Speaker: John Demian
Serverless is a hot-button topic right now but to most, it's just another buzzword since there aren't too many developers who understand the concept. This is exactly what we are trying to address in our next meetup when we'll be talking about serverless computing.
On the agenda, we'll have a few topics that cover:
- the basics of serverless computing
- what is a PaaS, FaaS, the different service providers
- benefits of going serverless
- the problems that the technology (or the developers) have yet to overcome
- serverless case studies
- a couple of real-life examples of AWS Lambda functions
- Q&A
About John John is a frontend developer with a marketing background and an avid serverless fanboy. We look forward to seeing y'all there!!!
AWS Lambda details - features, limits, enviroments
Serverless website example with Expressjs
serverless-side rendering with Vue.js, Nuxt.js and AWS Lambda