- Keep the app working for the future (in some form)
- Pivot the app to a reduced scope
- Gain experience with implementing a lit SPA
- "The only app that makes wait times seem shorter"
- Focus on in-queue experience
- Trivia questions and mini-games, the quality and quantity of this will determine success
- Remaining wait time from this point in line
- North star metrics:
- Number of visitors
- Number of page views
- Number of trivia taps
- Number of user submissions
- Percentage completion: (10 milestones + 20 trivia) * 22 rides * 30 parks (* 30 22 30) = 19800 items
- Remove wait time estimates, weather, calendar, dining, shows, park hours
- Make the rides tab be the only tab
- IA is Region > Park > Land > Ride > {Facts*, {Milestone | Trivia}*, Gallery}
- Trivia is associated with ride, but can be logically relaed to region, park, land, and ride
- Implement a lit SPA
- Maybe use service-worker
- Python on appengine, but 99% static files
- Aim for very low operational effort
- The site should run (and work well) for many years if abandonded
- But, rides change, e.g., marvel campus replaced bugs land
- Wait times change, e.g., with genie+
- We would need mods to handle user submissions
- debug.html loads each file individually for debugging
- / or index.html loads compiled JS via rollup
- Tiny flask app using datastore, py3 with legacy appengine library
- JSON data in JS for easier formatting and comments
- Agressive HTTP cacheing of images, and JS and CSS with a cache-buster query string arg
- Maybe some pre-generation of content files
- index.html with the cache-buster
- JSON data files for index.html
- We still have remaining time estimates (RTE), that could be accurate or not
- Represent RTE as percentage of time from gate to boarding, can be over 100 for temporary queue area
- Each ride needs an estimated number of minutes when the queue extends all the way to the gate
- FP ratio is hard-coded for each hour of the day, day of week, and month of year
- Users can provide anon feedback, e.g., way too low, too low, right, too high, way too high
- currentWaitAtGate = ride.waitAtGate * (ride.fp || 1) * fastPasses[timeOfDay]
- Learn about rides from public sources, e.g., websites
- Users can submit queue photos to a review queue?
- Users can submit suggested trivia questions and answers?
- Is focusing on the number of minutes remaining really a good way to manage your kid's moods?
- Is there enough trivia to keep kids occupied for a significant fraction of time?
- Would adult fans enjoy using it?
- Would adult fans use it when not at a park?
- What about parks that have nondescript queues?
- Will users be satisfied with 1/2 the rides and rough accuracy?
- Basically, it needs to be compelling as a trivia app
- Most parks don't really have enough trivia
- Tie in to movie trivia, city trivia, sports?
- How much trivia do I need:
- (* 10 22 30) = 6600 for 30 parks world-wide
- (* 20 22 14) = 6160 for just better coverage at disney parks
- Too much for me to do alone, but maybe I can attract contributions
- Would adult fans enjoy contributing? How many would be needed?
- Ads in the queues
- Tips, patreon?
- Affiliate links?
- Sell a book?
- Dating app?
/ Homepage and splash
/debug.html development homepage
/disneylandca UI for a park w/ a list of rides
/disneylandca/splashmountain UI for a ride queue
/static/images/disneylandca/splashmountain/sign.jpg Image for ride sign
/static/images/disneylandca/splashmountain/queue/[email protected] Low-res image for 77% of the queue remaining
/static/images/disneylandca/splashmountain/queue/77.jpg Image for 77% of the queue remaining
/static/images/disneylandca/splashmountain/gallery/[email protected] Low-res image in ride gallery
/static/images/disneylandca/splashmountain/gallery/filename.jpg Image in ride gallery
/settings settings page
/static unprocessed clientside HTML, CSS, IMG
/dist compiled
- app.yaml
- main.py
- server_src/submission.py
- client_src/index.js
- client_src/elements/element-name.js
- client_src/data/parks.js
- client_src/data/disneylandca.js
- static/index.html
- static/images
- dist/index.js
- templates/debug.html
- X Try deploying current code.
- Fail. Exceeds limit of 10000 files. node_modules alone is more than 10000 files.
- I will need to use rollup before I can even deploy.
- X Set up py3 app to serve debug.html.
- X Set up tiny JSON API and JS client.
- X Set up lit SPA with menu, ride list page, and ride-queue page
- X Set up router and park menu
- X Set up ride-list page
- X Set up ride-queue page
- X Set up the photo block element
- X set up the queue step element
X Get all navigation working.
X Get all images showing.
X Get trivia showing.
@ Add parkdata that I had in the old version
Test deployment at a non-live GAE version
Delete old code
Set up py3 unit tests and JS unit tests.
Splash page.
Replace existing app with new app.
- add CSP and nonce
- redo time estimates based on percentage of gate-wait.
- add a park crowding factor based on time of day and day of year
- Implement a simple feedback channel for users
- analytics