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Hydrogen Third-Party API Example

This example demonstrates how to use a third-party graphql client inside a Hydrogen project. We use the Rick & Morty API to fetch some characters in the homepage and then link to a character page where we show further details of the character.


Another version including deferred data-loading can be found on this branch

1. Create a new third-party client

First, we create a cache-aware Rick & Morty API function that will let us spin up a new client – just like we do with the Storefront API client. Here we use the Hydrogen utility createWithCache to provide the client with a cache option that behaves just like that of the storefront API client.

// filename: app/lob/createRickAndMortyClient.sever.ts

import {createWithCache, CacheLong, type WithCache} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

// TODO: replace with the correct type is exported from @shopify/hydrogen
type AllCacheOptions = Parameters<WithCache>[1];

export function createRickAndMortyClient({
}: {
  cache: Cache;
  waitUntil: ExecutionContext['waitUntil'];
}) {
  const withCache = createWithCache({cache, waitUntil});

  async function query(
    query: `#graphql:rickAndMorty${string}`,
    options: {
      variables?: object;
      cache: AllCacheOptions;
    } = {variables: {}, cache: CacheLong()},
  ) {
    return withCache(
      ['r&m', query, JSON.stringify(options.variables)],
      async function () {
        // call to the API
        const response = await fetch('', {
          method: 'POST',
          headers: {
            'Content-type': 'application/json',
          body: JSON.stringify({
            query: query.replace('#graphql:rickAndMorty', ''),
            variables: options.variables,

        if (!response.ok) {
          throw new Error(
            `Error fetching from rick and morty api: ${response.statusText}`,

        const json = (await response.json()) as unknown as {
          data: any;
          error: string;


  return {query};

2. Instanciate the client and pass it to the Remix context

// filename: server.ts

// 1. Import the Rick and Morty client.
import {createRickAndMortyClient} from './app/lib/createRickAndMortyClient.server';

export default {
  async fetch(
    request: Request,
    env: Env,
    executionContext: ExecutionContext,
  ): Promise<Response> {
  if (!env?.SESSION_SECRET) {
    throw new Error('SESSION_SECRET environment variable is not set');

  const waitUntil = executionContext.waitUntil.bind(executionContext);

  // ... other code

  // 3. Create a Rick and Morty client.
  const rickAndMorty = createRickAndMortyClient({
    cache: rickAndMortyCache,

  // ... other code

  // 4. Pass the Rick and Morty client to the action and loader context.
  const handleRequest = createRequestHandler({
    build: remixBuild,
    mode: process.env.NODE_ENV,
    getLoadContext: () => ({
      // ...

  // ... other code

3. Add the client's type to the Remix context (Typescript only)

// filename: remix.env.dts

import {createRickAndMortyClient} from './app/lib/createRickAndMortyClient.server';

// ... other code

declare module '@shopify/remix-oxygen' {
  export interface AppLoadContext {
    // ... other code
    rickAndMorty: ReturnType<typeof createRickAndMortyClient>;

4. Making third-party API requests

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 3 51 32 PM

To render a list of characters from the API

// filename: app/routes/_index.tsx
import {CacheShort} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

// 1. Add the query to fetch characters
const CHARACTERS_QUERY = `#graphql:rickAndMorty
  query {
    characters(page: 1) {
      results {

// 2. Fetch and return Rick & Morty characters
export async function loader({context}: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
  const {characters} = await context.rickAndMorty.query(CHARACTERS_QUERY, {
    cache: CacheShort(), // Adjust as needed
  return json({characters});

// 3. Render the characters list
export default function Homepage() {
  const {characters} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
  return (
      <h1>Rick & Morty Characters</h1>
        {(characters.results || []).map(
          (character: Character, index: number) => (
            <li key={ + index}>
              <Link to={'/characters/' +}>{}</Link>

Render the character page

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 3 51 42 PM
// filename: app/routes/characters.$id.tsx
import {json, type LoaderFunctionArgs} from '@shopify/remix-oxygen';
import {useLoaderData, Link} from '@remix-run/react';
import {CacheNone} from '@shopify/hydrogen';

// 1. Add the character by id query
const CHARACTER_QUERY = `#graphql:rickAndMorty
  query($id: ID!) {
    character(id: $id) {
      origin {
      location {

// 2. Fetch the character profile based on the character id
export async function loader({context, params}: LoaderFunctionArgs) {
  // Fetch character data
  const {character} = await context.rickAndMorty.query(CHARACTER_QUERY, {
    variables: {
    cache: CacheNone(),
  return json({character});

// 3. Render the character profile
export default function Character() {
  const {character} = useLoaderData<typeof loader>();
  return (
      <Link to="/">Back to all characters</Link>
      <img src={character.image} alt={} />
        {character.type && (

Add the Rick & Morty CDN to the CSP img-src directive

// filename: entry.server.ts

export default async function handleRequest(
  request: Request,
  responseStatusCode: number,
  responseHeaders: Headers,
  remixContext: EntryContext,
) {
  // 1. Add the Rick & Morty CDN to the list of allowed image sources
  const {nonce, header, NonceProvider} = createContentSecurityPolicy({
    imgSrc: [

  // ... other code

That's it

Simply run, h2 dev and browse through some of the Rick & Morty clients inside your Hydrogen storefront!


Hydrogen is Shopify’s stack for headless commerce. Hydrogen is designed to dovetail with Remix, Shopify’s full stack web framework. This template contains a minimal setup of components, queries and tooling to get started with Hydrogen.

Check out Hydrogen docs Get familiar with Remix

What's included

  • Remix
  • Hydrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Shopify CLI
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • GraphQL generator
  • TypeScript and JavaScript flavors
  • Minimal setup of components and routes

Getting started


  • Node.js version 16.14.0 or higher
npm create @shopify/hydrogen@latest

Building for production

npm run build

Local development

npm run dev