handle some Mouse bindings now...
# Recall that mouse formats look like this:
# +------------+
# | ||  ||  || |
# |            |
# +------------+
#   1   3   2

# Binding Functions
# "I" stands for Immediate
# "M" stands for Motion
# "C" stands for Click
# "H" stands for Hold
# "D" stands for Double Click

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Contexts:
#     R = Root Window                 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
#     W = Application Window          rIrrrrFSSSSSSSSSFrrrrr
#     F = Frame Corners               rrrrrrS13TTTT642Srrrrr
#     S = Frame Sides                 rIrrrrSwwwwwwwwwSrrrrr
#     T = Title Bar                   rrrrrrSwwwwwwwwwSrrrrr
#     I = Icon                        rIrrrrFSSSSSSSSSFrrrrr
#                                     rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
# Numbers are buttons: 1 3 5 7 9   0 8 6 4 2
# Modifiers: (A)ny, (C)ontrol, (S)hift, (M)eta, (N)othing
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key   F1      A M Menu MenuFvwmRoot
Key   Tab     A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L
Key   Super_L A A FvwmXTerm
Key   Escape  A M SendToModule FvwmProxy ShowToggle
Key   r       A M Exec exec $FVWM_USERDIR/
Key   r       A CM Restart 
Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c \
CurrentDesk, NoGeometry, CurrentAtEnd, IconifiedAtEnd
Mouse 1       R A Menu FvwmRootMenu
Mouse 2       R A WindowList 
Mouse 3       R A Menu FvwmWindowOpsMenu
Mouse 3       T A Menu FvwmWindowOpsMenu
Mouse 1       1 A Menu FvwmWindowOpsMenu
Mouse 1       8 A FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
Mouse 1       4 A FvwmIconifyOrShade
Mouse 1       2 A FvwmMaximize 100 100
Mouse 2       2 A FvwmMaximize 0 100
Mouse 1       W M FvwmMoveOrIconify
Mouse 1       I A FvwmMoveOrIconify
Mouse 4       T A FvwmWindowShade True
Mouse 5       T A FvwmWindowShade False
Mouse 0       6 N WindowShade

# Window Decor
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ButtonStyle 1 = FvwmWindowOpsMenu 
#             2 = Maximize
#             4 = Iconify
#             6 = Shade
#             8 = Destroy
DestroyDecor MyDecor
AddToDecor   MyDecor
+ TitleStyle Centered Height 20 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 1 Pixmap mini.x.xpm -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 6            Vector 4 50x25@1 85x75@0 15x75@0 50x25@1 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 6 ActiveUp   Vector 4 50x75@0 85x25@1 15x25@0 50x75@0 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 6 ActiveDown Vector 4 50x75@0 85x25@1 15x25@0 50x75@0 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 6 Inactive   Vector 4 50x75@0 85x25@1 15x25@0 50x75@0 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 8 ActiveUp   Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 8 ActiveDown Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 8 Inactive   Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 4 ActiveUp   Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 4 ActiveDown Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 4 Inactive   Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 2 ActiveUp   Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 2 ActiveDown Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 2 Inactive   Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
+ BorderStyle Simple -- NoInset Flat
+ ButtonStyle All    -- UseTitleStyle

# Window Styles
Style "*" UseDecor MyDecor
# Style "*" Font "xft:fixed:Bold:size=8:minspace=False:antialias=True"
Style "*" BorderWidth 4, HandleWidth 4
Style "*" MWMBorder, FirmBorder
Style "*" Colorset 4
Style "*" HilightColorset 3
Style "*" BorderColorset 5
Style "*" HilightBorderColorset 4
Style "*" NoIconTitle

# MenuStyles
MenuStyle * PopupImmediately, PopdownImmediately
MenuStyle * PopupOffset -5 100, TitleWarpOff
MenuStyle * TitleUnderlines2, SeparatorsLong, TrianglesSolid
MenuStyle * AnimationOff, AutomaticHotkeysOff
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 2
MenuStyle * PopupAsSubmenu, HoldSubmenus, SubmenusRight
MenuStyle * ItemFormat "%|%5.5i%1.3l%2.3>%|"
MenuStyle * VerticalItemSpacing 1 1, VerticalTitleSpacing 2 2
MenuStyle * MenuColorset 7
MenuStyle * ActiveFore, Hilight3DThin
MenuStyle * ActiveColorset 8
# MenuStyle * Font "Shadow=0:xft:LiberationSans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"

# FvwmRootMenu
DestroyMenu FvwmRootMenu
AddToMenu   FvwmRootMenu "Root Menu%mini.x.xpm%" Title
+ "Programs%mini.window.xpm%"           Popup FvwmProgramsMenu
+ "Chrome%mini.chromium.png%"           Exec exec chromium
+ "XTerm%mini.term2.xpm%"               FvwmXTerm
+ "Konsole%mini.term2.xpm%"             FvwmKonsole
+ "Terminator%mini.term2.xpm%"          Exec exec terminator
+ "Terminal%mini.term2.xpm%"            Exec exec gnome-terminal
+ "GVim%mini.gvim.xpm%"                 FvwmGVim
+ "FVWM Console%mini.xterm.xpm%"        Module FvwmConsole
+ "Xman%mini.xman.xpm%"                 Exec exec xman
+ "" Nop
+ "Help%mini.question.xpm%"             Popup FvwmManPagesMenu
# + "Restart FVWM%mini.fvwm.xpm%"         Restart
#+ "Restart FVWM2%mini.fvwm2.xpm%"       Restart fvwm2 -s
#+ "Restart FVWM-Crystal%mini.fvwm.xpm%" Restart fvwm-crystal -s
#+ "Restart MWM%mini.mwm.xpm%"           Restart mwm
# + "Quit FVWM%mini.destroy.xpm%"         Quit

# Programs Menu
DestroyMenu FvwmProgramsMenu
AddToMenu   FvwmProgramsMenu "Programs" Title
+ "Math and Science"                    Popup MathScienceMenu
+ "Development"                         Popup DevelopmentMenu
+ "Multimedia"                          Popup MultimediaMenu
+ "Office"                              Popup OfficeMenu
+ "Utilities"                           Popup UtilitiesMenu
+ "Remote Logins"                       Popup RemoteLoginsMenu
+ "System Apps"                         Popup SystemMenu
+ "Time Wasters"                        Popup GamesMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "FireFox%mini.firefox.png%"           FvwmFireFox
+ "Thunderbird%mini.thunderbird.png%"   FvwmThunderbird
+ "Gimp%mini.gimp.png%"                 FvwmGimp
+ "NX Client%mini.nxclient.png%"        FvwmNXClient
+ "Terminator%mini.xterm.xpm%"          FvwmTerminator
+ "LibreOffice%mini.libreoffice.png%"   FvwmLibreoffice

# MathScience Menu
DestroyMenu MathScienceMenu
AddToMenu   MathScienceMenu "Math and Science" Title
+ "Gnome Calculator%mini.calc2.xpm%"    exec gcalctool
+ "Genius Calculator%mini.calc2.xpm%"   exec xterm -fn 9x15 -geometry 132x60 -e genius
+ "XCalc%mini.calc2.xpm%"               exec xcalc -rpm
+ "Speedcrunch%mini.calc2.xpm%"         exec speedcrunch
+ "ExtCalc%mini.extcalc.png%"           exec extcalc
+ "Sage%mini.sage.png%"                 exec xterm -e sage
+ "WX Maxima%mini.wxmaxima.png%"        exec wxmaxima
+ "FreeMat"                             exec FreeMat
+ "Mathomatic%mini.mathomatic.png%"     exec xterm -e mathomatic
+ "R"                                   exec xterm -e R --save
+ "ROOT"                                exec xterm -e root
+ "Scilab"                              exec /opt/scilab/bin/scilab
+ "NG Spice (pspice)"                   exec xterm -e ngspice
+ "KiCAD%mini.kicad.png%"               exec kicad
+ "qCAD"                                exec qcad
+ "QtiPlot"                             exec qtiplot
+ "Ghemical"                            exec ghemical
+ "KTechLab"                            exec /opt/kde/bin/ktechlab

# Multimedia Menu
DestroyMenu MultimediaMenu
AddToMenu   MultimediaMenu "Multimedia" Title
+ "Firefox%mini.firefox.png%"           FvwmFireFox
+ "Chromium%mini.chromium.png%"         exec chromium
+ "Opera%mini.opera.png%"               exec opera
+ "Lynx - Text Browser%mini.books.xpm%" exec xterm -fn 9x15 -geometry 125x75 -e lynx
+ "Thunderbird%mini.thunderbird.png%"   FvwmThunderbird
+ "Pidgin%mini.pidgin.png%"             exec pidgin
+ "XV%mini.xv.xpm%"                     exec xv
+ "Digikam%mini.digikam.png%"           exec digikam
+ "Gimp%mini.gimp.png%"                 FvwmGimp 
+ "GPicView%mini.picture.xpm%"          exec gpicview
+ "Ristretto%mini.ristretto.png%"       exec ristretto
+ "Linphone%crystal/sipphone.png%"      exec linphone
+ "Ekiga%mini.ekiga.png%"               exec ekiga
+ "Twinkle%mini.twinkle.png%"           exec twinkle
+ "Totem%mini.totem.png%"               exec totem
+ "VLC%mini.vlc.xpm%"                   exec vlc

# Utilities Menu
DestroyMenu UtilitiesMenu
AddToMenu   UtilitiesMenu "Utilities" Title
+ "Run"                                 exec $FVWM_USERDIR/
+ "Unetbootin"                          exec unetbootin
+ "TrueCrypt"                           exec truecrypt
+ "K3b - DVD Burning Tool"              exec k3b
+ "XClock"                              exec xclock
+ "Virtual Box"                         exec VirtualBox
+ "FreeMind"                            exec freemind 
+ "Vym"                                 exec vym
+ "Basket"                              exec basket
+ "Zim Wiki"                            exec zim

DestroyMenu RemoteLoginsMenu
AddToMenu   RemoteLoginsMenu "Remote Logins" Title
+ "Enterprise"                          Exec exec xterm -ls -sb -sl 5000 -bg black -fg cyan -fn 9x15 -geometry 150x50 -e ssh -p 22222   -l root
+ "Sirius"                              Exec exec xterm -ls -sb -sl 5000 -bg black -fg cyan -fn 9x15 -geometry 150x50 -e ssh -p 22 -l root 
+ "Cephei"                              Exec exec xterm -ls -sb -sl 5000 -bg black -fg cyan -fn 9x15 -geometry 150x50 -e ssh -p 22  -l root

# Development Menu
DestroyMenu DevelopmentMenu
AddToMenu   DevelopmentMenu "Development" Title
+ "DDD"                                 exec ddd
+ "Netbeans"                            exec netbeans
+ "Eclipse"                             exec eclipse
+ "Ninja IDE"                           exec ninja-ide
+ "Bluefish"                            exec bluefish
+ "QT Designer"                         exec designer
+ "qDevelop"                            exec qdevelop
+ "Python IDE - Spyder"                 exec spyder
+ "Anjuta"                              exec anjuta
+ "Basic -- Yikes!"                     exec xterm -e /opt/bas/bin/bas
+ "Gambas3"                             exec gambas3
+ "Gnu SmallTalk"                       exec xterm -e gst
+ "Gnu Prolog"                          exec xterm -e gprolog

# Games Menu
DestroyMenu GamesMenu
AddToMenu   GamesMenu "Games" Title
+ "Boggle"                              exec xterm -fn 10x20 -e boggle
+ "Dope Wars"                           exec dopewars
+ "Nethack - ncurses"                   exec xterm -fn 10x20 -e hack

# System Menu
DestroyMenu SystemMenu
AddToMenu   SystemMenu "System Applications" Title
+ "ZenMap -- Nmap GUI"                  exec /usr/share/zenmap/
+ "Thunar"                              exec thunar
+ "Gksu"                                exec gksu

# Office Menu
DestroyMenu OfficeMenu
AddToMenu   OfficeMenu "Office" Title
+ "Libreoffice Writer"                  exec libreoffice --writer
+ "Libreoffice Calc"                    exec libreoffice --calc
+ "Libreoffice Draw"                    exec libreoffice --draw
+ "Libreoffice Impress"                 exec libreoffice --impress
+ "Libreoffice Math"                    exec libreoffice --math
+ "Libreoffice Web"                     exec libreoffice --html
+ "" Nop
+ "Tex Maker"                           exec texmaker
+ "Xpdf"                                exec xpdf
+ "Storybook"                           exec /opt/storybook/storybook
+ "Ghostscript"                         exec gs
+ "Calibre"                             exec calibre

# FVWM Help Menu
DestroyMenu FvwmManPagesMenu
AddToMenu   FvwmManPagesMenu "FVWM Man Pages" Title
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm"                FvwmViewManPage fvwm
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmAnimate"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmAnimate
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmAuto"            FvwmViewManPage FvwmAuto
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmBacker"          FvwmViewManPage FvwmBacker
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmBanner"          FvwmViewManPage FvwmBanner
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmButtons"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmButtons
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmCommand"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmCommand
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmConsole"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmConsole
+ ""     FvwmViewManPage
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmCpp"             FvwmViewManPage FvwmCpp
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmDebug"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmDebug
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmDragWell"        FvwmViewManPage FvwmDragWell
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmEvent"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmEvent
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmForm"            FvwmViewManPage FvwmForm
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmGtk"             FvwmViewManPage FvwmGtk
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmGtkDebug"        FvwmViewManPage FvwmGtkDebug
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmIconBox"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmIconBox
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmIconMan"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmIconMan
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmIdent"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmIdent
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmM4"              FvwmViewManPage FvwmM4
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmPager"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmPager
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmPerl"            FvwmViewManPage FvwmPerl
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmProxy"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmProxy
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmRearrange"       FvwmViewManPage FvwmRearrange
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmSave"            FvwmViewManPage FvwmSave
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmSaveDesk"        FvwmViewManPage FvwmSaveDesk
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmScript"          FvwmViewManPage FvwmScript
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmScroll"          FvwmViewManPage FvwmScroll
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmTaskBar"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmTaskBar
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmTheme"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmTheme
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmWharf"           FvwmViewManPage FvwmWharf
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmWinList"         FvwmViewManPage FvwmWinList
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%FvwmWindowMenu"      FvwmViewManPage FvwmWindowMenu
+ "" Nop
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-config"         FvwmViewManPage fvwm-config
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-perllib"        FvwmViewManPage fvwm-perllib
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-root"           FvwmViewManPage fvwm-root
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-bug"            FvwmViewManPage fvwm-bug
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-convert-2.2"    FvwmViewManPage fvwm-convert-2.2
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-convert-2.4"    FvwmViewManPage fvwm-convert-2.4
+ "" Nop
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-menu-desktop"   FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-desktop
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-menu-directory" FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-directory
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-menu-headlines" FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-headlines
+ "%mini.book2.xpm%fvwm-menu-xlock"     FvwmViewManPage fvwm-menu-xlock

# fvwm Window Operation Menu
DestroyFunc MoveAndGotoPagePrev
AddToFunc MoveAndGotoPagePrev
+ I MoveToPage wrapx -1w 0
+ I GotoPage wrapx -1w 0

DestroyFunc MoveAndGotoPageNext
AddToFunc MoveAndGotoPageNext
+ I MoveToPage wrapx +1w 0
+ I GotoPage wrapx +1w 0

DestroyMenu FvwmWindowOpsMenu
AddToMenu   FvwmWindowOpsMenu "Window Operations" Title
+ "Move%mini.move1.xpm%"                   Move
+ "Resize%mini.resize3.xpm%"               Resize
+ "(De)Iconify%mini.iconify.xpm%"          Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize%mini.winXX-maximize.xpm%"  Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade%mini.shade1.xpm%"             WindowShade
+ "(Un)Stick%mini.stick1.xpm%"             Stick
+ "" Nop
+ "Close%mini.winXX-close.xpm%"            Close
+ "Delete%mini.delete.xpm%"                Delete
+ "Destroy%mini.destroy.xpm%"              Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "StaysOnTop%mini.raise.xpm%"             Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "Layer +1%mini.raise3.xpm%"              Pick (CirculateHit) Layer +1
+ "StaysPut%mini.window2.xpm%"             Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "Layer -1%mini.lower.xpm%"               Pick (CirculateHit) Layer -1
+ "StaysOnBottom%mini.lower3.xpm%"         Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "%mini.picture.xpm%Window Screenshot"    Pick (CirculateHit) FvwmWindowScreenshot
+ "%mini.display.xpm%Screenshot"           FvwmDesktopScreenshot 5
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify%mini.question.xpm%"            Module FvwmIdent
# + "Prev"          MoveAndGotoPagePrev
# + "Next"          MoveAndGotoPageNext
+  "Desk &1"      MoveToDesk 0
+  "Desk &2"      MoveToDesk 1
+  "Desk &3"      MoveToDesk 2
+  "Desk &4"      MoveToDesk 3
+  "Desk &5"      MoveToDesk 4

# FvwmIdent
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmIdent: *
*FvwmIdent: Colorset 9
# *FvwmIdent: Font "xft:fixed:Bold:size=10:antialias=True"

# FvwmWinList
DestroyFunc DeiconifyAndRaise
AddToFunc DeiconifyAndRaise
+ I Iconify off
+ I Raise
+ I Focus

Style "FvwmWinList" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
  CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable
*FvwmWinList: Back #e9e9d9 
*FvwmWinList: Fore Black
# *FvwmWinList: Font "Shadow=0:xft:LiberationSans:Bold:size=8:antialias=True"
*FvwmWinList: Action Click1 Function DeiconifyAndRaise
*FvwmWinList: Action Click2 Iconify
*FvwmWinList: Action Click3 Module FvwmIdent
*FvwmWinList: UseSkipList
*FvwmWinList: UseIconNames
*FvwmWinList: Geometry -90-25
*FvwmWinList: MinWidth 24
*FvwmWinList: MaxWidth 24
*FvwmWinList: LeftJustify
*FvwmWinList: Anchor
*FvwmWinList: BorderReliefWidth 0
*FvwmWinList: NoIconAction SendToModule FvwmAnimate animate

# FvwmAnimate
# Animations are controlled by this module
# You could also use Frame, Lines, Flip, Turn, Twist, Random and None.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmAnimate: *
*FvwmAnimate: Effect Flip
*FvwmAnimate: Delay 2
*FvwmAnimate: Iterations 50
*FvwmAnimate: Width 2

# Hit Alt+Esc to toggle FvwmProxy, which allows you to see all windows on your
# desktop, even if they've been obscured..really cool.
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmProxy: *
*FvwmProxy: Font "xft:snap;-artwiz-snap-*-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"
*FvwmProxy: ProxyMove false

# FvwmTaskBar
Style "FvwmTaskBar" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
  CirculateSkip, StaysOnTop, FixedPosition, DeskOnly, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmTaskBar: *
*FvwmTaskBar: Geometry +0-0
*FvwmTaskBar: Rows 1
*FvwmTaskBar: 3DFvwm
*FvwmTaskBar: DeskOnly
# *FvwmTaskBar: Font "xft:fixed:Bold:pixelsize=9:minispace=True:antialias=True"
# *FvwmTaskBar: SelFont "xft:fixed:Bold:pixelsize=9:minispace=True:antialias=True"
# *FvwmTaskBar: StatusFont "xft:fixed:Bold:pixelsize=9:minispace=True:antialias=True"
*FvwmTaskBar: Colorset 1
*FvwmTaskBar: IconColorset 9
*FvwmTaskBar: FocusColorset 9
*FvwmTaskBar: TipsColorset 9
*FvwmTaskBar: UseSkipList
*FvwmTaskBar: UseIconNames
*FvwmTaskBar: UpdateInterval 9999
*FvwmTaskBar: ClockFormat
*FvwmTaskBar: MailCheck 0
*FvwmTaskBar: StartName Push Me 
*FvwmTaskBar: StartMenu FvwmRootMenu
*FvwmTaskBar: StartIcon mini.fvwm2.xpm
*FvwmTaskBar: ButtonWidth 75
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None,                            Action None 
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.appfinder.png,   Action (Mouse 1) exec xfce4-appfinder
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.xterm.xpm,       Action (Mouse 1) FvwmXTerm
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.terminator.png,  Action (Mouse 1) FvwmTerminator
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.pidgin.png,      Action (Mouse 1) exec pidgin
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.firefox.png,     Action (Mouse 1) FvwmFirefox
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.chromium.png,    Action (Mouse 1) exec chromium
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.opera.png,       Action (Mouse 1) exec opera
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.books.xpm,       Action (Mouse 1) exec xterm -fn 9x15 -geometry 125x75 -e lynx
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.thunderbird.png, Action (Mouse 1) FvwmThunderbird
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.libreoffice.png, Action (Mouse 1) FvwmLibreoffice
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.nxclient.png,    Action (Mouse 1) FvwmNXClient
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.xv.xpm,          Action (Mouse 1) exec xv
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.calendar.xpm,    Action (Mouse 1) exec orage
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None, Icon mini.calc.xpm,        Action (Mouse 1) exec gcalctool
*FvwmTaskBar: Button None,                            Action None 

# FvwmPager
Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
  CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry 100x640-0+0
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 9
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 10
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 9
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 9 10
# *FvwmPager: Font "xft:fixed:Bold:pixelsize=9:minspace=True:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
# *FvwmPager: BalloonFont "xft:fixed:Bold:pixelsize=9:minspace=True:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: BallonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: Window3dBorders
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: Rows 5

# MyButtons
# Style "MyButtons" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
#   CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

# DestroyModuleConfig MyButtons: *
# *MyButtons: Geometry 85x525-4-25
# *MyButtons: Colorset 9
# *MyButtons: Rows 38
# *MyButtons: Columns 1
# *MyButtons: Frame 1
# *MyButtons: Font "Shadow=0:xft:fixed:Bold:pixelsize=9:minspace=True:antialias=True"
# *MyButtons: (1x1, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Productivity")
# *MyButtons: (1x1, Swallow "xclock" `Exec xclock -digital -padding 4 -update 1 -face 'Monospace:size=6' -strftime 'TIME %H:%M:%S'`)
# *MyButtons: (1x1, Swallow "xclock" `Exec xclock -digital -padding 4 -face 'Monospace:size=6' -strftime 'DATE %Y-%m-%d'`)
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Chromium",   Icon mini.chromium.png,     Action(Mouse 1) "exec chromium")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frmae 1, Title(Center) "LibreOffice" Icon mini.libreoffice.png,  Action(Mouse 1) "FvwmLibreoffice")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frmae 1, Title(Center) "Boggle"      Icon mini.eyes.xpm,         Action(Mouse 1) "exec xterm -fn 10x20 -e boggle")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "DDD",        Icon mini.bug1.xpm,         Action(Mouse 1) "exec ddd")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Eclipse",    Icon mini.eclipse.xpm,      Action(Mouse 1) "exec eclipse")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Netbeans",   Icon mini.netbeans.png,     Action(Mouse 1) "exec netbeans")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Bluefish",   Icon mini.bluefish.png,     Action(Mosue 1) "exec bluefish")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Ninja IDE",  Icon,        Action(Mosue 1) "exec ninja-ide")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Basket",     Icon mini.basket.png,       Action(Mosue 1) "exec basket")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frame 1, Title(Center) "Zim Wiki",   Icon mini.zim.png,          Action(Mosue 1) "exec zim")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frmae 1, Title(Center) "Ekiga"       Icon mini.ekiga.png,        Action(Mouse 1) "exec ekiga")
# *MyButtons: (1x2, Frmae 1, Title(Center) "NMap"        Icon mini.zenmap.png,       Action(Mouse 1) "/usr/share/zenmap/")

#### END

password less ssh

generate public/pricate keys

echo ${ID} | ssh-keygen -t rsa

mkdir in the remote box

ssh ${REMOTE} mkdir -p ~/.ssh

check directory permissions in the remote box

ls -l -d ~/ # should be drwxr-xr-x
ls -l -d ~/.ssh # should be drwx------
ls -l ~/.ssh # should be -rw-------

copy the public key into authorized keys

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh ${REMOTE} 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

set up local vim (not working)

get vim

git clone -v vim_latest

create the config file

make clean
make distclean
\rm -rvf auto/config.cache 

module load freetype/2.4.4
module load cairo/1.14.6
module load pango/1.40.1
module load pixman/0.32.8
module load glib/2.50.0
module load gtk+/3.21.1
module load atk/2.20.0
# module load gdk-pixbuf/2.24.0
module load yaml/0.2.1
module load perl/5.26.0
module load gcc/9.2.0
module load ruby/2.6.0
# module load python/2.7.16
module load python/3.8.0
module load libffi/3.2.1
module load ncurses/6.0
module load grep/2.26
module load gawk/4.1.4
module load bash/4.4

# setenv LDFLAGS "-L/tool/pandora64/.package/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/gcc-4.4.6/lib64 -L/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib -Wl,-rpath,/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib"
# setenv LIBS "-L/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib -Wl,-rpath,/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib"
# setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH "/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib/pkgconfig:/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib/pkgconfig:/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib/pkgconfig:/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib/pkgconfig:/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib/pkgconfig"

# setenv LDFLAGS "-L/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.3/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -lutil"
# setenv LDFLAGS "-L/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.16/lib/ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -lutil"
setenv LDFLAGS "-L/tool/pandora64/.package/python-3.8.0/lib/ -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib64 -lutil"

# setenv LIBS "-L/tool/pandora64/.package/gcc-4.4.6/lib64 -L/tool/pandora64/.package/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.3/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/atk-2.4.0/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/gdk-pixbuf-2.24.0/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/libffi-3.0.9/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib -L/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib -Wl,-rpath,/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/libffi-3.0.9/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/gdk-pixbuf-2.24.0/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/atk-2.4.0/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.3/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/ruby-1.9.3-p194/lib:/tool/pandora64/.package/gcc-4.4.6/lib64:/usr/lib64 -lutil"

# setenv PATH "/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/gcc-4.4.6/lib64:/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.3/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/atk-2.4.0/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/gdk-pixbuf-2.24.0/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/libffi-3.0.9/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.3/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/lua-5.1.4/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/perl-5.10.0/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin:/tool/pandora64/.package/tcltk-8.5.7/bin:/tool/pandora64/bin:/tool/pandora/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"

# setenv LUA_PREFIX "/tool/pandora64/.package/lua-5.1.4"

setenv PKG_CONFIG_PATH "/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.50.0/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig"

# setenv CFLAGS "-I/tool/pandora64/.package/gcc-4.4.6/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/ruby-1.9.3-p194/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/python-2.7.3/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/atk-2.4.0/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/gdk-pixbuf-2.24.0/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/libffi-3.0.9/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/freetype-2.4.4/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/cairo-1.10.2/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/pango-1.29.4/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/pixman-0.22.0/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/glib-2.32.1/include -I/tool/pandora64/.package/gtk+-2.24.10/include"

./configure --prefix=$HOME/scripts --enable-fail-if-missing --with-features=huge \
  --enable-luainterp=yes --with-lua-prefix=/tool/pandora64/.package/lua-5.3.4 \
  --enable-perlinterp=yes \
  --with-python-config-dir=/tool/pandora64/.package/python-3.8.0/lib/python3.8/config-3.8-x86_64-linux-gnu \
  --x-libraries=/usr/lib64 \
  --x-includes=/usr/include \
  --enable-pythoninterp=no \
  --enable-python3interp=yes \
  --enable-cscope \
  --enable-autoservername \
  --enable-xim \
  --enable-netbeans \
  --enable-rubyinterp=yes \
  --enable-multibyte \
  --enable-fontset \
  --with-x=yes \
  --enable-terminal \
  --enable-mzschemeinterp=yes \
  --enable-gtk2-check \
  --enable-gnome-check \
  --enable-motif-check \
  --enable-athena-check \
  --enable-nextaw-check \
  --enable-carbon-check \
  --disable-smack \

# make
# make install
# make clean && ./my_config | & tee /tmp/gvim_log && make | & tee -a /tmp/gvim_log && make install | & tee -a /tmp/gvim_log

compile vim

clean up directory

make distclean
make clean
rm -rfv src/auto/config.cache





install git command line completions and man pages

clone it to some temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/temp_git

get the completion script

cp -vf contrib/completion/* ~/scripts/downloaded/.

create symbolic completion script

ln -fs ~/scripts/downloaded/git-completion.bash ~/.git-completion.bash
ln -fs ~/scripts/downloaded/git-completion.tcsh ~/.git-completion.tcsh

make sure of adding to the end of ~/.cshrc

delete the temp directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_git

get the man pages

# curl -O "`git --version | awk '{print $3}'`.tar.gz"
git clone -v temp_git_man

install the man pages

mkdir -p /home/${USER}/scripts/share/man 
cp -rfv man* /home/${USER}/scripts/share/man/.
# tar xzv -C /home/${USER}/scripts/share/man -f git-manpages-`git --version | awk '{print $3}'`.tar.gz

delete the temp directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_git_man

create git config

git configuration

ln -fs ~/.vim/gitconfig ~/.gitconfig

install p4-diff

git clone it into a temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/temp_p4_diff

get p4-diff into the path

chmod u+x p4-diff
cp -vf p4-diff ~/scripts/downloaded

remove the git directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_p4_diff

install vimer

git clone it into a temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/temp_vimer

get vimer into the path

chmod u+x vimer
cp -vf vimer ~/scripts/downloaded

remove the git directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_vimer

install vipe

clone it to some temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/more_utils

do a make

env DOCBOOK2XMAN=docbook2man DESTDIR=/home/ramondal/scripts make

get only the executables

find . -executable -type f

Copy the executables

cp -vf $EXECUTE /home/ramondal/scripts/bin/.

remove the clone directory

rm -rvf /tmp/more_utils

see if eclim can be used

see pick

clone it to some temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/temp_pick

do a make and install

env DESTDIR=/home/ramondal make ; make install

remove the clone directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_pick

checkout fzy

clone it to some temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/temp_fzy

do a make and install

make PREFIX=/home/ramondal/scripts && make PREFIX=/home/ramondal/scripts install

remove the clone directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_fzy

checkout FZF

clone it to some temp dir

\git clone -v /tmp/temp_fzf

do an install

./install --all

copy the man and the binary

\mkdir -p ~/scripts/share ~/scripts/bin
\cp -vfr man ~/scripts/share
\cp -vrf bin ~/scripts

remove the clone directory

\rm -rvf /tmp/temp_fzf

install powerline-shell

do pip install

pip install pip --user --upgrade
pip install powerline-shell --user --upgrade
mkdir -p ~/.config/powerline-shell

install config.json

  "segments": [
      "type": "env",
      "var": "PROJECT",
      "fg_color": 15,
      "bg_color": 161
  "mode": "flat",
  "cwd": {
    "mode": "plain",
    "max_depth": 8
  "time": {
    "format": "%b-%d(%a)-%Y %I:%M%p"
  "hostname": {
    "colorize": 1
  "theme": "solarized_light"

install uptime

import subprocess
import re
from powerline_shell.utils import BasicSegment, decode

class Segment(BasicSegment):
    def add_to_powerline(self):
        powerline = self.powerline
            output = decode(subprocess.check_output(['uptime'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT))
            raw_uptime ='(?<=up).+(?=,\s+\d+\s+user)', output).group(0)
            day_search ='\d+(?=\s+day)', output)
            days = '' if not day_search else '%sd ' %
            hour_search ='\d{1,2}(?=\:)', raw_uptime)
            hours = '' if not hour_search else '%sh ' %
            minutes ='(?<=\:)\d{1,2}|\d{1,2}(?=\s+min)', raw_uptime).group(0)
            # uptime = u' %s%s%sm ' % (days, hours, minutes)
            uptime = u' %s' % (days)
            powerline.append(uptime, powerline.theme.CWD_FG, powerline.theme.PATH_BG)
        except OSError:

install git

import re
import subprocess
import yaml
from powerline_shell.utils import RepoStats, ThreadedSegment, get_git_subprocess_env

def parse_git_branch_info(status):
    info ='^## (?P<local>\S+?)''(\.{3}(?P<remote>\S+?)( \[(ahead (?P<ahead>\d+)(, )?)?(behind (?P<behind>\d+))?\])?)?$', status[0])
    return info.groupdict() if info else None

def _get_git_detached_branch():
    p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'describe', '--tags', '--always'],
                         stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    detached_ref = p.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").rstrip('\n')
    if p.returncode == 0:
        branch = u'{} {}'.format(RepoStats.symbols['detached'], detached_ref)
        branch = 'Big Bang'
    return branch

def parse_git_stats(status):
    stats = RepoStats()
    for statusline in status[1:]:
        code = statusline[:2]
        if code == '??':
   += 1
        elif code in ('DD', 'AU', 'UD', 'UA', 'DU', 'AA', 'UU'):
            stats.conflicted += 1
            if code[1] != ' ':
                stats.changed += 1
            if code[0] != ' ':
                stats.staged += 1

    return stats

def build_stats():
        p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'status', '--porcelain', '-b'],
                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    except OSError:
        # Popen will throw an OSError if git is not found
        return (None, None)

    pdata = p.communicate()
    if p.returncode != 0:
        return (None, None)

    status = pdata[0].decode("utf-8").splitlines()
    stats = parse_git_stats(status)
    branch_info = parse_git_branch_info(status)

    if branch_info:
        stats.ahead = branch_info["ahead"]
        stats.behind = branch_info["behind"]
        branch = branch_info['local']
        branch = _get_git_detached_branch()
    return stats, branch

class Segment(ThreadedSegment):
    def run(self):
        self.stats, self.branch = build_stats()

    def add_to_powerline(self):
        if not self.stats:
        bg = self.powerline.theme.REPO_CLEAN_BG
        fg = self.powerline.theme.REPO_CLEAN_FG
        if self.stats.dirty:
            bg = self.powerline.theme.REPO_DIRTY_BG
            fg = self.powerline.theme.REPO_DIRTY_FG
        if self.powerline.segment_conf("vcs", "show_symbol"):
            symbol = RepoStats().symbols["git"] + " "
            symbol = ""
        self.powerline.append(" " + symbol + self.branch + " ", fg, bg)
        # self.stats.add_to_powerline(self.powerline)

install git_stash

import re
import subprocess
import yaml
from pprint import pprint
from powerline_shell.utils import RepoStats, ThreadedSegment, get_git_subprocess_env

def get_stash_count():
        p = subprocess.Popen(['git', 'stash', 'list'],
                             stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
    except OSError:
        return 0

    pdata = p.communicate()
    if p.returncode != 0:
        return 0

    return pdata[0].count(b'\n')

class Segment(ThreadedSegment):
    def run(self):
        self.stash_count = get_stash_count()

    def add_to_powerline(self):
        if not self.stash_count:

        bg = self.powerline.theme.GIT_STASH_BG
        fg = self.powerline.theme.GIT_STASH_FG

        sc = self.stash_count if self.stash_count > 1 else ''
        # stash_str = u' {}{} '.format(sc, RepoStats.symbols['stash'])
        stash_str = u' {} {} '.format(sc, 'st*')
        self.powerline.append(stash_str, fg, bg)

install time

from __future__ import absolute_import
from powerline_shell.utils import BasicSegment
import time

class Segment(BasicSegment):
    def add_to_powerline(self):
        powerline = self.powerline
        format = powerline.segment_conf('time', 'format')
        if format:
            time_ = ' %s ' % time.strftime(format)
        elif == 'bash':
            time_ = ' \\t '
        elif == 'zsh':
            time_ = ' %* '
            time_ = ' %s ' % time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')

install cwd

import os
import sys
import yaml
from powerline_shell.utils import warn, py3, BasicSegment

ELLIPSIS = u'\u2026'

def replace_home_dir(cwd):
    home = os.path.realpath(os.getenv('HOME'))
    if cwd.startswith(home):
        return '~' + cwd[len(home):]
    return cwd

def split_path_into_names(cwd):
    names = cwd.split(os.sep)

    if names[0] == '':
        names = names[1:]

    if not names[0]:
        return ['/']

    return names

def requires_special_home_display(powerline, name):
    """Returns true if the given directory name matches the home indicator and
    the chosen theme should use a special home indicator display."""
    return (name == '~' and powerline.theme.HOME_SPECIAL_DISPLAY)

def maybe_shorten_name(powerline, name):
    """If the user has asked for each directory name to be shortened, will
    return the name up to their specified length. Otherwise returns the full
    max_size = powerline.segment_conf("cwd", "max_dir_size")
    if max_size:
        return name[:max_size]
    return name

def get_fg_bg(powerline, name, is_last_dir):
    """Returns the foreground and background color to use for the given name.
    if requires_special_home_display(powerline, name):
        return (powerline.theme.HOME_FG, powerline.theme.HOME_BG,)

    if is_last_dir:
        return (powerline.theme.CWD_FG, powerline.theme.PATH_BG,)
        return (powerline.theme.PATH_FG, powerline.theme.PATH_BG,)

def add_cwd_segment(powerline):
    cwd = powerline.cwd
    if not py3:
        cwd = cwd.decode("utf-8")
    cwd = replace_home_dir(cwd)

    names = split_path_into_names(cwd)

    full_cwd = powerline.segment_conf("cwd", "full_cwd", False)
    max_depth = powerline.segment_conf("cwd", "max_depth", 5)
    if max_depth <= 0:
        warn("Ignoring cwd.max_depth option since it's not greater than 0")
    elif len(names) > max_depth:
        # n_before is the number is the number of directories to put before the
        # ellipsis. So if you are at ~/a/b/c/d/e and max depth is 4, it will
        # show `~ a ... d e`.
        # max_depth must be greater than n_before or else you end up repeating
        # parts of the path with the way the splicing is written below.
        n_before = 2 if max_depth > 2 else max_depth - 1
        # how many are we reducing?
        n_reduced = len(names) - max_depth
        # names = names[:n_before] + ["<%d>" % (n_reduced)] + names[n_before - max_depth:]
        names = ["<%d>" % (n_reduced)] + names[len(names) - max_depth:]

    if powerline.segment_conf("cwd", "mode") == "dironly":
        # The user has indicated they only want the current directory to be
        # displayed, so chop everything else off
        names = names[-1:]

    elif powerline.segment_conf("cwd", "mode") == "plain":
        joined = os.path.sep.join(names)
        powerline.append(" %s " % (joined,), powerline.theme.CWD_FG,

    for i, name in enumerate(names):
        is_last_dir = (i == len(names) - 1)
        fg, bg = get_fg_bg(powerline, name, is_last_dir)

        separator = powerline.separator_thin
        separator_fg = powerline.theme.SEPARATOR_FG
        if requires_special_home_display(powerline, name) or is_last_dir:
            separator = None
            separator_fg = None

        if not (is_last_dir and full_cwd):
            name = maybe_shorten_name(powerline, name)
        powerline.append(' %s ' % name, fg, bg, separator, separator_fg)

class Segment(BasicSegment):
    def add_to_powerline(self):

install history

from powerline_shell.utils import BasicSegment

class Segment(BasicSegment):
    def add_to_powerline(self):
        powerline = self.powerline
        bg = powerline.theme.CMD_PASSED_BG
        fg = powerline.theme.CMD_PASSED_FG
        host_prompt = " %h "
        powerline.append(host_prompt, fg, bg, sanitize=False)

install newline

from powerline_shell.utils import BasicSegment, warn

class Segment(BasicSegment):
    def add_to_powerline(self):
        newline_string = "\n"
        if == "tcsh":
            newline_string = " \\n"

install p4 utility script

chmod u+x

install vnc

extract the package

tar xvzf VNC-5.3.1-Linux-x64-RPM.tar.gz

install the rpm packages

rpm install --prefix=/home/ramondal/scripts VNC-Viewer-5.3.1-Linux-x64.rpm

change xterm color

clone it to some temp dir

git clone -v /tmp/temp_xresources

add custom settings

! ================== extra lines ================
URxvt.intensityStyles: false
xterm*termName: xterm-256color
! I like a LOT of scrollback...
xterm*saveLines: 10000000
! right hand side scrollbar...
xterm*rightScrollBar: true
xterm*ScrollBar: true

! stop output to terminal from jumping down to bottom of scroll again
xterm*scrollTtyOutput: true

append it to xresources file

cat xresources_append >> ~/.Xresources

remove the clone directory

rm -rvf /tmp/temp_xresources

create perpetual ssh

create multiplexing

mkdir -vp ~/.ssh/connections
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/connections

change permissions

chmod 600 config

Project related


# path variables that i need even after bootenv

# module load emacs/24.5-b
# module load vim/7.4-a
# module load openssh/5.0p1-hpn13v3
# module load xterm/326
# module load tkdiff/4.2
# module load bash/4.3.30
# module load git/2.4.6
# module load tcsh/6.18.01
# module load ctags/5.8
# module load findutils/4.4.2
# module load grep/2.22
# module load less/451
# module load nomachine/4.1.29_5
# module load vnc/4.1.2
# module load llvm/3.8.0-gcc481
# module load python/3.5.1
# module load python/3.3.2
# module load python/2.7.11
# module load python/2.6.1
# module load ruby/2.3.0
# module load perl/5.24.0
# module load perl/5.22.1
# module load go/102210
# module load tree/1.5.0
# module load libreoffice/
# module load tmux/2.2
# module load abiword/2.8.6
# module load ack/1.84
# module load acrobat/9.4
# module load bc/1.06-a
# module load binutils/2.24
# module load byobu/5.97
# module load bzip2/1.0.1
# module load colordiff/1.0.9
# module load coreutils/8.22
# module load cscope/15.8
# module load curl/7.20.0
# module load dia/0.97
# module load ddd/3.3.12
# module load diffutils/3.3
# module load doxygen/1.8.7
# module load eclipse/4.4
# module load file/5.04
# module load fluxbox/1.3.7
# module load foxit/1.1
# module load fvwm/2.4.19
# module load gawk/4.1.0
# module load gdb/7.8.1
# module load ghostscript/8.13-a
# module load ghostview/3.6.9
# module load gimp/2.8.10
# module load gnome-desktop/2.7.4
# module load graphviz/2.38.0
# module load gzip/1.6
# module load htop/0.9
# module load icewm/1.3.17
# module load imagemagick/6.9.1-2
# module load ispell/3.1
# module load java/1.6
# module load jdk/1.5.0_05
# module load j2sdk/1.8.0_66
# module load kdiff3/0.9.98
# module load kile/2.0
# module load komodo/edit-4.0
# module load meld/3.14.1
# module load multi-gnome-terminal/1.6.2-a
# module load multitail/5.2.2
# module load mutt/1.5.16-d
# module load mc/4.6.1
# module load mercurial/3.7.3
# module load nano/2.3.2
# module load nedit/5.5
# module load nxclient/5.1.9_6
# module load octave/4.0.2
# module load parallel/20150922
# module load patch/2.7.1
# module load perforce/2011.1
# module load rdesktop/1.6.0
# module load rsync/3.1.2
# module load rxvt/2.6.4
# module load screen/4.2.1
# module load sed/4.2.2
# module load sitename/1.6
# module load tar/1.27
# module load terminator/0.98
# module load texinfo/4.13
# module load texlive/20100924
# module load the_silver_searcher/0.24.1
# # module load tigervnc/1.4.3
# # module load tightvnc/1.3.9
# module load time/1.7
# module load unrar/3.6.8
# module load unzip/5.50
# module load mplayer/1.0rc2
# module load vlc/2.0.3
# module load wget/1.17
# module load windowmaker/0.92.0
# module load wireshark/1.0.0
# module load xpdf/3.02
# module load hdk-4.8.1/19
# module load uvmkit-1.2/3

module load ncurses/6.0
module load libffi/3.2.1
module load yaml/0.2.1
module load gtk+/3.21.1
module load atk/2.20.0
module load glib/2.50.0
module load pango/1.40.1
module load pixman/0.32.8
module load cairo/1.14.6
module load freetype/2.4.4
module load emacs/26.1
module load fd/7.4.0
module load vim/8.1.0914
module load openssh/5.0p1-hpn13v3
module load xterm/326
module load tkdiff/4.2
module load bash/4.4
# module load git/2.21.0
module load git/2.16.2
module load tcsh/6.19.00
module load ctags/5.8
module load ack/2.14
module load findutils/4.6.0-patch
module load grep/2.26
module load less/481
module load pandoc/
# module load vnc/4.1.2
# module load llvm/3.8.0-gcc481
# module load python/3.5.1
# module load python/3.3.2
# module load python/2.7.11
# module load python/2.6.1
# module load ruby/2.3.0
# module load perl/5.24.0
# module load perl/5.22.1
module load go/1.7.4
module load tree/1.5.0
module load libreoffice/
module load tmux/2.7

module load acrobat/9.4
module load bc/1.06-a
# module load binutils/2.27
module load byobu/5.97
module load bzip2/1.0.6
module load colordiff/1.0.9
module load coreutils/8.25
module load cscope/15.8
module load curl/7.60.0
module load ddd/3.3.12
module load diffutils/3.5
module load doxygen/1.8.12
module load eclipse/4.6
module load file/5.28
module load fluxbox/1.3.7
module load fvwm/2.4.19
module load gawk/4.1.4
module load gdb/7.12
module load ghostscript/8.14
module load gimp/2.8.0
module load graphviz/2.38.0
module load gzip/1.8
module load htop/2.0.2
module load imagemagick/7.0.3-4
module load java/1.6
module load j2sdk/1.8.0_66
module load kdiff3/0.9.98
module load meld/3.16.4
module load mutt/1.6.0
module load mercurial/3.7.3
module load nano/2.3.2
module load nedit/5.7
module load nxclient/5.1.62_1
module load octave/4.0.2
module load parallel/20190322
module load perforce/2018.2
module load rdesktop/1.8.3
module load rsync/3.1.2
module load screen/4.6.1
module load sed/4.2.2
module load sitename/1.6
module load tar/1.29
module load terminator/1.0
module load texlive/20160920
module load the_silver_searcher/2.1.0
module load ripgrep/11.0.2
# module load kde/455
# module load tigervnc/1.7.1
# module load tightvnc/1.3.10
module load time/1.7
module load mplayer/1.3.0
module load vlc/2.2.6
module load wget/1.17
module load xpdf/3.04
module load i3/4.13
module load awesome/3.4.10
module load xmonad/0.13
module load icewm/1.3.8

# module load hdk-4.8.1/19
# module load uvmkit-1.2/3

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=tcsh:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:
# add some output so I remember that this file is being loaded{{{1
puts stderr "Loading ~/.bootenv.modulefile"

source ~/tangled_files/my_modules_load

# put my own bin dir on the path - use append-path here, so no danger of overriding standard tools
append-path PATH /home/ramondal/scripts/usr 
append-path PATH /home/ramondal/scripts/downloaded
append-path PATH /proj/perforce_share/bin
append-path PATH /proj/verif_release_ro/gc_infra/current/src/tools/scripts/
# append-path PATH /home/ramondal/scripts/bin
prepend-path PATH /home/ramondal/scripts/bin
prepend-path PATH /home/ramondal/.local/bin
prepend-path PATH /home/ramondal/.vim/neobundle_bundle/vpager/plugin/

# bootenv related
# Set common arguments for verbose, color, local mode, and max number of jobs (number of cores)
# setenv DJ_INIT -c -J lsf -m0"

# setenv GREP_OPTIONS "--color=auto"

# Use -DUSE_ALE by default for gcB. Specify -DUSE_RGB on command line to override.
if { [string equal $env(SCMROOT) //gfxip/gcB] } {
    setenv DJ_INIT "$env(DJ_INIT) -DUSE_ALE --save_cmd_logs"

# Use -DAUTOMGR_OPTS=-nostrict by default for gfx9.
if { [string equal $env(SCMROOT) //gfxip/gfx9] } {
   setenv DJ_INIT "$env(DJ_INIT) --save_cmd_logs -DAUTOMGR_OPTS=-nostrict --save_cmd_logs"

# vim: foldmethod=marker:filetype=vim:sw=2:tw=0:expandtab:norl:foldmethod=marker:

building the tree

cd src/verif/vgt/tb/tb_vgt
build_tb_vgt no_mem all

cleaning the tree

clobber all

Running a test

-DRUN_DV=ONLY is for only running the test without building. -DDEBUG is for dumping waves

dj -e 'run_test "vgt vgtdir_simple_dx9"' -DDEBUG -DRUN_DV=ONLY -l some.log 

install linuxbrew

git clone

git clone .linuxbrew

create links

ln -fs ~/scripts/.linuxbrew/bin/* ~/scripts/bin/

install the_silver_searcher

clone it to some temp dir

wget -c -P /tmp/the_silver_searcher
tar zvzf *.tar.gz