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The components of the testing pyramid are described below.
- “Unit tests” test individual units of code in isolation (for instance, individual functions). They are fast and you usually have a lot of them.
- “Integration tests” test the integrations between different units, for example the interaction between one module and its dependencies.
- “E2E (or end-to-end) tests” test the system as a whole, from the UI down to the data store, and back.
By convention, the assert expressions should read actual vs expected.
var myModule = require('./myModule');
assert(miModule.multiply(), 0);
assert(miModule.multitple(2,3), 6);
Integration testing could be used in a broad number of elements between an application, for example in a Node.js application could be used for API-level tests.
const miModule = require('./myModule');
const entriesResult = myModule.entries({a:1,b:2});
let i = 0;
myModule.forEach(entriesResult, ([key, value]) => {
const [expectedKey, expectedValue] = expected[i];
assert(key, expectedKey);
assert(value, expectedValue);
End-to-end testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish. The purpose of carrying out end-to-end tests is to identify system dependencies and to ensure that the right information is passed between various system components and system. [Source]
Some of the tools available for End-to-End testing in Node.js are:
Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: first the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function, then produces the minimum amount of code to pass that test, and finally refactors the new code to acceptable standards. Wikipedia
The main difference is just the wording. BDD uses a more verbose style so that it can be read almost like a sentence.
This is what I meant by saying that BDD eliminates issues that TDD might cause. The ability to read your tests like a sentence is a cognitive shift in how you will think about your tests. The argument is that if you can read your tests fluidly, you will naturally write better and more comprehensive tests.[Source]
Code coverage is a well-known metric used as quality indicator for software. It's often implied when doing TDD or BDD to get a high percentage of code coverage.
In strict applications of TDD or BDD, mocking could be an important part to decouple dependencies from methods or functions that would be otherwise tested in a integration test.
node-tap is a test framework for Node.js that implements the Test-Anything-Protocol. Its most useful features are out-of-the-box code-coverage, support for various reporters and a high-level of integration with already existing tooling that implements the Test-Anythin-Protocol. Tap includes some assertion methods such as:
- t.throws
- t.doesNotThrow
- t.equal
- t.notEqual
You'll find the comprehensive list at the docs.
###Reading resources