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Week 1: Introduction to HTML and CSS

Welcome to Phase 0! We hope you are excited to further your knowledge and begin integrating into the developer and DBC community. Please make sure you've read through the Phase 0 Handbook before getting started with the weekly challenges.

Once you feel comfortable with the expecations for Phase 0, you can get started with the week's challenges. You should go through each directory (folder) listed below and complete the challenges and exercises in each.

Submitting your work You need to submit your work through a google form (to be released) by Sunday at 11:59pm. Expect to submit your links for each of the following:

  • Your new website
  • Each html page created in unit1_week1 folder
  • Your reflection file
  • Website plan document
  • Website wireframe
  • Blog post
  • Links to comments you wrote on your groups reflection

You should also copy and paste your response to each of the following

  • Copy of text you wrote to your group
  • Copy of your response to email questions (You'll get these this week)