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396 lines (306 loc) · 11.8 KB

File metadata and controls

396 lines (306 loc) · 11.8 KB


Simple framework for building Business or Developer dashboard.

Widgets available

You can check the SampleTickActor if you want to know how to create your own widget. It's easy you will see !

Communication protocol

All commandes are send through a web-socket.

Start a new widget

  "action": "start",
  "data": {
    "widget": "Ping",
    "id": "1:ping",
    "config": {
      "url": "",
      "interval": 10

The id must be unique for all your widgets. You can use $index:$name for example.

Returns a started event to confirm the creation, or an error.

{ "event": "started", "data": { "id": "1:ping" } }

The widgets will regularly send their updates.

{ "event": "update", "data": { "<widget-id<": <widget-data> } }

Stop a widget

{ "action": "stop", "data": "1:ping" }
{ "event": "stopped", "data": { "id": "1:ping" } }

Stop all widgets

{ "action": "stop-all" }

List active widgets

{ "action":  "status" }
{ "event": "status", "data": ["1:ping", "2:weather"] }



Ping an URL, return status and ping.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "Ping", "id": "1:ping", "config": {"url": "", "fetchContent": true, "interval": 1}}}

Config :

  • url (required)
  • fetchContent (optional, default=true): Do a GET or just a HEAD?
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh


Return the weather for the specified city.

Documentation: OpenWeatherMap

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "Weather", "id": "1:weather", "config": {"interval": 60, "city": "Montpellier", "country": "fr", "unit": "metric", "language": "fr"}}}


  • city (required)
  • country (optional)
  • unit (optional): imperial, metrics
  • language (optional): fr, en...
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
      "weather":[{"id":802,"main":"Clouds","description":"partiellement ensoleillé","icon":"03d"}],
      "base":"cmc stations",

Amazon Cloudwatch metrics

Return the statistics of a cloudwatch metrics

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "CloudWatch", "id": "1:cloudwatch", "config": {"interval": 1, "namespace": "AWS/EC2", "metric": "NetworkIn", "instanceId": "i-7fc786d5", "period": 60, "since": 1 }}}


  • namespace (required): aws-namespace
  • metric (required): aws-metric
  • instanceId (required): Id of the instance to inspect metric
  • period (required): Granularity (in s) of datapoints. Min 60, multiple of 60.
  • since (required): Fetch the datapoints for the N last hours.
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Amazon Cloudwatch alarms

Return the predefined alarms

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "CloudWatchAlarms", "id": "1:cwa", "config": {"all": false, "interval": 60 }}}


  • all (optional, default=false): If truee, return also OK alarms
  • alarmNames (optional): Filter alarms by ts name
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
        "name":"EC2 All instances CPU",
        "reason":"Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint (110.78) was greater than or equal to the threshold (50.0)."

Amazon EC2 instances

Return the list of all running EC2 instances.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "EC2", "id": "1:ec2", "config": {"interval": 60 }}}


  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Github pull-requests

Return the pull-requests in the organization, or only in one repository.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "GitHubPullRequests", "id": "1:ghpr", "config": {"organization": "tabmo", "repository": "manager-front", "interval": 60}}}


  • organization (required)
  • repository (optional)
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh
        "title":"Removing the use of ui-grid in the orders and lines view because of t…",

Github Issues

Return the issues in the organization, or only in one repository.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "GitHubIssues", "id": "1:ghi", "config": {"organization": "tabmo", "repository": "manager-front", "interval": 60}}}


  • organization (required)
  • repository (optional)
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Github repository

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "GitHubrepository", "id": "1:ghr", "config": {"owner": "studiodev", "repository": "scadashboard", "interval": 60}}}


  • owner (required)
  • repository (required)
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Response: See organization object on Github API documentation.

Codeship build status

Return the build status of a project.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "CodeShip", "id": "1:codeship", "config": {"projectId": "76XXX", "branch": "develop", "interval": 60}}}


  • projectId (required)
  • branch (optional)
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Twitter Search tweets

Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching a specified query.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "TwitterSearch", "id": "1:twitter", "config": {"query": "#hashtag", "resultType": "recent", "count": 1, "interval": 5}}}


  • query (required): search query (ex: #hashtag, @account, keyword #hashtag lang:fr from:julien_lafont )
  • resultType (optional, default=recent): Specifies what type of search results you would prefer to receive: recent, popular, mixed.
  • count (optional, default=5): Number of tweets to return (max: 100)
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Response: See the Tweet object on Twitter API documentation.

Twitter limitation: 180 call / 15mn.

Twitter User

Returns a variety of information about the user specified by the required username parameter.

The author’s most recent Tweet will be returned inline when possible.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "TwitterUser", "id": "1:twitter", "config": {"interval": 60, "username": "julien_lafont"}}}


  • username (required): Twitter username
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

Response: See the User object on Twitter API documentation.

Twitter limitation: 180 call / 15mn.

Generic JSON

This widget is a little special... It's perfect if you already have public web-service which return the data your need in JSON. Just configure the url and the interval, and you will receive updates regulary.

{"action": "start", "data": {"widget": "FetchJson", "id": "1:json", "config": {"interval": 60, "url": ""}}}


  • url (required): URL to call
  • method (optional, default=GET): Method used to call the url
  • interval (required): Duration in seconds between to refresh

You can use this widget to fetch data from public services like Stackoverflow :

  • User information:
  • Badges:

Amazon SES

Forward push-notifications send by Amazon SES though Amazon SNS.

      "source":"XXXX <[email protected]>",
      "destination":"[email protected]",