Live Link:
This project implements a system for managing patient appointments, doctor profiles, and reviews. It provides functionalities for patient registration, appointment scheduling, doctor profile management, and data display for easy navigation.
- Users can register as patients by providing necessary details.
- Email verification is implemented for account activation.
- Secure login and logout processes are ensured through authentication mechanisms.
- Patients can schedule appointments with specific doctors, selecting preferred time slots from the doctor's available schedule.
- After taking an appointment, patients can give reviews for the respective doctor.
- Doctors have personalized profile pages displaying patient records associated with them.
- Doctors can easily approve or cancel appointments and review patient information, including editing and deleting records.
- The homepage showcases a list of doctors along with their names, images, expertise, and view details buttons.
- Patients can view detailed information about doctors on a separate page.
- Anyone can filter doctors by their expertise.
- HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, Python, Django, SQLite based on default MVT pattern.